Version-4 (August-2017)
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Abstract: Stock investment decisions are influenced by different factors when certain information prevails in the capital market. Demographic factors are considered as one of the decisions influencing factor among others. This study examines the association between certain demographic factors and decisions of the investors particularly when different companies announce dividend on their stocks. In this paper, the empirical analysis is conducted in two stages. First, the demographic factors such as age, education level, occupation, experience and income level of investors are evaluated individually and then the decisions of the general investors of buying, selling and holding stock during dividend declaration has been identified through a structured questionnaire. Questionnaires are distributed to a random sample of 300 general investors of Dhaka Stock Exchange, Bangladesh. Using Chi-square test...........
Keywords: dividend, demographic factors, investors' decisions, stock market, stock exchange.
[1] Ahmed, S. P., Ullah, G. W., &Tanzia, R. A. (2014). Factors Affecting the Stock Price Variability of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE). Independent Business Review, 7(2), 61.
[2] Clark, P. K. (1973). A subordinated stochastic process model with finite variance for speculative prices. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 135–15.
[3] Crouch, R. L. (1970). The volume of transactions and price changes on the New York Stock Exchange. Financial Analysts Journal, 104–109
[4] Morgan, I. G. (1976). Stock prices and heteroscedasticity. The Journal of Business, 49(4), 496–508.
[5] Babajide, A. A., &Adetiloye, K. A. (2012). Investors' behavioural biases and the security market: An empirical study of the Nigerian security market. Accounting and Finance Research, 1(1), 219–229..
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Abstract: several firms have started to take up the concept of outsourcing, but there are certain firms who are in doubt on taking the path of outsourcing. This is because the nature of global market such as competitiveness and uncertainty are currently presented in the world's economy. Many companies have outsourced before and companies mainly outsource to achieve the benefits of cost reduction. However, there is a problem for these companies to achieve a positive result out of outsourcing as they hoped for. The research highlights the benefits and possible problems associated with outsourcing in China Communication Construction Commission (CCCC). This paper puts a light on human resource outsourcing activities, benefits and its consequences on international Chinese construction commission..........
Keywords: Outsourcing, Performance of international firms.
[1] Dad, A.&Iqbal,Z.(2013) Outsourcing: A Review of Trends, Winners &Losers and Future Directions. International Journal of Business and Social Science 4(8):pp.91-109.
[2] Quinn,J.(2013) Strategic Outsourcing:Leveraging Knowledge Capabilities;Image 34
[3] Kakabadse,A.P.& Kakabadse,N.(2000). Critical review outsourcing:A paradigm Shift. The journal of Management Development,19(8):670-701.
[4] Mclvor, R. (2003). Outsourcing Insights from the telecommunications Industry, Supply Chain Management.Bradford, 8(4):380-94.
[5] Feeny, D.F.,Lacity,M.&Willcocks,L.P.(2005). Taking the measure of Outsourcing Providers:Successful outsourcing of back office business function requires knowing not only your company's needs but also the 12 core capabilities that are key criteria for screening suppliers. Sloan Management Review, 46(3):41-49
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Abstract: Competency is any attitude, skill, behaviour, motive, or other personal characteristics i.e. essential for an individual to perform a job or, more importantly, differentiate "solid" form "outstanding" performance. This present study deals with the variations in the Entrepreneurial Competencies among the MBA students due to their preferred specializion namely finance , marketing and HRM. The study is based on primary source of data collected through the field survey with 152 MBA students. The stratified random sampling technique was adopted and the relevant statistical methodology was adopted for the analysing purpose.
Keywords: Out standing, Competency, Specialisation, MBA, Stratified random sampling
[1] Firdaus Abdullah (university technology MARA, Sarawak, Malaysia), Jamil Hamali (university technology MARA, Sarawak, Malaysia), Abdul Rahman Deen (university technology MARA, Sarawak, Malaysia), GlumaSaban (university technology MARA, Sarawak, Malaysia). "Developing a framework of success of Bumiputera entrepreneurs". Emeral Group publishing limited 2009.
[2] J Krithika and B Venkatachalam. "A study on impact of subjective norms on entrepreneurial intention among the business students Bangalore". IOSR journal of business and management (IOSR-JBM) Volume 16 May 2014.
[3] Jensen S and Luthan F (2006). "Relationship between entrepreneurs psychological capital and their authentic leadership". Journal of managerial issues, xviii (2); 254-273.
[4] Gartner (1988). "Who is an entrepreneur? Is the wrong question". American journal of small business 12 (4). 11-32.
[5] Bird B (1995). "Toward a theory of entrepreneurial competency", advances in entrepreneur firm, emergence and growth. JAI press 2, 51-72..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Assessing Working Mothers' Quality Of Life: An Empirical Study |
Country | : | Bangladesh. |
Authors | : | Fathema Farjana Hani |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1908041722 ![]() |
Abstract: Women are now stepping into paid workforce for various reasons. But multiple roles make pressure to maintain balance in dual spare like family and work. This paper contemplates the present scenario of quality of work life of working mothers working at private banks. Conflict between work and family deteriorate the quality of work life. The findings of the research show some factors that pose intimidation on daily life of working mothers'. Management needs to make a step for better productivity by perceiving the work-life of a working mother.
