Version-3 (August-2017)
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Abstract: The main intention to write this article is to determine the level of awareness and perception of Moroccan consumers through evaluating their connection to the environment, trust in green advertising promoted by companies and willingness to purchase green products. A survey was conducted to gather responses from online respondents using the social media website. Two hundred and two respondents have responded to the one week survey time, to a 24 questions questionnaire. The findings show that generally, the Moroccan consumers have some environmental awareness and a significant positive influence towards green advertising on their behaviour. The theoretical and managerial implications of these findings will be discussed.
Keywords: Consumer behaviour, environmental awareness, environmental concerns, environmental consumption, green advertising.
[1]. J. Budinsky, S. Bryant, "It's Not Easy Being Green: The Greenwashing of Environmental Discourses in Advertising", Canadian Journal of Communication Corporation, Vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 207-226, 2013.
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[3]. L. Richards, "Examining Green Advertising and Its Impact on Consumer Skepticism and Purchasing Patterns", The Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications • Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013.
[4]. C. Synodinos, A, Lian Bevan-Dye, N. de Klerk, "Influence of Conative Attitudes towards Green Advertising on Black Generation Y Students' Environmental Behaviour", Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 4, no 3, pp. 17-24, 2013.
[5]. G. K. Dagher, O. Itani, A. N. Kassar, "The Impact of Environment Concern and Attitude on Green Purchasing Behaviour: Gender as The Moderator", Contemporary Management Research, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 179-206, 2015.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Growth and Development in the Moroccan Banking System |
Country | : | Morocco |
Authors | : | PhD Badr MACHRAFI |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1908031222 ![]() |
Abstract: The banking system has withheld since a long time the attention of economists following the place and role played on the economic and social level. As well, the financial crises over the past twenty years have revived research on understanding the origin of the operational world of cycles of economic activity. In this sense, the work who are interested in the study of the relationship between the Economic and the banking system, introduce several factors which bring us back to other theories relating to the concepts of social capital, psychological and to take account of the situation of the economic system and the opening of the financial system. The objective of our empirical study...........
Keywords: Growth, Bank, economic conditions, Morocco, African economy, financial system, banking system, economic indicators, banking indicator, financial cycle, economic cycle, fluctuations and economic equilibrium, correlation, causality relation.
[1]. Aghion, P., D. Hemous and R. Veugelers, "No Green Growth Without Innovation." Bruegel Policy Brief 7. Brussels: Bruegel, 2009.
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Abstract: This research aims to determine and analyze the influence of locus of control and organizational culture on ethical decision-making. Data were obtained from 40 auditors working at BPKP Representatives of Southeast Sulawesi Province. The hypothesis of this research was analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis method. The results of this research indicate that the locus of control has a positive and significant effect on auditor ethical decision-making. Organizational culture has a positive and significant impact on auditor ethical decision-making. Locus of control and organizational culture simultaneously have a positive and significant impact on auditor ethical decision-making.
Keywords: locus of control, organizational culture and ethical decision-making
[1]. Alindra, Apan Ivan. 2015. Analysis of Organizational Culture Influence On Employee Performance Depok Sports Center. Thesis. Yogyakarta: Faculty of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University.
[2]. Dewi, Putu Purnama. 2015. The Influence of Experience, Orientation of Ethics, Commitment and Organizational Culture on Sensitivity of the Auditor's Ethics Board of Financial Control and Development of Bali Province Representative. Thesis. Denpasar: Udayana University Graduate Program.
[3]. Esa, Indo. 2014. Influence of Behavior and Dilemma of Auditor Ethics on Decision Making (Empirical Study on KAP and BPK-RI Makassar). Thesis. Makassar: Faculty of Economics Hasanuddin University.
[4]. Ghozali, Imam. 2016. Applications Multivariate Analysis with IBM SPSS 23 program. Semarang: Diponegoro University Publishing Agency
[5]. Lubis, Arfan Ikhsan. 2010. Behavioral Accounting Edition 2. Jakarta: Four Salemba.
