Version-5 (May-2018)
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Abstract: The Srimad Bhagavad Gita is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna, narrated in the Bhishma Parva of the Mahabharata. It comprises eighteen discourses of a total of 701 Sanskrit verses. A considerable volume of material has been compress within these verses. On the battlefield of Kurushetra, Sri Krishna, during the course of His most instructive and interesting talk with Arjuna, revealed profound,. Sublime and soul-stirring spiritual truths and expounded the rare secrets of Yoga, Vedanta, Bhakti and Karma. The current study deals with value oriented education concerning Bhagavad Gita,s teaching. The Bhagavad Gita,s teaching is acting as a catalyst in the development of value oriented education. The developing countries like India have been facing problem of deficient value oriented education............
Key Words: Bhagavad Gita, teaching, value, value oriented education
[1]. A.S.Alteker, Education in Ancient India, Nandkishore Publishers, Varanasi, 1958.
[2]. Government of India Indian Education Commission Report Government Printing Press, New Delhi, 1967.
[3]. Government of India, MHRD, NPE Report Government Printing Press, New Delhi, 1986.
[4]. N.C.E.R.T. National Curriculum Frame- Work for School Education, New Delhi. 2000.
[5]. Nehru JL. The Discovery of India ISSN 0-14-303103-1 the Signet Press Calcutta, 1946.
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Abstract: The history of India's Struggle for freedom is a unique chapter in the history of mankind. Freedom fighters of India vehemently carried the Nation forward towards the constitutional goal of complete Independence. The Indian National Army of Subash Chandra Bose occupied an immortal place. His famous speeches during the organisation of Indian National Army attracted many people to change their life style for the cause of freedom. Freedom fighters of Nagapattinam District went to South East Asian countries for seeking fortune and joined INA by the impact of famous speeches of Subash Chandra Bose. They played an important role in Indian National Army and they should be honoured in a befitting manner.
Key Words: Speeches of Subash Chandra Bose, Indian National Army, Freedom Fighters.
[1] Bakshi. S.R., Indian freedom fighters struggle for Independence Vol 18 Subash Chandra Bose, Anmol publications New Delhi P 250 to 317.
[2] Iyer. S.A., Story of the INA National Book Trust, New Delhi, India. P 42 to 98.
[3] Pruthi. R.K., Subash Chandra Bose – His dream of free India, Rajat Publications, New Delhi, 2005. P 97 to 180.
[4] Sisir K. Bose & Sugata Bose "The Essential writings of Netaji Subash Chandra Bose, Netaji Research Bureau, Calcutta. P 286 to 299.
[5] India's struggle Quarter of a century 1921 – 1946 part II, A.C. Guha Publication Division, Ministry of Information and broad casting
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Abstract: Kinship is defined as the connection or relationship between persons by blood or marriage. If the kinship is related by blood it is called consaguinial kinship. For example, father son relationship will be called consaguinial kinship relation. Similarly when the kinship are related by marriage or by affinal relationship, the kinship relation is called affinal relationship. All societies recognise these kinship relation with certain limitation. In primitive societies, kinship relation are broad based and hence it is called broad range kinship. Again cognates are persons descended from the same ancestors or ancestress. Then the cognates may be traced in male line, They are referred to as agnates and their relationship as patrilineal kinship or agnatic kinship. If cognates are traced in male line, they..........
Key Words:Baiga tribe, Socio- Cultural life, Economy, Kinship System, Community.
[1]. Bhandari, J. S. 1996. Kinship and Family in the North-East. New Delhi: Cosmo Publications.
[2]. Crook, John. H. 1987. Polyandry in India (Demographic, Economic, Social, Religious, and Psychological concomitants of Plural Marriages in Women). New Delhi: GyanPublishing House.
[3]. Gough, Kathleen E. 1952. Changing Kinship usages in the setting of political and Economic Change among the Nayars of Malabar. Journal of the Royal Anrthropological Institute 45-80.
