Version-4 (May-2018)
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Abstract: The spread of English education in the second half of nineteenth century resulted in the emergence of a purposeful and organized national consciousness in the divided Orissa. The famous Woods' dispatch and the establishment of the Calcutta University in 1857 provided necessary impetus for the growth of public interest for English education.Further, the establishment of the Ravenshaw College at Cuttack in 1868 provided great incentive for the spread of higher education among the aspirants of Orissa who were deprived of the college education due to the distance from Orissa to Calcutta and high cost of living in the Calcutta city Educated Oriyas and the domiciled Bengalis constituted the elite class in the society of Orissa.This elite class collaborated together in the socio-political activities.........
[1]. Jena. K. C, Socio-Economic History of Orissa during British Period. Delhi. 1978, p 107
[2]. Samal, J. K.. History of Education in Orissa. Calcutta. 1984. p 1
[3]. Panda,H., History of Odisha, Cuttack1997,p. 327.
[4]. Samantray, N, History of Odia literature, Bhubaneswar, 1964, pp 5-7.
[5]. Minutes of His Lordship in Council on 7"' March 1835, quoted in the Kaye, J. W., Administration of E IC, p 595. Peggs,
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Abstract: Current development in information technology and consequent multiplier effect on information resources generation, storage, retrieval, accessibility and so on has thrown huge challenge to the public library as the perceived society's information hub. It therefore becomes necessary for the library to re-strategize so as to maintain relevance. This study employed none probability sampling technique in a survey of 132 users and 10 staff of the Borno state public library, Maiduguri. The aim is to understand the types of public relations and publicity strategies employed by the attract potential users and to retain old clients. Summary of results revealed that the library has no online presence, also, the users rely on friend through word of mouth and self-effort to locate the library. The library employ signage, exhibition and bulletin as major public relation and publicity strategies. It was discovered that low level of awareness is one of the major reason for poor usage of the library by clients. Recommendation were made which should enhance the library's presence and position in the society.
Key Words: Public Libraries, Public Relations, Publicity, Promotion. Information Resources.
[1]. Aabø, S., Audunson, R., &Vårheim, A. (2010). How do public libraries function as meeting places? Library & Information Science Research, 32(1), 16-26. doi:10.1016/j.lisr.2009.07.008
[2]. Adeniran, P. (2011). User satisfaction with academic libraries services: Academic staff and students perspectives. International Journal of Library and Information Science, 3(10). doi:10.5897/ijlis11.045
[3]. Alansari, H. A. (2013). Public relations in academic libraries in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states. Library Management, 34(1/2), 68-82. doi:10.1108/01435121311298289
[4]. American Library Association. (2014). Public Libraries: Technology, books, and reference librarians "very important" Report says. Retrieved 5th April 2018 from
[5]. Audunson, R. (2005). The public library as a meeting‐place in a multicultural and digital context. Journal of Documentation, 61(3), 429-441. doi:10.1108/00220410510598562.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Supreme Court in Recognizing the Rights of Transgender in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Arcnana Sukey |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305041619 ![]() |
Abstract: Gender identity… lies at the core of one's personal identity, gender expression and presentation and therefore, it will have to be protected under Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution. A transgender's personality could be expressed by the transgender's behavior and presentation. State cannot prohibit, restrict or interfere with a transgender's expression of such personality, which reflects that inherent personality.‖ Transgender is not a term limited to persons whose genitals are intermixed but it is a blanket term of people whose gender expression, identity or behavior differs from the norms expected from their birth sex. Various transgender identities fall under this category including transgender male, transgender female, male-to-female (MTF) and female to male(FTM). It also includes cross-dressers (those who wear clothes of the other), gender queer people (they feel they belonged to either both genders or neither gender) and transsexuals.
[1]. Durga Das Basu ―Introduction to the Constitution of India‖,Universal Publications ,2002.
[2]. Pande J.N.‖,Constitution Law of India‖,Central law Agency 205.
[3]. Sally Hines; Tam Sanger, eds. (2010). Transgender Identities: Towards a Social Analysis of Gender Diversity. Routledge. . ISBN 978-0-415-99930-4,2014.
[4]. Arlene Istar Lev (2013). Transgender Emergence: Therapeutic Guidelines for Working with Gender-Variant People and Their Families
[5]. "Supreme Court makes homosexuality a crime again ―- The Times of India". The Times Of India. 12 December 2013..
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Abstract: All religions agree that there is something deeply wrong with mankind, that human lives are not what they were meant to be. That human beings are alienated from the source of meaning and value. For the great religions of the Semitic origin - Judaism, Christianity and Islam – the basic human problem is moral (Rice, 1985), it is what human beings have done. Every religion describes a way of overcoming thisseparation and achieving what man has lost. The "Hebrew sanctuary and its services" a sub-set of Hebrew religion spelt out mainly in the Old Testament which is a prophecy dramatizing the only means of Redemption through the Messiah to come in symbols seem to have some parallelism with the practices surrounding the "Nandi male initiation ceremonies" today – a sub-set of Nandi religion (African). The objective of this study was: Todemonstrate that Christ Jesus came to fulfill the history of the plan of Redemption of mankind through African religion(Nandi) just as it does with Hebrew religion in biblical perspective.
[1]. Crouch,M.,Q.McKenzie,H (2006). The logic of small samples in interview-based qualitative Research.Social Science information,p. 45
[2]. Duffu, K. S.(2007) Africa‟s Roots in God.AsareYankson, Hemsstead, NY: Sankofa Heritage Books
[3]. Guest, G., Bunce, A., & Johnson, L. 2006: How many interviews are enough? An experiment with data saturation and variability.Field Methods.
[4]. Haskel.S. (1914) The Cross and its Shadow. Hagerstown, Review and HeraldPublishing association.
[5]. Lansley, M.S,(1979) "The Nandi of Kenya: a life crisis in a period of change. Oxford: Clarendon press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Paralellism between Hebrew and African Religion: A Case Study of the Nandi People of Kenya |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Wilson K. Kiprono |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305042736 ![]() |
Abstract: All religions agree that there is something deeply wrong with mankind, that human lives are not what they were meant to be. That human beings are alienated from the source of meaning and value. For the great religions of the Semitic origin - Judaism, Christianity and Islam – the basic human problem is moral (Rice, 1985), it is what human beings have done. Every religion describes a way of overcoming this separation and achieving what man has lost. The "Hebrew sanctuary and its services" a sub-set of Hebrew religion spelt out in the Old Testament which is a prophecy dramatizing the only means of Redemption through the Messiah to come in symbols (Musvosvi, 2001) seem to have some parallelism with the practices surrounding the "Nandi male initiation ceremonies" today – a sub-set of Nandi religion(African)...........
[1]. Adult Sabbath school study guide (2013) Sanctuary Themes: July-September, pp 34-40,62-67.
[2]. Adult Teachers Sabbath school guide (2008) Atonement and the cross of Christ: October-December, pp.53-77
[3]. Crouch, M.,Q. McKenzie,H (2006). The logic of small samples in interview-based qualitative Research. Social Science information, 45
[4]. Duffu, K. S.(2007) Africa‟s Roots in God.AsareYankson, Hemsstead, NY: Sankofa Heritage Books
[5]. Guest, G., Bunce, A., & Johnson, L.( 2006): How many interviews are enough? An experiment with data saturation and variability.Field Methods
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Abstract: This study explored access to information on severity hypertension and preventive information adopted against severity of hypertension among the urban poor in Zaria Kaduna state. The study sought to answer the following research questions, how does the urban poor access information on severity of hypertension? what information do urban poor have about severity of hypertension?, what are the available preventive information adopted against severity of hypertension among the urban poor in Zaria? This study employ Grounded theory approach to derive 3 model in explaining severity of hypertension among the urban poor in Zaria. An interpretative research paradigm and qualitative methodology guides data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, and discussions of findings.........
Keywords: Access to Information, preventive Information, Severity of Hypertension, Information Strategy
[1]. Pan American Health Organization and World Health Organization. World Hypertension Day 2017: Know you number. Retrieved from http://www. x.php?option=com _ content&view=article&id=1 3257%3 Adia-mundial-de-la-hipertension-2017-conoce-tus-numeros &catid=9283%3Aworld-hypertension-day&Itemid= 42345&lang=en
[2]. Cable News Network, (2016, November 23) video reported by Meera Senthilingam. Retrieved from
[3]. Gauer R and Bragg F. Severe Asymptomatic Hypertension: Evaluation and Treatment, Am Fam Physician, 2017: 95(8):492-500
[4]. Benin M.J. The Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Hypertension Among Middle aged Asians. 2015. (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University).
