Version-8 (May-2018)
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Abstract: There is widespread agreement in both qualitative and quantitative social science researches that oil and wars are linked. Owing to the fact that Oil resource has become a critical element in the power capabilities of nations within the matrix of global political economy. This is evident in the perpetual contradiction of both exogenous and indigenous dimensions with which National oil have been surrounded. From the international point of view, it has become the major source of instability among nations; bearing in mind the popular Gulf War of 1996 and the 1st September, 2009. In addition there are series of domestic violence between the various internal interest groupings within the oil producing states especially between the central authorities on one hand and oil producing communities on the other. The main sources of these frictions more especially among those countries practicing federalism has been the question of revenue sharing formula especially the struggle over the control of the lion‟s share of the oil cake.............
Key Words: Oil, State and Minority Rights
[1]. Aghalino S. O (2003) Institutional Approach to the Development of the Oil Bearing Enclave of Nigeria: The OMPA DEC Example Kaibara, 2001 Vol.8 No.2
[2]. Amuta C (2001) "Resource Control and Appropriate Federalism" Vanguard Lagos July,5.
[3]. Auty, Richard (1998). Sustaining Development in mineral Economies: The Resource curse Thesis. London: Routledge.
[4]. Auty, Richard and Gelb, Alan (2000).The Political Economy of resource Abundant States. Helsinki: World Institute for development Economics Research.
[5]. Collier, D. and Norden, D. L. (1992). "Strategic Choice Models of Political Change in Latin America", Comparative Politics 24:229-43.
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Abstract: Till a certain period, dowry was unknown to Bangladeshi society. As an Islamic country in Bangladesh there was a practice of giving dower by the husband to his wife. But the scenario has changed radically. Dowry has taken place of dower. For 4 decades, Bangladesh has fought a losing battle against the existence of dowries and their associated abuse with no indication of even a minimal impact as dowry demands inflate and violence increases. This article aims to ascertain present situation of dower and dowry. In this article the role of different social factors in prohibition of dowry and enforcement of dower has been investigated. Specially, it has been investigated that how much contribution Islamic values make in prohibition of dowry and enforcement of dower. On top of that the effectiveness and appropriateness of existing laws have been examined in this respect. A part from that it has examined judiciary's attitudes towards the disposal of dower cases. In the end, the article has come up with some findings and recommendations thereto.
Key Words: Dower, Dowry, Rampant Practice, Different Factors, Effectiveness, Judiciary's Attitude]Dower & Dowry Situation in Bangladesh & the Judiciary's Role towards the Disposal of Dower Cases: An Exploration.
[1]. Amin, Sajeda. ―Reforming marriage practices in Bangladesh‖, 2008. Accessed February22,2017.
[2]. Anderson, Siwan. ―The Economics of Dowry and Bride price‖. Journal of Economic Perspective 21 (2007): 151–174.
[3]. Begum, Afroza. ―Dowry in Bangladesh: A Search from an International Perspective for an Effective Legal Approach to Mitigate Women's Experiences‖. Journal of International Women's Studies 15, no. 2 (July 2014): 249-267.
[4]. Bhuiyan, Rabia. ―Dower- Right or Ritual?‖ Accessed February 21, 2017.
[5]. Black, Henry Campbell. Black's Law Dictionary. 5th ed. ST Paul Minn, USA: West Publishing Co., 1979.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Self – Identity through Killing William Styron |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Suchitra Vashisth |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305082833 ![]() |
Abstract: Fiction is a great secular force of man. He expresses his views about important things of human life and even his reactions to its bitter part. A writer translates human life into print and claims truth to it. About the truth to life represented by a writer, an unknown poet has rightly said: Friends, this is not a book, but a man If you read this, you read a man. Henry James also has expressed similar view about a writer as a representative of human life in a society. A writer describes manifesto facts of life. Such a writer is William Styron.Like James Baldwin, Styron may be called an angry black writer. But he is also an elegantly accomplished novelist who in a novel entitled The Confession of Nat Turner has represented himself as a Virginian who left himself intensely involved with the contemporary Negro struggle and has written a historical novel that reflects the racial conflict between the blacks and the whites and ultimately brings them together.........