[4]. Fox, Robin, 1967 : Kinship and Marriage, Hazell Watson and viney Limited, England.
[5]. Gould, H.1968 :' Time Dimension and Structural change in an Indian Kinship System : A problem of Conceptual Refinement' in Milolon Singer and Bernard Cohn (eds.) Structure and change in Indian Society Aldine Publishing Co., Chicago
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Perception of Customers Towards E-Citizen: A Case Of City square Huduma Center Nairobi |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Purity Anyango Komer |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305051931 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate the perception of customers towards e-citizen. The study was guided by the following research objectives; To determine how service quality affect customers perception towards e-citizen, to determine the effect of culture on customers perception towards e-citizen, to determine the effect of privacy and security towards customers perception on e-citizen.The study focused on customers at Huduma Center in City square. Descriptive research was used. The population of the study was 1000 customers. Stratified random sampling and structured questionnaires were used. The target population was customers who use NHIF, NSSF, Driving license renewal, registration..............
Key Words: perception, e-citizen, customers, huduma centre, feedback, quality and service
[1]. Abhichandani, T., Horan, T. A. (2006). Toward A New Evaluation Model of E Government Satisfaction:Results of Structural Equation Modeling. Claremont, CA: Claremont Universitypress.Agrawal, A. (2007). Assessing Service Quality in e-citizen: Building up on the Quality.Unpublished doctoral dissertation submited to ICTAI University Press.
[2]. Akkaya, P. Wolf, and H. Krcmar, (2012). "Factors Influencing Citizen Adoption of E- Government Services: A cross cultural comparison. (Research in Progress)," in System Science (HICSS), 45th Hawaii International Conference.
[3]. Alanezi, M. K. (2010). A Proposed Instrument Dimensions for Measuring E-government Service Quality. International Journal U- and E-service, Science and Technology, Vol 3, issue 4, pp.1-18
[4]. Alhujran, O. (2009). Determinants of e-government services adoption in developing countries: A field survey and a case study. Unpublished doctoral dissertation submited to University of Wollongong.Al-Khouri, A. M. & Bal, J. (2007). Electronic Government in the GCC Countries.International Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 1, issue 2, pp.83-98
[5]. Allard, R., Riel, V., & Jurriëns, P. (2001) Exploring consumer evaluations of e-citizen: a portal site. International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol 12, issues 4, pp.359-377.
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Abstract: The objective of this paper is to explore and analyse the novel Agnisakshi written by LalithambikaAntharjanam in the light of Foucauldian concept of discipline, power and resistance. When we apply these theories in the corpus of this novel, it will definitely reflect upon the various ways in which man gets privileged to establish his power over woman. Through a certain systematic conditioning,they make the female subordinate to them. Besides these, there are certain social, cultural and religious structures that function so as to bring "discipline" and "order" to the behavioral pattern of the woman in society. All these ultimately add to the subjugation of woman in a male-dominated patriarchal society..
Key Words: Patriarchy, Subjugation. Power, Resistance, Panoptic surveillance
[1]. Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. Trans. A. M. Sheridan. London: Penguin Books, 1977.
[2]. ---. The History of Sexuality: Volume One: An Introduction. Trans. Robert Hurley. London: Penguin Books, 1978.
[3]. Antharjanam Lalithambika.Agnisakshi.1976. Trans. VasanthiSakaranarayan. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2015.
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Abstract: Judiciary in every country has an obligation and a Constitutional role to protect Human Rights of citizens. As per the mandate of the Constitution of India, this function is assigned to the superior judiciary namely the Supreme Court of India and High courts. The Supreme Court of India is perhaps one of the most active courts when it comes into the matter of protection of Human Rights. It has great reputation of independence and credibility. The independent judicial system stems from the notion of the separation of powers where the executive, legislature and judiciary form three branches of the government. This separation and consequent independence is key to the judiciary's...........
