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Abstract: Indonesia is most populous Muslim-majority country and its the world's 14th-largest country in terms of land area and world's 7th-largest country in terms of combined sea and land area. Nevertheless, based on Thomson Reuters data of 2016, the score of Islamic economic indicators Indonesia is ranked 10th, while Malaysia is ranked first. This research is implemented TPB theory with the aim of expanding some previous research in term of examining halal food purchasing behavior in muslim-consumers. Data are collected via questionnaires with purposive sampling technique. This research uses structural equation model (SEM) analysis to identify the impact of three independent variables on halal food purchasing behavior. The result shows that there is a positive relationship between attitude and purchase intention. Attitude is an important factor in influencing consumer intention in purchasing Halal products. Secondly, subjective norms is important in influencing consumers' purchase intention...........
Keywords: Attitude, Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control, Purchase Intention, Satisfaction, Halal Food.[1]. M Ozaki, Y. Adachi, Y. Iwahori, and N. Ishii, Application of fuzzy theory to writer recognition of Chinese characters, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 18(2), 1998, 112-116.
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[4]. Afroz, R., Masud, M. M., Akhtar, R., Islam, M. A., & Duasa, J. B., (2015). Consumer purchase intention towards environmentally friendly vehicles: an empirical investigation in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22(20), 16153-16163.
[5]. Ajzen, I., (1991). The Theory of Planned Behaviour. Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Process, 50, 179 – 211.
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Abstract: This study aims to produce a model of Development and Learning Model of Introduction to Accounting Courses on KKNI-Based and Utilization of Document Content. This objective is based on current conditions. The fact that happens during the teaching process, in which most lecturers still use conventional or traditional learning methods, the contribution of learning process by conventional of 100 percent and by lectures of 85 percent. So that the students only listen to the information or knowledge which is given by the lecturer, this causes the students to be passive and not creative, because they are only needed as an object so they are less able to develop their potential. The contribution of learning quality with document content is 95 percent and with lecturer's readiness is 100 percent. Lecturer has an important task that is to determine the concept of learning in accordance with the document content. It is a method of learning through a process that takes place in steps, starting from identifying............
Keywords: Learning Model, Introduction to Accounting, KKNI-Based and Utilization of Document Content[1]. Degeng, I Nyoman S, Prof. Dr. MPd, 2000. Kumpulan Bahan Pembelajaran. Malang : LP3-UM
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[5]. George H. Bodnar. William S. Hopwood. 2000. Sistem Informasi Akuntasi. Edisi Keenam. Penerbit Salemba Empat. Jakarta.
[6]. Scharg, Adele F. dan Robert P. Poland. 1987. A Sytem for Teaching Business Education. Bygrave, Enterprenership ( terjemahan). Jakarta : Binarupa Aksara 1996
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Abstract: Banking plays a vital role in the economy of any country. In Ethiopia, most of the Banks have deployed IT to transform their processes in to an e-based service. In line with this the study has been carried out to assess the functioning of E- Banking and its effects on employees' job satisfaction in Commercial of Ethiopia branches in Hawassa City. A Sample size of 155 respondents were taken from all selected branches who had been involved at least one of the e-banking types. To gain a reserach understanding of the status of e-banking in selected branches of commercial banks of Ethiopia, descriptive survey research design was used for this study. Both primary and secondary data sources were used for the study. Descriptive analysis results revealed that of the various types of e-banking service quality dimensions, transaction efficiency, service security and ease of useare the major aspects to improve e-banking service quality and in turn overall employees' satisfaction. Reliability, transaction efficiency and ease of use have a positive relationship with employee's satisfaction. An increase in reliability, transaction efficiency, and ease of use are found in the service delivery..
Keywords: Transaction, Efficiency, Service, Security, Ease of Use
[1]. Banji, O & Catherine, A (2004), `Internet Access in Africa: Empirical Evidence from Kenya and Nigeria.
[2]. Barnes J.G and Howlett D.M (1998), " Predictors of equity in relationships between financial service providers and retail customers", International Journal of Bank Marketing
[3]. Bultum, A. G. (2014,). Factors Affecting Adoption of Electronic Banking System in Ethiopia.Journal of Management Information System & E-commerce.
[4]. Gefen D and ad Straub D.W (2004), Customer trust in B2C e- commerce and the importance of social Presence: Experiments in e- Products and e- Services
[5]. Hughes, T. (2001), "Market orientation and the response of UK financial services companies to changes in Market conditions as a result e-commerce", International Journal of Bank Marketing
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Abstract: "Observing the current situation of energy in Paraguay while the Kyoto Protocol was in force and taking into account the almost zero International presence in the Energy Project Certification process. The results of the National Energy Balance prepared by the National Electricity Administration (ANDE), in which it is concluded that hydraulic energy would be available to cover the load demand until the year 2035, makes it necessary to search for new alternatives for the generation of electrical power [15].The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the financial feasibility of the sale of Certificates of Reduced Emissions (CERs). In order to certify energy projects of electricity generation in which the use of unconventional energy (Wind Power Energy) is proposed. This energy will be coming from a Park of Wind Energy with a power of 46MWe. It will be searched the most convenient carbon market for the sale of certificates using the Hierarchical Analysis Process (AHP) as a tool [13].The Certification Mechanism........
