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Abstract: Factors that can improve job performance are perceived organizational support, psychological empowerment and organizational citizenship behavior. The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of perceived organizational support and psychological empowerment on job performance and to know the role of organizational citizenship behavior mediation in explaining the relationship between psychological empowerment and job performance. Sample used in this research were employees of PT. Regional Development Bank Bali Branch Office Renon which amounted to 60 respondents with sampling technique using saturated samples. This research uses analysis technique PLS (Partial Least Square). The results of this study found that perceived organizational support and psychological empowerment have a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior..........
Keywords: perceived organizational support, psychological empowerment, OCB, job performance.[1]. Chiang,Fang-Chun & Tsung-Sheng Hsieh. 2012. The Impacts of Perceived Organizational Support and Psychological Empowerment on Job Performance: The Mediating Effects of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. International Journal of Hospitality Management , Vol 31,pp.180-190.
[2]. Degago, Esayas. 2014. A Study on Impact of Psychological Empowerment on Employee performance in Small and Medium Scale Enterprise Sectors. European Journal of Business and Management, Vol 6, No 27, pp. 60-71.
[3]. Edison, Emron.,Yohny Anwar & Imas Komariyah. 2016. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Strategi dan Perubahan Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Kinerja Pegawai dan Organisasi. Bandung: ALFABETA.
[4]. Gunawan, Musa Wahyu. 2017. Social Exchange Theory, (online), (, diakses 5 April 2018)
[5]. Kamali, Zahra & Ghorbalani Moeslemiur. 2016. The Relationship Between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and The Performance Managers and Governor Staff in The Golestan Province, Iran. International Research Jurnal of Management Sciences, Vol 4, No 1, pp. 58-66..
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Abstract: This study does the overview of literature on Leadership style and organizational effectiveness with reference to inter-personal values, organizational size & climate. A study of forty six Middle level Managers from twenty five private sector firms found that that there is high correlation between Personal values (PV), Cultures, organizational size and Organizational climate and for an organization to be effective, leadership, inter-personal values, cultures, organizational size and climate plays an important role. Various authors findings have been incorporated in this study.
[1]. Coch, L., and J.R.P. French. (1984) "Overcoming resistance to change", Human Relations, Vol. 1, pp. 512-532.
[2]. French, J.R.P., J. Israel and D.A. Ass (1960) "An experiment on participation in a Norwegian factory", Human Relations, Vol. 13, pp. 3-19.
[3]. Gupta, J.L. (1985). "Leadership styles and power sharing in Business enterprises, New Delhi: Himalaya publishing house, pp. 141.
[4]. Habibullah, A.H.M, and Sinha, J.B.P. (1980). "Motivational climate and Leadership styles", Vikalpa, Vol. 5, pp. 85-93.
[5]. Hofstede, G., "Cultures consequences? International differences in work related values, New Delhi, Sage publications, 1980, pp. 11..
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Abstract: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is the use of radio waves to read and capture information stored on tag attached to an object (EPC-RFIDINF. 2017). RFID is a technology which is finding its use in almost every field today. This study tries to find its application in the retail sector. The study aims to find the level of awareness of RFIDamongst mangers in retail industry, find whether RFID has been implemented by retailers in India, the benefits that RFID provides and the challenges the technology brings with it. Therefore the objectives of the study are: To find the level of awareness of RFID. To provide a background of RFID as a technology...........
[1]. Ferror, G,. 2009. When is RFID right for your service? International Journal of ProductionEconomics, Volume 124, Issue 2, Pages 414-425.
[2]. Roh, J,. 2009. Classification of RFID adoption: An expected benefits approach. Information & Management, Volume-46, Issue 6, Pages 357-363.
[3]. Montauti, F,. 2006. High Volume, Low Cost Production of RFID Tags Operating at 900 MHz.White Paper June 2006. [Online] Available at: operating-at [Accessed 07 July 2012].