Key Words: William Styron, NatTurner, Self-Identity, Killing.
[1]. The Confessions of Nat Turner, p. 53.
[2]. Ibid, p. 129.
[3]. Ibid, p. 46.
[4]. Ibid, p. 15.
[5]. Ibid, p. 136.
[6]. Ibid, p. 167.
[7]. Ibid, p. 169.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Role of Social Media in Community Development in Nigeria: The Owe Unity Forum (Oaf) Model |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Chidi Ukomadu |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305083443 ![]() |
Abstract: The social media which is a relatively new phenomenon in Nigeria, is basically for communication and maintenance of relationships. But this paper tries to explore its potentialities in mobilizing community members for community development in Nigeria, borrowing the Ogwa Unity Model as an example that could be adopted by communities desirous of engendering development through self-help. The paper employs observation method as the methodology for this research work. The paper concluded that one cannot talk of effective community mobilization and development in modern times, without the use of social media and that communities desirous of development in Nigeria should embark on self-help efforts, as it is an impossible task for the government to develop every community simultaneously, due to paucity of funds. Finally, the success of the Ogwa Unity Forum Model is an indicator that Watsapp is the most effective app for community development in developing countries like Nigeria.
Key Words: Social media, Watsapp, Ogwa Unity Forum, Community Development
[1]. Addison, C, (2006), Web 2.0: A New Chapter in Development Practice? Development in Practice.
[2]. Boyd, D. & Ellison, N. [2007], "Social Network sites: Definition, History and Scholarship".Journal of Compute Mediated Communication, Electronic edition.
[3]. Brown, R (2009), Public Relations and the Social Web: How to Use Social Media and Web 2.0 in Communication, Philadelphia: Kogan Page
[4]. Coleman, S and Blumler, (2009), The Internet and Democratic Citizenship: Theory, Practice and Policy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
[5]. Eagle, N, Macy M and Claxton, R, (2010), Network Diversity and Economic Development, Science 328.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Appertains Cultural Landscape OF Zero Valley IN Arunachal Pradesh |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Dr. Dani Kacha |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305084449 ![]() |
Abstract: As an ethnic tribe, Apatani is one of the advanced and unique community in terms of their cultural chord, possession of traditional wisdom, scientific tradition of agricultural operation, water management mechanism and other economic pursuit such as expertising in handicrafts and weaving and having traditional knowledge of sustainable management of forest for their daily economic and social activities in the midst of government policy on liberalization. As a staunch cognate race Apatanis have been succeeding their traditional clutch scrupulously as their basic ingredients of rich cultural heritage. The settlement areas and paddy fields are surrounded by blue rolling hills and mountains. The Ziro valley offers a spectacular example of co-existence of man and nature and how they have been perfected over the centuries. The existence of Apatanis was first recorded in the administrative report of 1882-83
Key Words: ...............
[1]. Arunachal Darshan (1999): "Glimpses of Land and People". Directorate of Information and Public Relation, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh.
[2]. Dollo, M. (2007): "Apatani Plateau: Unique Model of Indigenous Resources Management". More Expressions, A quarterly publication, Vol.1, Inaugural Issue (January 2007).
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Abstract: The main objective of the paper was to investigate the effect of pupils' involvement in tourism activities in Diani Zone in Kwale County. This was carried out through the examination of the tourism activities in which pupils involve themselves in and the factors contributing to their involvement in the tourism activities. The investigation was through an empirical investigation using the quantitative method of data collection through questionnaires on the Curriculum Support Officer (CSO), eight(8) head teachers, twenty four(24) class teachers and one hundred and forty three(143) pupils and interviews on five (5) community members of Diani. The data collected from the survey was analyzed and results expressed in frequencies and percentages. The findings revealed that pupils' involvement in tourism activities in Diani, Kwale County, negatively affects their academic performance in KCPE. The paper,..........
