Version-6 (May-2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Politics, Media Propaganda, Counter-Terrorism And Securitization During The War on Terror |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305060121 ![]() |
Abstract: In recent years, acts of terrorism have increased world over. Arguably, every country in the world has suffered terror attack on its soil, or lost a person(s) in terror related crimes or its domestic or foreign interests have been affected or targeted. In Africa, from 2006-2016, the number of terror attacks increased more than 1000%! This was the same in Europe including attacksin the heart and political seat of Europe – Belgium. In the United States of America, there have been several attacks, with Orlando shooting being the worst on U.S soil since 9/11. In this article, authors posit that as the war on terror intensifies, terrorist have also learnt to be more sophisticated making it hard to defeat them decisively. The authors also suggest that there is increased securitization in name of fighting terrorism...........
Key Words: Terrorism, Securitization, Framing, Threat, Propaganda
[1]. Altheide& Schneider 2013. Qualitative Media Analysis, Thousand Oaks, SAGE Publications.
[2]. Al Jazeera, 2014 "Inside Kenya‟s Death Squad" December 7, available at ( accessed 21 march 2018
[3]. Allawi & Changfen. Global Governance and Norm Contestation; Perspectives from BRICS. International Journal of Humanities and Socila Science Invention (IJHSSI) 7.1 (2018):PP 01-1
[4]. Archetti, C. 2004. Are the Media Globalising Political Discourse? The War On Terrorism. Case Study. International Journal of the Humanities, 2.
[5]. BBC, 2016, "Kenya Muslims 'targeted in extrajudicial killings"BBC, 07 December, available at : [Access 21 March 2018]
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Abstract: Executive Summary: In Bangladesh, various development efforts have been assayed to avert the miserable living conditions of the poor; but many of them remained unsuccessful. Different attempts had been attempt to improve the life of the poor in Bangladesh. The Self Help Group (SHG) development strategy is one of those efforts; and it is a community owned and managed poverty alleviation program designed to empower the poor in general and the poor women in particular. The aim of the study was to assess the role of Self-help Group in Socio-Economic development of marginalized communities of Banishanta Union of DacopeUpazila in Khulna district, Bangladesh. The Study area covers an estimated area of 50 sq km with a total of 30 thousand populations. Total households in this Union are estimated to be 3500. Banishanta Union constituted with 22 Villages and the area is one of the poorest Union of DacopeUpazilla where most of the people of Banishanta.........
Key Words: Livelihood, development, Socio-Economic, Self-help Group, poverty alleviation, vulnerable, empowerment, disaster prone.
[1]. BezabihTolosa (2007) "Assessing the Socio- economic impact of self help groups: A case to Ethiopian Kaleheywet Church Nazreth Integrated Urban Development Project"
[2]. BUILT Project proposal and evaluation report.
[3]. Dacope Upazila websites.
[4]. Haryana Community Forestry Project Self-Help Group Capability Assessment 2007.
[5]. IFFCO Foundation Self Help Groups Handbooks.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Social-Cultural Theoretical Basis of Inter-disciplinary Teaching for English Majors in China |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Kong Lingyu |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305063537 ![]() |
Abstract: An inter-disciplinary teaching approach is on the rise in China. The basic rationality is that only by this approach can the students be versatile and be better prepared to meet the needs of the market. But the theoretical basis for such an educational reform is a less concern for Chinese educators. This paper is an attempt to illustrate the social-cultural theoretical basis for inter-disciplinarian teaching so that this approach can better be understood and more widely accepted.The theoretical basis can be found in its definition, in researchers and theorists who proposed theories of learning that highlight the social and contextualized nature of learning. In the end, the interdisciplinary approach is important and meaningful for students as well as for teachers.
Key Words: Interdisciplinary, theoretical basis, English majors.
[1]. Klein, J. T. (1990). Interdisciplinarity: History, theory, and practice. Detroit, MI: WayneState University Press.
[2]. Lattuca, L. R. (2001). Creating interdisciplinarity: Interdisciplinary research and teaching among college and universityfaculty. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.
[3]. Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation.New York: Cambridge University Press.
[4]. Rogoff, B. (1990). Apprenticeship in thinking: Cognitive development in social context.
[5]. New York: Oxford University Press..
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Abstract: The research discusses the reflection of vowel phoneme of Proto Austronesian in Singkil, Jamee, and Pakpak Language using to the Comparative Historical Linguistic approach. The research is conducted by analyzing the similarities and changing of the three languages forms as the reflection of the history in the same heritage. The objective of research is to describe the inheritance and the innovation of form of vowel phoneme of Proto Austronesian in linear. The research method is qualitative descriptive and comparison method. The data source is 200 vocabularies according to Swadesh that obtain through interviews 9 native speakers of three languages consist of 3 Singkil informants, 3 Jamee informants, and 3 Pakpak informants. The results show that the vowel phoneme devisor of Proto Austronesia.......
