Version-7 (May-2018)
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Abstract: This study examined Undergraduate Students‟ Perception of Computer Based Examinations in the use of Library 101 computer based examination in LadokeAkintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso in Oyo State, Nigeria. The study covered students taken use of Library 101 examination. Questionnaires were used to generate data. The data collected coveredfive thousand (5000) population of hundred levels (100L) undergraduate students participated in the use of Library 101 computer-based examination. 10% of respondents were randomly selected which form a total number of five hundred respondents. Response rate of 400 out of 500 representing 80% was obtained for the data analysis. The result showed that a significant percentage of the respondents were either doing good or............
Key Words: Computer Base Examination (CBE), Computer, Students, University, Library, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
[1]. Bodmann, S.M. and Robinson, D. H.(2004).Speed and Performance Differences among Computer-Based and Paper-Pencil The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology Volume 11 Issue 4 3 (1), 51-60.
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Abstract: The grandness of housing in the society is recognised by the involvement of both Government and Private developers in the delivery of housing services in major cities across the Federation. Notwithstanding, this has failed to stem housing inadequacies such as development of slums and poor housing quality standards. This empirical study compared public housing and private housing in Abuja. The study utilised both primary and secondary sources of data. Data collected were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study revealed among others, that housing delivery services in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja is of relatively good quality. The study concludes that public housing service delivery is better than private housing service delivery..
Key Words: Housing, Public Housing, Private Housing, Government, Private Sector..
[1]. Abdullahi, C. (2012). Nigeria‟s Housing Policy and Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Strategy: Reflections in Achieving Home Ownership for Low-Income Group in Abuja, Nigeria. Urban Dynamics and Housing Change, 22nd International Housing Conference, 4th -7th July, Istanbul.
[2]. Achunine, B. (1993). National Trends in Housing Production Practices in Nigeria - a case
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[4]. Agbola, T. & Alabi, M. (2000). Sustainable Housing Delivery: Lessons from International Experience. Being Paper presented at the National Workshop on "Sustainable Housing Delivery in Nigeria: Challenges for Public/Private Partnership" Held at Sheraton Hotel, Abuja, between the 5th and 7th June, 2000.
[5]. Akinmoladun, O. & Oluwoye, J. (2007). An Assessment of Why the Problems of Housing Shortages Persist in Developing Countries: A Case of Study of Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria. Pakistan Journal of Social Science, 4(4) 589-598
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Abstract: This research was conducted in Makassar city aiming to: (1) study the patterns of parenting of BNI Makassar Branch Office employees; (2) study changes in patterns of parenting of BNI Makassar Branch Office employees; (3) study the impact of BNI Makassar Branch Office employees' patterns of parenting on their children's social development. It research employs a qualitative approach, which is a research strategy that aims to understand the social reality that can describe the family life of Bank BNI employees in relation to parenting, patterns of parenting, who cares for their children when working, the impact of their busyness on their children, the characteristics of children who get less attention from parents, and the patterns of parenting of Bank employees working with a high level of discipline. The results of this research indicate that: (1) working as a bank employee causes parents not to be.........
Key Words:Parenting, high discipline, business, social development.
[1]. Anonim, Analisis Gender dan Transformasi Sosial (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 1996).
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[5]. Fakih, Mansour, Gender Dan Pembangunan (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 1996).
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Abstract: In the holy land of Kalinga (Orissa) many saints, mystics, and devotional souls have taken birth, from time to time, and have fortified the culture and the spiritualism. The land is witness to most of the important Hindu traditions and spiritual movements. Jewelled by sacred Buddhist monuments to temples of Shakti (the supreme female power), Shiva (the supreme male power), and Jagannāth Vishnu (Lord of the Universe), the state is unique in itself. Most important spiritual rituals have been extensively practised here by several seers - including Buddhist ceremonies, Devi Tantra (tanric rituals involving worship of Shakti), Shaiva Mārg (the path followed by devotees of Lord Shiva), and.............
