Version-9 (March-2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mein-Ibe: A Critical Reflection on Traditions of Origin |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Eferebo Ikaonaworio || Eweke, Ezuwobomude Emmanuel |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303090110 ![]() |
Abstract: his paper attempts to reflect on the existing traditions of origin on the Ijaw ethnic nationality from the Mein-ibe perspective. Tradition of origin is synonymous with African history due to peculiar nature of her existence and the end to which it served the society. It had the idea of change, development and rich inter-group relations. Traditions of origin like the computer, was used to store information about the total way of life of the people. It also had passwords that were used to secure the files such as parables, proverbs, songs, kile, and other oral genres from external intrusion. Practitioners and other specialists helped to ensure the continuity of the practice of history in the society. The coming of Western and Arabic idea of history, formatted and changed the landscape of how Ijaw past was interpreted to the detriment of the mindset and worldview of the people. This piece advocates that, for the historian to fully understand or decipher the meanings to African past, a great deal of empathy, patience and zeal is needed to enable one get the true meanings of these events.
[1] Alagoa, E.J., Historian, oral interview, Port-Harcourt, August 15, 2007 at 10:08 a.m.
[2] Amgbare, S.F., Traditional Ruler, oral interview, Yenagoa, January 12, 2011 at 4:20 p.m.
[3] Bodi Anthony, Family Head, oral interview, Ogobiri town, January 02, 2010 at 6:20p.m.
[4] Clarkson, Y., Research Fellow, oral interview, Wilberforce Island, February 02, 2011 at 10:00 a.m
[5] Larry, S.I., Historian, oral interview, Yenagoa, July 27, 2017 at 6:33 p.m.
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Abstract: This paper describes the relationship between leadership quality of heads of schools and students' mathematics achievements in secondary schools. The secondary schools situated in Karbi Anglong district of Assam state of Indian Republic constitute the population of the study. A total of 48 secondary school situated at different educational blocks of the district are chosen as sample for collection of data for the study. A wide variant of school environments and academic achievements in mathematics were revealed in the study. A total of 80 mathematics teachers working in the selected schools participated in the study. All the teachers have at least two academic years of experience with the same head of the school. A research instrument is designed by the investigator to collect data related to leadership quality of the heads of the institutions. The data related to achievements in mathematics were collected..........
Key Words: Leadership Qualities, Heads of Schools, Mathematics Achievements, Karbi Anglong
[1] Ahmed S., Bora A. Gender Differences and Achievements in Mathematics among the Students in High School Examination in Diphu Town of Karbi Anglong District of Assam, India. International Journal of Mathematical Education. 2011: 1(1): 57-62. [2] Ahmed S., Bora A. The Relationship Between Teachers' Attitude About Teaching Mathematics And Students' Mathematics Achievement In India. This paper has been accepted for publication in the Journal of International Education Research. 2012: Colorado 80128, USA.
[3] Akin J. The effects of site culture on reform. High School Magazine. 1993: 1(1): 29.
[4] Darling-Hammond, Linda and Milbrey W. McLaughlin. Policies that Support Professional Development in an Era of Reform. Phi Delta Kappan. 1995: 76(8): 597–604.
[5] Fuller B. Growing Up Modern: The Western State Builds Third World Schools. 1991:New York: Routledge..
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Abstract: Migration is a global phenomenon. Migration is a major demographic process that has been an integral and salient feature of human history since the time immemorial. Data tells us that the labour mobility from the farm sector to non-farm sector, during a long period from the 1950s to the late 1990s, had been marginal, with very little structural transformation in employment. Since 1971 the proportion of workers in the agricultural sector has shown a decline, followed by a corresponding increase in the proportion of workers in the unorganized non-agricultural sector (Bhattacharya, 1996). High productivity agricultural areas ("green revolution areas‟) continue to be important but more migrants are opting for non-farm employment because of greater returns.
Key Words: Migration, Non Farm Sector, Labour, Unorganised Sector, Working condition
[1] Lewis, W.A. (1954), "Economy Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour", The Manchester School, Vol. 22, pp. 139-91.
[2] Caldwell, J.C. (1969), African-Rural-Urban Migration: The movement to Ghana‟s Town Cambera: Australian National U.P.
[3] Adams, R. (1986), Development and Social Change in Rural Egypt, Syracuse University Press, Syracuse.
[4] Reddy, Atchi M. (1991), "Migration of Female Construction Workers to Hyderabad City, 1974-1990", The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol.34, No.4, pp.250-254.
[5] Duraisamy, P. and Narasimhan, S. (1997), "Wage Differentials Between Migrants and Non-Migrants and Discrimination in Urban Informal Sector in India", The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 40, No.2, pp.223- 235
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Abstract: Analysis of Policy Implementation of Teacher Professional Competency Standards in Palopo City, the type of qualitative research through phenomenology approaches, regardless of the results of the investigation indicates that the teacher as a professional educator is the person responsible for the education of learners both at school and outside a school to develop their own physical and spiritual. Therefore, the element of professionalism, personality, and sociality becomes something essential to possess and adhere to a teacher, the school as a social institution serves to ensure the survival of the young generation of a nation.Education that takes place both in school, family and the community at its core to divert and develop the culture so that the life of prosperous society following the ideals of the nation. Education has undertaken by the profession of teachers, as professional educators will necessarily form a whole person both outwardly and inwardly.
Key Words: Teacher, Education, Resources, Policy, and Implementation.
[1] Abd. Rahman Getteng, Pendidikan Islam di Sulawesi Selatan Tinjauan Historis dari Tradisional hingga Modern (Cet. I; Yogyakarta: Graha Guru, 2005).
[2] Al Munawar, Said Agil Husin, Aktualisasi Nilai-nilai Qur'ani dalam Sistem Pendidikan Islam (Cet. II; Jakarta: Ciputat Press, 2005).
[3] A.M, Sardiman, Interaksi dan Motivasi Pembelajaran (Cet. X; Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada, 2003).
[4] Danim, Sudarman, Inovasi Pendidikan dalam Upaya Peningkatan Profesional Tenaga Kependidikan. (Cet. I; Bandung: Pustaka Setia, 2002).
[5] Darmadi, Hamid, Kemampuan Dasar Mengajar (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2010).
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Abstract: Studies have shown that divorce cases are becoming rampant or occurring at alarming rate and one of the processes that is believed could have a positive impact on marriage or reduce these accelerated divorce rates is pre-marital counselling. Pre-marital Counselling has been defined as a procedure that aims to equip couples with information on how they could advance their relationship once they are legally married.This case study reports the findings of a study conducted by one of the authors for his master's degree thesis. In the case study which intended to explore perceptions on the role of pre-marital counselling and marriage stability, a total of 23 participants from one village near the capital city of Gaborone (8 married, 8 single, 7 divorced) responded to an interview guided by semi structured questions. The twenty three participants were selected through purposivelysampling and snowballing.
Key Words: Botswana, divorce, marriage stability, pre-marital counselling
[1] Takyi, B. K., &Gyimah, O. S. (2007). Matrilineal family ties and marital dissolution in Ghana. Journal of Family Issues, 28(5),doi: 10.11770192513x06297623
[2] Borowski, C. S., & Tambling, B. R. (2015).Applying the health belief model to young individual's beliefs and preferences about pre-marital counselling.The Family Journal: Counselling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 23(4), 417- 426. Doi: 10.1177/1066480715602221
[3] Ellece, E. S. (2011). "Be a fool like me." Gender construction in the marriage advice ceremony in Botswana- a critical discourse analysis.Agenda, 87(25.1), 43-52, doi: 10.1080/10130950.2011.575584
[4] Mbulawa, B. (2012). Restoring marriages in church: a case study in four Pentecostal churches in Gaborone (Unpublished Master's Thesis).University of Botswana.
[5] Johnson, D.M. (2012). Healthy marriage initiatives: on the need for empiricism in policy implementation. American Psychologist, 67(4), 296-308, doi: 10.1037/a0027743
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Abstract: Most African [Igbo] traditional practices have been misconstrued, misinterpreted or interpreted out of context. The consequence of this hermeneutical error is thedissemination of blurred knowledge and this affects not only modern scholarship adversely but also disfigures the people‟s worldview and undermines their personality definitions.These overly results to revolt, libelling and avid rejection of the culture and values of the people. The worst hit of this hermeneutical error in modern scholarship is the Igbo traditional widowhood practices. Thus, the feminists scholarly slant has staked their neck in an avid condemnation of the practices as they consider them obnoxious, de-humanizing, de-womanizing and complete vitiation on the rights and personality of the women. Against this backdrop............
Key Words: phrases: Widowhood, Africa [Igbo], Traditional Society, A Socio-Anthropological, Interpretations
[1] AbdulrazaqOniye [2016]. "Widowhood Practices in Nigeria and Support System: Challenge to Counselling for National Integration‟ The Counsellor Vol. 19, No 1 [1-10]. Accessed from on 19th June, 2016.
[2] Aderinto A [2000] "Wives of the Grave: Study of Widowhood Rites and Wife Inheritance in Ondo and Ekiti States‟ In Rights and Widowhood Rites in Nigeria. Ibadan: Polygraphics Ventures
[3] Afigbo A [1989] Widowhood Rituals and Practices in Igbo land. Enugu: Fourth Dimensions.
[4] Afolayan, Gbenga E. [2011]. "Widowhood Practices and the Rights of Women: The Case of South Western Nigeria‟ M.A. Research Dissertation Presented to International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague-Netherlands Nov, 2011. Retrieved www.widowhoodpractices.atrcea/edu.via on Nov16, 2015.
[5] Akujobi Remi [2016]. "Yesterday, You Were Divorced, Today, I am Widow: Appraisal of Widowhood Practices and Effects on the Psyche of Widows in Africa‟ accessed from on 18th May, 2016
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Abstract: Business dispute resolution through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a non-court settlement of dispute (non litigation). The settlement of disputes outside the court is closed to the public and the secrecy of the parties is guaranteed, as well as the faster and more efficient proceedings. The process of dispute resolution outside this court to avoid the length of time that the procedure and administrative process takes as a result of litigation (in public court). In addition, the purpose of business court settlement outside court is also to reach the peace of the disputing parties so that the win-win solution will be obtained which means that it will not harm any of the parties to the dispute.
Key Words: Business dispute, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
[1] Abdurrasyid, Priyatna. 2002. Arbitrase & Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa. Jakarta : Fikahati Aneska.
[2] Adolf, Huala. 2002. Arbitrase Komersial Internasional. Jakarta : PT Raja Grafindo Persada. Ali, Moch & Aishah Abidin. Abstract &Proceding 3 rd Conference on Law & Technology. Faculty of Law University Kebangsaan Malaysia and Center for Law and Genetics University of Tasmania Australia.
[3] Fuady, Munir. 2003. Arbitrase Nasional,: PT Citra Aditya Bakti, Bandung.
[4] Gautama, Sudargo. 1996. Aneka Hukum Arbitrase, PT Citra Aditya Bakti, Bandung.
[5] Goodpaster, Gary, Felix Oentoeng Soebagjo dan Fatmah Jatim. 1995. Arbitrase di Indonesia , Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Problem Of Method İn The Subject Tafsir |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Dr. Halit Boz |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303096265 ![]() |
Abstract: The choice subject in the Qur'an to be considered in interpretation will be the first step that the interpreter will do to subject. But does the interpreter choose from the Qur'an? What is the criterion for and the choice of choice? will this elective depend on whether the subject has elements that should be available to give meaning to the objective interpretation, or is an idea or issue important if it is partial.The consideration of the codes of objective interpretation stops us in two different ways in choosing the topics that are objectively explained, a method that adopts the Qur'an'ic text in the first place, from which the topics are derived and interpreted, and another way that actually sees the source of the topics to be interpreted as a Qur'an. But does this mean that we are faced with two kinds of interpreted topics that vary according to the source of selection and selection? This is what should be made clear after the presentation of the arguments in the previous two ways, their signs and tools.The purpose of this article is to make it easy for people to understand what the words of God in the Qur'an mean. The explanatory Qur'an, which accepts the subject tafsir method, constitutes some problems.
Keywords: Qur'an, Tafsir, Method, subject
[1] Curcânî, Ali b. Muhammed, et-Ta'rifât, Beyrut, 1985.
[2] Draz, Muhammed Abdullah, Kur'an Ahlakı, Çev. Emrullah Yüksel-Ünver Günay, İz Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2009.
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[4] Hanefi, Hasan, Konulu Kur'an Tefsiri Metodu, çev. Sönmez Kutlu, İslâmî Araştırmalar Dergisi, Cilt: 9, Sayı: 1-4, Ankara, 1996.
[5] el-Hîcâzî, Muhammed Mahmud, el-Vehdetu'l-Mevzuiyye fi'l-Kur'an'i'l-Kerim, Daru'l- Kutubi'l-Hadise, Kahire, 1970.
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Abstract: VThis study examined influence of Treasury Single Account on the management of universities in north central Nigeria. The study adopts descriptive survey design. The population of the study comprised 1,263 respondents (832 administrators in federal and 431 administrators in state universities) in public universities in north central Nigeria. Out of the population, a sample of 198 administrators in federal and 108 administrators in state universities was selected through random sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was 21-item questionnaire. Data collected were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and t-test statistic. The finding of the study shows that it is obvious that Treasury Single Account influence payment of school fees, revenue plan for income generation, supervises..........
