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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Work Environment and Job Stress towards Job Satisfaction |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M.V.V. Bhanu || Dr. P.C. Sai Babu |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2002020107 ![]() |
Abstract: In the modern period, organizations are facing several challenges due to the dynamic nature of the environment. , the business must satisfy the needs of its employees by providing good working conditions. One of the many challenges for a business is to satisfy IT employees in order to cope up with the ever changing and evolving environment and to achieve success and remain in competition. Job satisfaction is related to different socio-economic and personal factors, such as: Age, Gender, Incentives, working environment, education, duration of work etc. In order to increase efficiency, effectiveness, productivity and job commitment of employees. The objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of working environment and job stress on employee job satisfaction. Work environment and job stress are major barriers of job satisfaction. The present paper will highlight different factors affecting job satisfaction in selected IT companies in Visakhapatnam.
Keywords: Job satisfaction, Stress, Skill, Social security, Working Condition.................
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review of Indian Mobile Phone Sector |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Akash C.Mathapati || Dr.K Vidyavati |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2002020817 ![]() |
Abstract: The Paper Has Attempted To Understand The Indian Mobile Handset Overview, Market Size, Competitive Landscape With Some Of The Category Data. Also Some Relevant Studies On Indian Mobile Handset And Its Global Comparison Have Been Focused With The Impact On Economy And Society.
Keywords: India, Mobile handsets, market size, Global Comparisons, GSM[1]. Euromonitor International, (2016). Mobile Phones in India
[2]. GSMA Intelligence, (2017). The Mobile Economy 2017, Retrieved from
[4]. Institute for Competitiveness. (2010). State Competitiveness Report. Institute for Competitiveness.
[5]. Indian Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), (2017). Telecommunication, Retrieved from
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Abstract: This study aims to examine and explain whether the independence of the Board of Commissioners improve the earnings quality at listed companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The earnings quality on this research measured using earnings persistence. The population of this research are all listed companies on the IDX. The data selected by using purposive sampling method. The results showed that the independence of the Board of Commissioners has no effect to the earnings quality at listed companies on the IDX. This research result indicates that supervisory function by the independence of the board of commissioners not effective in improving the earnings quality at listed companies on the IDX.
Keywords: Independence of the board of commissioners, earnings quality, earnings persistence.
[1]. Alves, Sandra. 2014. The Effect of Board Independence on the Earnings Quality: Evidence from Portuguese Listed Companies. Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, 8 (3): 23-44.
[2]. Amstrong, C.S., Core, J.E. dan Guay, W.R. 2014. Do Independent Directors Cause Improvements in Firm Transparency? Journal of Financial Economics, 113:383-403.
[3]. Arioglu, Emrah. 2015. Market Reaction to Director Independence at Borsa Instanbul. Borsa Instanbul Review, 15 (4): 259-271.
[4]. Ardiyos. 2016. Kamus Standar Akuntansi. Jakarta: Jakarta Putra Grafika.
[5]. Asian Corporate Governance Association (ACGA). 2012. CG Watch 2012: Market Rankings. ACGA Ltd, 10 September 2012
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Abstract: "A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle." –Khalil Gibran This paper examined information literacy skills among lecturers of Under graduation colleges which are comes under Mangalore University, Karnataka. The descriptive survey design was adopted for the study and the samples were selected randomly for the study. 100 questionnaires were retrieved and used for the study. Simple percentage and frequency count statistical tool was used to analyze the data. The study found out that ability to use information effectively to accomplish a task, ability to recognize the needed information, ability to access the needed information effectively and efficiently and ability to evaluate information critically are the information literacy skills possessed by some of the lecturers in Mangalore University.
Keywords: Information Literacy, Information literacy level, Usage.[1].
[3]. Http:// age
[4]. Dunn-K, (2002). Assessing information literacy skills in the California state university: A progress report. Journal-of-Academic-librarianship. 28 (1/2) p.26-35.II. Tbls.
[5]. Prabhakaran P. Sathiyamurthy M.G. and Vijay kumar K (2010) ; Information access Patterns of Faculty in Arts and Science college in Chindambaram ,Library Philosophy and Practice . p.p.1-10.
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Abstract: Start-ups don't die, they commit suicide. In other words, 90 percent of start-ups fail because the founders get bored, discouraged, or something else, and they move on to other things, not because of some catastrophe. No matter how dark it is today, things will always better tomorrow." -- Justin Kan, Justin.TV.Startup businesses have always played an important role in the global economy, but recently their importance has grown significantly. For this reason, governments around the world have amended regulation and created incentives to encourage their development. However, statistics shows that startups have an extremely high mortality rate, often due to a lack of strategic planning, wrong marketing investments or inefficient resource allocation.............
