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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Insight into Usage of Shopping Apps Among Youth |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. Priyanka Patel || Dr. Bijal Zaveri |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2005010105 ![]() |
Abstract: With the exponential growth of technology, a variety of Smartphone apps have penetrated in our lives. Smartphone apps enable consumers to use their Smartphone to look out of all the daily activities which also includes shopping. The objective of the paper is to study the usage, motivating and hindering aspects of shopping apps amongst youth. For achieving the objectives of the study, survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire. A sample size of 125 respondents, who have used shopping apps for purchasing online was taken for the purpose of the study. The paper concludes that there is no association between gender and usage frequency for the shopping apps among the youth..............
Keywords: Smartphone Apps, Shopping apps, Ease of Use, Discounts and Offers, Apps installed[1]. Alnawas I.,AburubF. (2016); The effect of benefits generated from interacting with branded mobile apps on consumer satisfaction and purchase intentions; Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services; Issue 31
[2]. H.-W. Kim, H.-R. Lee. (2016). Investigating Decision Factors in Mobile Application Purchase: A Mixed Methods Approach. Information and Management. Elsevier.
[3]. Jang, Y.D. (2015). Effects of Mobile Shopping Characteristics on Purchase Intention in a Smart Media Environment. Journal of Marketing Thought. 60-72.
[4]. McCormick H.; LivettC. (2012); Analysing the influence of the presentation of fashion garments on young consumers' online Behavior; Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management; Vol. 16, No. 1
[5]. Patel P., Zaveri B., (2016); The Emergence of Smartphone Apps as tool to transform Consumer Behavior in India; Research Trends in Marketing Management and General Management, Excel India Publishers. 82-87
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Abstract: The core banking services provided by a group of networked bank branches, where customers may access their bank account and perform basic transactions from any of the member branch offices. Internet banking is a technology driven services offered by the banks. Here the customers can obtain their account details through internet. To access the details, the customer is provided with a user ID & password. In the present study three public sector banks and three private banks have been selected. The satisfaction levels of customers are compared with public sector banks and private sector banks.
Key Words: Internet banking, Public Sector Banks, Private Sector Banks.
[1]. Dannenberg and Kellner. "The Bank of Tomorrow with Today‟s Technology of Internet Banking by Australian Consumers: An Empirical Investigation", International Journal of Bank Marketing, 17, 7,(1998): 324-334.
[2]. Elizabeth Daniel, "Provision of Electronic Banking in the UK and the Republic of Ireland", International Journal of Bank Marketing, 17,2,(1999): 72-83.
[3]. Milimd Sathye. "Adoption of Internet Banking by Australian Consumers: An Empirical Investigation", International Journal of Bank Marketing, 7, 7,(1999): 324-334.
[4]. Drigă, Imola, Dorina Niţă, and Codruţa Dura. 2009. Aspects Regarding Internet Banking Services in Romania. Annals of the University of Petroşani, Economics, 9(3): 239-248.
[5]. Isaeva, Nataliya. 2012. Development of the Ukrainian Market of Financial Services on the Basis of Electronic Technologies. Business Inform, 7: 124-126.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Relationship between Work-Life Balance and Job Performance of Employees |
Country | : | Sri Lanka |
Authors | : | Thevanes, N || Mangaleswaran.T |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2005011116 ![]() |
Abstract: Work-life balance is an emerging contemporary issue that everyone is struggling to achieve between the work sphere and the family sphere. Despite its importance, banks employ several work-life balance promoting practices to enhance the employee job performance as well as organizational performance. However, there are lacunas in empirical studies undertaken in Sri Lankan context regarding the relationship between work-life balance and job performance. This study was conducted in order to fulfil these empirical knowledge gaps. Hence, the objective of this study is to test the relationship between work-life balance and job performance. In order to achieve the objectives, primary data were collected from 166 employees of selected private banks in Batticaloa region of Sri Lanka and the structured questionnaire was administered..........
Keywords: Employee, Job performance, Work-life balance, Relationship.
[1]. Akuratiyagamage, VM, & Opatha, HHDNP 2012, "Grievances of middle managers: an empirical investigation into perceptions of commercial bank branch managers in Sri Lanka‟, Journal of Management Research, vol.2, no.2, pp. 92-112.
[2]. Allen, T, & Armstrong, J 2006, "Further examination of the link between work-family conflict and physical health‟, American Behavioral Scientist, vol. 49, pp. 1204-1221.
[3]. Arulrajah., AA. & Opatha, HHDNP 2012, "An Exploratory Study on the Personal Qualities/Characteristics expected by the Organisations for Key HRM jobs in Sri Lanka‟, Sri Lankan Journal of Human Resource Management, vol.3, no.1, pp.32-48.
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Abstract: The objective of this study is to determine the effect of corporate governance on DMBs performance in Nigeria's recessed economy. This study employed two analytical tools in Pearson Moment Correlation and Multiple regression to test for both correlation and regression analysis respectively based on three aspects of corporate governance namely; Board Size (BS), Non-Executive Directors (NED) and Executive Directors (ED). Deposit Money Banks performance is measured through Return on Equity (ROE) and Return on Assets (ROA). The results revealed that all variables of corporate governance positively and significantly correlated with ROE and ROA at 5percent level of significance...........
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Deposit Money Bank, Banks Performance
[1]. Abdullah, S. N. (2004) Board Composition, CEO Duality and Performance among Malaysian Listed Companies, Corporate Governance, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 47-61.
[2]. Adebayo, M., Ibrahim, A. O. B., Yusuf, B. & Omah, I. (2014). Good Corporate Governance and Organisational Performance: An Empirical Analysis. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 4, No. 7(1).
[3]. Adeoye, A. & Amupitan, M. D. (2015). Corporate Governance in the Nigerian Banking Sector: Issues and Challenges. European Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance Research Vol.3, No.5, pp.64-89,
[4]. Afolabi, A. & Dare, A. M. (2015). Corporate Governance in the Nigerian Banking Sector: Issues and Challenges. European Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance Research Vol.3, No.5, pp.64-89.
[5]. Ajanthan, A; Balaputhiran, S & Nimalathashan, B (2013). Corporate Governance and Banking Performance: a Comparative Study between Private and State Banking Sector in Sri Lanka. European Journal of Business and Management, Vol.5, No.20.
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Abstract: The transition of an economy from the primary and the secondary sectors towards the tertiary sector paves way for the development of a country. The predominance of the service sector not only contributes towards increasing the GDP but also enables to achieve the Millennium development goals put forth by the UN. The tertiary sector plays an invincible role in accelerating the developmental process of an economy by contributing nearly 50% towards the GDP. The service sector in India accounted for a colossal 60.7% of FDI equity inflows during 2016-17 as cited by IBEF. This makes it evident that international trade and investment flourishes with the growth of the service sector. The tertiary sector is a paramount provider of employment opportunities. In India as well as in the global landscape the service sector has widely influenced the economic, political and social scenario
Keywords: GDP, Tertiary Sector, Growth.
[4]. India Labour Market Update ILO Country Office for India | July 2017
[5]. Economic Survey 2014-15- Services Sector
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Abstract: Service quality is an important idea inside the carrier enterprise and is extra crucial for economic provider carriers who've issue in displaying their client's product differentiation. In this concern present study were conducted to identify role of service quality in customer satisfaction and trust. So data were collected from 250 banking customers and were analyzed and tested through regression models conceived. The results of study reveal that Customer satisfaction among banking customers has significant dependency on Service Quality dimensions such as Service Quality Access, Service Quality Assurance, Service Quality Reliability, Service Quality Empathy, Service Quality Tangibility and Service Quality Responsiveness. Further, Service Quality Assurance is not found to be significant. Which means customer satisfaction in the banking sector does not depend significantly on the Service Quality dimension Assurance. Moreover, Customer trust depends on the customer satisfaction in the banking sector.
Keywords: Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Trust.
[1] Al-Azzam, A. F. M. (2015). The impact of service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction: A field study of Arab bank in Irbid city, Jordan. European Journal of Business and Management, 7(15), 45-53.
[2] Aljasser, I. A., & Sasidhar, B. (2016). Bank Customers‟perception Of Service Quality And Customer Satisfaction In Saudi Arabia. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 4(11), 130-141.
[3] Cronin Jr, J. J., & Taylor, S. A. (1992). Measuring service quality: a reexamination and extension. The journal of marketing, 55-68. [4] Eid, M. (2011). Determinants of E-Commerce customers satisfaction, Trust and Loyalty in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 12(1), 78-93.
[5] Eshghi, A., Roy, S., & Ganguli, S. (2008). Service quality and customer satisfaction: An empirical investigation in Indian mobile Telecommunications services. Marketing Management Journal, 18(2), 119-144.
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Abstract: This study seeks to understand and analyse the determinants of knowledge sharing among employees of banks, through the lens of negotiation, reciprocity, and exchange characteristics. Also, to measure the contributions of these variables towards efficient bank services innovation. Hence, banks have identified the importance of service innovation as a way forward. Similarly, banks seek to invest in building internal capabilities of its employees via beneficial social relationship, profitable reciprocal exchange and employee participation in knowledge sharing. Thus, relevant literature was reviewed to construct and propose the research model that determine sharing of knowledge among employees in banks and its effects on bank services innovation.
Keywords: Knowledge sharing, Bank, Employees, Service, Negotiation, Reciprocity, Social Relationship, Social Exchange.
[1] Abu Bakar, A. R., Abdul Talib, A. N., & Hashim, F. (2014). Restoring service quality, satisfaction and loyalty in higher education institutions through market orientation. Journal for global business advancement, 7(1), 88-107.
[2] Abuazoum, A. A., Azizan, N., & Ahmad, N. (2013). Knowledge Sharing for the Islamic Banking Sector in Malaysia. International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2(3), 368.
[3] Al-Busaidi, K. A., & Olfman, L. (2017). Knowledge sharing through inter-organizational knowledge sharing systems. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 47(1), 110-136.
[4] Åge, L. J., & Eklinder-Frick, J. (2017). Goal-oriented balancing: happy–happy negotiations beyond win–win situations. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 32(4), 525-534.
[5] Agndal, H., Åge, L. J., & Eklinder-Frick, J. (2017). Two decades of business negotiation research: an overview and suggestions for future studies. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 32(4), 487-504.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pay Practices and Employee Satisfaction: A Study of Defence PSUs in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ruchira Dobhal || Dr Akanksha Nigam |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2005014663 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyse the impact of Pay practices on the Employee Attrition in Defence PSUs in India. Pay Practices are most important aspect of employee attrition in government or private organisation. Private Sector participation in the Defence Industry of India, is the major reason behind this research issue of employee attrition. This entry of the private companies to Defence Sector has become a kind of a challenge for Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) and the DPSUs are very much concerned about retaining the employees and minimising attrition. The present research focused on the pay practices and its impact on employee attrition rate and employees satisfaction. This research issue has been addressed from two perspectives of Junior / Middle Level Executives and Senior Level Executives. A comparative research on the pay practices and its association with attrition in DPSUs was conducted. Chi square analysis was performed to ascertain the association and check the hypotheses.
Keywords: Pay practices, Attrition, Employee Satisfaction, DPSUs.
[1] Abelson, M., B. Baysinger (1984), "Optimal and dysfunctional turnover: Toward an organizational level model," Academy of Management Review, Vol. 9 No.2, pp. 331–341.
[2] Allen, D, Bryant, Ph, Vardaman, J, (2010), Retaining Talent: Replacing Misconceptions with Evidence-Based Strategies", Academy of Management Perspectives, May, pp 48-64 Business Dictionary, System Vulnerability, accessed on 01.07.2014, at zz2q5qWiFpv
[3] Arnold, H.J. and Feldman, D.C., (1982), "A multivariate analysis of the determinants of job turnover," Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 67, No.3, pp. 350-360.
[4] Arthur, W., Bell, S., Donerspike, D., &Villado, A.,(2006), " The use of Person-Organization fit in employment decision making; An assessment of its criterion related validity," Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.91, pp. 786-801.
[5] Barrick, M.R., & Zimmerman, R.D.,(2005), "Reducing voluntary turnover, avoidable turnover through selection," Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 90, pp.159-166
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Abstract: The article by Jeff Jacoby titled "The Blessings of Climate Change" posted online , December, 7th 2017 is already going viral, raising debate especially among many students of Climate Change & the Environment. Jacoby for example argued that with the warming of our globe, countries or states that fall within the Tundra will or is already benefiting especially in the area of telecommunication, etc. The danger of this kind of unguided articles that lack holistic objectivity is that it undermines efforts made at restoring our degrading environment, and for sustainable living. Take for example, the move by the National Assembly for the establishment of the National Commission for Climate Change (NCCC). This article is not only aimed at clarifying this write-up but to also justify and draw support for why the NCCC should be established against those who say such a commission is not necessary but a mere duplication. As tutors, permit us to clarify these issues using question and answer.
[1] Adefolalu, D.O (2003) Weather and Health. A Case Study; Micro Climatology in Equatorial Tropics. Senate Research Project. University of Calabar. Pp 2-3.
[2] Afangideh A.I and Njoku N.L (2001) Modeling for the Relationship between Weather and Heat Induced Health Problems in the University of Calabar". Environmental Analer. Journal of Environmental ScienceNo. 7. Pp 600 – 672.
[3] Africa Adaptation Programme (2016). "Nigeria", AAP Nigeria. Available at: <> [Accessed 26 September 2016]
[4] Binbol, N.L and Uzochukwu, C.T (2008). Climate And Human Comfort In FCT. Mamman, A.B; Chup C.D and Mashi, S.A. (eds) Urbanization, Resource Exploitation And Environmental Stability In Nigeria. Joyce Publisher, Kaduna. Pp. 323-328.
