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Abstract: This study seeks to extend Mohammad Fawzei Shubita and Jafafer Maroof Alsawalhah (2012) findings regarding the relationship between capital structure and profitability by assessing the effect of capital structure on profitability of cement companies listed on Bombay Stock Exchange during a five-year period (2011-12 to 2015-16). The problem statement to be analyzed in this study is: The study sample consists of 11 companies. Applying descriptive statistics and correlations analysis, there is no significant relationship between cost of capital to firms return and also debt-equity ratio to share price.. Further, it evaluate the impact of Capital structure on profitability of the firm, the study find that there is a significant impact of Capital structure on Firm's profitability except cost of capital and firm's return. Yet recommendations based on findings are offered to improve certain factors like the firm must consider using an optimal capital structure and future research should investigate generalizations of the findings beyond the manufacturing sectors..
Keywords: Cost of Capital, Debt Equity Ratio, Bombay Stock Exchange[1]. Dr. Mohammad Fawzi Shubita and Dr. Jaafer Maroofalsawalhah 'The Relationship between capital structure and profitability'. International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol.3, No.16. 2012
[2]. Taiwo Adewale Muritala, 'An Empirical Analysis of Capital Structure on firm's performance in Nigeria' International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics. Sep-Oct 2012, Vol. 1, Issue 5,116-124.
[3]. Mohammad abu sayeed,' The Determinants of Capital Structure for selected Bangladeshi Listed companies'. International Review of Business Research Papers, Vol 7, No.2, March 2011, pp.21-36
[4]. Anup chowdhery and Suman Paul chowdhury, 'Impact of capital structure on firm value: evidence from Bangladesh, Business and Economic Horizons. Vol 3, Issue 3, Oct-2010, PP-111-122.
[5]. Pascal Frances 'capital structure and asset prices: some effect of bankruptcy procedures'. Journal of Business, Vol 77, No. 2, 2004, Pt.1.
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Abstract: Representativeness is one of the most common cognitive errors surveyed by Behavioural Finance researchers. It demonstrates the investors' tendency to misinterpret the probability of an event or a series of events and associate this probability with random non-relevant situations when investment decisions have to be made. The present paper discusses the effect of representativeness both on everyday life and the stock market. In addition, it discusses the factors affecting the specific cognitive error, and also ways to address it in order to facilitate rational investment decisions and, thus, establish equilibrium in the stock market.
Keywords: Behavioral Finance, Representativeness, Biases, Investment[1] Alexakis, Ch. and Xanthakis, M., 2008. Behavioral Finance, Stamoulis Publications, Greece
[2] Belsky, G. and Gilovich, T., 1999. Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes - And How to Correct ThemLessons From the New Science of Behavioral Economics, Simon and Schuster. N.Y.
[3] Cartwright, J. 2008. Evolution and Human Behaviour, 2nd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, U.K.
[4] Graham, B., Dodd, D., 1965. The Intelligent Investor. Harper & Row, New York
[5] Goldberg, J., and , Nitzsch, R., 2001. Behavioral Finance, John Wiley & Sons, New York
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Abstract: Good service quality leads to more satisfied customer, profits, and so better retail store performance. This demands reliable and valid scale for measuring retail service quality. Current measures of service quality for retail stores are not reliable and valid in Indian context. This research paper aims the development of a scale for assessing customer perceptions of service quality for specialty stores in India. Based on the objective, exploratory research has been used for exploring new items in Indian context and descriptive research has been used for the development of the retail service quality scale. Data were collected with a sample of 400 customers. A validated Retail Service Quality Scale is developed for measuring service quality in specialty store and its impact on future consumption behaviour is studied. It results in six dimensions namely inspiring confidence, reliability, appearance, problem solving, policy, and courteousness.............
Keywords: Retail Service Quality, Rsqs, Servqual, Specialty Store[1]. Anderson, E.W. (1998). Customer Satisfaction and Word of Mouth. Journal of Service Research, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 5-17.
[2] Anderson, E.W., Fornell, C., & Lehmann, D.R. (1994). Customer Satisfaction, Market Share and Profitability: Findings From weden. The Journal of Marketing, Vol. 58 No. 3, pp. 53-66.
[3] Bagozzi, R.P. (1992). The Self-Regulation of Attitudes, Intentions and Behavior. Social Psychology Quarterly, Vol. 55 No. 2, pp. 128-176.
[4] Bolton, R., & Drew, J. (1991). A Longitudinal Analysis of the Impact of Service Changes on Customer Attitudes. Journal of Marketing , 55 (1), 1-9.
[5] Boshoff, C., & Terblanche, N. S. (1997). Measuring Retail Service Quality: A Replication Study. South African Journal of Business Management , 28 (4), 123-132.=
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Abstract: The purpose of these paper is to identify the attributes of online grocery shopping which has been the motivational factors of customers buying groceries online. To meet the objectives of the study, semi structured formal interviews were conducted with online grocery consumers, who are aware and purchase grocery products from online stores in and around Bangalore City in Karnataka. Convenience sampling techniques was used to collect primary data from online grocery consumers who were happened to be the employees, who are aware, use and purchase grocery products from online grocery stores, working in seven software companies by administering a structured non-disguised questionnaire to online grocery consumers. The data analysis and results were based on 183 usable questionnaires.........
Keywords: Attribute, Bangalore, Convenience sampling, Online grocery products, Shopping behaviour[1]. Aylott and V-W. Mitchell, (1998)). "An exploratory study of grocery shopping stressors," International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, volume 26, number 9, pp. 362-373.
[2]. Andersone, L., & Elina, G. (2009), "Behavioural Differences In Consumer Purchasing Behaviour Between Online And Traditional Shopping: Case of Lativa", Economics And Management, 14(1), 345-352.
[3]. Baraglia, Ranieri and Fabrizio Silvestri (2007), "Dynamic Personalization of
[4]. Web Sites without User Intervention," Communications of the ACM, 50, 2,
[5]. 63–67.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Indian Financial System- A Study of Select Issues |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Anjali Singh || Dr. K.K.Jaiswal |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2002053240 ![]() |
Abstract: The Indian financial sector today is significantly different from what it used to be a few decades back, in the 1970s and 1980s. The Indian financial system of the pre-reform period essentially catered to the needs of planned development in a mixed-economy framework where the Government sector had a predominant role in economic activity. Financial sector liberalisation in India has been calibrated on cautious and appropriate sequencing of reform measures and was marked by a gradual opening up of the economy. This gradual strategy seemed to have served the country well, in terms of aiding growth, avoiding crises, enhancing efficiency and imparting resilience to the system. In recent years, the Indian Ecosystem has grown towards the maturity. Factors like availability of funding..........
Keywords: Indian Financial System, Angel Investing, Startups in India, Financial Inclusion, Liberalization[1]. Van Osnabrugge, M. & Robinson, R.J. (2000). Angel Investing: matching start-up funds with start-up companies: the guide for entrepreneurs, individual investors, and venture capitalist. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass
[2]. Van osnabrugge, M (1998). The financing of Entreprenurial Firms in the UK.Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Oxford.
[3]. Sabrinathan,G (2014) Understanding Angel Investing In india- An Exploratory Study based on Publicly available data
[4]. Thornton, Grant (2015) Satrtups in India – .An Overview
[5]. Chakravarty, Satya R. & Pal, Rupayan (2010); "Measuring Financial Inclusion: An Axiomatic Approach" downloaded from
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Abstract: Entrepreneurship has been considered as a major source of employment generation, economic growth and prosperity of a nation. India is also not an exception for good entrepreneurship. India which was famous for its' prosperity, wealth, education and reach culture all of the sudden falls on the radar of critics. Most of the scholars of entrepreneurship including Max Weber criticized Hindu social system for retarded economic progress. They even did not pay heed to the history of invaders including Britishers who were actually responsible for the destruction of self-sufficient Indian economy. Nevertheless, thankful to the various communities who are trying to maintain the entrepreneurial culture in India and contributing to the growth of Indian economy. This study was carried..........
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Sindhis, Jain, Chettiyar, Boharis, Gujarati, Parsis, Marwaris and Shettys[1]. Singh, S. (1989). "Projective and psychometric correlates of managerial success", British Journal of Psychology, Vol. 34, pp. 28-36.
[2]. Khanna T.and Palepu Krishna G., (2005). The Evolution of Concentrated Ownership in India Broad Patterns and a History of the Indian Software Industry available on URL:
[3]. Das, M. (2000). Women entrepreneurs from India: Problems, motivations and success factors. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 15(4), 67-81.
[4]. Jones G. & Wadhwani R. D. (2007). Entrepreneurial Theory and the History of Globalization, Business & Economic History, Vol. 5
[5]. Contractor, F. J., & Kundu, S. (2004). The role of export-driven entrepreneurship in economic development: A comparison of software exports from India, China, and Taiwan. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 71(8), 799-822.
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Abstract: Organizational performance is the value achieved by each organization depending on how the organization is managed by its leaders. Aligned with this, the study aims to determine the factors that affect the performance of the organization. Leadership becomes one of the benchmarks in improving performance, good leadership will improve the direction of the running of the organization where job satisfaction of employees is also influenced by the leadership performed. Years of service is also an important variable in organizational performance where many studies suggest that years of service has an influence on organizational performance. But not so with the Nabire hospital which at this time there is a decrease in the quality of organizational performance and the high level of employee turnover. This is certainly unadvised for the continuity of the hospital where the core resources that act as the pillar of the service actually has problems in management, leadership style as described in the previous section..........
Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Years of Service, Organizational Performance.[1]. Agung, I.G.N. (2006). Statistika penerapan model rerata-sel multivariate dan model ekonometri dengan SPSS. Jakarta: Yayasan SAD SATRIA BHAKTI.
[2]. Athanasios, K.,&Belias, D. (2014). Leadership and Job Satisfactiona Review.European Scientific Journal, 10 (8).
[3]. Azwar, S. (2012). Metode Penelitian. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
[4]. Bass, B.M. (1985). Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectations.New York: The Free Press
[5]. Bakotic, D.,&Babic, T. (2013). Effects of Organizational Work Conditions on Employee Job Satisfaction in the Hotel Industry in Kenya. International Journal of Business and Social Science. 4(2), 206 – 213.
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Abstract: The concept of organizational commitment is of utmost importance to the top level management of both public and private institutions. Organizational commitment influences performance of workers and turnover. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of continuance commitment on employee performance at the university of Eastern Africa, Baraton. The study was guided by Meyer and Allen Theory. The study adopted descriptive survey design. The study targeted 233 employees at the University. The researcher stratified the population into teaching and non-teaching staff. To sample the respondents, the researcher used simple random sampling for teaching and non-teaching staff. The researcher used a formular adopted by Nassiuma (2000) to get a sample size of 106 employees. A structured questionnaire was used to collect information from the respondents. The..........
Keywords: Organizational commitment, teaching, non-teaching staff, continuance commitments, employee performance, promotion criteria and reward system[1]. Adekola B.,(2012). The impact of organizational commitment on job satisfaction.A study of employees at Nigerian University, International journal for human resource, 2(2), 7316-7324.
[2]. Altindis S., (2012). Job Motivation and organizational commitment among the health professionals: A questionnaire survey. African Journal of Business Management, 5(21), 8601-8609.
[3]. Amangala,T.A., (2013). The Effect of Demographic Characteristics on Organizational Commitment: a Study of Salespersons in the Soft Drink Industry in Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management, 5(18), 1-10.
[4]. Ashkan K., &Arnifa A., (2012).Appraising the Impact of Gender Differences on Organizational Commitment: Empirical Evidence from a Private SME in Iran.International Journal of Business and Management, 7(5), 1-11.
[5]. Cohen A (2007). Commitment before and after: An reconceptualization of organizational commitment. Hum. Res. Manage. Rev, 17(1), 336-354
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of motivation factor of worker, community participation, community behavior and support of government policy toward performance of municipal waste management in Makassar City. This study used quantitative methods. Data collected from the respondents as a sample on the area of Makassar City as a research location with the distribution of questionnaires. The data obtained were analyzed using the statistic method approach of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS). Result was constructed by modeling the relationship of exogenous variables (X): Motivation Variables (X1) and Policy Variables (X2); while Endogen.........
Keywords: community behavior, community participation, government policy, waste management model, Makassar City[1] R.K. Henry, Z. Yongsheng, and D. Jun, Municipal solid waste management challenges in developing countries. --Kenyan case study. Waste Management, 26(1), 2006, 92–100.
[2] M. Sharholy, K. Ahmad, G. Mahmood, and R.C. Trivedi, Municipal solid waste management in Indian cities– A review. Waste Management, 28, 2008, 459–467.
[3] T. Narayana, Municipal solid waste management in India: From waste disposal to recovery of resources? Waste Management, 29(3), 2009, 1163-1166.
[4] I. Syafey, Suyadi, A. S. Leksono, and L. B. Said. Role of motivation and policy factors on waste management performance in Makassar, Indonesia. Management. 7(6), 2017, 202-208.
