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Abstract: The objectives of this research are to know and analyze the effectiveness of criminal act of drug abuse perpetrator in Correctional Institution and to know what factors influence the effectiveness of the implementation of narcotic abuse in Prison. This type of research uses the type of research Empirical Law to see the law in the position of reality (Das Sein) by looking at the law in the proper position (Das Sollen) to know the extent of legal effectiveness. This study focuses attention on the effectiveness of criminal execution on the perpetrators of criminal acts of narcotics abuse and examines the factors that affect the effectiveness of criminal implementation. And in connection in this case set the type of empirical research intended to know and analyze the form of legislation as a form of effectiveness against the implementation of criminal narcotics abuse perpetrators.
Key Words: The Effectiveness, The Criminal Activities, Marriage Drugs
[1] Achmad Ali, 2010. Menguak Teori Hukum dan Teori Peradilan, Kecana : Jakarta.
[2] Andi Hamzah, 2014. Asas-Asas Hukum Pidana. PT Rineka Cipta : Jakarta.
[3] __________, 2011. Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia, Sinar Grafika : Jakarta.
[4] Adami Chazawi, 2008. Stesel Pidana, Tindak Pidana, Teori-Teori Pemidanaan & Batas Berlakunya Hukum Pidana. PT Raja Grafindo Persasda : Jakarta.
[5] Aziz Syamsuddin, 2011. Tindak Pidana Khusus, Sinar Grafika : Jakarta
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rhetorical Elements in Arabic Children's Drama Text |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Yuriza Aprilia |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305020814 ![]() |
Abstract: This study discusses the aspect of Arabic rhetoric in the children drama text Ḥikāyāt Ummu Uyūn. The text of the drama is presented in the form of a dialogue and there are some images on each page that aims to visualize the. This book is interesting to analyse because of its health and the environmental theme that is presented for story children and packed in literary form, especially drama texts. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive design using al-balāgah theory that focuses on the science of al-ma'āniy. This article aims to show the texts containing Arabic rhetoric in the dialogue of the children story book Ḥikāyāt Ummu 'Uyūn. The study finds that the presence of moral messages contained is that every person must pay attention to environmental health and children also need to do vaccinations to prevent themselves from dangerous diseases. Books that contain knowledge but written in the form of literature are more interesting to read as long as the language used is considered to fit the target readers.
Key Words: Arabic, Rhetoric, Drama, Literature, Health.
[1] Al-Jarim, A., & Amin, M. (2013). Terjemahan Al-Balaaghatul Waadhihah. Bandung: Penerbit Sinar Baru Algesindo.
[2] Kamil, S. (2009). Teori Kritik Sastra Arab Klasik dan Modern. Jakarta: PT Rajagrafindo Persada.
[3] Lesmana, M. (2009). Kitāb Al-Bukhalā' Analisis Struktur Teks dan Isi. Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, Universitas Indonesia..
[4] Budianta, Melani et al. (2006). Membaca Sastra. Magelang: Indonesia Tera.
[5] Rossin, M., & Slater. (2015). Promoting Health in Early Childhood. Princeton University, 25, 35–64.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on the Importance of Yoga Education in B.Ed. Curriculum |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Susmita Pal |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305021517 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper intends to study the importance of yoga education in B.Ed curriculum as perceived by the trainee teachers. Total two hundred trainee teachers are selected as sample of the study from the four B.Ed colleges of Birbhum District in West Bengal. A self constructed questionnaire was used as a tool in this study and survey method was used as technique. In modern technological period man faced various complex situations like stresses, irritation, anxiety, depression, loneliness, ego problem etc. In these situations yoga education is very useful to every person. By practicing yoga in every day social values are developed which change the human behavior. As the trainee teachers groups are the future teacher of our society, so inclusion of yoga education is very much necessary for future generation.
Key Words: Yoga Education, B.Ed. curriculum, Trainee Teachers.
[1] Yadav, S. & Kumar. S. (2014) To Study the Effectiveness of Yoga Education on Holistic Development of Teacher Trainees. International journal of innovative research and development (vol 3,Issue 1) Jan, 243-245
[2] Bhavanani, A. B. Introducing Integral Yoga Education in the Teacher Education Curriculum
[3] Goal, A. (2007) Yoga Education: Philosophy and Practice. New Delhi, Deep & Deep Publication.