[4]. Alexander, K., Birkhofer, G., Gramling, K., Kleinberger, H., Leng, S., Moogimane, D. &Woods, M,. 2002. IBM Business Consulting Services, Focus on Retail: Applying Auto-ID toImprove Product Availability at the Retail Shelf. Auto-ID Center White Paper, MIT Cambridge,1June 2002. [Online] Available at: pdf [Accessed 05 July 2012]
[5]. Zhou, W,. 2009. RFID and item-level information visibility. European Journal of OperationalResearch, Volume 198, Issue 1, Pages 252-258..
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Abstract: Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda majorly SACCOs play a significant role in the financial sector and to the economy at large since they empower members through offering loans for business startup. However the performance of these SACCOs in terms of loan repayment has been alarming overtime. Therefore the study sought to analyze the influence of financial literacy on loan repayment among SMEs of Microfinance Institutions a Case of INOZAMIHIGO Umurenge SACCO in Nyaruguru District. Specific objectiveswere to determine how book keeping literacy influence loan repayment among SMEs in Rwanda, to examine how budgeting literacy affect loan repayment among SMEs in Rwanda and to assess how debt management literacy affect loan repayment among SMEs in Rwanda...........
Keywords: Financial Literacy, Loan Repayment, SMEs, Umurenge SACCOS.
[1]. Agarwal, S., Driscoll, J., Gabaix, X & Laibson, D. (2007).The Age of Reason.Financial Decisions over the Lifecycle. USA: Harvard University.
[2]. Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behaviour. Organizational Behaviour and Human Decisions Processes, 50, 170-211.
[3]. Ajzen, I. (2008). The theory of planned behaviour. Organizational Behaviour and Human Decisions Processes, 21, 178-217.
[4]. Allon, R. (2012). One Size Strategy for SMEs Does Not Fit All: Entrepreneur-Magazine.
[5]. Amisi, S. (2012).The effect of financial literacy on investment decision making by pension fund managers in Kenya, Unpublished MBA Project, University of Nairobi
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Financial Literacy: Evidence from Saudi Women |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Dr. Raj Kumar Boora || Dr. Jyoti Agarwal |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2005043844 ![]() |
Abstract: Financial illiteracy is widespread among women, and that many women are unacquainted with even the most elementary economic theories needed to make saving and investment decision. Financial literacy means knowing and understanding the form, functions and use of money and financial services. While the influence of several factors such as gender, education, and income is similar to what has been reported in other contexts, a few factors specifically consultative decision-making process and educated women whose family members had stocks and retirement saving more likely to know about risk diversification than less educated women whose family member were not wealthy and complexity of the financial markets has heightened the need of financial literacy. The main objective of the present..
Keywords: Financial Education, Financial literacy Gender, Socio-Economic Status.
[1]. Calvet, L., Campbell J. Y. and Sodini, P. (2007), "Down or Out: Assessing the Welfare Costs of Household Investment Mistakes." Journal of Political Economy, 115(5), 707-747.
[2]. Cole, S., and Kartini S., (2009), Smart Money: The Effect of Education, Cognitive Ability, and Financial Literacy on Financial Market Participation, Harvard Business School Working Paper 09-071.
[3]. Christelis, D., Tullio J., and Mario P., (2007), Cognitive Abilities and Portfolio Choice, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 5735.
[4]. Cole S., T. Sampson, and B. Zia (2009). "Financial Literacy, Financial Decisions, and the Demand for Financial Services: Evidence from India and Indonesia." Harvard Business School Working Paper 09- 117.
[5]. Garman T.E. Forgue R.E.,(2006), Personal Finance (8th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company
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Abstract: since the introduction of modularity in automotive industry, the sector has undergone several changes. Thus, the production process has become more complex; many companies operating in different fields and dispersed geographically are involved in production network, alongside the raise of powerful mega-suppliers etc. In this context, governance is central. By sitting parameters for other firms, carmakers can ensure their supply of components and avoid any faille. In the light of the characteristics of this industry and using global value chain approach, the purpose of this paper is to analyze how carmakers govern their production network. Through literature review, we conclude that governance between automaker and first tiers suppliers is a dynamic process, evolving over time as well as is a combination of different modes at the same time.