Keywords: Working mothers, Multiple roles, Management, Quality of life, Sylhet metropolitan city
[1] Maiya, Sahana and M. M. Bagali, An Empirical Investigation on Work-life Balance Among Working Mothers: Emerging HRM Interventions. International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, 1(5), 2014,April-June, 165-176.
[2] G. Delina and R.P. Raya, A Study on Work-Life Balance in Working Women. International Journal of Commerce, Business and Management. 2(5), 2013, 274-282.
[3] C.K. Fu, and M.A. Shaffer, The Tug of Work and Family: Direct and Indirect Domain-Specific Determinants of WFC. Personnel Review. 30(5), 2001, 502-522.
[4] J.H. Greenhaus, and N.J. Beutell, Sources of Conflict Between Work and Family Roles. Academy of Management Review. 10(1), 1985, 76-88.
[5] R.G. Netemeyer, J.G. Maxham, and C. Pulling, Work-family Conflict, Job Stress, and Customer Service Performance. Working paper. McIntire School of Commerce, The University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. 2003.
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Abstract: Dividend decisions continue to fascinate scholars and researchers all around the world. Determinants of dividend payout have been widely investigated but results are not always consistent. This paper investigated how well current after tax earnings and prior dividends influence dividend decisions at the Nairobi Securities exchange using panel data of 40 companies listed in various sectors of the stock market over a period of eleven years (2000-2010). By employing a multiple regression model, a significant positive association between prior dividends and current earnings is established.............
Keywords: Determinants, Dividend policy, Nairobi Securities Exchange,
[1] Al-Malkawi, H.N. (2007). Determinants of corporate dividend policy in Jordan: an application of the Tobit model. Journal of Economic & Administrative Sciences, 23(2), 44 – 70.
[2] Amidu, M., & Abor, J. (2006). Determinants of dividend payout ratios in Ghana. TheJournal of Risk Finance, 7 (2), 136-145.
[3] Bartram, S. M. et al. (2009). Agency Conflicts and Corporate Payout Policies: A Global Study.
[4] Bhattacharya, S. (1980). Imperfect Information, Dividends Policy, and the "Bird-in-the- Hand" fallacy. Journal of Economics, 10, 259-270.
[5] Bulla, D. (2013). Determination of optimum dividend policy: Empirical evidence from listed firms at the Nairobi Security Exchange. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 1 (2) 60-66.
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Abstract: Today, the world is grappling with the effects of global warming and the resultant climate change. These effects threaten lives and livelihoods at a gigantic scale. Research indicates that should climate change continue unabated, the live supporting systems on earth will be depleted. These include clean water supplies, clean air and soils able to support agriculture among others. Without these systems, it is difficult to imagine of human or any other life on earth. Environmental conservation and preservation measures have however been shown to halt and reverse global warming. Practices such as reforestation..........
Keywords: Adoption of green, environmental degradation, global warming, Public Sector, Procurement, Management
[1] Ambec, S., Cohen, M., & Elgie, S., (2013) The Porter Hypothesis at 20: can environmental regulation enhance innovation and competitiveness? Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 7(1): 2-22
[2] Bolton, P., (2008) Protecting the Environment Through Public Procurement. The Case Of South Africa, Natural Resource Forum 32(1): 1-10
[3] Cadez, S., & Guilding, C., (2008). An exploratory investigation of an integrated contingency model of strategic management accounting. Account. Organ. Soc., 33(7/8): 836-863.
[4] Chan, H., & Li, S., & Zhang, F., (2013) Firm Competitiveness and the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, Energy Policy, 63: 1056-1064
[5] CIPS, Procurement Glossary - F, accessed 14 June 2017
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Abstract: The urban market is getting increasingly competitive and saturated, the rural market is blooming with increase in the disposable incomes of the households, thus promising a far better scope for growth for the marketers. The growth in the rural population and the continued emphasis of the government on rural development will sustain and further strengthen this boom in the decades ahead. Rural marketing in India has still a long way to go, rural marketers have to understand the fact that rural marketing in India has a tremendous potential. Rural marketers should understand this fact and try to tap the huge untapped potential in our country. To tap the rural market it is essential to have an understanding of consumer psychology in terms of their usage habits and shopping behaviour along with............
Keywords: Opinion leaders, Media darkness, Haats, FMCG, New product adoption, Remoteness, Distribution and supply chain management.
[1] Abhijit Doshi., (1983). "Dimensions of rural marketing", Commerce, July 16,.
[2] Adite Chatterjee., (1996). "Haats and Melas", Business Today, October 7-21,. pp. 125-133.