Key Words: Judiciary, Human Rights, Prisoners Rights, Liberty, Human Treatment.
[1]. Human Rights and Humanitarian law – Developments in India and International Law South Asia Human Rights Documentation Centre (SAHRDC)
[2]. Hand Book of Human Rights and Criminal Justice in India – Second Edition – SAHRDC
[3]. 3) Law Relating to Protection of Human Rights under the Indian Constitution and Allied Laws by Justice Palok Basu
[4]. Human Rights and Justice System – Ashwan Kant Gautam
[5]. Maneka Gandhi vs. Union of India – AIR 1978 SC 579
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Abstract: The didactic methodologies are the study of the methods of pedagogical research and also the study of the methods of teaching-learning processes: these are strategic teaching actions, made flexible by the teacher on the basis of concrete training situations and the particular characteristics of the students. "Active methodologies" mean those teaching strategies that put students at the center of their learning process, involving their creativity and their sense of initiative, naturally, without neglecting the curricular contents. A classic frontal lesson, on the contrary, focuses on not the student but the contents or, even worse, the teacher himself; it does not stimulate the creativity of students who, however fascinated, have only a passive role within that educational context. The "active methodologies", in particular" the flipped classroom", on the contrary, require a direct participation of the student, through the activities that the teacher from time to time identifies as training.
Key Words: Active didactic methodologies, flipped classroom, direct participation, teaching-learning processes, personalized education..
[1]. F. Tessaro, Metodologia e didattica dell'insegnamento secondario (Roma: Armando Editore, 2002) 165-166.
[2]. R. S. Calvino, Organizzazione e legislazione scolastica dopo la buona scuola (Santarcangelo di Romagna, RN: Maggioli Editore, 2015).
[3]. S. Mantovani, La ricerca sul campo in educazione: i metodi qualitativi, Vol. 1 (Paravia: Mondadori Bruno, 1998) 38.
[4]. V.Gherardi, Metodologie e didattiche attive. Prospettive teoriche e proposte operative (Roma: Aracne, 2013).
[5]. M. Maglioni, F .Biscaro, La classe capovolta. Innovare la didattica con la flipped classroom (Trento: Erikson editore, 2014).
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Abstract: Teachers‟ participation in the management of change has been highlighted as a significant contributor to teacher motivation Farahiyanfar and Ghandehari (2016);Goksoy (2014). However, there is a dearth of literature on the effects of teachers‟ participation in management of school community partnership on teachers‟ motivation. The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between teachers‟ level of participation in management of school community partnership on teachers‟ motivation. The study was anchored on Change Management Model and Hertzberg Motivation Theory. The study used correlation design. Proportional stratified random sampling techniques were adopted to select a sample size of 403 respondents comprising of 58 school principals and 345 teachers. Data were collected using questionnaires for teachers and principals, and an observation check list. ANOVA...........
Key Words: Teachers‟ participation, management, school community partnership, commitment, and motivation, secondary schools.
[1]. Algoush, K.S. (2010). Assessment of the Relationship between Involvements Decision Making.
[2]. Amatea, E. S. (Ed.) (2013) Building culturally responsive family-school relationships (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
[3]. Amatea, E. S., & Cholewa, B. (2013). Engaging in collaborative problem solving with families. In Amatea, E. S. (Ed). Building culturally responsive family-school relationships (2nd ed.) (pp. 271-297). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
[4]. Epstein, J. L., & Van Voorhis, F. L. (2010a). School counselors‟ roles in developing partnerships with families and communities for student success. Professional School Counseling, 14(1), 1-14.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Role of Design and Analysis of the Agreement Made In the Notary |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Auliah Ambarwati. |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305055660 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to know what the role of design and analysis of agreements made before the notary, and to know what constraints often found notary in designing an agreement. The method of this research is normative research, ie research on legal principles, synchronization and legal system by using legal interpretation.
Key Words: The Role Of Design, Analysis Of The Agreement.
