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Abstract: Though organisations seem to go comfortably along with the dictum that human resources are the most important assets any organisation could have, few really mean what they say;which is reflective in the way they regard human capital.and organisations in Ghana as a country, is not an exception! Taking into account the significance of human capital in our knowledge-based society, this paper focusses on a review of literature and research work on employee training and development and emphasises the importance of such investments on organisational performance and particularly, for organisations in sub-Saharan Africa, like Ghana
Keywords: training and development, investment, human capital
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Abstract: Objective:The purpose of this paper is to investigate and to get better understanding on the root cause of employee high turnover rate at Call centers in Malaysia specially on Klang Valley. It also determine what would reduce the employee job hop at the firm which will help to reduce cost of hiring, training, and retaining. Methodology:This research is based on primary data obtained from a telecommunication contact center in KalangVally. A mixed-methods design was employed whereby a survey questionnaire was completed by 100 employees of Aeon Credit Service Sdn Bhd...........
Keywords:Employee, Turnover, Call Center, Klang Valley,Malaysia
[1]. Abdullateef, A.O., Mokhtar, S., Yusoff, R.Z. (2010), The impact of CRM dimensions on call center performance. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 10(12).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Change Management in Modern Era |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Navneet Krishnan N || Bhuvana G || Krishnaprasad G |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2005081622 ![]() |
Abstract: Change management is a collective term for all approaches to preparing and supporting individuals, teams and organizations in making organizational change. It includes methods that redirect or redefine the use of resources, business process, budget allocations or other modes of operation that significantly change a company or organization. The successful management of change is crucial to any organisation in order to survive and succeed in the present highly competitive and continuously evolving business environment. However, theories and approaches to change management currently available to academics and practitioners are often contradictory, mostly lacking empirical evidence and supported by unchallenged hypothesis concerning the nature of contemporary organisational change management. The purpose of this article is, therefore, to provide a review of some of the theories and approaches for managing change in the modern era..
Keywords:Change, Management, Organization, Business, Environment, Theories
[1]. Phillips, Julien R. (1983). "Enhancing the effectiveness of organizational change management". Human Resource Management. 22 (1–2): 183–99.
[2]. Marshak, Robert J. (2005). "Contemporary Challenges to the Philosophy and Practice of Organization Development". In Bradford, David L.; Burke, W. Warner. Reinventing Organization Development: New Approaches to Change in Organizations. pp. 19–42. ISBN 978-0-7879-8159-4.
[3]. Conner, Daryl (August 15, 2012). "The Real Story of the Burning Platform"
[4]. Anderson, D. & Anderson, L.A. (2001). Beyond Change Management: Advanced Strategies for Today‟s Transformational Leaders. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
[5]. Whelehan, S. (1995). Capturing a Moving Target: Change Management. Consultants News..
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to reveal the motivation for purchasing luxury product. By adopting the method of literature review and theoretical induction, this research further refines the motivation for luxury product into three, which are Social psychological motivation, Personal psychological motivation and Personal physiology. Furthermore, this research proposes the social psychological motivation is manipulatable due to the booming of social media resulted by the development of technology. Based on the finding, this research argues every product could use to "show-off". In other word, every product could possess part characteristic of luxury product. The businesses of luxury product could adopt the finding of this research to improve the strategy for their business to increase their market value..
Keywords: Luxury product, Purchasing motivation, Manipulation, Social media, Ordinary product
[1]. Berthon, P., Pitt, L., Parent, M., & Berthon, J.-P. (2009). Aesthetics and Ephemerality: Observing and Preserving the Luxury Brand. California Management Review, 52(1), 45–66.
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[3]. Dubois, B., & Laurent, G. (1994). Attitudes Towards the Concept of Luxury: an Exploratory Analysis. Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, 1, 273–278.
[4]. Guo, P., & Su, Y. (2007). An Empirical Research on Luxury Consumption Behavior of Chinese Consumers. Management Review, 19(9), 8–15.
[5]. Jiang, B., & Gong, J. (2013). Determination of the Broad Definition of Luxury Goods Based on Attribute Research. China Journal of Commerce, (23), 180–183..
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Abstract: Bangladesh economy largely depends upon agriculture. The mobile phone technology is very common for information technology and most of the time it used in hand to hand. The United of mobile phone technology with agriculture can accelerate the economic development by means of agricultural production. The study contains the benefits of mobile technology in agribusiness sector and covers only Rangpur division, Bangladesh. The study is to find out the use of mobile phone in the agriculture sector. Some portions of the farmers are using the mobile phone in their daily work. Primary and secondary data collection procedures were applied on the study. Farmers are using mobile phone generally but they do not apply this directly to production. The mobile phone can make their agricultural work very easy to them The technology can be applied if government and whole mobile operators are agreed to take the activities accompanied to technical support for the agricultural technology. Rural farmers should make prepare so that they can easily introduce with the technological support and be able to use the technology..