[3] Ahluwalia, Montek S.,(1986). Rural poverty, agricultural production and prices: A reexamination. In Agricultural Change and Rural Poverty: Variations on a Theme by Dharam Narain, ed. J.W. Mellor and Gunvant M. Desai. New York: Oxford University Press.
[4] Ahuja, Narendra L. (2006) "Commodity Derivatives market in India: Development, Regulation and Futures Prospective".International Research Journal of Finance and Economics. Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 153-162
[5] Anindya Bhaduri. (1998), "Media options for Nirma bath fighter to penetrate rural Madhya Pradesh (East)", under the guidance of Indranil Chakraborty, An unpublished report, IIMB – Library MD/ NBM Section SP.PGP.N8-11, 5th June.
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Abstract: The purpose of the project is to study the HR practices for contract employees in Ashok Leyland. To hire the employees for Ashok Leyland with the involvement of few consultancies named- Krysalis, Layam, Param, Adecco and HLF. This study is done only with respect to HR practices of marketing department in Ashok Leyland. There are various subdivisions that come under marketing department all those are taken into consideration for this project.Here in this project the study is made about the existing processes and procedures followed by HLF and Krysalis for contract employees of Ashok Leyland............
Keywords: Involment, Contract, Labour, Engaging, Procedure.
[1]. Boxall, P., Purcell, J. & Wright, P. (2007).The Oxford handbook of "Human resource management". Gerhart, B., Modeling HRM and Performance Linkages, (pp. 552-580). Oxford University press.
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[3]. Brewster et al. (2000).Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage. Oxford University Press, Cape Town.
[4]. Brumbach, G. B. (1988). Some ideas, issues and predictions about performance management. Public Personnel Management,Winter,387-402.
[5]. Campbell, J. P. (1999). The definition and measurement of performance in the new age. In D. R. Ilgen& E. D. Pulakos (Eds.), The changing nature of performance. Implications for staffing, motivation, and development, (pp. 399–429). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Industrial Relations And Organiztional Regulatory Practices In East Africa |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Geoffrey Tanui || James Ngugi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1908046669 ![]() |
Abstract: In any working situation people need to cooperate with each other if there is to be maximum gain to themselves, to management and to society as a whole. Cooperation, however, is not easily obtained as people working together have conflicting interests.Employees are primarily concerned with the security of their jobs and what they can earn,and the employerwith what they can produce as cheaply as possible to obtain the Maximum profit. When these conflicting interests have taken definite form and shape, the government protects some of these interests through legal control. Regulations of all kinds have to be complied with in a modern society that may take a legal form, such as those contained in the Factories Act............
Keywords: Negotiations, Conflict,strikes, lockouts and demonstrations
[1]. Acker,P,(2004)"Reframing Employment Relations: The case for Neo-Pluralism"Industrial Relations Journal.
[2]. Ackers, Peter; Wilkinson, Adrian (2003). Understanding Work and Employment: Industrial Relations in Transition, Oxford University Press
[3]. Aluchio, L. (2005) Trade Union in Kenya Development and the system of Industrial Relations, Nairobi
[4]. Banfield, P. & Kay, R. (2008) Introduction Human Resource Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press
[5]. Budd, W. and Bhave,D (2008) Values, Idiologies, and Frames of Reference in Industrial Relations" in sage Handbook of Industrial relations Sage.
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Abstract: The research carried out a study on social networks and entrepreneurial orientation in selected universities in North Central Nigeria to establish a relationship between networking ability and risk taking disposition amongst students in the selected universities. The study used primary data that were generated via structured questionnaires that were administered on the selected respondents. Descriptive statistics, correlation and other diagnostics were used to analyze the data and to test the hypothesis. The study found a statistically significant relationship between networking ability and risk taking disposition (r=0.514,p<0.05, n=402). Based on the findings of the study it was recommended that students' networking ability should be encouraged............
Keywords: Social Networks, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Networking Ability, Risk Taking, Network Of African Student Entrepreneurs
[1]. Abou-Mghali .A and Almuala, A. (2012): Impact of Entrepreneurial Networks in the Success of Business on-going Stage in Jordanian Manufacturing Companies. American Academic and Scholarly Research Journal 4(2), pp01-09.Retrieved from http;//
[2]. Aldous, J., (2002). An Exchange between Durkheim and Tonnies on the Nature of Social Relations.American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 77(6): pp. 1191-1200.
[3]. Anlesinya, A., Eshun, P.andBonuedi, A.A (2015). Entrepreneurial Orientation Dimensions and Profitability Nexus: Evidence from Micro Enterprises in the Retail Sector in a Developing Country. International Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research 3(7),79-87
[4]. Antonicic, B. and Hisrich, R. D., (2001) Intrapreneurship Construct Refinement and Cross-Cultural Validation.Journal of Business Venture. (16) 2. 495-527.
[5]. Ameh, A. A. and Udu, A. A. Social Networks and Entrepreneurship Orientation among Students in Nigerian Universities A study of social network size and risk disposition Business and Management Research 5(2)