Key Words: perception, e-citizen, customers, huduma centre, feedback, quality and service
[1]. B.K. Mallik, Medieval Odisha-Literature, Society, Economy, Mayur Publications, Bhubaneswar, 1996, P.19. Ibid,PP.19-20.
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Abstract: Socialization is an incumbent way of building social interaction with the community. The success of the incumbent in building and developing a socialization strategy is crucial to the increasing popularity and incumbent electability. This research findings has two forms of strategy: campaign strategy running and successful team management to run effectively. Campaign running since the incumbent served as reflected in the incumbent way of raising people's welfare. Incumbent in West Sulawesi is relatively successful in improving people's welfare. Successful team management strategy is the way in which informants take the team that communicates its success during governor's term in the second period..
Key Words: Socialization, Current Campaign, Success team and incumbent
[1]. Borgotta, Edgar F, and Montgomery, Rhonda J.V, Encyclopedia of Sociology (USA: Macmillan Reference, 2000).
[2]. Creswell, John W, Research Design Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches (London: Sage Publications, 1994).
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[4]. Jan Mirza, Paracha Sajjad Ahmad, Sultana Irem, Anwar Muhammad, and Ali Skhavat, Public Opinion & Political Socialization Through the Lens of Media, European Journal of Scientific Research, 55(2), 2012, 196-206.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ethics of Indonesian Journalists inthe Era of Media Freedom |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Moch. Syahri |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305073438 ![]() |
Abstract: The Indonesian press has indeed been separated from government intervention. Nevertheless, press freedom is still relevant to discuss. Because as a concept, freedom of Although the press has escaped the authoritarian government pressure. This does not mean that press freedom is over. Apparently, the freedom of the press is not as easy as discussed. the complexity of news production makes journalists have different understanding in interpreting the freedom of the press. This is reflected in the daily practices of journalists. On the other hand, ethics as a guide acts for professional journalists, the spectrum is vast. The extent of the spectrum allows for different interpretations and practices in daily news coverage activities.the press is a liquid concept that is easy to talk about, but very complex at the level of implementation. Speaking of press freedom, this will always be related to the professionalism.........
Key Words: press freedom, ethics, media ethics.
[1]. Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (2013) Laporan Tahunan (Aliansi Jurnalis Independen) AJI 2013 Etika Media di Tahun Politik. Jakarta:AJI.
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[4]. Borden, Sandra L. Bower, Peggy. (2009). Ethical Tension in News Making:What Journalism Has in Common with Other Prefessions. Wahl, Karin. Hanitzsch, Thomas (edited). The Handbook Journalism Studies. New York:Routledge
[5]. Cohen, Raphael. Almagor. (200). Speech, Media and Ethics The Limits of Free Expression; Critical Studies on Freedom of Expression, Freedom of The Press and The Public Right to Know. New York:Palgrave
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Abstract: This study assessed the causes of Youth violence and conflict management in Kaptembwo Estate Nakuru County ; Kenya. The Study was purposively selected for the study as it was one of the epicenters of post election violence in Kenya in 2007-2008. An exploratory and descriptive reseach design was adopted, employing cross sectional survey with use of questionnaires and key informant guides to obtain in-depth information about the community. The study employed homogeneous sampling technique that reduced variations and simplified analysis to the target population. A systematic purposive non probability sampling, snowball technique and ethnography techniques were employed to identify key study informants who included youth leaders and youth groups, Goverment official, elders and religious leaders. Both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods were employed..........
Key Words: Youth Violence, Conflict Management, Kaptembwo Estate, Nakuru County..
[1]. Akiwumi Commission (2008). Report of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry Appointed to Inquire into the Tribal Clashes.
[2]. Altemeyer, B., & Hunsberger, H. (2004). A revised religious fundamentalism. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 32(2010) 217-238.
[3]. Anderson, D. (2002). Vigilantes, Violence and the Politics of Public Order in Kenya, Journal of Contemporary History, 4(3), 547-564.
[4]. Bagonko, J. (1992) International Journal of international relations and research. Working paper (No. 46 2014) Nairobi Kenya Institute for Public Policy political Ideologies and Polices.
