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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Intellectual Capital and Firm Value: A literature review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Priti Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2002010108 ![]() |
Abstract: In this review paper, review of studies pertaining to relationship between intellectual capital and market value of a firm as well as the relationship between intellectual capital and financial performance of firm is done. Attempt has been made to include all the studies conducted all over the World pertaining to the above mentioned theme. Findings of the review shows blend of positive and negative relationship between intellectual capital and firm. This paper will be a great help to the researchers who are intended to work in this area..
Keywords: Intellectual capital, Market value, financial performance, Literature review.[1]. Abdel-Aziz, A. S., Jawad, S. N. And Bontis, N. (2010), "Intellectual capital and business performance in the pharmaceutical sector in Jordan", Management Decision, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 105-131.
[2]. Abdolmohammadi, Mohammad J, (2005) "Intellectual capital disclosure and market capitalization", Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 397-416.
[3]. Afiouni, F. (2007), "Human Resource Management and Knowledge Management: A Road Map Toward Improving Organizational Performance", The Journal of American Academy of Business, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 124-130.
[4]. Ahangar, R. G. (2011), "The relationship between intellectual capital and financial performance: An empirical investigation of Iranian company", African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp.88-95.
[5]. Al-Musali, M. A. K. and Ismail, K. N. I. K. (2014), "Intellectual capital and its effect on financial performance of banks: Evidence from Saudi Arabia", Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp. 201-2017
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Abstract: The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the nature of conflicts between teachers and management officials existing in various types of institutions such as medical colleges, engineering and management institutes, degree colleges and other educational institutions. Purpose of research is to examine the association and relationship between types of institutions and nature of conflicts existing in respective institutions. Conflicts are existing in every organisation or institution. There is a struggle or contest between teachers and management officials with opposing needs, ideas, beliefs, values, or goals. Conflict is inevitable and its consequences may not be in the interest of institution. Conflicts might escalate and become worse and it may also lead to non-productive results if not dealt properly and proactively. Consequently, proper management of conflict is necessary for the........
Keywords: Conflict, Nature of conflicts, Teachers, Management, Conflict management.[1]. Bentley, M. (1996). Conflict Resolution in Educational institutions: Quicker peace and service. Cambridge, U.S.A: Cambridge University Press, p.4
[2]. Bodin, R.J & Crawford, D.k (1999) Developing emotional intelligence: A guide to behaviour management and conflict resolution in educational institutions. North Mattis Avenue: Research Press, p.155
[3]. Chandan, Jet. (1994). Institutional Behavior, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House pvt. Ltd. P.271
[4]. Campbell, R.F., Carbally, J.E., and Nustrand, R.O. (1983) Introduction to Educational Administration (6th edition). Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc. p.187.
[5]. Carter McNamara, Basics of Conflict Management, Adapted from the Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision. Retrieved from, dated: 15-3-2010.
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Abstract: The purpose of this research study is to identify the major factors of emotional intelligence that affect the performance of management teachers in India. Management institutions in India are facing challenges to cope up with the requirements of the industry. This requires several changes and improvements in their teaching methodology, management style and way of governance. The present research is intended to find out the various qualities that makes a teacher emotionally intelligent. Effectiveness of teachers and teaching methodologydepends on the emotional Intelligence of the teachers of management institutions. The study concentrated on the teachers working in management institutions of India. Investigation was carried out to identify the factors of emotional intelligence for management teachers in India, using the survey method to collect the primary data. Factor analysis........
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Performance, Management Teachers
[1]. Alexis-Boyd, L. (1998). The emotional life of teachers: A heuristic inquiry. Ph. D. Thesis. University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Cited in Dissertation Abstract International- A, Vol. 60, No.02, p. 289.
[2]. Arya, A. (1984). "Emotional Maturity and Value of Superior Children in Family‟. Ph.D. Thesis (ed) in M.B. Buch ( 2000) Fourth Survey of Research in Education. New Delhi: NCERT.
[3]. Bowling, J. (1998). An examination of spirituality based on Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. Abstract from: Psyc INFO File: Dissertation Abstracts Item: 1999-95003-181.
[4]. Garg, S., & Singh, A. (2016). Emotional intelligence of high school students. Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, 7(6), 627.
[5]. Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam Books...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Determinants of dividend policy: A study of FMCG sector in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ritu Gangil || Navita Nathani |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2002014046 ![]() |
Abstract: The dividend decision is a complex decision; it is an outcome of various considerations or situation which varies across time and industry. This paper investigates the dividend policy of the FMCG sector. The FMCG firms which are listed on NSE 100 for the period of 10 years between 2007 and 2016. Factor analysis is applied on the data to identify the noteworthy factors and then multiple regression have been applied to identify the most significant factor used by the FMCG firms in dividend decision. Result of factor analysis concluded 5 factors i.e. profitability indicators, firm size, liquidity, growth opportunities and market value. Regression on these concluded that growth opportunities and profitability are the determinants of dividend policy.