Key Words: The Reflection of Vowel Phoneme, Proto Austronesian, Singkil, Jamee, Pakpak.
[1]. Al-Fairusy, Muhajir. 2016. "Menjadi Singkil menjadi Aceh, Menjadi Aceh Menjadi Islam: Membaca Identitas masyarakat Majemuk dan refleksi Konflik Agama di Wilayah Perbatasan Aceh Singkel". Jurnal Sosiologi USK. 9 (1): 17-33.
[2]. Blust, Robert. 2013. The Austronesian Language. Australia: Australian National University. Creswell, Jhon W. 2010. Research Design: Pendekatan Kualitatif, Kuantitatif, dan Mixed. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
[3]. Dardanila. 2016. Kekerabatan Bahasa Karo, bahasa Alas, dan Bahasa Gayo. Disertasi untuk program Doktor Linguistik Universitas Sumatera Utara.
[4]. Keraf, Gorys. 1984. Linguistik Bandingan Historis. Jakarta: Gramedia. Masrukhi, Moh. 2002. "Refleksi Fonologis Proto Bahasa Austronesia (PAN) Pada bahasa Lubu (BL)". Jurnal Humaniora. 14 (1): 86-93.
[5]. Nurmaida. 2015. Pewarisan Etimon Proto-Austronesia dalam Bahasa Aceh [Disertasi]. Medan: Universitas Sumatera Utara, Program Pascasarjana Linguistik..
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Abstract: The purpose of this research development is to: (1) produce a project based learning module based materials of fiber and textile craft to improve student results of class VII SMP; (2) Testing the effectiveness level of module materials. (3) Testing the efficiency level of module teaching materials; (4) Measure the attractiveness of module teaching materials. This research and development uses the steps of Borg and Gall. The research subjects were conducted at SMP Negeri 23 Bandar Lampung, SMP Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung, and SMP Negeri 12 Bandar Lampung. Data were collected using questionnaires and tests (pretest-postes). Conclusion of research and development.......
Key Words: workshops, project based learning, crafts, modules, and fibertextiles.
[1]. Abdullah, Herpratiwi, Tarkono. 2010, the development of teaching materials modulesInteractive Basic Concept of Motor Work 4 Steps, Journal Digilib Universitas Lampung
[2]. Abraham Ekow Asmah1, The Developments Of Macramé As A Viable Economic Venture In Ghana European Journal of Research and Reflection in Arts and Humanities Vol. 3 No.4, 2015 ISSN 2056-5887
[3]. A Chaedar, Alwasilah. 2008. Anyway Qualitative Basics of Designing and ConductingQualitative Research. Bandung. Pustaka Jaya
[4]. Adelina, Hashim. 2016. Research Methods And Development In Schools Yogyakarta.
[5]. Academy MediaAmes, Marjorie. 1981. Macrame Miniature. New York. Dover Publication Inc
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Abstract: The main objective of the study was to investigate the students' gap in their academic writing and its implications in improving quality education. The research was designed in conformity with the principle of descriptive method. To this effect, the data were collected through document analysis, questionnaire and semi-structured interview. In like manner, the data from the document analysis revealed that 30 % of the academic papers selected for this study, did not give due attention to the relevance of subject matter while discussing ideas under various argumentative premises. In further investigation, it is possible to observe that 52.8% of the students did not provide personal reflections on the major arguments that they discussed in their papers. Moreover, 41.42% of the students committed inconsistency errors, 37.14% fused errors, and 34.28% fragmented sentence errors, 91.42% of them had problems in using correct tenses, 44.28% of them had pitfalls in selecting appropriate words that suit the context.........
[1]. Giridiharan, D. (2012. Second language writers' text. Mahwah, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
[2]. Henkel, E. (2004). Teaching academic ESL writing: Practical techniques in vocabulary and grammar. Mahwah, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
[3]. Horner, B., & Min-Zhan, L. (1999). The birth of basic writing. Urbana, I. L.: National Council of Teachers of English.
[4]. Kelley, J. (2009). Teaching ESL writing. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall.
[5]. Rose, M. (1989). Lives on the boundary: The struggles and achievements of America's underprepared. New York, N. Y..