[5]. Indarawis, D. Acute Management of Severe Asymptomatic Hypertension. Clinician Reviews. 2017:27(11):40-46
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mandela and Mugabe: Service vsPower |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Oladjidé Moutinou Soumanou |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305045154 ![]() |
Abstract: It is quite a commonplace truth to assert that one of the prominent characters who have impacted the social and political sphere of the African continent in the late century is the now departed South African leader, Nelson Mandela, referred to asthe African of the century1by the news writer François Soudan (JeuneAfrique hors série, 2013). As a young militant of the African National Congress (ANC) and a committed partisan of the struggle for equality between blacks and whites inapartheid South Africa, Nelson Mandela's convictions made him spend an important part of his life in prison. But his hope and self-determination triumphed over the apartheid regime, and true democracy eventually found its way towards the advent of a multiracial South Africa in the early 1990s. Hailed and praised throughout the continent..........
Key Words: Mandela, Mugabe, democracy, political power, leadership style..
[1]. Jeune Afrique,(Independent International Weekly Magazine), Nelson Mandela 1918-2013, 53rd year-Hors-série N° 33, 2013.
[2]. Mandela, N. (2006 Mandela: The Authorized Portrait. Kansas City: Andrews McMeel.
[3]. Mandela, N. (2011). Conversations with Myself.UK: Macmillan.
[4]. Muller, C.F.J. (1981). . Five Hundred Years: A History of South Africa. 3rd ed. Pretoria: Academica
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Socio-Religious Dimensions of Spinsterhood in Muslims Societies of Katsina, Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Khadijah Tukur Batagarawa |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305045562 ![]() |
Abstract: This is a study of spinsterhood. Spinsterhood represents a crucial period in the socio-cultural and reproductive development of a woman. It is an important period in that if not managed adequately and responsibly could destroy adulthood and what follows thereafter—marital life and family institution. Spinsterhood period is thus socio-culturally guided by certain societal norms and values in order to make life easier for women. However, the increasing dynamism of contemporary period is a cause for concern. This is why this study examines the religious aspects of spinsterhood in Muslims societies. The area is ironically neglected, even though Islam has provided guidelines for the life and activities of spinsters. The paper argues that spinsters in Katsina city, Nigeria are exposed to acute social, economic, cultural and psychological shocks, which if not handle adequately and responsibly could destroy the sanctity of marriage as well as family institutions. Various suggestions and recommendations are offered in this paper as to the best way to deal with this social stage in the development of females.
[1]. IbnHambal, A.(1998).Musnad Ahmad ibnHambal. ‗Alam al-kutub, Beirut, First Edition, Vol.6, P.256
[2]. Naisaabuuri, M. H.(nd).Sahihu Muslim. Dar al-Afaq al Jadidah, Beirut, Vol. 4, P. 178
[3]. Al Timidhee, M. I. (1998)Sunan At-Tirmidhi. Dar al-garb al-Islamiy, Beirut, Vol. 2, P. 382
[4]. Naisaabuuri, Opcit, Vol. 12, P. 18
[5]. Al Khadib, S. (nd).Mugni al MuhtajIlaMa'arifat al Faz al Manhaaj.Vol.12, P. 18
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Abstract: HIV and AIDs has contibuted to the increase of poverty in developing countries and Zambia is one such country that has faced real challenges in the face of the pandemic. HIV and AIDS is considered the deadliest epidemic in the 21st century which claims a lot of lives especially the enegetic and sexually active population. It is transmitted mainly through sexual activities and mother-to-child transmission among other models.The young productive and educated citizens are the highly affected and infected than compared to the adult fork. Zambia like any other country in subSarahan Africa needs to fully understand the deepth of pademic, with regards to social,cultural and economical behvoiur. This will lead to appreciate the root cause and hence developing of long lasting interventions. It is for this reason that research is one such an important strategy that the country has embarked on.............