Key Words: Effect, Involvement, Tourism activities, Academic performance, Diani
[1]. Adora,C.U(2010) Managing tourism in Nigeria. The Security Option.Management Science and Engineering 4(1), 14-25.
[2]. Ahmed, Ayaz(2012). Poverty, Education and Child Labour in Ahgarh City, India.Stud Home Com Sci. pp165-175.
[3]. Awodele, O. A &Ayeni, D , A. (2011). Managing risk in tourism development projects: A case study of Nigeria. Journal of construction project management and innovation 1(2),105-129.
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Abstract: Higher education in Nigeria has come under severe criticisms in recent time due to poor quality of its products. There is urgent need for academic institutions in Nigeria to catch up with innovations in educational practices in developed economies. This paper explores the benefits of digital libraries to higher education in Nigeria. It examines the challenges being faced by higher education in Nigeria. It highlights the fact that digital libraries are critical and essential for effective teaching, research, and learning in all tertiary institutions and it should therefore, be priority. However, the paper stresses on the Gender Difference in the use of digital libraries, that the development of digital libraries should not be conceived as a panacea for the myriads of challenges facing higher education in Nigeria but that it is a technology that promises to address some of these challenges. Therefore, strong and unwavering commitment by all the stakeholders towards the deployment of digital libraries in tertiary education is recommended.
Key Words: Impact, Gender, Use, Digital Library, education
[1] Acker, Sandra (1984). Sociology, Gender and Education in Acker, S., Megarry, J., Nisbet, S., Hoyle, E. (Eds.),World Yearbook of Education. New York: Nicholas Publishing Co.
[2] Acker, Sandra (1994). Gendered Education. London: Open University Press.
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Abstract: This study examines the comparative study of self- concept of the inmates and normal in Ado Ekiti, Southwest Nigeria as a way of understanding how the duo perceived themselves, and what the society perceived of them. Symbolic interractionism theory was adopted as theoretical framework. Data were collected using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Among the inmates quantitative method was adopted, while among the normal qualitative method was used. Among the inmates one hundred and twenty questionnaires were shared among eighty males and forty females which were purposively selected. Also eighteen in-depth (IDIs) were conducted among the normal that cut across various field of operation. The findings revealed a strong perception that the inmates were seen as dejected, rejected, criminals, people with questionable character by the normal in the society. While the inmates sees themselves.
Key words: inmate, normal, dejected, rejected, criminal, questionable character, deviants, adulterated, stigmatization, orientation, behavioural pattern
[1]. Bernburg, J. (2009), "Routine Activities in Social Context: A closer look at the role of opportunity in deviant behaviour". Justice Quarterly (18) 543 - 568
[2]. Blummer, R. (1969), Alienation and Freedom, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
[3]. Burns, T. (1966), The Management of innovation, London: Tavistock
[4]. Chambliss, W. (1994), Law, Order, and Power Reading MA: Addison-Wesley, P.503
[5]. Cohen, A. (1995), Delinquent Boys. London: Free Press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Language Use and Language Attitudes among Algerian Students |
Country | : | Algeria |
Authors | : | Soumia Bouhmama || Zoubir Dendane |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305086977 ![]() |
Abstract: The present study aims at understanding Algerian first year students‟ language use and their attitudes towards the languages/varieties at play in Tlemcen University: Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and Algerian Arabic (AA), their mother tongue on the one hand, and French on the other. Moreover, it looks at the field of study as a factor affecting students‟ language use and language attitudes. To achieve the aims of the study a questionnaire was designed by the authors and administered to a sample of 78 participants. The results reveal a high degree of AA use as compared to French and MSA and much lower use of MSA as compared to AA and French. However, as regards language attitudes, we have found out that participants hold a highly positive attitude towards MSA as compared to AA and negative attitudes towards French...........