[5] H. Tjenne, Soemarno, B. Yanuwiadi, and B.P. Iskandar, Community-based management of waste in settlements-dsignated area, Ujung Pandang District, Makassar. Resources and Environment, 7(4), 2017, 87-93.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Bitcoins in India: A Study of Legal and Economic Aspects |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Mohan Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2002057578 ![]() |
Abstract: Bitcoin is a decentralized virtual cryptocurrency which provide a solution to the double spending problem without involving any trusted third-party intermediary. The rising craze for bitcoin has come under the government's lens. Bitcoin can be an easy way to evade tax or snare unsuspecting small investors in ponzi schemes. The government has begun a crackdown on illegal uses of this unregulated virtual currency. The present paper aims to study the legal and economic aspects related to Bitcoins in India using secondary data for the study. The problem with bitcoins is that not all the countries have legalized its use. For consumers, some countries like Australia, Canada, Finland...........
Keywords: Bitcoins, Cryptocurrency,Legal[1]. Effect of Bitcoin in India. (2017, October 17). Retrieved from
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[3]. Dhar, K. (2017, Dec 19). How to buy and sell bitcoins? Are bitcoins legal in India? Retrieved from
[4]. Government sends tax notices to cryptocurrency investors as trading hits $3.5 billion. (2018, January 19). Retrieved from
[5]. Sethi, P. (2017, January 8). Are there any effects of the Bitcoin on the economy? Retrieved from
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Abstract: Small and Medium Entreprises(SMEs)play a crucial role in Indian economy.SMEs' success much depends upon effective working capital management.This paper deals with working capital management in Sri Nagavalli Solvent oils Ltd, which is an Indian Small Enterprise of Srikakulam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh. It is a Supplier and Manufacturer of rice bran Oil Company.In this paper an attempt is made to examine the structure and composition of working capital in the Enterprise during the period of study covering ten years from 2006-07 to 2015-16. An attempt is also made to analyze the liquidity position, to find the gross working and networking turnover and to examine the efficiency in cash, debtors and inventory management in the Small Enterprise under study..
Keywords: Cash Turnover, Debtors turnover, Inventory turnover, Liquidity,Small Enterprise[1]. Mishra, R.K., "Problems of Working Capital – with Reference to Selected Public Undertakings in India", Somaiya Publication,
Bombay, 1975.
[2]. Suk, H., Seung, H. and Rewland, "Working Capital Practices of Japanese Firms in the US", Financial Practice and Education,
Spring – Summer, Vol.2, No.1, 1992,pp. 89-92.
[3]. Sivarama PR, "Working Capital Management in Indian Paper Industry", Unpublished Thesis, Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna
Nagar, Guntur, 1999.
[4]. Reddy, S.H., "Working Capital Management in Small Scale Industries – A Case Study of Cuddapah District", Doctoral
Dissertation, Sri VenkateswaraUniveristy, Tirupati,2000.
[5]. Ghosh SK and Maji SG, "Utlization of Current Assets and Operating Profitability: An Empirical Study on Cement and Tea
Industries in India", Indian Journal of Accounting, IAA,2003, pp.81-91.
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Abstract: Indian economy is emerging as one of the fastest growing economies in the world and more women are entering the workforce, especially in the rapidly growing software services sector. Although the family structure and the role of women are subject to changes across countries, domestic and childcare responsibilities are still considered to be typically undertaken by women. The current empirical study attempts to explore the perception of gender discrimination by women and how it affects their work engagement. This study is based on an exploratory quantitative study in which the data is obtained from the opinions expressed by women employees working in the software sector in Bangalore, India. First, the practise of gender discrimination as perceived by women employees and the notion.........
Keywords: Commitment, gendered Work Engagement, Occupational Stress, Cronbach's Alpha, Disengaged employees[1] Acker, J. (1990). Hierarchies, Jobs, Bodies: Gender & Society, 4(2), pp.139-158.
[2] Adya, M. (2008). Women at work: Differences in IT career experiences and perceptions between South Asian and American women. Human Resource Management, 47(3), pp.601-635.
[3] Albrecht, S., Bakker, A., Gruman, J., Macey, W. and Saks, A. (2015). Employee engagement, human resource management practices and competitive advantage. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 2(1), pp.7-35.
[4] Banihani, M. and Syed, J. (2016). A Macro-National Level Analysis of Arab Women's Work Engagement. European Management Review.
[5] Banihani, M., Lewis, P. and Syed, J. (2013). Is work engagement gendered? Gender in Management: An International Journal, 28(7), pp.400-423.