[1]. Cohen, MS; Hellmann, N; Levy, JA; DeCock, K; Lange, J (April 2008). "The spread, treatment, and prevention of HIV-1: evolution of a global pandemic". The Journal of Clinical Investigation.
[2]. 2016. Retrieved 23 January 2018.
[3]. Andoh SY, Umezaki M, Nakamura K, et al. Correlation between national income, HIV/AIDS and political status and mortalities in African countries. Public Health. 2006;120:624–633.
[4]. Drain PK, Smith JS, Hughes JP, et al. Correlates of National HIV Seroprevalence: An Ecologic Analysis of 122 Developing Countries. J Acquir Immnue Defic Syndr. 2004;35(4)
[5]. Buve A, Carael M, Hayes R, et al. Variations in HIV Prevalence between Urban areas in Sub-Saharan Africa: Do We Understand them? AIDS. 1995;9(suppl A):S103–S109.
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Abstract: There are few words in the English language that have such a fascination for the general public as the term personality. Although the word is used in various senses, most of these popular meanings fall under one of two headings. The first use equates the term to social skill or adroitness. An individual's personality is assessed by the effectiveness with which he or she is able to elicit positive reactions from a variety of persons under different circumstances. personality of the individual to consist of the most outstanding or salient impression that he or she creates in others. A person may thus be said to have an ―aggressive personality‖ or a ―submissive personality‖ or a ―fearful personality‖. In each case the observer selects an attribute or quality that is highly typical of the subject and that is presumably an important part of the over-all impression created in others and the person's..............
Keyword: Personality, Devastating, IPV, Attitudes, Psychological, Women, Spouse, Isolation.
[1]. Ackerson, L.K. and Subramanian, S.V.(Autumn 2008),State Gender Inequality, Socioeconomic Status and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in India: A Multilevel Analysis, Australian Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 3, No. 1.
[2]. Alharbi Mohammad Awadh ,Wan Khairuzzaman and Wan Ismail; The Impact of Personality Traits and Employee Work-Related Attitudes on Employee Performance with the Moderating Effect of Organizational Culture: The Case of Saudi Arabia;
[3]. Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences; Vol. 1 (10), p.109. Allemand, Mathias; Gruenenfelder-Steiger, Andrea E; Hill, Patrick L (2013); Stability of personality traits in adulthood; The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry; Vol. 26(1); p.18.
[4]. Amy E. Colbert, Michael K. Mount, James K. Harter, L. A. Witt and Murray R. Barrick (2004); Interactive Effects of Personality and Perceptions of the Work Situation on Workplace Deviance; Journal of Applied Psychology; , Vol. 89 (4), p.608. 133
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Abstract: This study reflects on University's academic professionals' practices during Teaching Practice (TP) in schools. It reflects on the appropriateness of professionals' practices in enabling or constraining the development of quality training andprofessionalism. The objectives: to investigate the academics practices which were incongruent with code of ethics during TP, to explore different strategies which could be used to promoteprofessionalism during TP. The "Block model" Code of ethics was used as a theoretical framework. Full time, Part time Post Graduates Certificate and Bachelor of Education students from the University of Swaziland were purposively sampled. Questionnaires, semi structured interviews and documentary evidence were used to collect data.Data was analysed using content..............
Keyword: Code of conduct, code of practice, Professionalism, Teaching practice.
[1]. Bowern, M.E., Burmeister, O.K., Gotterbarn, D. and Weckert , J. (2013) ICT integrity: bringing the ACS code of ethics up to date", Australasian Journal of Information Systems, V., 13, (2), pp 168-81.
[2]. Chau, F. and Rahman, A. (2011) Institutional Pressures and Ethical Reckoning by Business Corporations. Journal of Business Ethics, V., 98, (2), PP307-329.
[3]. Campbell, H. and Marshall, R. (2005) Professionalism and Planning in Britain. The Town Planning Review, V. 76, (2), PP 191-214.
[4]. Clift, R.T. Houston, W.R. and Pugach, M.C. (1990) (eds) Encouraging reflective practice in education: An analysis of issues and programmes. New York: Teacher College Press.
[5]. Essex, N.L. (1992) Educational Malpractice: The Price of Professionalism. The Clearing House, V., 65, (4), PP 229-232.