Version-8 (August-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Influence of Talent Management on Organizational Growth |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Jane Mwanzi || Susan Wamitu || Michael Kiama |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1908080136 ![]() |
Abstract: The local and global success of organizations is largely determined by the ability to employ talented people (best performers) and implement talent management processes encompassing the talent identification, selection, recruitment, retention, development and deployment of talented people with required skills. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the influence of talent management on organizational growth of private hospitals in Nyeri County. The specific objective of the study was to investigate the influence of talent identification, talent nurturing, cultural diversity and workplace environment on organizational growth of private hospitals in Nyeri County. The study analyzed............
[1]. Aberdeen Group Inc. /Human Capital Institute (2011) Retaining talent: Retention and succession in the corporate workforce: International Journal of Human Resource, Boston
[2]. Ahern et al., (2012) Understanding the Influence of National Culture on the Development of Trust: International Journal of Cross culture: Academy of Management
[3]. Allen D. G. (2012). Retaining talent: A guide to analyzing and managing employee turnover: Alexandria, USA: University of Warwick.
[4]. Anderson A. (2013) How to Manage Diversity in a Workplace: International Journal of Diversity Management: Demand Media, Hearst Communication Inc.
[5]. Arber S. (2001) Designing samples. In: Gilbert N, ed. Researching Social Life. London: SAGE Publications..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Customer Value Creation Behaviour in Health Care Services |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Hemant Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1908083741 ![]() |
Abstract: In recent time, the healthcare sector undergone a number of transformation in terms of adaptation of technology and more customer centric approach. Focusing on customer, the major challenge is to provide value based healthcare services. Patients have long obtained a passive role when receiving healthcare services. However, the emerging service-dominant logic suggests that value is always co-created between the service provider and the service recipient. In the view service-dominant logic value of healthcare services can be increased when the physician and patient co-create that value together. Focusing on the importance of customer in-role and extra-role during service delivery.This study can provide theoretical back ground for the outcome of customer co-creation behaviours and the factors.............
[1]. Badcott, D. (2005). Employing patient expertise: Introduction to the theme. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 8(2), 147-148. [2]. Badcott, D. (2005). The expert patient: valid recognition or false hope?. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 8(2), 173-178..
[3]. Becker, G. M., DeGroot, M. H., & Marschak, J. (1964). Measuring utility by a single‐response sequential method. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 9(3), 226-232.
[4]. Chang, T. Z., & Wildt, A. R. (1994). Price, product information, and purchase intention: An empirical study. Journal of the Academy of Marketing science, 22(1), 16-27.
[5]. Chen, Z., & Dubinsky, A. J. (2003). A conceptual model of perceived customer value in e‐commerce: A preliminary investigation. Psychology & Marketing, 20(4), 323-347.
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Abstract: "Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity. If by strength is meant moral power, then women is immeasurable man's superior. If non-violence is the law of our being, the future is with women" – Mahatma Gandhiji. Women constitute half of the Indian population. Indian women made themselves free from clutches of the society where women were treated only as a show piece and confined to four walls of life. Today women scenario has changed from four walls to entrepreneurship due to Economic Liberalization, Globalization and Privatization. Women entered the corporate world not only as a job seeker but also a job giver. So, in this paper an attempt is made to understand role of women entrepreneurs in development of Indian Economy..........
Keywords : Women Entrepreneurs, Role of Women Entrepreneur
[1]. Vargheese Antony Jesurajan S. and Edwin Gnanadhas M. (2011), "A study on the factors motivating Women to become Entrepreneurs in Tirunelveli District", Asian Journal of Business and Economics, Vol. 1, No.1, p.2.
[2]. Vijaykumar A and Jayachitra S. (2013), "Women Entrepreneurs in India – Emerging Issues and Challenges", International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 3, Issue.4, p.014.
[3]. Rajini and Mehta S. (2014), "Challenges faced by Women Entrepreneurs in India", TMIMT International Journal, Vol. 1, Issue -2, p.3.
[4]. Sweety Gupta and Aanchal Aggarwal (2015), "Opportunities and Challenges faced by Women Entrepreneurs in India, Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 17, Issue-8, p.70.