[5]. Bates, S. L. (2008). Subverting the Power of Prejudice. Downers Grove: Intervarsity..
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Abstract: The study examined collective bargaining and industrial harmony in higher institutions in Delta State, with a focus on Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro. The study adopted the survey research design involving the administration of questionnaires to a sampled population. The results of the study showed that while collective bargaining is a veritable instrument for ensuring industrial harmony, the collective barging process as a tool for promoting industrial harmony has been inundated by problems such as corrupt practices, leadership tussle, political interest/affiliations of union leaders and weak legal framework for successful implementation of collective agreement. The study further revealed that collective bargaining in Ozoro polytechnic is seriously undermined by the activities of the management of Ozoro polytechnic, zero sum nature of governance, political interest of union leaders, poor negotiating skills and idiosyncratic behavior of labour union leaders in Ozoro polytechnic. Based on these findings..........
Key Words: Collective Bargaining, Labour Union, Government, Industrial harmony, Higher Institutions.
[1]. Adebo, A (2000). Industrial Relations and Wage Determination: Failure of the Anglo Saxon Model, Journal of Developing Administration, Vol. 3(9).
[2]. Adeogun, A (2002). Industrial Relations and the Law" in T. O. Elias, (ed.) Law and Development (Lagos: University of Lagos Press.
[3]. Adeogun, A. A. (1987). "The Legal Framework of Collective Bargaining in Nigeria". In Otobo, D. & Omole, M. (eds). Readings in Industrial Relations in Nigeria. Lagos: Malthouse Press Ltd, Lagos
[4]. Ahiauzu, A (1999). The African Industrial Man (Port Harcourt: CIMRAT Publications.
[5]. Aiyede, R (2008). Strikes and Industrial Conflict, Macmillan, London.
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Abstract: This article seeks to understand how companies have been concerned with the well-being of their employees, since the valuation of people brings the increase of productivity as one of the main results of investment. The valuation method has been applied since antiquity, where people were rewarded for the services rendered. Importantly, man has gained over time different ways of being rewarded. We then try to understand the influence of the leader's behavior on the motivation of the employees? Analyzing the difficulties that companies have to bring a quality of life to employees and how the attitudes of a leadership can impact or interfere in the performance of productivity and quality of life. For this purpose, information was collected in a business organization through a questionnaire of employees in order to assess the influence of leadership behavior on employee motivation. Some conclusions through the questionnaire can be pointed out, among which, most of the interviewees indicate...........
Key Words: Leadership, motivation and productivity
[1]. CHIAVENATO, I. Gestão de pessoas. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2004.
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[5]. ____________. Comportamento Organizacional: a dinâmica do sucesso das organizações Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2005.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | CHRISTIANITY: Catalyst for the Revival of Family Pastoral Care |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr Cyril Arima |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2305077483 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper is a focus on Christianity as a catalyst for the revival of family pastoral care in the West Nile Region of Uganda. Christianity is the second world religion that came to be known after Islam in the west Nile Region of Uganda - after the failure of Islam as an instrument of family pastoral care in the same region. Christians were not only prayerful people but generous in support of everybody including non-Christians, especially Muslims in the region. Christians are accused of promoting division in the region among themselves, and between Christians and non-Christians as some Christians are involved in promoting drug abuse, criminal and immoral behaviour in the region...
Key Words: CHRISTIANITY; Catalyst; Revival; Family; Pastoral; Care
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[3]. Arima, C., 2017, "Family Pastoral Care as the Church‟s task in Nation Building in the West Nile Region‟, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation in Practical Theology, Faculty of Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology, Pretoria: University of South Africa (UNISA).
[4]. Arua One 88.7 FM., 2008, "Romantic Zone‟, in Programme Schedule, Arua - Uganda: Islamic Media Centre, Thursday – 21 August:1.
[5]. Arua One, 2009, "Romantic Zone‟, in Station Profile, Arua, Uganda: Islamic Business Media Adomi Road:1..