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Abstract: The Indian Financial System have changing and growing very fast way. Competitive business world involving both the asset and liabilities with changing interest rates as well as foreign exchange rates has brought pressure on the management of banks to maintain good profitability.Assets and Liability Management (ALM) is a systematic and dynamic process of planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling the assets and liabilities or in the sense management of balance sheet structure in the bank is the biggest opportunity for the Indian banking system. The main objectives of the study is to understand the theoretical background of assets liability management and profile of the bank in general and to assess the performance of profitability position in Kotak Mahindra Bank and also to evaluate the performance............
Keywords: Asset Liability Management, risk management, Interest rate risk etc.[1]. Dash, M. And Pathak, R. (2011)."A Linear Programming Model For Assessing Asset-Liability Management In Banks," Icfai Journal Of Risk Management.
[2]. Chaudhary, K., Sharma, M. (2011). "To Compare The Performance Of Public And Private Banks Of India And To Find Out Trends" In Npa Level International Journal Of Innovation, Management And Technology, Vol.2, No. 3, June 2011.
[3]. Corsaro, S., De Angelis, P.L., Marino, Z., Perla, F., Zanetti, P (2010). "On Parallel Asset-Liability Management In Life Insurance: A Forward Risk-Neutral Approach".Vol 36, Pg 390–402.
[4]. Https://M.Rbi.Org.In.
[5]. Dr. N Kavitha (2012). "An Assessment On Asset And Liability Management Of Scheduled Commercial Banks In India" Volume 2 Issue 4
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Abstract: The purpose of the research is to determine how far the application of corporate entrepreneurship in SMEs in Tana Toraja District. The results showed that SMEs in Tana Toraja have applied the concept of corporate entrepreneurship adequately, but still weak on innovation, willingness to bear the risk is still low, but the proactive attitude has been better.
Keywords: Corporate entrepreneurship, innovation, Small Business[1] N. M. Scarborough and T. W. Zimmerer, Effective Small Business Management [Video]: Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation. Prentice Hall, 1996.
[2] P. F. Drucker, "Inovasi dan kewiraswastaan," Prakt. Dan Dasar-Dasar Alih Bhs. Naib R Jkt. Erlangga, 1996.
[3] K. Hisrich, J. T. Peters, and A. Shepherd, "The effects of entrepreneurial proclivity and market orientation on business performance," J. Mark., vol. 66, pp. 18–32, 2008.
[4] G. T. Lumpkin and G. G. Dess, "Linking two dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation to firm performance: The moderating role of environment and industry life cycle," J. Bus. Ventur., vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 429–451, 2001.
[5] G. M. Geoffrey, "Kewirausahaan teori dan Praktek," Jkt. PT Pustaka Binaman Presindo, 1996.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Changing Paradigms in HR |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | A L N Srinivasa Rao || Sindhu Akiri || Rachana Adusumilli |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2002082024 ![]() |
Abstract: In the HR scenarios that are dynamically evolving every day, many shifts are taking place which essentially requires attention of every HR professional. Therefore, our main objective in this conceptual paper is to study and identify the paradigm shifts in the human resource practices. In this paper, we addressed several shifts which would demand drastic changes in the traditional HR practices followed by the organizations and would also help in shaping the performance of the businesses and optimum utilization of employee efficiency in the organizations..
Keywords: Human Resource Management, Paradigm shifts, Millennial HR, Employee efficiency, Globalization vs. Regionalization, Technology, Consumerism, Shifting demographics[1]. BEDEIAN A. G., FERRIS G. R., KACMAR K. M. (1992); "AGE, TENURE, AND JOB SATISFACTION: A TALE OF TWO PERSPECTIVES"; JOURNAL OF VOCATIONAL BEHAVIOUR, 40: 33-48.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Women Entrepreneurship and Government Support in Present Scenario in the Context of India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pruthvi Raj B.S |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2002082528 ![]() |
Abstract: Entrepreneurship which comes under the umbrella of business regime, which plays significant role in the development of the country and its economy in a fruitful condition by setting up of organizations, may be in small or large in size of operation .These are the people with a high skills, knowledge to enter into a business to acquire the market with high potential decision making and thereby to catch-up the profit. Now days the government is also encouraging the entrepreneurship, thereby to achieve a good economic condition, eradication of poverty by providing employment. Government, banks are providing financial assistance to the youths, women's through its programs like startup India , MUDRA yojana scheme for women , Annapurna scheme , stree shakti package for women...........
Keywords: Women, entrepreneurship, challenges, support of GOI (government of India) and Banks, successful women entrepreneurs in India.[1]. Meenu Goyal : Jai Prakash(2011), Womwn Entrepreneurship In India-Problems And Prospects : ,International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research.