[5]. Ranbir Singh (2015), "Women Entrepreneurship Issues, Challenges and Empowerment through Self Help Groups: An Overview of Himachal Pradesh", International Journal of Demogratic and Development Studies, Vol. 1, No.1, p.52.
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Abstract: This study investigated corporate governance and organizational performance with emphases on the Nigerian manufacturing industry. The survey research design was used for the study and data collected were mainly from secondary sources. Ordinary least square regression technique was used in analyzing the data. Based on the empirical results, the study revealed that Board size, Board composition and audit committee size have significant effect on return on capital employed. Conclusively, recent global incidences of corporate failures have heralded the consciousness for the adoption of good corporate governance for sustained firm value. Therefore, it is expedient for manufacturing...........
Keywords: Board size, Board composition, Audit committee size, Organizational performance, ROCE[1]. Adebuyo, M. Ibrahim A. O. Yusuf, B. & Omah I. (2014). Good Corporate Governance and Organizational Performance: An Empirical Analysis. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 4(7) 170-178.
[2]. Aguilera, R. V. & Jackson, G. (2003). The Cross-national Diversity of Corporate Governance: Dimensions and Determinants. The Academy of Management Review 28(3) 447-465.
[3]. Akinsulire, O. (2006). Financial Management (9th ed.) Lagos: El-Toda Ventures.
[4]. Ammar, A. G. Asif, S. & Ammar Abid (2013). Corporate Governance and Performer: An Empirical Evidence from the Textile Sector of Pakistan, African Journal of Business Management 7(22) 2112-2118.
[5]. Babatunde, A. & Olaniran, O. (2009). The Effect of Internal and External Mechanism on Governance and Performance of Corporate Firms in Nigeria. Journal of Corporate Ownership & Control 7(2) 330-344.
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Abstract: Regarding researches in recent decades, religions caused different levels of gender bias which led to restrictions for women in family life as well as their career development. This study was to examine the impact of religion to gender stereotypes in management in diversified religious context of Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). In which, the respondents who were 210 students from 19 countries, 5 different religions and are studying in three main schools of AIT. The Schein Descriptive Index included 92 items was utilized in this study with three various categoriesnamely successful managers............
Key Words: Religion, Gender stereotypes, Schein Descriptive Index, Successful manager, Men, Women
[1] V. Yukongdi, and J., Benson, Women in Asian management (Routledge, 2013).
[2] V.E., Schein, The relationship between sex role stereotypes and requisite management characteristics, Journal of applied psychology, 57(2), 1973, 95.
[3] V.E., Schein, Relationships between sex role stereotypes and requisite management characteristics among female managers,Journal of applied psychology, 60(3), 1975, 340.
[4] Weinrach, & G., Stephen, Determinants of vocational choice: Holland's theory, Career choice and development, 1984, 61-93.
[5] M.E., Heilman, C.J., Block, R.F.,Martell, and M.C., Simon., Has anything changed? Current characterizations of men, women, and managers, Journal of applied psychology, 74(6), 1989,935.
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Abstract: Every government relies on taxrevenue as the main source of finance for its expenditure. The Ghana Revenue Authority(GRA) is a legal body mandated by the Ghana Revenue Authority Act, 2009 (Act 791)to mobilizes tax revenue from both direct and indirect source. The study is a quantitativeresearch that sought to evaluate the efficiency of tax revenue mobilizationby Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA). Financial data were downloaded fromthe website of Ghana RevenueAuthority (GRA) and Controller & Accountant General Department (CAGD) over a five (5) years period(2010 to 2014).Microsoft Excel (Ms-Excel) was used to compute efficiency rate (), importance rate (total tax revenue.........
Key words: Performance, Ghana Revenue Authority, Tax revenue mobilization, etc
[1]. Government of Ghana. (2014). Public Accounts. Controller and Accountant General Department. Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MoFEP).Republic of Ghana.
[2]. Government of Ghana. (2013). Public Accounts. Controller and Accountant General Department. Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MoFEP).Republic of Ghana.
[3]. Government of Ghana. (2012). Public Accounts. Controller and Accountant General Department. Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MoFEP).Republic of Ghana.
[4]. Government of Ghana. (2011). Public Accounts. Controller and Accountant General Department. Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MoFEP).Republic of Ghana.
[5]. Government of Ghana. (2010). Public Accounts. Controller and Accountant General Department. Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MoFEP). Republic of Ghana.
