Version-10 (May-2018)
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Abstract: Indigenous institutions are important mechanisms for addressing the challenges in Communal Grazing Land (CGL) management in developing countries. The role of institutions such as rules, norms, and regulations to address challenges in communal resources management has been a research debate for several decades. This article analyzes the role of indigenous institutions for Sustainable Grazing Resource Management in Soddo Zuria District, Wollaita Zone, SNNPRS. Indigenously managed communal grazing areas were selected from the study area purposively. A total sample size of 102 respondents were selected purposively from the total of 665 households. Questionnaire, semi-structured interview schedule and focus group discussion were the tools employed to collect data. The result of the survey...........
Key Words: Indigenous Institutions, Grazing Land, Sustainable Grazing Resource Management
[1]. Abera ogato ( 2006 ). Indigenous common Grazing land management in chencha wereda south Ethiopia. Addis Ababa University
[2]. Baland et al (1996) Halting degradation of natural resources: is there a role for rural communities? Oxford: clarendon press.
[3]. Baland J-M and Platteau, J-P. (1999). The Ambiguous Impact of Inequality on Local Resource Management.
[4]. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Rural land administration and land use proclamation No. 456/2005
[5]. Gordon, HS (1954) The Economic Theory of Common Property Resource. The Fishery Journal of Political Economy
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Abstract: The main objective of this article is to examine discursive denial —an unconscious way of language formulation—in the speech of women who have suffered physical violence at the hands of their intimate partners. The concept of ‗discourse' is understood as a communicative practice that constitutes an integral expression of a largescale polysemy and provides a wide range of possible interpretations of the linguistic and paralinguistic resources on which the enunciation is based (Benveniste, 1971). Also, it is acknowledged that discourse analysis allows the identification of some strategies to deny violence. On the basis of theoretical propositions, aninitialattempt to analyze thesestrategies has been carried out, and it has been demonstrated in the data collected in this research:six interviews of women who live in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico.
Key Words: denial, violence, woman, discourse, language
[1]. Benveniste, É. (1971). Problemas de lingüística general. Volume I (Juan Almela, Trans.). México: Siglo XXI.
[2]. Benveniste, E. (1977). Problemas de lingüística general, Volume II, 3ª. Edición. México: Siglo XXI, pg. 82-91.
[3]. Cámara de Diputados del H. Congreso de la Unión (2018).Women's Access to a Free-Violence Life General Law, new law published on the Diario Oficial de la Federación on February the 1 of 2007, last reform published on DOF 02-04-2014, México, available at:
[5]. Clapp, L. (2013). Discusiones, denegaciones metalingüísticas, existenciales negativos. Diánoia, LVIII (70), 133–157.
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Abstract: In the last five decades, cases of serious adverse effects, toxicity, controversial management or regulation of medicines have raised and increased the public's need of appropriate risk communication. As it became widely known that there is no medicine without risk, people increasingly wish to know more about medicines they receive [1,2]. Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) is related to a written and comprehensible information providedby Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH) in order to guarantee an appropriate and safe use of the product by patients [6, 7]. The primary endpoint of this study was to assess the quality of information contained on PILs of drugs registered in Cameroon. Materials and Method: Data have been collected from PILs in a community pharmacy located in Yaoundé-Cameroon through a surveyof 35 items. In the sampling process, we supposed that all the PILs of each laboratory...........
Key Words: Patient information leaflet, post-marketing risk communication, Pharmacovigilance
[1]. R. Adepu,M. K. Swamy.Development and Evaluation of Patient Information Leaflets (PIL) Usefulness.Indian J Pharm Sci. 2012 Mar-Apr; 74(2): 174–178.
[2]. Carrigan N, Raynor DK, Knapp P. Adequacy of patient information on adverse effects: an assessment of patient information leaflets in the UK. Drug Saf. 2008;31(4):305-12.
[3]. Basara LR, Juergens JP. Patient package insert readability and design. Am Pharm. 1994 Aug;NS34(8):48-53.
[4]. Dickinson D, Raynor DK, Duman M.Patient information leaflets for medicines: using consumer testing to determine the most effective design.PatientEducCouns. 2001 May;43(2):147-59.
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Abstract: The exact time and place of Sri Baladeva Vidyabhushana's birth are unknown. Perhaps one day historians will be able to establish these facts beyond any doubt. From the little information that we do have about his life, we can conjecture that he was born in the 17th century of the modern era. Though we do not know the name of the exact village where he took birth, it was likely in the Balasore district of Orissa, somewhere near Remuna. From the date given in his commentary on Rupa Goswami's Stavamala, it is clear that Baladeva was still living after the Battle of Plassey in 1757.In Jagannatha Puri, he learned the superexcellent philosophy of Sri Krishna Caitanya from Sri Radha-Damodara Gosvami, and took initiation after converting to Gaudiya Vaisnavism. In Vrndavana, he studied Srimad Bhagavatam under Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura and worshiped Radha-Syamasundara
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Dimensions of Fieldnotes in Ethnographic Research: An Introduction |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pinaki Dey Mullick || Koel Mukherjee |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305103135 ![]() |
Abstract: Through the present exertion, the authors are inclined and intended to reflect the theoretical and methodological multiplicity on taking notes in the field, the process of inscribing the meaning from the texts and contexts, and writing fieldnotes in the frame of "reflexivity‟ and contemporary ethnographic practices. To attain the objectives, the authors have gone through selective literature to stand their focus on. The prime concern of us was to find out – are there any standardized categories of taking and writing fieldnotes in ethnographic researches? To explore the answer and to reflect the dimensions of fieldnotes in ethnographic research to our "perceived‟ audiences, we have argued with each other that (re)framed us and our positions repetitively. Being conscious in our focus, we have tried to outline a combination of "self‟, "contexts‟, and "reflexivity‟ that may help the beginners of ethnographic studies to think and (Re)think to reflect their identity into their research and at the same time they can enrich the ongoing discourse of "fieldnotes‟ and "ethnography‟.
Key Words: Fieldnote, Reflexivity, Ethnography, Self, Perceived Audience
[1]. Wolfinger, N. H. 2002. On Writing Fieldnotes: Collection Strategies and Background Expectations. Qualitative Research. Vol.2 (I), pp. 85-95.
[2]. Emerson, R. M. 1995. Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes. University of Chicago Press. Chicago.
[3]. Warren, C. A. B., Archer, D., Broderick, B., Collas, S., Dobbs, D., Flores, G., Futrell, R., Grow, L., Hackney, J., Karner, T. X., Kivett, D., Johnson, R.,Pereria-Nuenz, L., Reilly, E. and Robinson, C. 2000. Writing the Other, Inscribing the Self. Qualitative Sociology. Vol.23, No. 2, pp.183-199.
[4]. Jackson, J. E. 1990. "I Am a Fieldnote": Fieldnotes as a Symbol of Professional Identity. In R. Sanjek (Ed.) Fieldnotes: The Making of Anthropology. Cornell University Press, New York, pp. 3-33.
[5]. Bogdan, R. and Taylor, S. J. 1975. Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods: A Phenomenological Approach to the Social Sciences. Wiley-Interscience Publication, New York.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Descriptive Analysis of Financial Literacy among Youth |
Country | : | Sri Lanka |
Authors | : | S.Damayanthi Edirisinghe |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305103641 ![]() |
Abstract: Financial literacy among youth have presently become a very important issue to a country because it is recognized that the financial literacy facilitate wealth accumulation. Through this study it has tried to explore the data related to financial literacy among youth. People have to face lots of financial issues through their life time in many places. Especially for the youth generation should have the ability to manage money and assets, investments, creditsetc. Hence this study focuses to analyze the knowledge of financial literacy among youth. Sample of this study included randomly selected two hundred respondents those who have already completed their Advance Level studies in variousstreams in Sri Lanka. Study stream mainly divided in two main areas. Ascommerce and non-commerce. Various...........
Key Words: Financial literacy,Youth,Study stream,Descriptive Statistics
[1]. ASIC(2003), Survey on the quality of financial planning advice , Australia.