[2]. Ms.Yogitha Sharma;(2013),Women Entrepreneur In India;Iosr Journal Of Business And Management(Iosr-Jsm).
[3]. Sanjay Koushik;(2013),Challenges Faced By Women Entrepreneur In India; International Journal Of Management And Social Sciences Research (Ijmssr).
[4]. Dr.A.B.Siddiqui(2012); Problems Encountered By Women By Women Entrepreneurs In India; International Journal Of Applied Research And Studies.
[5]. Women Entrepreneurship Development In India,Www.Indianmba. In Investopedia..
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was conducted to examine and analyze the influence of competency on employee performance through mediation dimension of organizational commitment. The object of the research is the weaving ikat employee in Klungkung Regency with the number of sample is 112 respondents. Data analysis techniques use structural equation modeling-partial least square (SEM-PLS). The results of data analysis found employee competency, and organizational commitment dimensions showed a significant positive effect on employee performance. The results also found that the dimensions of organizational commitment consisting of affective commitment, normative commitment, and ongoing commitment acted as a partial mediator relationship between competency to employee performance..
Keywords: Employee Competency, Affective Commitment, Normative Commitment, Ongoing Commitment, Employee Performance[1] Cunningham, L. X., & Rowley, C. 2007. Human Resource Management in Chinese Small And Madium Enterprises, Personal Review, 36 (3), pp.415-439
[2] Stel, Carree, Thurik, Zoetermeer, 2004. The Effect Of Entrepreneurship On National Economic Growth : An Analysis Using The GEM Data Base, Scakes Paper, No.320
[3] Sudaryanto dan Hanim,Anifatul. 2002. Evaluasi kesiapan UKM Menyongsong Pasar Bebas Asean(AFTA) : Analisis Perspektif dan Tinjauan Teoritis. Jurnal Ekonomi Akuntansi danManajemen, Vol 1 No 2, Desember 2002
[4] Sethela, June & Rosli, Mahmood. 2011. The Relationship between Role Ambiguity, Competency and Person- Job Fit with the Job Performance of Employees in the Service Sector SMEs in Malaysia. Journal Business Management Dynamics. Vol.1, No.2, pp.79-98. [5] Spencer, Lyle M. and Signe M. Spencer. 1993. Competency Work: Model for Superior Performance. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
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Abstract: Renewable energy including hydro, solar and wind in India comes under the purview of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy including hydro, solar and wind. India was the first country in the world to set up a ministry of non-conventional energy resources, in early 1980s.Today, India has one of the highest potentials for the effective use of renewable energy including hydro, solar and wind. India is the world's fifth largest producer of wind, there is a significant potential in India for generation of power from renewable energy sources small hydro, biomass, wind and solar energy but integration of large scale renewable energy to power grid cause instability, tempers balancing, availability and reliability to grid and is a major barrier to renewable energy including hydro, solar and wind development in India specially for Uttarakhand.
Keywords: Renewable energy, hydro,solar, wind, power grid, integration, identification, barriers, India.
[1]. Gis ele Schmid, the development of renewable energy power in India: Which policies have been effective?
[2]. Can Sener and Vasilis Fthenakis, Energy policy and financing options to achieve solar energy grid penetration targets: Accounting for external costs.
[3]. Naveen Kumar Sharma, Prashant Kumar Tiwari and Yog Raj Sood, Solar energy in India: Strategies, policies, perspectives and future potential.
[4]. Manish Kumar Hairat and Sajal Ghosh, 100 GW solar power in India by 2022 – A critical review
[5]. Sufang Zhang,Philip Andrews-Speed,Xiaoli Zhao and Yongxiu He, Interactions between renewable energy policy and renewable energy industrial policy: A critical analysis of China's policy approach to renewable energies
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Abstract: Organizational climate is a meaningful construct with significant implications for understanding human behavior in organizations. Each organization has an organizational climate that clearly distinguishes it from other organizations. This was a descriptive study to examine the effect of organizational climate on organizational performance in Kenya Commercial Bank. A sample of 61 employees was used. Questionnaires were used to collect data. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were used to analyze data with the help of SPSS. The study found that there was a good organizational climate at KCB indicated by enthusiasm, excitement and happiness of employees. Regression analysis showed that organizational climate is statistically significant (t=5.477, p<0.05). It was concluded..........
Keywords: Organizational climate, internal process climate, rational goal climate, developmental climate, group climate[1.] Armstrong, M. (2011).A handbook of human resource management practice.(13th Ed.) Noida: Gopsons Papers Ltd.
[2.] Awadh, A. M. &Saadf, A. M. (2013).Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance. International Review of Management and Business Research, Vol. 2 ,pp. 167-175.
[3.] Banker, D., Potter, G. &Srinivasan, D. (2012). Association of non-financial performance Measures with the financial performance of lodging chain. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administrative Quarterly. 46(4), 394-412.
[4.] Baldoni, J. (2005). Motivation Secrets. Great Motivation Secrets of Great Leaders. [Online]
[5.] Baum.T.,& Frances, D.(2007). Skills and training in the hotel sector: The Case of front office employment in Northern Ireland. Tourism and Hospitality Research Journal, 7, 269–280...
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Abstract: purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of placement and competence on employee performance through employee commitment. The research was conducted by explanatory method that is unstructured and informal research with the aim to get information about the general nature of the research problem. The sample of research is 50 employees of central ministry of defense. Research sampling technique using simple random sampling. The research method used cross sectional quantitative method with multiple linear regression and path analysis. The results showed that the variable placement, competency variable and employee commitment simultaneously or partially have a positive effect on employee performance. While the commitment variable cannot mediate between placement and competence on employee performance.
Keywords: Placement, Competence, Commitment, Performance.[1]. Dessler Gary, 2006. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, PT. Indeks Kelompok Gramedia, Jakarta
[2]. Hariandja, Marihot Tua Efendi. 2005. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Jakarta: PT.Grasindo
[3]. Luthans, Fred. 2002. Organizational Behavior. New York:Mcgraw-Hill
[4]. Mathis, L. R.Dan J. H. Jackson. (2006). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
[5]. Munandar, Sunyoto Ashar. 2001. Psikologi Industri Dan Organisasi. Jakarta VI Press
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Abstract: This study aims to reveal social capitals (trust, belief, faith) of Dayak tribe inhabited Betang long house in Sintang regency, West Kalimantan. The research method was conducted with qualitative analysis approach. The data was obtained from deep interviews and field observation. In this study revealed that Dayak people highly uphold trust, belief and faith. Trust was manifested in the form of trust in others and elders, belief based on the relation of family, siblings or kinship. Faith was a directed belief to the ultimate power. To preserve the cultural tradition, Dayak community practiced various rituals. The ritual and culture of the Dayak community reflects the close relationship between human society and nature. The Meaning of social capital as the base of sustained life was independence, uniqueness, freedom, preservation and harmony. The meanings contained in the ritual could be classified as respect, maintain, preserve and conserve the natural resource as well as responsibility and care.
Keywords – Dayak, culture, custom, social capital, traditional, trust,
[1] I. Scoones, Livelihood perspectives and rural development, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 36(1), 2009, 171- 196.
[2] Y. Rydin and N. Holman, Re‐evaluating the contribution of social capital in achieving sustainable development. Local environment, 9(2), 2004, 117-133
[3] A. Dale, C. Ling, and L. Newman, Community Vitality: The role of community-level resilience adaptation and innovation in sustainable development, Sustainability, 2, 2010, 215-231
[4] H. Kaldaru and E. Parts, "The Effect of Macro-Level Social Capital on Sustainable Economic Development", University of Tartu, Faculty of Economics and Business Administrationn, Working Paper 42, 2005.
[5] M. Akdere, Social capital theory and its implications for human resource development. Singapore Management Review, 27(2), 2005, 1-24
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Abstract: The aims of the study were to identify the product of woven fabric that are produced by Dayak female community in traditional long house (Rumah Betang) in Ensaid Panjang. Sintang West Kalimantan. Field survey was done in Dayak Desa –a sub group of Ibanic Dayak, community in Ensaid Panjang Village. Field research was done through the participatory research, in which researcher involve in the female traditional weaver activity in long house. The long house is the central point for the communal activity of Dayak, including traditional weaving by female. Direct observation and in depth, interviews were implemented in the traditional weaver community group. Result of the study shows that wearing practiced by female Dayak in Long house as communal activity. Woven...........
Keywords: woven fabric, traditional textile, culture preservation, indigenous community[1]. MB. Khan. Woven messages: Indonesian textile tradition in course of time (Hildesheim: Roemer-Museum, 1991)
[2]. D. Widiawati and SM., Rosandini, Natural Dyes on Indonesian Traditional Textiles-A Case Study: Geringsing Woven Fabric, In Tenganan Pegeringsingan Village Bali. The Research Journal of the Costume Culture, 20(1), 2012, 111-120.
[3]. B. Bertalya, P. Prihandoko, R, Oktavina, and DS. Ramadhan, Designing a Prototype of Digital Museum to Promote Woven Songket, A Local Product of Sumatera, Indonesia. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering), 67. 2014, 77-80.