Keywords: Mobile phone, Mobile banking, Agribusiness, Farmer
[1]. Duncombe, R.(2012) Mobile phones for agricultural and rural development,URL: Accessed date: 25-05-2017.
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[3]. Tegegn M and Dafisa A (2017) Review on potential of mobile phone usage in agricultural informationdissemination in journal of scientific and research publication, volume 7, issue 12, page 63
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Abstract: The increased of price crude oil in the international market affected the total production of premium gasoline in Indonesia, and it shows increased significantly year by year and irregular cycles which bring suitable data series to accurate forecasting. This paper proposes a GM (1,1) forecasting method with time-series data to predict the total production of premium gasoline in Indonesia. After collection, the real data about the total production of premium gasoline in Indonesia from 1996 to 2015, and from the result show that the real data and the forecasting result have a positive correlation, whichfound between the real data and the forecasting outcome from Grey forecasting method. This correlation related to previous research and study about Grey forecasting stated that with the Grey forecasting method suitable for short-term and long-term prediction..
Keywords: Forecasting;Gasoline;GM(1,1); Premium; Production; Indonesia
[1]. Chen, Y. et al. (2018) "Multi-step-ahead crude oil price forecasting using a hybrid grey wave model‟,Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. Elsevier B.V., 501, pp. 98–110. doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2018.02.061.
[2]. Ding, S., Hipel, K. W. and Dang, Y. guo (2018) "Forecasting China‟s electricity consumption using a new grey prediction model‟, Energy. Elsevier Ltd, 149, pp. 314–328. doi: 10.1016/
[3]. M. Ghalih, "Investigating Total Production and Harvested Area of Paddy in Indonesia Using Grey Forecasting Methodology," International Journal Of Management And Economics Invention, vol. 04, no. 05, May 2018.
[4]. Julong, D. (1989) "Introduction to Grey System Theory"The Journal of Grey System, 1, pp 1-24.
[5]. Wang, T.-C. and Ghalih, M. (2017) "Evaluation of Grey Forecasting Method of Total Domestic Coffee Consumption in Indonesia‟, International Journal of Business and Economics Research, 6(4), pp. 67–72. doi: 10.11648/j.ijber.20170604.15...
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Abstract: The potential usefulness of different kinds of Information System (IS) for environmental management is well recognized. Perhaps one can say advances in information provision have led organizations to attempt to develop IS or information technology (IT) strategies which interrelate with their business strategies and which together support corporate missions. Competitive intelligence activities are intensive information behaviour. This paper attempts to explicitly connect competitive intelligence with information use in an organization. It also identified that adequate use of information is an important part of coping with challenges faced by firms thus enhancing the performance and productivity.........
Keywords: Competitive Intelligence; Information Use; Information Quality: Competitive Advantage; Organizational Performance
[1]. Bell, C. R., and Harari, O. (2000). Deep! Deep! Competing in the Age of the Road Runner. New York: Warner Books
[2]. Bemhardt, D. C. (2005) Competitive Intelligence: The Lifeblood of Competitive Strategy. Alumni Newsletter, Graduate School of Management, University of Pretoria, South Africa.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility OnHigher Education in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr.Dipak karmakar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2005084648 ![]() |
Abstract: Education has a pivotal role in nation building.In a country like India where there is abundance of labourers but there is an absence of skilled and trained workforce primarily due to poverty and lack of education.This is a vicious circle of poverty affecting the formation of human capital.The poverty stricken but meritoriousstudents gives up their studies thus engagage themselves in menial jobs.This study focuses on the concept needs,objectives and role of corporate houses towards the society. CSR has a lot of potential to develop the higher education in near future.CSRisa strategic practice and has a crucial role to playin the organizational success since it aims at long term sustainability..
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Higher Education, Companies Act 2013.
[1]. Handbook on Corporate Social Responsibility in India, Message from the Chairman CII‟s Development Initiative Council, Chairman, CII‟s Development Initiative Council, Bharti Enterprises.
[2]. Annual Status of Higher Education of States and UTs in India, ASHE 2013 (November, 2013), Deloitte report for Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India
[3]. Drucker Peter, (1946), Concept of Corporations, New York, John Day Company (Reproduced 2002 by Transaction Publishers)
[4]. KomalChoudhary (2015), "A Study of CSR in India", International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management, Vol.5, Issue 1, ISSN: 2231-4245
[5]. HeenaKashyap (2014), "Corporate Social Responsibility Towards Education in India", Research Directions, Vol.1, Issue 12, ISSN : 2321-5488
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Abstract: Increase in number of laughing clubs itself denote the awareness of laughing medicine among the people. The people who have the regular practice of laughing and free minded, they are the actual healthy people .And the life span increases for the people who smile regularly. In the modern era, all the medical care professionals and patients accept the concept of laughing theory. If our daily life has the practice of laughing, this habit will improve our immune system, it will makes our cheeks sore and it will improve our intellectual. Historically, the gains of laughter have.........