[4] Mangal, U. and Mangal, K.S. (2007) Yoga Education. New Delhi. Arya Book Depot
[5] Jyotsana(2012).Effect of positive thinking and rajyoga on perceived lonliness and death anxiety in aged people
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Abstract: Political communication can be defined as the process of delivering political messages from communicators to communicant in a broad sense. Laws of shari'a and custom have two dominant factors influencing the dynamics and social structure of society in Aceh, especially Bireuen. In Aceh, these two tools have an important role in fostering the identity of a religious society. Where there is custom, then there must be a law that binds it.That the customs prevailing in the Acehnese society should not be contrary to religious law. Ulema as communicator convey information to the community as a communicant by using the above media as a tool in conveying the message.
Key Words: Ulema; political communication; Islamic school; traditional media.
[1] Abu, Kamus Bahasa Indonesia-Aceh, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 2011
[2] Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Abdurrahman bin al-Fadhl bin Bahram bin Abdul Shomad al-Darimi, Sunan al-Darimi, Saudi Arabia: Dar al-Mughni, 1412-2000), Juz 1, h. 352, no. 334. Hadis Shahih.
[3] Abdurrahman Ibn Muhammad, Khutbah Jum'at Fil-Kitab Was-Sunnah, Software al-Maktabah Al-Syamilah Ishdar Versi 3.8, 2009
[4] Abdullah, Taufik, dkk. Ensiklopedi Tematis Dunia Islam, jld. III , Jakarta: PT. Ichtiar Baru Van Hoeve, 2005
[5] AD/ART Himpunan Ulama Dayah Aceh ( HUDA )
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Abstract: The paper looks into the content of two main newspapers- The Times of India and Hindustan, one an English daily and the other a Hindi daily. The study is done on how these newspapers covered the World Trade Organization talks held at Bali from November 15, 2013 to December 20, 2013. These talks are analyzed arounf the main themes of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), food policy of the Indian government and theoretical framework of development communication as envisaged by Wilbur Schramm, Learner and MacBride Report. Some of the major findings relate to the sources of news, themes and framing of news, critical discourse in the news. The discussion at the end of the paper indicates that food subsidies are important for the poor, conditional cash transfers and food coupons may provide a possible solution to the problem of more uniform distribution of foodgrain, Bali talks were an improvement over Doha Round of talks, reportage was one-sided with farmer bodies left out and coverage favouring the developed nations. It is argued that marginalized sections of society are still left out of the major benefits of food policies in developing countries.
Key Words: Development communication, food procurement, food subsidy, Public Distribution System, rice, WTO.
[1]. Berelson, B. (1952). Content analysis in communication research. New York: Free Press.
[2]. Cranfield, J. A., Hertel, T. W., & Preckel, P. V. (2000, October). Multi-lateral Trade Liberalization and Poverty. In Conference on Poverty and the International Economy, organized by World Bank and Swedish Parliamentary Commission on Global Development, Stockholm.
[3]. Food and Agricultural Organization. Communication: A key to human development. Retrieved from
[4]. Jamias, J.F. Editor (1975). Readings in Development Communication. Laguna, Phil.: Department of Development Communication, College of Agriculture-UPLB.
[5]. Jamias, J.F. (1991). Writing for Development: Focus on Specialized Reporting Areas.Los Baños, Laguna, Phil.: College of Agriculture, UPLB.
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Abstract: The study determined availability and utilization of information and communication technology (ICT) for information retrieval in Ramat Library University of Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria. The study was guided by four (4) objectives and four research questions, questionnaire was used to survey 400 registered users through convenience sampling technique out of 10,600 registered users for 2016/2017 academic session. Meanwhile, 44 questionnaire were rejected for wrong and incomplete entries and the remaining 356 valid questionnaire was considered acceptable. Descriptive analyses was applied while results were presented in tables of frequency counts and percentages. Findings revealed low level of computer utilization for information retrieval in the library under study, utilization of CD –ROM was very low, low level of Internet utilization. Also, majority of the respondents do not use e-mail for information retrieval in the Library...........
Key Words: Availability, Utilization, Information and Communication Technology, Information retrieval.
[1]. M. S. Abubakar and P. U., Akor. Availability and Utilization of Electronic Information Databases for Research by Agricultural Scientists in Federal University Libraries in North Central Nigeria. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 1600. 2017.