Keywords– automotive industry, Global Value Chain, governance, modularity, power..
[1]. J. Humphrey, and H. Schmitz, Governance in global value chain, IDS bulletin, 32 (3), 2001, 19-29.
[2]. R. Kaplinsky, Globalisation and unequalisation: What can be learned from value chain analysis?, Journal of Development Studies, 37 (2), 2000, 117–46.
[3]. G. Gereffi, J. Humphrey, and T.Sturgeon, The governance of global value chains, Review of international political economy, 12(1), 2005, 78-104.
[4]. G. Gereffi and K. Fernandez-Stark, Global Value Chain analysis: Primer, Center on Globalization, Governance & Competitiveness (CGGC) Duke University Durham, North Carolina, USA, 2011
[5]. T. J. Sturgeon, Conceptualiser le commerce d'intégration: le cadre des chaînes de valeur mondiales, Conférence Commerce intégratif entre le Canada et les Etats-Unis, Implications stratégiques, Ottawa, 2006.
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Abstract: Banks are the most important thing for each and every person for their financial needs or business. It is also called the life and blood of the modern economy. These days banks provides so many different kinds of products and services to make the life of the people more easier and simpler in ways of getting financial advices and needs. Universal banks are one of those kinds of financial institution which provides almost all kinds of financial products or services that are available in the market. In this paper, we have tried to analyse whether people are aware of all the services or products which their banks provide them and do they know that their own bank is a universal bank.ICICI and SBI banks have been taken as two universal banks and the data collected are from fifty customers from each banks with random sampling method.
Keywords– Universal Bank, ICICI bank, SBI bank, Financial Institution, financial products and services
[1]. SenglaRenu,―Emerging trends of universal banking‖ International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management Vol. No. 4 (2013), Issue No. 03 (MARCH) ISSN 0976-2183
[2]. Benston J. George ―Journal of Economic Perspectives—Volume 8, Number 3—Summer 1994—Pages 121–143 ―Universal Banking‖
[3]. Khan S.H , ‗Harmonising the Roles and Operations of Development Financial Institutions and Banks' (1998), INDIAN BANKING: A TRANSITION TOWARDS UNIVERSAL BANKING FRAMEWORK, April 2011
[4]. Sensarma , ―Challenges of Universal Banking‖ The Journal of Nepalese Business Studies Vol. VII No.1 December 2010/11
[5]. George Benston―Do Universal Banks Increase the Risk of Financial Instability?‖ Journal of Economic Perspectives—Volume 8, Number 3—summer 1994—Pages 121–143
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A study on impact of selected factors on employee engagement |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | ChilumariVaraprasad |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2005046063 ![]() |
Abstract: The importance of employee engagement had been explained in this paper. A structured questionnaire has been used for primary data collection and employees from different organizations have participated in survey. Employee engagement is perceived as an independent activity and it not influenced by factors like job engagement, emotional engagement and cognitive engagement.
Keywords– Employee engagement, cognitive engagement, job engagement, emotional engagement and perceived supervisor support.
[1]. AbuKhaalifeh, A. N., & Som, A. P. (2013). The antedents affecting employee engagement and organizational performance. Asian Social Science, 9 (7), 41-45.
[2]. Andrew, O. C., & Sofian, S. (2012). Individual factors and work outcomes of employee engagement. The 2012 International Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation & Technology Management.40, pp. 498-508. Pattaya: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences.
[3]. Anitha, J. (2014). Determinants of employee engagement and thier impact on employee performance. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 63 (3), 308-323.
[4]. Fairlie, P. (2011). Meaningful work, employee engagement, and other key employee outcomes: Implications for human resource development. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 13 (4), 508-525.
[5]. Mone, E., Eisinger, C., Guggenheim, K., Price, B., & Stine, C. (2011). Performance Management at the Wheel: Driving Employee Engagement in Organizations. Journal of Business Psychology, 26, 205-212.