[5] Building Nigeria's Response to Climate Change Project (2011). National Adaptation Strategy and Plan of Action on Climate Changefor Nigeria (NASPA-CCN), BNRCC.
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Abstract: Sustainable Growth requires participation of all segments of society. Financial Inclusion is a drive towardsattaining inclusive growth and sustainable development and plays a major role in driving away the povertyfrom the country. The primary purpose of financial Inclusion is to deliver and spread awareness regardingbanking and financial services at affordable costs to the unbanked sections of disadvantage and low incomesections of society so as to unlock their savings and investment potential. The objective of the study is toexamine the major problems and hurdles in accessing financial product and services of the study area and to justify the role of government for opening bank account, accessing loan facility, and services offered by bank .The study was conducted through collection of primary data from 400respondents in rural household in the in their respective blocks in the Varanasi district............
Keywords: Financial Inclusion, Financial Services, Awareness, Savings, Credit.
[1] AdityaShastri (2014) "Financial Inclusion In Madhya Pradesh A Study With Reference To Rural Population". Journal of business management and social science research, volume 3, no. 12, December 2014,Pp 9-13.
[2] Chandan, Kumar. &Srijit, Mishra. (2011) "Banking Outreach and Household level Access: Analyzing Financial Inclusion in India", M.Phil. thesis. Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR). Mumbai.
[3] DrManohar V. Serrao, Dr A. H. Sequeira and Dr K.V.M Varambally (2016)"Impact of Financial Inclusion on the Socio-Economic Status of Rural and Urban Households of Vulnerable Sections in Karnataka"
[4] Hastak, Anuradha and Gaikwad, Arun (2015), "Issues Relating to Financial Inclusion and Banking Sectors in India," The Business and Management Review, Vol.4 (4),Pp 194-203.
[5] Joseph and Varghese (2014), "Role of Financial Inclusion in the Development of Indian Economy" Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online), Vol.5, No.11, 2014, Pp. 6-11.
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Abstract: The government of Kenya through theYouth Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (YAGPO) initiative sought to improve inclusivity in public procurement by reserving 30% procurement opportunities reserved for disadvantagedgroups of which the youth form a substation part. However, this initiative has not achieved the expected results as the tender uptakes among the youth are still very low. Therefore, the present study sought to examine the determinants of youth participation in public procurement projects in Kenyafocusing on youth owned firms in Kericho County. Specifically, it sought to determine how bidding knowledge, business profiles and tender evaluation process affects the participation of youth enterprises in public procurement projects in Kericho County............
Keywords: YOUTH-OWNED COMPANIES,PUBLIC PROCUREMENT PROJECTS ,Access to Government Procurement Opportunities
[1] Agaba, E & Shipman N. (2007). Public Procurement Reform in Developing Countries: TheUgandan Experience. In G. Piga& K. V. Thai (Eds.), Advancing Public procurement. Practices, Innovation and Knowledge-Sharing, 373-391.
[2] Akech, J. M. M. (2005). Development partners and governance of public procurement in Kenya: enhancing democracy in the administration of aid. International law and politics, 37(4), 829-868.
[3] Attaran, M.,&Attaran, S. (2002) Catch the wave of e-procurement. Industrial Management 44,3, 16-21.
[4] Ayoti, B.N. (2012). Factors influencing effectiveness in tendering process in public sector, the case of Nyeri County, Kenya. Unpublished Research Project, University of Nairobi
[5] Cronbach, L. J., & Azuma, H. (1962). Internal-consistency reliability formulas applied to randomly sampled single-factor tests: An empirical comparison. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 22, 645-665.
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Abstract: Women face myriad challenges in advancing their rights. Empowerment is an intervention that has been recommended for work with demoralized/ underpriviledged women. Gaining awareness in social and human science knowledge to support policies and build capacities for women involvement in local associations and inter-community cooperation methods that can contribute to social empowerment by improving their skills, knowledge and self-perception. Local associations also act as self-help mechanisms through which women folks organize their economic activities, such as farming cooperatives and/ or initiating self employment. By transmitting their knowledge through research-action activities for understanding women involvement in gaining access and training for attaining empowerment and contribute to GDP of the nation.
Keywords: women, empowerment, social work, knowledge, community, perception, transmission
[1]. Sargeant, A. (1999). Charitable Giving: Towards a Model of Donor Behavior. Journal of Marketing Management, 15, 215-238. 2000,
[2]. Lo, C.-P., & Tashiro, S. (2013). Are Women More Generous than Men? Evidence from US Consumer Expenditure Survey. Journal of Gender Studies, 282-296.
[3]. Bendapudi, N., Singh, S. N., & Bendapudi, V. (1996, July). Enhancing Helping Behavior: An Intergrative Framework for Promotion Planning. Journal of Marketing, 33-49.