Keywords: Start-up, promotional strategy, Ola cabs, Taxi aggregator.[1].
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Global Fast Food Retailing In India – A Way Ahead |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Anitharaj M.S. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2002023843 ![]() |
Abstract: The Indian economy was a traditional economy with majority of the consumers having a preference towards home cooked foods. This posed a major challenge to the major global fast food giants such as McDonalds and KFC to establish their business in India. In recent years the Indian fast food industry is undergoing rapid changes, reflecting a number of underlying developments. The most significant has been the quality and variety of services which have accelerated and broadened the scope of fast food restaurants in India. The global retailers have to compete with the Indian fast food retailers who offer traditional foods according to their tastes at affordable prices. Today, the fast food industry is adapting to Indian food requirements and is growing rapidly in India...........
Keywords: Buying Preferences, Challenges and Opportunities, Growth Drivers, Global Retailing, Indian Fast food Industry.[1]. Agnes K.Y. Law, Y.V. Hui, Xiande Zhao, (2004) "Modeling repurchase frequency and customer satisfaction for fast food outlets", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 21 Issue: 5, pp.545-563, doi: 10.1108/02656710410536563
[2]. Goyal Anita and Singh Netra Pal (2007)., Consumer perception about fast food in India: An exploratory study British Food Journal February 2007
[3]. Ruth Cynthia Klerk (2008).,
[4]. Hong Qin, Victor R. Prybutok, Qilan Zhao, (2010) "Perceived service quality in fast‐food restaurants: empirical evidence from China", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 27 Issue: 4, pp.424-437, doi: 10.1108/02656711011035129
[5]. Ernest; Kelloff, Ashley (2013)., "Fast Food Leadership: Valuing What Is Easy over What Is Best"
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Abstract: The performance management system (PMS) aimed at driving forward the improvement in public service and enhancing the sustainability of service quality. The performance agreement (PA) has played a crucial role in improving and evaluating performance, driving public sector development, and linking performance with the monetary incentive schemes. However, the study also finds a limitation of the PA execution in relation to its linkages with incentive distribution to individuals. This study was to investigate the effects of performance appraisal (PA) on employee productivity and motivation in Indian steel Industry. Simple random sampling was used to select 150 employees. The research instruments used for data collection were the questionnaires and interview schedules. Descriptive analysis and inferential statistic i.e. regression analysis and t-test were used. Results indicated that there...........
Keywords: Performance Appraisal, Employee Productivity, internal Customer Satisfaction andmotivation[1]. Cardy, R & Dobbins, G. (1994). "Performance appraisal: Alternate perspectives", South-Western Publishing Company, Cincinnati
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[5]. Esu, B.B and Inyang, B.J. (2009). A Case for Performance Management in the Public Sector ofNigeria, Vol.4 (4).
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Abstract: Broadband internet service is highly emerged business line in the slow-cycle competitive market and most of companies are trying to get sustainable market share through grabbing foreign customers' loyalty & increasing customers' value. The statistical analysis shows significant relationship between broadband service quality and customer value as well as significant relationship between broadband service quality and customer loyalty. In this study, the SQ model (ten dimensions) is used to measure broadband service quality but each dimension does not have equal significant level and even few of them did not have significant relationship at all. This study also discloses that competence is implicitly changed customer loyalty and customer value. Clearly, service organization should have sufficient related knowledgeable and experienced employees to maintain and provide quality service so that customers can get desired value which may increase the level of satisfaction that causes increased customer loyalty. Customer............
Keywords: Broadband, Customer loyalty, Customer value, SQ model, Competitive market..[1]. AfsharJahanshahi, A., and Zhang, S. X. Brem, A. (2013). "E-commerce for SMEs: empirical insights from three countries", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 849-865.
[2]. Ananth, A., Ramesh, R. and Prabaharan, B. (2011). "Service Quality GAP Analysis in Private Sector Banks A Customer Perspective", Internationally Indexed Journal, Vol. II, Issue.1 pp. 245-252.
[3]. Arambewela, R., and Hall, J. (2013). "The international effects of the internal and external university environment, and the influence of personal values, on satisfaction among international postgraduate students", Studies in Higher Education, 38(7), pp. 972-988.
[4]. Avdjieva, M. & Wilson, M. (2002). "Exploring the development of quality in higher education, Managing Service Quality", 12(6), pp. 372–383.