Keywords: Carbon Market, Voluntary Market, COP21, European Market, CER's, Wind Power Energy, CDM[1]. Almeida, F. (2005). Facts and trends regarding the world's climate - the stabilization of the climate through initiatives capable of putting economic development into practice, together with socio-environmental concerns. In: Course of Opportunities, Perspectives in Carbon Credit. São Paulo: IIR Seminars, March.
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[5]. Gurfinkel S., M. de Godoy (2010). The Kyoto Protocol and developing countries: an assessment of the use of the Clean Development Mechanism. University of São Paulo - USP Post-Graduate Program in Environmental Science - Procam.
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Abstract: Community Self-Reliance Agency (BKM) is needed is a competent self-supporting agencies, for a success rate of PNPM Urban influenced by the participation of the community in the planning process, community self-supporting body performance more improved and managing revolving funds good, transparency and accountability. In fact there are many people who have not felt that participates in the activities, the performance of Community Self-Reliance Agency (BKM) is still inadequate, management revolving funds still must be addressed. This study aimed to determine the effect of public participation, performance Community Self-Reliance Agency (BKM) and the effect of a revolving fund management PNPM project success. This research was conducted at Community Self-Reliance Agency (BKM) in the district of Kediri and Labuapi District of West Lombok regency. The data collection............
Keywords: Public Participation, Performance self-Suporting the Agency, Fund Management, Success of the Project.[1]. Alfitri, Rani 2014. Analysis of the Effect of Revolving Loans of the National Program for Empowerment_ Community (PNPM) Mandiri Urban To Poor Income Society. Poor
[2]. Anwar, Saiful and Rida Perwita Sari. 2009. The Effect of Public Participation and Transparency of Public_ Policy on the Relationship between Board Knowledge About the Budget with Local Financial Supervision. Journal of Accounting Strategy [Online] Vol. 1 Number 2 July 2009.
[3]. Armidah. 2011. Model of Community Participation in Supporting Efficiency and Effectiveness of Basic Education Service Management. Journal of Madrasah. [Online] Vol.3 No.2 January-June 2011
[4]. Arnstein, Sherry R. 1969. A Ladder of Citizen Participation. Journal of the American Institute of Planners. [Online] Vol. 35, No. 4, July 1969, pp. 216-224. Boston: American Institute of Planners. Retrieved February 17, 2006.
[5]. Asnudin, Andi. 2010.Participatory Approach in Rural Infrastructure Project Development in Indonesia. Smartek Journal. [Online] Vol. 8 No. 3.August 2010: 182-190.
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Abstract: This paper set to identify factors influencing attitudes and job satisfaction among kombi crew members. When transport operators are not aware of factors which influence employees' attitudes and job satisfaction they will not be able to deal with revenue leakages affecting their businesses. Data for the study was collected from a sample of 100 crew members from Manzini Region. Self-administered questionnaires were found to be a quick and cheaper way of collecting data. Results from the study show that crew members have mixed feelings towards their work place, jobs, and job satisfaction. Overall, members say their work place was good, they are loyal and will not leave the company. Unfortunately crew members will not report bad things happening at work to management. Although employees said their job was interesting they felt that outsiders did not respect their jobs and management had..........
Keywords: Attitudes, crew members, job satisfaction, transport operators, revenue leakages.[1]. P. A.Grobler, S.Warnich, M.R.Carrell N.F. Elbert, and R.D. Hatfield,Human Resource Management in South Africa 4th Edition, (Hampshire: CENGAGE Learning,2016).
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[5]. A. Asegid, T. Belachewand E. Yimam, Factors influencing job satisfaction and anticipated turnover among nurses in Sidama Zone Public Health Facilities,South Ethiopia,Nursing Research and Practice,Volume 2014(2014).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Political Challenges of Women Empowerment in Pakistan |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mahgul Ghafoor || Dr.Kamal Haider |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2002036679 ![]() |
Abstract: Right from the freedom struggle of the country, women in Pakistan have been actively participating in political activities in a number of ways. They have organized campaigns, raised funds, mobilized other women during the independence movement and subsequently made valuable contributions to consolidate democratic rule in the country. However, for much of Pakistan's turbulent political history, women have rarely been given party tickets for contesting elections. Their quota for reserved seats remained negligible. Legally, at the provincial and the federal legislative forums, women were given nominal representation by providing a few reserved seats. For example, up till 1988, women had only 10 reserved seats in the national assembly and 5 seats in each of the provincial assemblies. During 1988-2000, this number was reduced to 3-4 reserved seats in the national and each of the provincial.........
Keywords: Women, Empowerment, Politics, Pakistan, Asia, Muslims,IPU[1]. Meier, C. (1990). The Greek Discovery of Politics: Harvard University Press. Retrieved from
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[5]. Binder, L. (1963). Religion and Politics in Pakistan: University of California Press. Retrieved from