[2]. Bauer J.B, Braun .B, and Olson P.D, (2000) "Welfare to Well-Being Framework for Research, Education and Outreach", The Journal of Consumer Affairs, vol. 34, no.1, pp.62-81..
[3]. Chen, H., & Volpe, R.P.(1998).An analysis of personal financial literacy among college students. Financial Service Review, 7(2), 107-128
[4]. Hibbert J.R and Beatler I.F(1991),The effect of financial behaviors on the quality of family life evidence from adolescent perceptons,19th Annual Association for financial counselling and planning education conference,Orlando, FL , 2001
[5]. Kaap J.P(1991), The benefits of consumereducation .A survey report, Michigan consumer Education Center..
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Abstract: Play in Early Childhood Education is paramount in all aspects of growth and development in young children. Play based learning has both developmental and educational benefits. Many children exhibit increased learning difficulties, inability to solve simple problems associated with socialization and control of emotions, many cases of truancy, and aggressive behavior, compounded with total lack of interest towards learning and as a result the study sought to investigate factors influencing Classroom Environmental Characteristics On Play-Based Activities in Pre- School Curriculum Implementation in Homabay County. The study employed concurrent triangulation research design. The study targeted 1257 Pre-school teachers, 908 key informants (lead teachers) and 8 Sub-county directors. The sample size for both pre-school teachers and lead teachers was 297 and 27 respectively. Both Proportionate sampling..........
Key Words: Classroom, Environment, Play-based, Pre-school, curriculum, characteristics.
[1] Almon, J. (2004). The vital role of play in early childhood education.Retrieved from Almon.pdf
[2] Bedrova, E. and Leong, D. (2010). Curriculum and Play in Early Childhood Development. http://www.child-development, Encyclopedia
[3] Burdette, Hillary L. & Robert C. Whitaker (2005). Resur- recting Free Play in Young Children: Looking Beyond. Fitness and Fatness to Attention, Affiliation, and Affect
[4] Clark, A. (2015). Language, embodiment and the cognitive niche. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10 (8), 370- 374. 10.1016/j.tics.2006.06.012.
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Abstract: This study analyses the alignment between national goals, objectives and examination items of 2014 history Junior Certificate. This validity investigation aims at illuminating the knowledge and cognitive processes tapped by history items-to assess if some core skills (higher cognitive) were omitted or not from the examination. Taxonomy table was used for establishing alignment between exam items, knowledge and skills learnt. This assisted in assessing the nature of the items in relation to national goals, content and objectives. Content analysis was used to analyse the data. The findings indicated that while some items aligned to specific goals, objectives and contents............
Key Words: Alignment of exam items, Assessment Junior Certificate, Taxonomy, Validity
[1]. Airasian, P. W. and Miranda, H. (2002)The role of Assessment in the Revised Taxonomy, Theory into Practice, V 41 (4), PP 249-254.
[2]. American Psychological Association, American Educational Research Association and National Council on measurement in education (1995) Standards for educational and Psychological Testing: American Psychological Association, Washington. DC.
[3]. Anastasi, A. (1986) Evolving Concepts of Test Validation. Annual Review of Psychology. V 37, PP 1-15.
[4]. Anderson, L. W. (2002) Curricular alignment: Re: Examination. Theoryto Practice, V. 41 (4), Review Bloom's Taxonomy PP 255-260.
[5]. Bachman, L.F. (2005) Building and Supporting a Case for Test use. Language Assessment Quartely, V 2 (1), pp1 -34.
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Abstract: The principal plays an important role because he/she is the designated leader of the institution. The extents of cooperation from his colleagues as well as from other stakeholders depend to a great extent on effectiveness of Principal's leadership behavior. The investigator conducted the present study to reveal a clear picture of leadership effectiveness of principals of the General Degree Colleges of Tinsukia District. The main objective of the study is to find out Leadership Effectiveness of Principals of the General Degree Colleges in Tinsukia in general and in relation to location and management in particular. The method followed in this study is Normative Survey Method. Population of the study consists of all the 297 nos. of teachers in the colleges of Tinsukia District. A total of 88 nos. teachers..............