[2]. B.M. Adeyemi. Problems and Challenges of Automating Cataloguing Process at Kenneth Dike Library. African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Sciences, 12 (2), 2002, 213-222. [3]. G. A. Ajuwon. Computer and internet use by first year clinical and nursing students in a Nigerian teaching hospital. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 3(1).2003. Doi: 10.1186/1472-6947-3-10[Online] available at:
[4]. 4. S. A. Akintunde. State of ICT in tertiary institutions in Nigeria: Window on the universities. Paper presented at the 44th National Conference and AGM of Nigerian Library Association. Abuja, June: 18th – 23. 2006, 7-8
[5]. P. U. Akor. Availability and utilization of ICT for information services retrieval in Federal University of Technology library Minna, Niger State. Abuja: National Library of Nigeria, 22 (1 and 2), 2012, 1- 12.
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Abstract: Bharatanatyam‟ is the most revered classical dance forms of India. It is one of the most studied, respected, depicted, researched, performed and practiced Art today. It has reached it‟s peak form, with great masters, performers and researchers leaving no stone unturned in taking it further.Bharatanatyam fell into Oblivion during the British Raj, just like other ancient Indian techniques like the Yoga, the Ayurveda, Sanskrit, the Gurukul education and much more. Most of the evils of the Hindu way of life were glorified excessively, like the Sati system, the devadasi system, the caste system, the cultures and traditions, Untouchability, the native couture etc. Yoga was considered evil too. Bharatanatyam was mis-understood as Nautch, performed by the degraded class. Most of them who educated in English, and read English literature, were ashamed of their own religious existence. They wanted to get rid off anything that could bring dis-repute, including Bharatanatyam, which they believed was Sadir, a dance of the devadasis..............
Key Words: Bharatanatyam Origins, Anti-Nautch movement, Bharatanatyam Revival, Bharatanatyam Gurus, BharatanatyamBanis, Bharatanatyam Styles, Bharatanatyam vs Sadir.
[1] Douglas Knight Jr, Balasaraswati – Her Art & Life, Wesleyan University Press, 2010.
[2] Hari Krishnan, Inscribing Practice' Reconfigurations and Textualizations of Devadasi Repertoire in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth-century South India, Bharatanatyam-A Reader, Oxford University Press, 2010
[3] Dr. Chudamani Nandgopal, Shile Kale, Sundara Prakashana, 2011.
[4] Classical Dance Heritage of Karnataka, edited By Dr. Chudamani Nandagopal, Karnataka Bharatagama Pratishthana ,2012.
[5] K Ramamurthy Rao, Natyasaraswati Jatti Thayamma, 1994.
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Abstract: Background: Nepal is supposed to be the poorest country. More than forty % of the general public are under the poverty line. For eradication of poverty different kinds of Programme have been implemented. The major causes of poverty is not only economic but also personal, social and technological backwardness. Methods: This research was done in the contemporary issues related to Poverty Alleviation Fund (PAF). This shows the impact of PAF Programme in Sunarpani village development committee of Ramechhap. This study focuses on socio-economic condition, impact of PAF program and socio-cultural change on the process of study out of 471 Households, only 50 Households were selected purposively. Results: PAF focused to disable, women and marginal, transport and communication, empower the target people. The supportive activities were alternative energy to establish poultry farm, forest management, capacity development, drinking water, entrepreneur loan/agriculture loan, increased social mobilization, livestock farming, literacy rate and capital formation at local level...........
Key Words: Constitution; PAF; Partner organization and Community Organization; Revolving Fund; Untouchable Caste; User Committee.
[1]. FAO. (2010). Assessment of Food Security and Nutrition Situation in Nepal, (June).
[2]. John, P. S. (2013). A paper on poverty and personality. Retrieved from Introduction
[3]. Kumar, A., & Das, L. (2015). Monitoring and Evaluation Follow-up Survey -2014 Socio-economic Changes in PAF Intervention Households in Nepal ( 2007-2014 ). Kathmandu.
[4]. MoHP. (2011). Nepal Demographic and Health Survey.
[5]. Pandey, Y. R. (2015). Poverty Alleviation Fund Nepal, Annual Report 2015.
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Abstract: This paper examines the current Syrian question, which began as a result of the Arab Spring revolt both in the Middle East and in Arab North Africa. The research seeks to tease-out the political underpinnings behind the cry for a regime change in Syria since 2011 and how it has earned Syria under President Bashir al Assad the status of a failed state. The study also looks at the unfolding realities amongst different groups in the conflict. The Syrian question is crucial not only to Syria as a nation but also to global politics as a result of its emerging outcomes. The civil war now in its seventh year has exceeded the time frame of World War II with even greater implications for global peace and security in the areas of global migration, Terrorism, the use of weapons of mass destruction such as chemical weapons.............