Keywords: Dividend Policy, Factor Analysis, Growth Opportunities, Profitability..[1]. Black, F. (1976). The dividend puzzle. The Journal of Portfolio Management, 2(2), 5-8.
[2]. Ross, S.A., Westerfield, R.W., & Jaffe, J. (2002). Corporate Finance (6th ed.), McGrawHill Companies.
[3]. Lintner, J. (1956). Distribution of incomes of corporations among dividends, retained earnings, and taxes. American Economic Review, 46, 97-113.
[4]. Gordon, M. (1959). Dividends, earnings, and stock prices. Review of Economics and Statistics, 41, 99-105.
[5]. Miller, M. H., & Modigliani, F. (1961). Dividend policy, growth, and the valuation of shares. The Journal of Business, 34, 411-433..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Customers' Perception on Goods and Service Tax (GST) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rathi K N || Sreeraj M K |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2002014752 ![]() |
Abstract: The investigators are intended to study the customers' perception on Goods and Service Tax (GST) from Mannarkkad municipality. The method of study was survey and collected data from thirty respondents from that area. The main objectives of the study are to study the perception of customers on the different aspects of GST and to study if there any significant differences among customers' perception according to gender, age, educational qualification and income level. The major findings are the customers have positive attitude and there is no significant differences between customers according to gender, age, educational qualification and income level.
Keywords: GST, Customers, perception[1]. Sruthi (2015). Goods and Service tax :Need of the Hour in Bindu and Rathi (Eds.) Handbook of commerce. New Delhi: Sonali Publications, pp. 414-425
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Impact of Service Quality on Decision Making Process in Metal Forming Industries |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mahesh M Kulkarni |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2002015359 ![]() |
Abstract: This research paper is the study of the impact of Service Quality on the lubricants purchase decision of metal forming industries. The researcher in his research has found different attributes of service quality which are independent variables whereas the attributes of purchase decision process are dependent variables. The study is basically to assess the co-relation that exists between these variable by using One-Way ANOVA technique. The outcome of the research and recommendation made thereafter will help metal forming industries to focus on strategic angle of this variable and use it to identify the important dimensions of service quality based on customer and /or end user perception...........
Keywords: Service Quality, Decision Making, Metal Forming, Product Quality, ANOVA, Lubricant Purchase.[1]. Aaker, D.A. (1991). Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on Value of Brand Name. The Free Press, New York, ISBN: 0-02-900101-3: PP 299.
[2]. Anderson Paul F., Chambers Terry M. (2002). A Reward/Measurement Model of Organizational Buying Behavior. Journal of Management, Vol. 3, Issue March: PP 34-39.
[3]. Chandramouli R. (2002). Fundamental concept of Metal Forming Technology. NPTEL, Mechanical Engineering, Sastra University, Thanjavur.
[4]. Chisakulo Edwards (2002). Organizational Buying behavior of lubricants in Zambian Industrial Markets: A case of Kitwe Based Companies. The Copperbelt University.
[5]. Hutt Michael D, Johnston Wesley J., Ronchetto John R. (1985). Selling Centers and Buying Centers: Formulating Strategic Exchange Patterns. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Issue May: PP 33-40.
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Abstract: Internet is changing the way consumers shop for goods and services and has rapidly evolved into a global event. In the Internet shopping market since there is no face-to-face contact, analysing and identifying factors that influence the consumer is vital. Moreover, consumers have new demands in the Internet medium. In this study, research has been made comparative online buying behaviours of consumers towards two different shopping portals. Analyzing the process of shopping activities, how consumer decide and make purchasing over the Internet and what they buy need to be identified by online providers in order to satisfy and succeed in the competitive business environment..........
Keywords: E commerce, , Shopping portals, Customer satisfaction, Portal Patronage[1] Girard, T., Korgaonkar, P. and Silverblatt, R. (2003), "Relationship of type of product, shopping orientations and demographics with preference for shopping on the internet", Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol. 18 No. 1, pp. 101-13.
[2] Blanca Hernández, Julio Jiménez, M. José Martín, (2011) "Age, gender and income: do they really moderate online shopping behaviour?", Online Information Review, Vol. 35 Iss: 1, pp.113 – 133
[3] Kulviwat, S., Guo C., Engchanil, N. (2004), "Determinants of Online Information Search: A Critical Review and Assessment", Internet Research, Vol.14 No. 3, pp.245-253.