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Abstract: Hospital quality comprises of technical and functional components. What is in the purview of the patient is the functional quality. The patient makes a choice of hospital depending on this functional quality. On the other hand, doctors and Medical Insurance Providers have access to data on technical (clinical) quality. Doctors and Medical Insurance Providers have close interactions with the patients...........
[1]. W. Beckert, M. Christensen and K. Collyer, "Choice of NHS-Funded Hospital Services In England," The Economic Journal, p.
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[3]. D. A. Argue, "An economic model of competition between general hospitals and physician owned specialty facilities," The
Antitrust Bulletin: Vol. 52, Nos. 3 & 4, pp. 347-369, 2007.
[4]. N. A. B. M. Ketelaar, M. J. Faber, G. Elwyn, G. P. Westert and J. C. Braspenning, "Comparative performance information plays
no role in the referral behaviour of GPs," BMC Family Practice, p. 15:146, 2014.
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patients' preferences regarding the place of treatment heard and addressed at the point of referral: an exploratory study based on
observations of GP-patient consultations," BMC Family Practice, p. 14:189, 2013.
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Abstract: This research is conducted based on business phenomena in which there is a changing paradigm of hotel customer from needconventional product facility to environmentally friendly facilities so affect the low level of hotel occupancy (HO), therefore to fill the business gap, this study is conducted to analyze the influence of green products towards customer satisfaction in improving environment-based occupancy hotels. The population this study consisted of customers of green hotel. The respondents for this study were 130 respondents who had been pick up randomly to make the questionnaire easier to answer. The data were collected and analyzed by using Statistic Program Social Sciences (SPSS)..............
Keywords: Green Product, Customer Satisfaction, Hotel
[1]. Yahya Arief,Press conference: Kementeriaan Pariwisawata dalam Anugrah Green Hotel Award 2015 Hotel,, 5 Oct2015. 2015
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[5]. Millar M, Karl JM, Seyhmus B, Importance of Green Hotel Attributes to Business and Leisure Travelers, Journal Of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 21:395–413, 2012. 2012
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Supply Chain Management in Textile Sector: A Sequential Process |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Priyanshu Raparia |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1908034350 ![]() |
Abstract: The Textile industry is a long chain including raw materials production, complement production, clothing production and so on. SCM concept is made possible as a conventional management tool for all manufactures are to strive to improve their product quality, to reduce their product and service cost and to shorten their product delivery and response time in a highly competitive market
[5]. Supply Chain Management: 5th edition strategy, planning and operation (Old Edition) by Sunil Chopra
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An assessment of challenges of Vision 2020 Umurenge Program on Poverty Reduction in Rwanda |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mukakibibi Dorothee |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1908035156 ![]() |
Abstract: This study was undertaken to discover the challenges experienced by the Vision 2020 Umurenge program on reducing poverty in Rwanda. The study was empirical in nature, based on primary data collected through a researcher developed questionnaire and interview guide. The study used a descriptive and a cross-sectional survey design. A sample size of 188 respondents was selected using cluster, purposive and systematic random sampling techniques. Analysis was done using frequency counts and analysis of major themes from the interview qualitative data.............
Keywords: Umurunge, challenges, public works, financial services, direct support
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[5]. Governement of Rwanda ( 2011) . Vision 2020 umurenge program, Annual report 2009/2010
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Abstract: The application of innovative teaching and learning methods is critical if we are to motivate and engender a spirit of learning as well as enthusiasm on the part of students, for learning while at universities and indeed for lifelong learning. The role of education is to ensure that while academic staffs do teach, what is taught should also be intelligible to students emanating from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and that they rapidly become familiar with the expected standards........
Keywords: Innovative Teaching and Learning, Short-Lectures, Role-Play, Simulation, Portfolios, Problem-Based Learning.
[1] Hamilton, A. (2010). Innovative teaching strategies for student-centered learning: Utilizing Honey & Mumford's Learning Styles.
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[5] Steven, M. & Jennifer, K. (2004). Integrating Scientifically Based and Design Experiment Research.