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Abstract: The Ithai Barrage is constructed at the confluence of the Imphal River and Khuga River near Ithai village under Bishnupur District. The purpose of the barrage was primarily to act as a barrier and create an artificial water reservoir to provide regulated storage for power generation to generate 105 MW of power supply and lift irrigation to the Loktak hydro Project (LHP). The Loktak Multipurpose Hydro Electric Project began under the supervision of the Ministry of Irrigation and Power, Government of India in the year 1971. NHPC has been operating the project ever since it was commissioned in 4th June 1983 along with Ithai Barrage. The paper aims to find out the Ithai Barrage and its great devastate victim to the Loktak catchment areas in socio-economic and physiographic condition. After the commissioned.........
Key Words: Confluence, Reservoir, Catchment Areas, Reverse, Devastated, Decommission.
[1]. Annandale, N., Prashad, B and Amin-ud-Din.(1921)."The Aquatic And Amphibious Mollusca of Manipur" Rec. Indian Mils., 22: 529 – 538.
[2]. Choudhury H. L. and Banerjea, S. M.(1965). "Report on the fisheries of Manipur with special reference to the development of Takmu beel area of Loktak Lake, CIFRI", Miscellaneous Contribution No. 4: 1-29
[3]. High Court,(1994), Petition filed by the Loktak Project Affected Area Action Committee to Guwahati High Court, Civil Court, Civil Rule No. 32 of 1994.
[4]. Hora, S.L. (1921). "Fish and Fisheries of Manipur with Some Observations on Those of Naga Hills". Rec. Indian Mus., 22:165 - 214. [5]. Menon, A.G.K. (1954)." Further Observations on the Fish Fauna of Manipur State". Rec. Indian Mus., 52: 21 - 26.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Traditional Religion 'Egbela' as a veritable tool for Probity and Accountability. |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Mercy Agha Onu |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305067378 ![]() |
Abstract: Egbela is the traditional religion in Edda, a community in the Eastern Nigeria. It is addressed as Egbela Jew because the people believed that it was god that brought them from their archetypal home Owi Hebrew‟s descendant. In appreciation of his guidance and military leadership, his worship was mandatory for all the people. This god is worshipped yearly at a certain time of the year. The occasion is purely religious because the priests and people sing in praise of Egbela who has fought a new set of pious and valiant men for successfully completing the rigorous induction into the traditional religion. Like other traditional gods such as "Ogun‟ in Yoruba land, Egbela is also a complex being.........
[1]. Idowu, E. B. (1969. African traditional religion. S. C. M., p. 87.
[2]. Idowu, E. B. (1973. African traditional religion. S. C. M., p. 87.
[3]. Canda, E.R. (1989). Religious content in social work education: A comparative approach. Journal ofSocial Work Education. 25, 36-45.
[4]. Arunsi, S. U. and Ugoji, J. U. (1994). Edda heritage. Lagos: Kraf & Associates.
[5]. Joseph,M.V. (1987). The religious and spiritual aspects of clinical practice: A neglected dimension of social work. Social Thought, 6, 12-23..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Variations in Sound Production by Ehugbo Second language Learners |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Henrietta Nkechinyere Aja |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305067987 ![]() |
Abstract: This study probed into variations in the production of dental fricatives and post alveolar affricates by second learners(L2) of English language. The study examined if the learners could produce the dental fricatives [θ], [ð] and post alveolar affricates [tʃ], [dʒ] because the sounds do not exist in their first language(L1) while [dʒ] and the voiced post alveolar fricatives [ʒ] are allophones in their L1 in congruence with the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis. The data were collected from six government owned schools in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. The findings of the study showed that some of the learners substituted the voiceless dental fricatives [θ] with the voiceless alveolar plosive[t] and substituted the voiced dental fricative [ð] with the voiced alveolar plosive [d]. Furthermore, they substituted the voiceless post alveolar affricate[tʃ]........
Key Words: Language variations, speech production, L1 transfer
[1]. Adamo, G.E. (2007). Nigerian English. English Today, 23(1), pp. 42-47.
[2]. Adegbite, W. (2003). Enlightenment and attitudes of the Nigerian elite on the roles of languages in Nigeria. Language, Culture, and Curriculum, 16(2), pp. 185-196.
[3]. Akinnaso, f. (1991). Toward the development of a multilingual language policy in Nigeria. Applied Linguistics, 12(1), pp. 29-61.
[4]. Anagbogu, P.N., Mbah, M.B. &Eme, C.A. (2001). Introduction to linguistics. Awka: J.F.C. Limited.
[5]. Bamgbose, A. (1998). Torn between the norms: Innovations in world Englishes. World Englishes, 17(1), 1-14..