[4] Reddy, P. Bucha. (2003) "Electronic Marketing in India: A Study on Opportunities and Challenges" Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol. XXXIII, No. 4, pp. 9-12.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Equilibrium in Used Car Market with Rental Capital: Evidence from the Nigerian Market |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. C. Chris Ofonyelu |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2002016468 ![]() |
Abstract: At the point of equilibrium in a used car market, buyers and sellers maximize their utility when the rate of depreciation on the car equalizes the prevailing rental cost of capital. In the main, buyers and sellers rarely agree on the valuation of the two factors. While buyers attached greater weight to depreciation, sellers were more interested in recouping the value of the residual cost of the car. The study solved a bilateral contracting model to explain the motivation behind seller-buyer equilibrium in a used car market. A sale is said to be in equilibrium when the buyer's price is at least equal to the monetary value of the utility the seller derives from the car. The finding is believed will aid a good understanding of the used car market and provide important insights for making competitive automobile policy.
Keywords: Equilibrium, Used car market, Information asymmetry JEL Classifications: C62, D83, R13.[1]. Akerlof, G. A. (1970). The Market for 'Lemons': Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism. Quarterly Journal of Economics. The MIT Press. 84 (3): 488–500.
[2]. Berry, S., Levinsohn, J., and Pakes, A. 1995. Automobile Prices in Market Equilibrium. Econometrica, 63 (4): 841–90.
[3]. Eisfeldt, A. L., and Rampini, A. A. 2007. New or Used? Investment with Credit Constraints. Journal of Monetary Economics, 54 (8): 2656–81.
[4]. Guerrieri, V., Shimer, R., and Wright, R. 2010. Adverse Selection in Competitive Search Equilibrium. Econometrica 78(6): 1823–1862.
[5]. Rose, C. 1993. Equilibrium and Adverse Selection. Rand Journal of Economics, 24(4):559-569
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Abstract: Globalization has resulted in fierce competition internally and externally to many organizations. Given the intense competition and constantly changing market conditions, business performance has become a crucial issue among scholars and practitioners. The main objectives of the study was to find out the role of financial aspect as determinant of strategic planning perspectives on performance of Medium Enterprises. A survey research design was used. A population of two thousand medium enterprise business persons in Eldoret town, Uasin Gishu County was assessed. The study adopted a survey design targeting 2000 medium enterprises; purposive sampling method and stratified sample random was employed to select 95 respondents. Data was collected through document analysis and questionnaires of a 5 point likert scale..............
Keywords: Strategic Planning, Financial Aspect, cash flow management, investment management, Tax planning and Medium Enterprises.[1]. Akinyele, S. T., & Fasogbon, O. I. (2007). Impact of Strategic Planning on Organizational Performance and Survival. Research Journal of Business Management, 1, 62-71.
[2]. Analoui&Karami, 2003Analoui, F. &Karami, A. (2003). Strategic management in small& medium enterprises. LondonThompson learning.and Practice, 17(3): 53-64
[3]. Anderson, M., & Sohal, A. S. (1999). A study of the relationship between quality management practices and performance in small businesses. The International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management 16(9), 859-866.
[4]. Awe, I.O. (2008). Entrepreneurship Development; (Fourth Ed). Akure: Adeyemo Publishing House.
[5]. Banabo and Koroye (2014)A new approach to performance measurement for small to medium enterprises. Conference Proceedings Performance Measurement - Theory and practice conference, Cambridge.
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Abstract: In the context of Banking industry of Bangladesh, NRBC Bank emerged itself on the ground of stiff competition but at the same time with scope of expansion to serve the major unbanked population of the country. However, within 4th year of its operation, the Bank experienced a setback in its Brand image caused by widespread news of unregulated lending. This research aims at investigating customers' average perception of Branding factors at NRBC Bank and the relationship between Brand factors and Branding Benefits. The primary data were collected from the Bank's existing customers on judgmental basis. Based on the services branding literature branding factors of financial service industry were identified............
Keywords: NRBC Bank, Branding Factors, Overall Brand Benefits, Brand Financial Benefits, and Brand Non Financial Benefits[1]. Aaker, DavidA.1996.BuildingStrongBrands,The Free Press. Aaker, David A.,Kumar,V.andDay,George,S.2001.
[2]. Marketing Research, Seventh Edition, John Wiley and Sons ,Inc.
[3]. Balmer, John M.T .and Wilkinson, Adrian.1991.Building Societies: Change, Strategy ,and Corporate Identity, JournalofGeneralManagement,17(2):33.
[4]. Balmer,John ,M.T.1998.Corporate Identity and Advent of Corporate Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management,14:963-996.
[5]. Berry, Leonard,L. 1980.Services Marketing Is Different, Business(Atlanta),May-June,24-29, Berry,Leonard,L.2000.CultivatingServiceBrand Equity, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 28(1):128-137.