[1]. Abdul, 2005. Hukum Bisnis untuk Perusahaan Teori & Contoh Kasus. Jakarta: Kencana.
[2]. Budiono, Harlien, 2014. Ajaran Umum Hukum Perjanjian dan Penerapannya dalam Bidang Kenotariatan. Bandung: Citra Aditya Bakti.
[3]. HS. Salim, 2011, pengantar Hukum Perdata tertulis (BW). Jakarta: Sinar Grafika.
[4]. I.G. Rai Widjaya, 2004. Merancang Suatu Perjanjian (Contract Drafting). Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc.
[5]. J. Satrio, 1995. Hukum perikatan, Perikatan lahir dari Perjanjian. Bandung: Citra Aditya Bakti.
[6]. Khairandy, Ridwan, 2013. Hukum Perjanjian Indonesia dalam Perspektif Perbandingan. Yogyakarta: FH.UII Press
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Abstract: In Morocco, Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death. These diseases can be classified into different categories:Valvulopathy, Heart failure,Arterial hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Cardiomyopathy, and Arterial diseases. The aim of our study is to describe the epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases in a Moroccan population.This is a retrospective descriptive study which concerned all subjects followed for cardiovascular diseases at the Military Hospital Mohammed V of Rabat (Morocco) from 2000 to 2016. For each subject a standardized questionnaire has been filled. The objectives of the study were clearly explained to patients while respecting confidentiality and anonymity. The parameters studied were age, sex, type of cardiovascular disease and duration of disease.It was included in our study 16002 persons, 55% were male, sex-ratio 1,21 (Chi-square test equal.......
Key Words: age, sex, prevalence, cardiovascular diseases.
[1]. yifan Zhao, yawei xu. Age, gender and social environment as risk factors in cardiovascular diseases. Journal of American college of cardiology. Vol. 66. N° 16. Suppl. 5. 2015.
[2]. K.H. humphines, M.Izadnegahdar, T. sedlak, j. Saw, N. Johnson, K. schenck.- gustafsson, R.U. Shah, V. Regitz- Zagrosek, J. Grewal, V. Vaccarino, J. Wei, C.N. Bairez Merg. Sex Difference in cardiovascular disease- impact on care and outcomes. Frontiers in Neuroendicrinnology 46 (2017) 46-70.
[3]. C. Bairy Merz, M D, Holly S. Anderson, MD, Chrisandra L. shufelt, MD, MS. Gender, cardiovascular disease, and the sexism of obesity. Journal of American college of cardiology. Vol. 66. N° 18. 2015. [4]. juliane Berdah, Guy Amah. Spécificités des facteurs de risqué cardiovasculaire chez la femme. Sang thrombose vaisseaux 2011. 23, N° : 338-47.
[5]. Lozano, R. and al. Global and regional mortality from 235 causes of death for 20 age groups in 1990 and 2010: a systemic analyse for the global burden of disease study 2010. Lancet 380, 2095-2128.
[6]. Ezzati M, Lopez AD, Rodgers A, Vander hoom S, Murray CJ. Selected major risk factors and global regional burden of disease. Lancet 2002: 360: 1347-60.
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Abstract: A.S.Chaidir Syam, NIM: 0008.02.42.2015, Title Thesis for the Implementation of the Supervision Function of the Regional People's Legislative Assembly against the Implementation of Maros District Revenue Budget, guided by prof. Dr. H. La Ode Husen, SH., MH and Dr. Ir. Andi Abidin, SH., MH The purpose of this study is to know and analyze the implementation of the supervisory function of the Regional People's Legislative Assembly against the implementation of Maros District Revenue and Expenditure Budget, and to analyze the effectiveness of the monitoring implementation of Maros Regency's budgets and expenditures. The research method used is empirical law research, namely research on the implementation of legal relation adah effect of law with respect to the implementation of the function of supervision of regional expenditure budget. The result of the research shows..............