Key Words: language use, attitudes, Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), French, Algerian Arabic, medium of instruction (MI).
[1]. Ajzen, I. & Fishbein, M. (1980). Understanding attitudes and predicting social behavior. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
[2]. Al-mahmoud, M. A. (2012). Saudi university students' attitudes towards the use of Arabic and English: implications for language planning. Doctorate thesis; Macquarie University. Austrlia.
[3]. Al-Issa, A. (2017). English as a Medium of Instruction and the Endangerment of Arabic literacy: The Case of the United Arab Emirates. AWEJ Journal, 8(2). DOI:
[4]. Baker, C. (1992). Attitudes and language. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
[5]. Benrabah, M. (2005). The language planning situation in Algeria. Current issues in language planning. 6 (4) 379-502.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Agglomeration and Industrial Performance in Nigeria (1990-2015) |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Saliu Mojeed Olanrewaju |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305087884 ![]() |
Abstract: This study examines the relationship between industrial performance and Agglomeration economies in Nigeria. We achieve this by taking into consideration the impact of Agglomeration-level (Urbanization and Localization economies) on the industrial-level (Manufacturing and Services sector). Adopting Ordinary Least Square regression techniques, the findings of this research work reveal that agglomeration economies have more significant impacts on service sector than manufacturing sector in Nigeria. It is therefore recommended that infrastructure investments and favourable policies that will make it possible for manufacturing firms to locate near one another should be established.
Key Words: Agglomeration, Urbanization, localization, Manufacturing sector, Services sector.
[1] Barrios, S., Bertinelli, L., Strobl, E. and Teixeira, A.C (2004), "The dynamics of Agglomeration: Evidence from Ireland and Portugal", Journal of Urban Economics, 5, 170-188.
[2] Bertinelli, L. and Decrop, J. (2005), "Geographic Agglomeration: Ellison and Glaeser's index applied to the case of Belgian Manufacturing Industry", Regional Studies. 39(5), 567-583.
[3] Bertinelli L. and Strobl, E. (2005), "Geographical Concentration and Establishment Scale: An extension of using panel data", Journal of Regional Science, 46, 733-746.
[4] Devereux, M.P., Griffith, R. and Simpson, H. (2004), "The Geographic Distribution of Production Activity in the UK" Regional Science and Urban Economics, 34, 533-564.
[5] Duranton, G. and Puga, D. (2004), Micro-Foundations of Urban Agglomeration Economies. Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, 4: 2063-2117.
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Abstract: This study identified the causes and effects of inadequate facilities on building production in Nigeria. Data for the study were collected through well-structured questionnaire administered to building construction professionals. Data collected were analysed using percentages, mean and relative significance index. The findings reveal that the causes of inadequate of facilities of building production includes inadequate access to land ranked first (0.93), high cost of building materials ranked second with (0.83) and building finance problem ranked third with (0.81). Effects of inadequate facilities in building production includes high rate of insecurity with RSI value of 0.61, overcrowding ranked second with an RSI............
Key Words: Causes, effects, inadequate, facilities, building production.
[1]. A. A. Ogbegun "Causes and effects of inadequate facilities of building production" in Nigeria. Unpublished HND Project, Department of Building Technology, The Federal Polytechnic Ado Ekiti, Nigeria, 2014.
[2]. United Nation Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat). The City Summit, Habitat II, Istanbul, Turkey, 1996.
[3]. B. Wahab, "Elements of Rural Housing", Housing Development and Management: A Book of Readings, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 2007.
[4]. K. Bala and S.A. Bustani, "A review of housing delivery efforts in Nigeria", 2012.
[5]. A.O Olotuah, "Housing Low-Income Civil Servants in an Emergent State Capital – the case study of Ado-Ekiti", Unpublished Ph.D Thesis, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, 2000