Key Words: Leadership Effectiveness, General Degree Colleges.
[1]. Agarwal, Y.P. (1998). Research in Emerging Fields of Education. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
[2]. Ali, S. (2002). A comparative study of the leadership style, interpersonal relationship and effectiveness of the recruited and promoted principals of Delhi. Ph.D. Education, JMI.
[3]. Baruah, Saswoti (2004). Organizational Climate of Government and Privately Managed High Schools of Kamrup district: Ph. D. Thesis, Gauhati University.
[4]. Barnabas, Annette & Paul Sundararajan (2012). Mahatma Gandhi-An Indian Model of Servant Leadership. Regent University: International Journal of Leadership Studies, Vol. 7, Issue: 2, pp. 132-150.
[5]. Bennett, Nigel and others (2003). Effective Educational Leadership (Edited). 6 Bonhill Street; London EC2A 4PU; Paul Chapman Publishing-A SAGE Publications Company; 2003; Retrieved on 29-07-2016 at 8.49 am.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Issues Of General Election:A Reality And Hiper Reality Show In Political Stage |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Peribadi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305108186 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper is a reflection of writer's research and political dialogue on democratic events which lasted from 2004 until 2014. In this context, the writer attempts to critically and reflectively describe any behavior of politicians and voters that appeared in the political arena. The study was developed through a qualitative approach that focused on a phenomenological study and a case study. The results showed a phenomenal reality show in various forms of behavior exhibited by politicians to reach a position in the political contest. Apparently, the excessive portrait of politicians was significant with the presence of dominant conservative voters and pragmatic voters, as well as a few ghost voters, intelligent voters and ideological voters.
[1] Afnaniyati, Mir'atunnisa', 2012. Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan Pemilih Pemula Terhadap Angka Golput Pada Pilkada Lamongan 2010, Jurnal Review Politik. Vol. 02 No. 2 Desember 2012.
[2] Budiardjo, Miriam. 1999. Demokrasi di Indonesia Demokrasi Parlementer dan Demokrasi Pacasila. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.
[3] Budiman, Arief, 1995. Theory ofthe Third World Development. Jakarta: Gramedia.
[4] Geertz, Clifford. 1983. Abangan, Santri, dan Priyayi dalam Masyarakat Jawa. Pustaka Jaya, Jakarta.
[5] Hos, Jamaluddin, 2016. Political Behavior Of Muhammadiyah As Dialectic Of Structure And Action, International Journal of Development Research (IJDR), Vol. 6, Issue, 02, pp. 6782-6783, February, 2016.
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze the implementation of democratic regional head election in local government system and analyze and explain and find the factors that influence the implementation of regional head elections in the system of local government. This research is expected to add treasury treasures in the development of jurisprudence, especially the law regarding the election of regional head. The results of this study are expected to be a new treasure in the framework of the formulation and in particular on the development of norms regarding the rules of legislation on elections that are better and democratic. This study is a descriptive nature of research that describes the phenomenon of law with regard to the implementation of local elections in a lansgung local government. The approach used is the empirical approach of research on the implementation of legal rules with regard to the implementation of regional head elections. directly under applicable laws and regulations...........
Key Words: General Election, The Local Government System
[1]. Algra, N.E. dan H.R.W.Gokkel. 1983, Kamus Istilah Hukum, Fockema Andreae, Belanda-Indonesia (Fockema Andreae's-Rechtsgeleerd Handwoordenboek). Terj. Saleh Adiwinata, A.Teloeki, dan Boerhanuddin St.Batoeah, Jakarta, Bina Cipta,
[2]. Assat. 1951, Hukum Tata Negara Republik Indonesia Dalam Masa Peralihan, Bulan Bintang, Jakarta,
[3]. Azhari, 1995, Negara Hukum Indonesia, Analisis Yuridis Normatif Tentang Unsur-Unsurnya, UI-Press, Jakarta
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