[5]. Bhattacharjee, Amitab. (2016). "Impact of service quality on customer brand relationship; A study on foreign customer of CIMB bank in Malaysia", pp. 22-30.
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Abstract: Growing competitive pressures lead the organizations to be effective in developing their human resources through appropriate training interventions. The objective is to study various cost-effective methods and techniques of imparting training for this sector. The field survey was done in the Textile and Apparel organizations situated in the state of Punjab. A total of 214 respondents of 33 Industries belonging to different managerial levels took part in this survey. The findings indicated on the job trainings and computer-based learning are commonly followed in textile and apparel manufacturing units of Punjab, due to their flexible, easy accessibility and cost effectiveness approach. The results indicated in the study, thus, help understand the organizations to increase their human capabilities through effective and strategized training approaches helping them to remain competitive in the dynamic markets..
Keywords: Indian Textile and Apparel Industry, Training & Development, Training Methods, On the Job Trainings, Computer based learning,[1]. Alasadi, R., & Sabbagh, H. Al. (2015). The Role of Training in Small Business Performance. International Journal of Information,Business and Management, 7(1). Retrieved from
[2]. Ameeq, Ameeeq-ul; Hanif, F. (2013). Impact of Training on Employee‟s Development and Performance in Hotel Industry of Lahore, Pakistan. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 4(4), 68–83. Retrieved from
[3]. Benson-Armer, R., Otto, S.-S., & Webster, G. (2014). Building capabilities for performance. McKinsey & Company, 1–12.
[4]. Blanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (2006). Effective training - systems, strategies and practices. In Computer Based Training Methods. Effective training: systems, strategies, and practices (pp. 263–287). Prentice Hall.
[5]. Børing, P. (2017). The relationship between training and innovation activities in enterprises. International Journal of Training and Development (Vol. 21). Retrieved from
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Abstract: This research aimed to analyze and examine the hypotheses on the influence the government's internal control system, government accounting standards, role of internal auditors and the completion of the audit findings to Good Government Governance. Respondents in this research are internal auditors of the inspectorate at the provincial / city / regency government in West Nusa Tenggara and BPK's auditors (Representative of NTB). In this research the sampling method used is purposive sampling method. Data were collected through distributing questionnaires to 250 respondents . Data were analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS) with SmartPLS 3.0 program.The results of this research indicates that government's internal control system, government accounting standards, role of internal auditors and the completion of the audit findings positif significantly influence to Good Government Governance.
Keywords: Government internal control system, government accounting standard, internal auditor role, audit findings, good governance, institutional theory[1]. Aditiarwarman, 2015. Pengaruh Persepsi Pengendalian Internal, Pengauditan Internal, Dan Komitmen Organisasional Terhadap Persepsi Penerapan Good Corporate Governance Menurut Pegawai Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) DKI Jakarta. Skiripsi. UGM. Yogyakarta
[2]. Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of The Treadway Commission (COSO), 1994. Internal Control Integrated Framework, New York : AICPA Publication.
[3]. DiMaggio, P., & Powell, W. (1983). The Iron Cage revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective reality in Organizational Fields. American Sociological Review
[4]. Ferdinand, A. 2002. Structural Equation Modeling Dalam Penelitian Manajemen. Edisi Kedua.Semarang : Badan Penerbit Undip.
[5]. Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance (KNKG), 2008. Public Governance, Jakarta Salemba Empat.
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Abstract: This study examines the current situation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosure practices in listed banks of Bangladesh. This paper examines annual report of 2016 of selected banks in consideration of preferred sector of CSR by Bangladesh Bank, National Board of Revenue (NBR) and areas examined by previous researchers. The study reveals 100% banks reported about CSR activities. The most participated sector is Education sector where 100% participation is observed. The least participated area is environment where participation is 41.66%. Lack of diversity in CSR activities have been observed through this study..
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Disclosure, Reporting, Private Commercial Banks.[1]. Philip Kotler & Nancy Lee, Corporate Social Responsibility – Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause (New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005).
[2]. Khan H., The Effect of Corporate Governance Elements on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reporting: Empirical Evidence from Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh, International Journal of Law and Management. 52 (2), 2010, 82-109.
[3]. Deegan C. M., & Gordon, B., A study of the environmental disclosure practices of Australian corporations. Accounting and Business Research, 26(3), 1996, 187–199.
[4]. Deegan C., The legitimising effect of social and environmental disclosures— A theoretical foundation, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 15, 2002, 282–311.
[5]. Gray R., The social accounting project and accounting, organizations and society—privileging engagement, imaginings, new accountings and pragmatism over critique?, Accounting, Organizations and Society, 27, 2002, 687–708