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Abstract: This study was conducted to examine the importance of Employee Loyalty in Organizational Performance and hence the feasibility of its subsequent inclusion into Performance Evaluations. The 411 respondents in this study were randomly selected participants of an internet based survey (restricted to the group of working people aged 20-60). The significant majority share the opinion of having their loyalty acknowledged and rewarded. A survey was conducted by using a questionnaire through online survey form for gathering information about Employee Loyalty, relating it to Organizational Performance and taking the respondent's opinion of its inclusion into Performance Evaluations.
Keywords: Employee Loyalty, Organization Performance, Performance Evaluation
[1] Abu-Doleh, J., & Weir, D. (2007). Dimensions of performance appraisal systems in Jordanian Private and Public organizations. The International Journal of Human Resource Management,18(1):Pg.75–84.
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[4] Boltanski, L., & Eve, C. (2001). The New Spirit of Capitalism. French Review of Sociology, 42(1):Pg.171–176.
[5] Colle, R. (2006). L'Influence De La Grh A La Carte Sur La Fidelite Des Salaries: Le Role Du Sentiment D'Auto-Determination.
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Abstract: The position of this paper was aimed at investigating on how entrepreneurship education can equip the Nigerian youths in attaining self actualization and efficiency. The benefits of entrepreneurship education are innumerable. In a world where chances of getting white-collar jobs are becoming slimmer by the day, this situation will no doubt tell negatively on the society and the most hit most times are the youths. There is no telling the effects of this kind of situation on the youths, and they will for sure, resort to means of survival which most times are negative. The youths who are the future of this country, need to be taught on how to be job creators and not job seekers. This is a theoretical review............
Keywords: Education, Entrepreneurship education, Youth, Skill acquisition, Development, Self efficiency.
[1] Chinonye, L.E. (2015). Entrepreneurship: A conceptual approach (2nd Ed). Lagos: Punmak Nigeria Limited.
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Abstract: Coconuts can be utilized and processed into various types of products, such as raw materials of oil, virgin coconut oil (VCO), soaps, cosmetics, food and beverages, medicines, building materials, furniture, home furnishings, etc. Coconut husk is processed into rope and doormat, coco fiber and coco powder (cocodust) is processed into wall silencer, particle wood, planting media, mat, car seat, spring bedding, and others. The purpose of this research is empower the community of VCO makers with the application of centrifugal technology and the application of membrane technology is to increase the quantity and quality of production of VCO maker in Sumberingin Village, Karangan Subdistrict..........
Keywords: Home Industry, VCO, Centrifus, Trenggalek
[1] Arif, L., (2006), Minyak VCO bersifat antibakteri, antivirus, dan antiprotozoa,http//:www.minyak
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[3] Corten, David, C.(1986), "Community Development (Asia Experience)", Kumarian Express. USA.
[4] Christian, Laras., dan Prakoso, Adi., (2009), Pembuatan Minyak Kelapa Murni (VCO) Dengan Metode Fermentasi Dengan Ragi Tempe, Laporan Hasil Penelitian, Fakultas TeknikKimia Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Diakses 1 April 2014 dari 102311509200909421.pdfDepartemen Kesehatan, (1981), Daftar Komposisi bahan Makanan, Direktorat Gizi Bhrata karyaAksara, Jakarta.
[5] Edahwati, Luluk., (2011), Aplikasi Penggunaan Enzym Papain dan Bromelin Terhadap Perolehan VCO, Penerbit UPN Press, Surabaya. Diakses 3 April 2014 dari
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Abstract: Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) perform a vital role in corporate finance by enabling firms achieve varied objectives and financial strategies.In Kenya banks have been merging with the goal of improving their financial performance. Studies done on mergers and acquisitions have not conclusively established whether or not banks benefit from mergers. Therefore this study aims at establishing the effect of mergers and acquisitions on financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The study will be guided by the following objectives; to find out the effect of asset growth, shareholders value............
Keywords: Acquisitions, Asset growth, Financial Performance, Mergers, Shareholders' value, Synergy
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[4] Kouser. R (2011). Effect of Business Combination on Financial Performance. Evidence from Pakistan Banking Sector. Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, pp 54-64.
[5] Central Bank. (2017). Banking Annual Supervision Report. Nairobi: Government Printers