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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Brand Consciousness of Consumers in Retailing Environment |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. Lakshmi Narasimham |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2005030103 ![]() |
Abstract: The impact of factors on brand consciousness is analyzed in this paper. The dependent variable is brand consciousness and independent variables are similarity avoidance, normative influence and public self-awareness. A structured questionnaire with fifteen items was used for primary data from 140 respondents. The findings of this study suggest that brand consciousness plays a vital role in consumer decision making process. The consumers are dependent on brand for making purchase decision especially household items
Keywords: Organic Food, Sustainability, Food consumption, Consumer Behaviour.
Brand, image, reputation, consciousness, consumer, branded products.
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Abstract: This paper has endeavored to find out the role of media to create awareness regarding female hygiene practices during menstruation cycle from the perspectives of females residing in both rural and urban areas of Bangladesh. Based on a review of the previous relevant literature, a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire was developed and used to conduct the survey among 200 respondents from four rural and urban areas of Bangladesh to collect primary data for realizing the objectives of this research. The research is descriptive in the manner that attempted to realize its key objective by conducting a comparative analysis of the data collected from the rural and urban respondents. By undertaking descriptive (mean) and enter-method regression analysis using SPSS 24.0, the findings from rural and urban respondents have been analyzed separately to identify the key modes of media playing crucial roles for creating..............
Key Words: Awareness, Female Hygiene Practices, Role of Media, Menstruation, Rural and Urban Women of Bangladesh
[1]. Nayal, S., Toppo, N. A., Tomar, S. P., Kasar, P. K., and Tiwari, R., A study on practices regarding menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls of urban areas of Jabalpur District, International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health, 5(11),2016, 1-3.
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Abstract: These researched to discuss about accountability of management administrative of hotel and restaurant taxes revenue in Makassar City. The problem of research were how the revenue of hotel and restaurant taxes, how the accountability of administrative on local revenue offices and how the management of hotel and restaurant taxes revenue. These researched aims to description of revenue of hotel and restaurant taxes, analyzed the accountability of administrative on local revenue offices and to explain the management of hotel and restaurant taxes revenue. The result of researched to founded that the revenue of hotel and restaurant taxes in annual the realization to be increased , but the realization it still less contribution for local income . These meaning that still there subject/object...........
Keywords: Accountability Administration, MITRA Function, 5C Concept, local income.
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Abstract: This study aims to define the determinants of organizational performance in Turkish manufacturing SMEs context. To do so, a literature review is conducted and the factors mentioned in previous studies are reviewed. A questionnaire is adopted from Wang et al. (2015: 23) and this is applied to 174 SMEs. The data is analyzed via the use of SPSS 16.0, and descriptive statistics, reliability, validity and factor analyses are carried out. Besides these, the hypotheses derived from the literature are tested by correlations analysis. The results obtained depicts that most of the dimensions mentioned by Wang et al. (2015: 23) are validated in this context. The study has some implications for both academics and practitioners..
Keywords: Organizational performance, Turkish manufacturing SMEs,
[1]. Anastasia A. Katou , (2015)," Transformational leadership and organisational performance Three serially mediating mechanisms ", Employee Relations, Vol. 37 Iss 3 pp. 329 – 353.
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[3]. Andre de Waal , (2016)," Does Investors in People affect organisational performance: a relevant question? ", Employee Relations, Vol. 38 Iss 5 pp. 665 – 681.
[4]. Angelo MastrangeloErik R. Eddy Steven J. Lorenzet, (2014)," The relationship between enduring leadership and organizational performance ", Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 35 Iss 7 pp. 590 – 604.
[5]. BashaerAlmatrooshi Sanjay Kumar Singh Sherine Farouk, (2016)," Determinants of organizational performance: a proposed framework ", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 65 Iss 6 pp. 844 – 859.
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Abstract: There has been an ever-growing demand for housing in Kenya. Though this may spell booming business for real estate financing investments, this has not been the case, at least in in relation to financial performance. The study examined the effect of private asset financing loans on financial performance of real estate investment firms specifically in Nakuru town, Kenya. In particular, the study analyzed the effect of asset-to-loan ratio on financial performance of the said entities. The study population consisted of 80 real estate developers (real estate investment firms). Due to the relatively small size of the study population, a census design was adopted. A structured questionnaire was used to facilitate data collection. The instrument was pilot tested in order to determine both its validity and reliability...............
Keywords: Asset-to-loan ratio, financial performance, private asset financing loans, real estate investment firms.
[1]. Bardhan, A.D., & Datta, R. (2003). A tale of two sectors: upward mobility and private housing in Singapore, Journal of Housing Economics, 12(2), 83-105.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Assessment of Transshipment Port Market StructureanApplication toSino-MoroccanMaritime Routing |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Mahdi Birafane |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2005035768 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the advantage and the competiveness of the major port in the routing relating the kingdom of Morocco with the People's Republic of China. In doing so the structural conduct performance approach is employed to examine the advantage level as well as the inequality levels of the eleven major transshipment ports located in the Strait of Gibraltar, the Canal Suez and the Straits of Malacca over the period between 2013 and 2016. This paper presents the results from different perceptions by providing an analysis of the dynamic characteristics of the transshipment port market, and using four methods namely K-Firm concentration ratio, Hirschman-Herfindahl index, Entropy index and Gini coefficient.........
Keywords: K-Firm concentration ratio, Hirschman-Herfindahl index, Entropy index, Gini coefficient
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[5]. Demenopoulos, 2016, Head-Corporate Communications & Investor Relations at Piraeus Port Authority SA
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Abstract: This study aims to test and analyze empirically the effect of leadership style, work motivation and local culture on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and civil servants performance at 156 civil servants working in Tana Toraja Local Government. The results of the structural equation modeling using AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structures) software Ver.21 provides evidence that the style of leadership, motivation and local culture positive and significant effect on OCB. The OCB is a positive and significant effect on civil servants performance. Leadership style and work motivation positive and no significant effect on civil servants performance. The Local culture is a positive and significant on civil servants performance. The mediating roles of OCB are increasingly the leadership style, employee motivation and local culture on civil servants performance
Keywords - Leadership style, motivation, local culture, OCB, civil servants performance.
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Abstract: This study aims to explore the mediated effects of good governance and public service quality on the relationship between implementation of bureaucratic reforms and performance of the archival institutions in Indonesia. A total of 350 staff who are working at the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) in Jakarta and at the 34 Provincial Office of Libraries and Archives (ROLA) in the country were selected as the respondents of the study using a multi-stage sampling technique. A 350 questionnaires were distributed and entirely returned by the respondents were then analyzed using the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The study found evidence that bureaucratic reforms have a positive and significant impact on the implementation of good governance principles and the quality of public services. Bureaucratic reform has no direct influence on the organizational performance, but its influence..........
Keywords - Bureaucratic reform, good governance, quality of services, performance of public organization
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