Key Words: Treasury Single Account, Management, Counseling and University
[1] Achimugu, L (2000). The agonies of the Nigerian teachers. Port-Harcourt. Baroon Publishers.
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[4] Amuseghan, S.A (2010). Effective secondary school education: A panacea for attainment of vision 2010. A paper presented at the mandatory training continuing professional training programmer. ANCOPSS. Akoko, Ondo state
[5] Ayorinde, A. (2016). The concept of micro-economics. Retrieved November 2017
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Abstract: This paper investigated factors affecting on student academic performance. The paper had four objectives which are: 1) to examine the role of learning techniques on student academic performance. 2) To identify the impact of home related aspects on student academic performance. 3) To investigate the relationship between study habits and student academic performance.To describe the effect of physical resource on student academic performance. This study was conducted through case study method to examine role of factors affecting on student academic performance. The study utilized descriptive, correlation and regression analyze to answer the research objectives and to test the research hypothesis. The researchers collected the information from 80 students in University of Somalia. These respondents were provided a questionnaire with five main construct which measuring learning technique, home related aspects, study habits, physical resource and academic performance. The study found that there is strong positive relationship between learning techniques and student academic performance............
Key Words: learning technique, Home related aspects, Study habits, Physical resource, Academic performance
[1] Al Shehry, A., & Awad Youssif, S. M. (2017). Factors Affecting Academic Performance Of Undergraduate Students At Najran Preparatory Year For Girls- Najran University 2015-2016. International Journal of Asian Social Science, , 7 (1), 1-18.
[2] Alam, M. M., Arif Billah, M., & Alam, M. S. (2014). Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Undergraduate Students at International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC), Bangladesh. Journal of Education and Practice , 5 (39), 143-154.
[3] AL-Mutairi, A. (2011). Factors Affecting Business Students' Performance in Arab Open University: The Case of Kuwait. International Journal of Business and Management , 6 (5), 146-155.
[4] Alos, S. B., Caranto, L. C., & T. David, J. J. (2015). Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of the Student Nurses of BSU. International Journal of Nursing Science , 5 (2), 60-65.
[5] Azmi, N., Ali, A. M., Wong, X.-L., Kumolosasi, E., Jamal, J. A., & Paraidathatu, T. (2014). Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research , 48 (3), 26-33.
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Abstract: Waqf as a worship to God and also as a socially function. In its function as a worship, waqf is expected to be a provision for the life in the afterlife. While in the other function, waqf is a very valuable asset in development. This research is to analyze the nature of land representation in its practice implementation in Gorontalo Province. The research method used in this study is normative research method and empirical research. The result of this research shows that the nature of the land endowments is to get closer to Allah SWT, which contains the meanings of charitable deeds continuously and useful to the whole society. However, in its implementation practice, the land waqf in Gorontalo is less effective caused by the waqf land mostly do not have the Deed of Waqf Pledge, so it is difficult to be registered at the National Land Agency for getting the certification. The substance of the land waqf feels hard to make the effective practice of the land recipients because there are still so many waqf land that has not been certified...
Key Words: Practice, Implementation, Land, Waqf, Gorontalo
[1] Abdurahman, 1984, Masalah Perwakafan Tanah Milik dan Kedudukan Tanah Wakaf di Negara Kita, Alumni, Bandung.
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[3] Chidir Ali, 1979, Yurispondensi Indonesia Tentang Hukum Agraria Jilid 1, Binacipta, Bandung .
[4] Djanggih, H., & Ahmad, K. (2017). The Effectiveness of Indonesian National Police Function on Banggai Regency Police Investigation (Investigation Case Study Year 2008-2016). Jurnal Dinamika Hukum, 17(2), 152-157. DOI: 10.20884/1.jdh.2017.17.2.722
[5] Djanggih, H., & Salle, S. (2017). Aspek Hukum Pengadaan Tanah bagi Pelaksanaan Pembangunan untuk Kepentingan Umum. Pandecta: Research Law Journal, 12(2), 165-172. DOI:
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Legal Protection Of Children As A Drug Abuse Of Drugs |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | sitti Khadijah Nur Fajri A |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303099198 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know to analyze the factors or causes of drug abuse done by the child, and to know and mngnalisis legal protection process given to the child. The research method used is sociological jurisdiction, namely research on the implementation of legal rules regarding the legal protection of children as a result of drug abuse. Child protection is a national development field. Protecting the child is protecting people, is building a whole person. The law serves as the protection of human interests, so that human interest is protected, the law must be implemented professionally and well. Implementation of the law can be peaceful, normal, and orderly.
Keyword: Legal Protection, Children, Abuse Of Drugs
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