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Abstract: This paper is about how regulatory stress testing is rapidly emerging as one of the most powerful tools for determining bank capital levels. While it provides the authorities with unique insights into the resilience of the banking industry, it also gives banks the ability to spot emerging risks, uncover weak spots and take preventive action. The Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) in the US demonstrates that group-wide regulatory stress tests are complex, resource intensive exercises that require extensive senior management and Board engagement. The study has examined how banks carry out regulatory stress tests. To assess and manage "stress testing risk", banks need...............
Keywords: CCAR, Stress Testing, Risk, Capital Adequacy, Board of Directors, Dodd-Frank Act, Front Office, Regulatory Expectations
[1]. Newsletter from Federal Reserve
[2]. Guidance by Federal Reserve on CCAR and Banking Regulation
[3]. Comprehensive capital analysis review by New York Fed
[4]. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd – Frank Act)
[5]. Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, "Principles for Sound Stress Testing Practices and Supervision," Basel, Switzerland: Bank for International Settlements, May 2009..
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Abstract: Since it is a known fact that the point de depart of Nostra Aetate1 is the recognition of diversity, pluralism, and inclusiveness in modern society in its declaration more than forty years ago, it is the aim of this paper to point out the pedagogical problems and difficulties underlying the continued and intentional segregation of children from the same or within the same society based on religious belief and faith, especially in line with the noble intention of the same document to enhance mutual relations with other non-Christian religions, especially Muslims and Jews (as well as Buddhists, Hinduists) etc. There are two ways of looking at this: from the point of view of the type of education..........
Keywords: Nostra aetate, Vatican, Religions and Society
[1]. Nostra Aetate is a Document of the Catholic Church issued by the Vatican II Council Fathers on 28th October, 1965 declaring the relationship of the Church to non-Christian Religions. It is a document that promotes sincere dialogue between different religions, especially with Muslims. This is its relevance in this article contextualized in Nigeria where Muslims and Christians, as well as traditional religionists must live together as brothers and sisters.
[2]. Cf. Thelen, E. & Smith, L.B., "Dynamic systems theories", in W. Damon & R.M. Lerner (eds.), Handbook of Child Psychology vol. 1, New York: Wiley, 1998, p.587. The key feature of such dynamic systems is that they are composed of very many individual, often heterogeneous parts: molecules, cells, individuals, species. The patterns organise themselves.
[3]. We know that it was the open-minded and sincere dialogue initiated by Pope John XXIII, the convoker of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), consisting of more than 2000 bishops from all parts of the world that gave birth to the document , the "Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions" (Nostra Aetate, or "In these our times").
[4]. Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and Islam are mentioned specifically but the teaching is not limited to those four religions. That is why the text states that the Church sees in other religions "a hidden power present in the events of human history
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Abstract: Every Religion دين or ددددد has its fundamental truth, which is sometimes misrepresented by some of its own adherents and external prejudice. Such misrepresentations may lead to some myths and conceptions, which rarely present such a religion in a positive light. It happens to Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and Islam. In this paper, we shall concentrate on Islam by projecting some of its basic truths, especially as it relates to the Qur'anic injunction to maintain a healthy relationship with others (Surah 42:43). The love of kindred advocated by the aforementioned Qur'anic verse may be extended to mean the love of our common humanity, for all mankind are.........
Keywords: Religion, Islam, Christians and Peace.
[1]. Clark, M., T., (ed.) (1972) An Aquinas Reader: Selections from the writings of Thomas Aquinas. New York: A Doubleday Image Book.
[2]. Zepp, I.G. (1992) A Muslim Primer: Beginner's Guide to Islam, London: Sheed & Ward Ltd.
[3]. Moussalli, A., S. (1998) "Islamic Fundamentalist Perceptions of other monotheistic Religions", in Islam and Christianity: Mutual Perception since the mid-20th Century, Waardenburg, J. (ed.), Leuven: Uitgeverij Peeters.
[4]. Mitri, T. (2000) "Reflections on Mutual Perceptions and Dialogue", in Muslim-Christian Perceptions of Dialogue Today: Experiences and Expectations, Waardenburg, J. (ed.), Leuven: Uitgeverij Peeters.
[5]. Wagner, W., H. (2008) Opening the Qur'an. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame