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Abstract: The Current Scenario Exhibits A Recent Trend In Sustainable Food Consumption Where Consumers Are More Inclined Towards Organic Food Products. Organic Food Products Improve Public Health And Significantly Benefit The Environment As Well As The Economy. In This Regard, This Paper Aims To Conduct A Survey To Analyse Consumer Behaviour Towards Organic Food Products. Furthermore, This Research Assesses How Income Level, Quality Of Product, Environmental Viability, And Effect On Health Influence Consumer Behaviour. Organic Food Products Contribute To The Sustainability Of Food Choices And Their Present Day Significance Lends Value To This Research.
Keywords: Organic Food, Sustainability, Food consumption, Consumer Behaviour.[1] Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 50(2), 179-211.
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[3] Anssi Tarkiainen, Sanna Sundqvist, (2005) "Subjective norms, attitudes and intentions of Finnish consumers in buying organic food", British Food Journal, Vol. 107 Issue: 11, pp.808-822,
[4] Chinnici, G., D'Amico, M. and Pecorino, B. (2002), ―A multivariate statistical analysis on the consumers of organic products‖, British Food Journal, Vol. 104 Nos 3/5, pp. 187-99.
[5] Cranfield, J.A., and E. Magnusson (2003). Canadian consumers'willingness-to-pay for pesticide free food products: An ordered probit analysis. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 6 (4): 14-30.
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Abstract: Probing the effectiveness of waiting time satisfaction on customer satisfaction is the prime purpose of this study. A survey done on 165 randomly selected customers at fast food restaurants in Bangladesh to perceive the relationship between waiting time satisfaction and customer satisfaction. Our data and findings ratified a positive significant relationship between perceived waiting time, service quality on waiting time satisfaction. It even reaffirmed a positive relationship between waiting time satisfaction and customer satisfaction. But no conventional relationship between waiting environments and customers overall contentment could be figured out.
Key Words: Waiting Environments, Perceived Waiting Time, Service Quality, Waiting Time Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction, Bangladesh
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Abstract: Conflict is inevitable in nearly all the Type of institutions and if it is ignored, its consequences may not be in the interest of the Type of institution or any institution.This research paper investigated the existence of conflicts, teachers and management officials' capability to manage conflicts effectively from the perspectives of teachers and management officials. Present paper also analysed the association between dependent variable (government and private institutions)with conflict management capabilities. 11 null hypotheses were formulated to address this research problem; and were tested with the Chi square test...........
Keywords: Conflict, Teachers, Management Officials, Conflict management, Government & Private Institutions.
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Abstract: This paper assessed the effect of intellectual capital on revenue and market values of firms in information and communication technology firms in Nigeria. Human Capital , Structural Capital and Capital Employed were the proxies for Intellectual capital while Fims's Gross Revenue and Markket Price per Share were bases for measuring earnings and market values respectively.The study adopted the ex post facto research design as data used were secondary. The data were sourced from annual reports and accounts of three firms selected from the industry under study. Data were analysed using the Ordinary Linear Regression. Data for the study covered the ten years spanning 2004-2013.The study shows that Intellectual capital as measured by Human Capital Efficiency, Structural Capital...........
Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Human Capital Efficiency, , Structural Capital Efficiency,Capital Employed Efficiency, Firms' Revenue, Market Value , Share Price, Nigeria.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Impact of TQM on Banking Service Performance |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Damerla Maheswari || Dr.R.Padmaja |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2005026264 ![]() |
Abstract: The last decades there was concern that TQM has been less effective resulting from two external factors increasing the demands of good quality services from the customers, and the global market competitive pressure in addition to the internal factors to associated with TQM and has helped in the renovation and rising of TQM in rational leadership, factual management, continues improvements, and employee partnership This paper investigates the impact of Total Quality Management (TQM) awfully on Banking Performance. Total Quality Management (TQM)was analyzed in this paper using the terms ; management commitment through leadership, Quality control, inspection, employee training, customer focus, benchmarking as the basis for enhancing product quality.TQM is usually measured through Corporate Social responsibility, Cost Reduction, and Employee Satisfaction. Analysis of TQM results on only employment training and empowerment it has a significant impact on financial performance and corporate social responsibility; leadership commitment, quality control and inspection have a significant impact on cost reduction.
Keywords: Customer Retention, Employees performance, JIT, Management, Service Quality, TQM, Training Modules.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Causes for Stress and Management of It at Work |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. Sivasankari |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2005026568 ![]() |
Abstract: Stress has been explained in different ways. Most of the employees and managers have strain in the workplace. In working in the organization most of the people are affected with stress due to work environment. The main reason for stress is imbalanced mentality. If stress increases in the work environment first it affects the health condition of the employee.Anxiety, depression, aggressive behavior headache, are the various symptoms of stress in the workplace. Good employment practice includes assessing the risk of stress amongst employees. a. Looking for pressures at work which could cause high and long lasting levels of stress. b. Deciding whether you are doing enough to prevent that harm.
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Abstract: The study aimed to test the influence of competitive strategies on performance. A descriptive cross-sectional survey design was adopted. The target population was large scale manufacturing firms in Kenya. Structured questionnaire was emailed to senior managers in a sample of 139 firms spread across 13 sub-sectors. A response rate of 75 questionnaires which represent 54% was obtained. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics and linear regression. Descriptive results indicate that differentiation strategy was displayed through high quality products, brand reputation management, distinctive products. Cost leadership strategy was also a key competitive pathway to performance in the large manufacturing sector. Focus strategy contributes a significant contribution to the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. Results of regression analysis indicated that competitive strategies significantly influenced performance of large manufacturing firms. The study concludes that adopting a combination of cost based strategies and differentiation was more beneficial to firm performance as opposed to solo adoption of either strategy.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fashion Trend and Forecasting: Branding For a New Trend Name |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Afroza Akter Rita || Urmila Mukhtar Jeny |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2005027689 ![]() |
Abstract: People of Bangladesh, especially young generations are becoming fashion concern day by day. Globalization is the main reason for becoming people for fashionable. Fulfilling the demand for large fashion community huge number of fashion houses or boutique houses is launched. Those fashion houses do the remarkable job for their context. Many designers are personally open their fashion houses. All the fashion houses designers are continuously try to give new design for their costumer. It's a most challenging part for design a new thing for every new season and every new-year. For this reason, style and forecasting is very necessary for fashion designer. Fashion forecasting is focuses on upcoming trends. A fashionforecaster predicts the colors, fabrics, textures, materials...........
Keywords: Asymmetrism, Asymmetric design, Branding, Fashion trend, Forecasting.
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