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Abstract: The study examined the effect of utilization levels of National Hospital Insurance Fund outpatient services on financial sustainability of Sub-County health facilities in Nakuru County, Kenya. The financial intermediation theory and the financial health model guided the study. A descriptive survey design was adopted. The management employees working in the public health sector in Kenya were targeted. The accessible population constituted the 183 management staff working with the 6 Sub-County hospitals in Nakuru County. Stratified random sampling technique was adopted to obtain 81 respondents from the study population. The study used a structured questionnaire to collect data and a secondary data collection sheet. The questionnaire was pilot tested to determine both its validity and reliability. The collected data were subjected to necessary analysis with the facilitation............
Keywords– Financial sustainability, National Hospital Insurance Fund, outpatient scheme, public hospitals, Sub-County hospitals, utilization levels..
[1]. Cohen, R.A., & Martinez, M.E. (2014). Health Insurance Coverage: Early Release of Estimates from theNationalHealth Interview Survey, 2014. Washington DC: National Center for Health Statistics.
[2]. OECD (2014). OECD Health Statistics 2014: How does South Africa Compare? Accessed on August26, 2017 from
[3]. Barber, S.L., & Yao, L. (2010). Health Insurance Systems in China: A briefing Note. Geneva: World Health Organization.
[4]. Rao, K, Ling X., Barber, S.L., Yao, L., Qian, J., Cai, M., Xin, Y., Gao, J., Xu K., &Boerma, J.T. (2010). Changes in Health Service Use and Expenditure in China during 2003-2008: Results from the National Health Services Surveys.
[5]. Franklin, D. (2010). American College of Medical Practice Executives. Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics, 23(10), 71–82.
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Abstract: Many research are undergoing in the area of IoT based applications for visually challenged persons. Study says that approximately 8 % of USA people are partially or fully visually blind. But unfortunately many people are not aware of how our technology really supporting them to overcome or lead a normal in spite of their disabilities. In this chapter I would like to review and analyse someof the useful mobile applications which they can use in their daily life with the technologies using in daily life like mobile phones so that they can do normal life without seeking others help. Apps like text recognitions enable them to make phone calls, receive phone calls, set and reset screen lock, alarm to find the place of mobile etc. Definitely these apps will help them to lead a normal life like others without disturbing others or others interventions. Many sensors are also nowa-days available to help visually impaired persons. Also technologies like Quantum level light sensors can replace damaged retinas. An introduction and usage of those products also will help them to motivate in future life.. .
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Abstract: Mergers in Kenya are being increasingly used for improving competitiveness of companies through gaining greater market share, broadening the portfolio to reduce business risk and capitalizing on economies of scale for strategic positioning. Specific objectives of the study was to; examining the effect of capital base on performance of merged insurance company, the relationship between competitiveness of mergers and performance, to establish the effect of expertise on performance of merging of insurance companies and to establish effect of synergy created on performance of insurance firms. This study adopted a descriptive survey design. The target population of the study was 400 with sample of 200 that was selected randomly from five departments of ICEA LION that deem to be more linked with........
Keywords– Merger, capitalbase, competition, expertise, synergy, insurance
[1]. Afande, F.O (2015), "Factors Motivating Mergers and Acquisitions in Kenya: Case of Firms Listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange" Journal of Poverty, Investment and Development, ISSN 2422-846X, Vol.10
[2]. Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2007), "Cross-border mergers and Acquisitions: the facts as a guide for international economics," in: G. Georgiou
[3]. Botchway, F. N. (2010). Mergers and Acquisitions in Resource Industry: Implications for Africa. Conn. J. Int‟l L., 26, 51.
[4]. Cooper, D. R., & Schindler, P. S. (2006). Business Research Methods, empirical investigation". Journal of Service Research, 1(2), 108–28.
[5]. Gachanja R. (2013) Merger and Acquisition Strategies and Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya: Nairobi: Nairobi University Press