[4]. ICD. Tsai, C. Cassidy, T. Cassidy and J. Shen, The influence of woven stretch fabric properties on garment design and pattern construction. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 24(1), 2002, 3-14.
[5]. D. Raizman, History of modern design: Graphics and products since the industrial revolution (Laurence King Publishing, 2003)..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Various Pricing Strategies: A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Satyajeet S Deshpande |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2002087579 ![]() |
Abstract: The current paper reviews various pricing strategies adopted by the modern businesses. It further states various merits and demerits of each of the pricing strategies. The main objective of the paper is to compile some of the popular pricing strategies and their pros and cons at one place. The topic not only relates to marketing management but also extends to managerial economics. The paper has been classified into six parts. The first section introduces the purpose of the paper. The second section examines the importance of the pricing strategies. The third section describes the main objectives behind pricing strategies. The fourth section explains various pricing strategies whereas the next section discusses advantages and disadvantages of various pricing strategies. The paper ends with a conclusion about how the businesses should select the most suitable pricing strategy for themselves.
Keywords: Pricing Strategies, Marketing Mix, Cost Plus Pricing, Demand Oriented Pricing[1]. Kotlar Philip, Armstrong Gary, Agnihotri Prafulla, Haq Ehsan, "Principles of Marketing-A South Asian Perspective", Pearson, 2010.
[2]. Hill Peter, Pricing for Profit: How to Develop a Powerful Pricing Strategy for Your Business, Kogan Page Limited, 2013
[3]. Nagle Thomas & Muller George, The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: A Guide to Growing More Profitably, Routledge, 2018
[4]. Smith Tim, Pricing Strategy: Setting Price Levels, Managing Price Discounts and Establishing Price Structures, South Western, Cengage Learning, 2012
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Human Resource Management Aspect in Leather Industry In Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Raju Muhammad Shahidul Islam |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2002088086 ![]() |
Abstract: The study aims to focus on resource management aspect in leather industry in Bangladesh.Leather industry in Bangladesh was developed on a large-scale basis from 1970's. Most of the industries are export oriented and about 95% of leather and leather products in the form of crust leather, finished leather, leather garments and footwear are marketed abroad. Value addition in these exports averages 85% local and 15% foreign. About 40 to 100 tannery units among 206 are now in operation in the sector. Most of the industries are located in the Hazaribagh area of Dhaka city. This sector has emerging opportunities to contribute to our economy due to the availability of raw materials. But due to the improper utilization of our resources, this highly productive sector is in risks. This............
Keywords: Resource, Management, Leather, Industry, Bangladesh[1] Barney, J.B. "Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage‟, Journal of Management, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1991, pp.99–120.
[2] Barney, J.B. "Looking inside for competitive advantage‟, Academy of Management Executive, Vol. 9, No. 4, 1995, pp.49–61.
[3] Lado, A. and Wilson, M.C. "Human resource system and sustained competitive advantage: a competency based perspective‟, Academy of Management Review Vol. 19, No. 4, 1994, pp.699–727
[4] Duchesneau, D., Cohn, S.F. and Dutton, J.E. A Study of Innovation in Manufacturing: Determinants, Processes and Methodological Issues,(University of Maine, Orono: Social Science Research Foundation, 1979).
[5] Hage, J. and Aiken, M. Social Change in Complex Organizations,(Random House, New York, 1970).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | India and Saudi Arabia Health Care Systems: Learning From Each Other Health Care System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ourooj Safi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2002088790 ![]() |
Abstract: Saudi Arabia and India are doing their best to improve the medical facilities for their citizens. Both countries have government sector and private sectors working in health care sector. Both are Asian counties and have traditional values. Both are developing countries. We propose that these countries can benefited from each other experience and strengths. We propose six health care areas in which these two countries can collaborate and learn from each other.
Keywords: India, Saudi Arabia, Health care systems, Public, Private.[1]. Mahler, Halfdan (1981) "The meaning of Health For All by the year 2000", World Health Forum, Vol. 2, No. 1
[2]. World Health Organization. WHO definition of Health, Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization as adopted by the International Health Conference, New York, 19–22 June 1946; signed on 22 July 1946 by the representatives of 61 States (Official Records of the World Health Organization, no. 2, p. 100) and entered into force on 7 April 1948. In Grad, Frank P. (2002)."The Preamble of the Constitution of the World Health Organization". Bulletin of the World Health Organization 80 (12): 982.
[3]. "Schools of Public Health and Public Health Programs". Council on Education for Public Health. 11 March 2011. Retrieved 30 March 2011.
[4]. Constitution of the World Health Organization. Geneva: World HealthOrganization; 1948
[5]. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations, 1948