Key Words: Civil war, Conflict, Global peace, Security, Syria
[1]. ALJAZEERA. (2017). Syria's civil war explained from the beginning. Doha: News 24 Breaking News First.
[2]. Andreani, G. (2007). The 'War on Terror': Good Cause, Wrong Concept. In B. Buzan, International Security Volume IV (pp. 323-325). London: SAGE Publication.
[3]. Bel-Air,F.D (2016) Migration profile Syria Migration Policy centre 2.
[4]. Calabrese, J. (2012). The Regional Implication of the Syria Crisis . Middle East Institute.
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Abstract: Stress types are usually classified based on the source of stress, this is because not all potential stressors have the same force of impact or duration. The study analyzed stress coping styles in medical students. The triggers of stress were: academic overload, emotional problems, illness, lack of social support and alterations of sleep patterns; women present higher frequency of academic stress, they identify more potential stressors than men and maintain lower percentiles in all coping responses, which in men are: Seek of alternative rewards -BR- and emotional discharge -DE-, being of behavioral avoidance, postpone a style of coping that can reduce the impact on stress triggers in the short-term, thus, stress becomes chronic, and they try to distract their attention with alternative rewards or relieve energy through emotional acting out. Women respond by seeking alternative rewards -BR-, positive re-evaluation -RP- and cognitive avoidance -EC-, which, although they immediately reduce the discomfort of stress, do not counteract the sources that originate it, constituting apparent escape routes for coping.
Key Words: Coping strategies, Stress Triggers, Medical Students.
[1]. B. Pozos-Radillo, M. Preciado-Serrano, M. Acosta-Fernández, M. Aguilera-Velasco and D. Delgado-García, M. Luna, Academic stress as a predictor of chronic stress in university students, Psicología Educativa, 20(1), 2014, 47-52.
[2]. B. Pozos-Radillo, M. Preciado-Serrano, A., Plascencia, M. Acosta-Fernández and M. Aguilera-Velasco, Estrés académico y síntomas físicos, psicológicos y comportamentales en estudiantes mexicanos de una universidad pública, Ansiedad y Estrés, 21(1), 2015, 35-42.
[3]. N. Berrío and R. Mazo, Estrés Académico, Revista de Psicología Universidad de Antioquia, 3(2), 2011, 65-82.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to know and analyze the comparability of legal responsibility of medical practice and nursing practice in health services, and to know and analyze the factors that influence the legal responsibility of medical practice and nursing practice in health services. In analyzing the data in this study, the authors used qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques. Qualitative is intended to analyze data that can not be quantified, that is still interpretative.
Key Words: Comparison, Legal, Responsibility.
[1] Ali A Zainal. 2002. Dasar-dasar Keperawatan Profesional. Widya Medika. Yogyakarta.
[2] Aimin dan Hanafiah. 1999. Etika Kedokteran dan Hukum Kesehatan, EGC, Jakarta.
[3] Bahder Johan Nasution. 2005.Hukum Kesehatan Pertanggungjawaban Dokter. Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.
[4] Beni Ahmad Saebani. 2008. Metode Penelitian Hukum. Pustaka Setia. Bandung.
[5] Brockopp, Dorothy Young, Marie T.Hasting-Tolsma.Terjemahan Yasmin Asih, Aniek Maryunani.2000.Jakarta:EGC
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Abstract: The objectives of the research are: To know the way of regulation and procedure of pension SK binding as credit guarantee and to analyze the risks that can occur in the provision of pension credit in PT Bank Yudha Bhakti. Specifically, the research is a normative legal research which is then followed by empirical research, because it is a research done by researching materials that come from library combined with field research / sociology. This study is descriptive, because it wants to describe the legal studies of the guarantee of Pension SK especially for the pensioners. The research approach method is done through normative and sociological jurisdiction, to know the effectiveness of giving credit to the civil servant in practice, especially related to the problem studied.
Key Words: Yuridis Analysis, Giving Credit
[1]. Arikunto, Suharsimi (1996), Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta
[2]. Achmad Ichsan, Dunia Usaha Indonesia, Segi Hukum Segi Manajemen Struktur/Bentuk Hukum, Kebijaksanaan Pemerintahan, Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta, 1986
[3]. Abdul Hay, Marhainis, Hukum Perbankan Di Indonesia, Buku II, Pradnyaparami Paramita, Jakarta, 1976