Key Words: The Implementation, Supervisory, Functions.
[1]. Algra, N.E. dan H.R.W.Gokkel. 1983, Kamus Istilah Hukum, Fockema Andreae, Belanda-Indonesia (Fockema Andreae's-Rechtsgeleerd Handwoordenboek). Terj. Saleh Adiwinata, A.Teloeki, dan Boerhanuddin St.Batoeah, Jakarta, Bina Cipta,
[2]. Assat. 1951, Hukum Tata Negara Republik Indonesia Dalam Masa Peralihan, Bulan Bintang, Jakarta,
[3]. Ateng Syafrudin, 1992, Memantapkan Pemerintah Yang Bersih, Kuat dan Berwibawa, Tarsito, Bandung,
[4]. Azhari, 1995, Negara Hukum Indonesia, Analisis Yuridis Normatif Tentang Unsur-Unsurnya, UI-Press, Jakarta
[5]. Cramer, James A., ed. Courts and Judges, Sage Publication, Inc., Beverly Hills, California, 1981
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to discern the identical issues that work behind high enrollment in primary schools followed by uncontrolled dropouts in Bangladesh like many other countries in South Asia. The study also probes to identify some possible interventions that may play a vital role in reducing educational exclusion. It is believed that comparative education with its rapidly increasing resources and its hope for better methods seem admirably suited to provide a more rational basis for the planning of education (Jones, 1971). The research data primarily depends on various reports published by the govt. offices and ministries that demonstrate educational situation in current period. Besides, many educators and specialists in the related field are interviewed to get a clearer insight into the matter. The data establishes that not the economic background only, rather, enrollment age, parents‟ education, location, school.............
Key Words: School enrolment, School dropouts, Gender parity, Primary schooling, out-of-school children, Socio-economic problem.
[1]. Amadi, M.A., Role, E., & Makewa, L. N. (2013). Girl Child Dropout: Experiential Teacher and Student Perceptions. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3:. (5): 124-131.
[2]. Asadullah, M Niaz. (2013).Schools governance and educational outcomes: A look across Bangladesh districts. IGS, BRAC University
[3]. AsianDevelopmentBank(2009),KeyIndicatorsfortheAsiaandthePacific,
[4]. Bangladeshvs.India-VOuntryComparison
[5]. Boyle, S., Brock, A., Mace J. & Sibbons, M, (2002). Reaching the Poor: The "Costs‟ of Sending Children to School. A six country comparative study Synthesis Report. London:
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Abstract: India has the biggest youth power in the whole world, this research study shows that the Indian juveniles are involved in many activities such as online gaming, drugs, alcohol, etc., and hence their depression level increases. The depression level increase, can be co-related with crime & criminal behavior. This study is based on the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) and the data is being collected from Udaipur district. Students from three schools, aged between 12-16 years (both male and female) are surveyed and the collected data is being analyzed to establish a relationship between depression & criminal behavior in juveniles. In our research analysis, we collected data of 596 students who belongs to the different areas of Udaipur and have different standards and are from distinct communities. Their families and school background describe the level of the mental pressure, and the reasons for these conditions could be correlated with both childhood depression and adult criminality. This study describes the percentage level of depressions in the male & female students
Key Words: juvenile, Depression, Students, School, Psychology, Criminality, Crime..
[1]. By 2020, the WHO predicts that depression will be the second leading contributor to the global burden of disease (WHO, 2001).
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[3]. Karen Freeman et al; "Understanding the relationship between crime victimisation and mental health: A longitudinal analysis of population data", CRIME AND JUSTICE Bulletin, Contemporary Issues in Crime and Justice Number 177, May 2014.
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[5]. Dishion, T. J., & McMahon, R. J. (1998),Parental monitoring and the prevention ofchild and adolescent problem behavior: Aconceptual and empirical formulation, Clinicalchild and family psychology review, 1,61-75.