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[3]. Lars Ljungdahl, the Swedish researcher, "Laugh- If This Is a Joke." Journal of the American Medical Association published an article entitled (1989)
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Abstract: Efforts to eradicate poverty continue to be done by the government and various parties who have concerns about the problem of poverty. However, these efforts have not shown results as expected, marked by high levels of poverty.This research was conducted with the aim to identify the impact of agricultural development on the reduction of rural poverty in Southeast Sulawesi. The study was conducted on four districts in Southeast Sulawesi namely Muna, Konawe, South Konawe and Buton. Using a subjective approach to agricultural farming, and poverty alleviation, formulated questionnaires based on indicators that have been used in previous research. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed with 309 returns and 250 were eligible for analysis. Results of the study appear in descriptive then using each construct Factor Analysis Confirmation been four indicators each variable included in the structural analysis to test the hypothesis of the research that has been ditetukan..........
Keywords: Development, Poverty, and Farm Performance
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[5]. Bandiera, Oriana, Iwan Barankay, and Imran Rasul. 2005. "Cooperation in Collective Action."Economics of Transition 13(3):473–498..
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Abstract: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of Values Card Employees (VCE) and Organizational Culture (OC) on performance of State Civil Apparatus (SCA) at the Regional Employment Board Southeast Sulawesi Province (BKD Southeast Sulawesi Province). This research uses design / associative design-causal with multiple linear regression analysis model. By using random sampling, Data obtained from 90 questionnaires can be used. Data were analyzed through SPSS and descriptive and inferential statistics. The results show that VCE and Organizational Cultural are partially significant and positively affect the performance of State Civil Apparatus in BKD Prov. Southeast Sulawesi. Similarly, VCE and Organizational Cultural simultaneously have a significant and.........
Keywords: Values Card Employees, Organizational Culture, Performance, State Civil Apparatus, BKD Southeast Sulawesi Province
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Women Entrepreneurship in India-Challenges |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | MarisettiSindhuja || R Nandhini || R Bhuvaneshwari || P Naresh |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2005087377 ![]() |
Abstract: Entrepreneurship refers to the act of setting up a new business or reviving an excisting business so as to take advantages from new opportunities. Last five decades have seen phenomenal changes in the status of women in India .According to NSSO 6th Economic census, only 14% of business establishments in the country are being run by women entrepreneurs. Indian women do 9.8 times care work than Indian men do. Women in India face many problems to get ahead their life in business. They face difficulty due to specific women problems in India, arising due to old traditions, socio cultural norms, male dominant society, family responsibilities, Indian values and ethics. This paper focuses on challenges and problems that are resulting in restricting the expansion of women entrepreneurship in India.
Keywords: Women entrepreneurs, challenges , dominated society , economic growth , Entrepreneurship
[1]. Dr.VaibhaTwari, deepaayachit, Human rights international research journal ISSN 2320-6942 volume 2 issue(2014) the "Emergence of women entrepreneurship in India".
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Abstract: The purpose of the study is to identify human resource functions in the Middle East is more dependent on outsourcing. Outsourcing for the recruitment, training and organizational development is believed to make things more efficient at work. Human resources effectiveness after outsourcing is rated to be way higher than when the expertise is sourced within the organization. The first phase of the projects is literature review which involves finding information on the basics of outsourcing and outsourcing activities like cost analysis and training of employees. Information is also collected from previous studies to help in the collection of updated information on outsourcing. The second phase of the study is the qualitative analysis that will allow measurement of the key impacts of human resource outsourcing on the organizational progress. Also, questionnaires will be distributed randomly.........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Application of Total Quality Management in Education – An Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | SunderlalSurendran |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2005088085 ![]() |
Abstract: Quality education is a hugeworry in several societies throughout the world. In an extremely aggressive education segment, the accomplishment of academic institutions relies on the quality of education that is imparted. Hence total quality management (TQM) has gained importance and researchers, educationalists, scholars; policymakers are all showing their genuine interest towards TQM. Total Quality Management is accepted as an efficient management philosophy for customer contentment, continuous improvement, and organizational distinction. Thefundamentalidea of TQM is a democraticapproach to tackle the question(s) of quality inbusiness and in the area of education. Ubiquitously, the function of Higher Education is shifting and becoming increasinglyincorporatedinto the procedure of economic growth and success. This structured worldwideoccurrence is throwing multitudes of significant challenges with regard to developing a qualitative approach.........
Keywords: Quality in Higher Education, Implementation, Transformations, Culture, Models of implementation, Higher Education Institutions, Customers of higher education Quality, Total Quality Management (TQM), Compatibility, Challenges,Continuous Improvement, Quality Culture
[1]. Mukhopadahyay, M. (2006) Total Quality Management in Education. Sage, New Delhi. Neves, J. S. & Nakhai, B. (1993) The Baldrige award framework for teaching total quality management Journal of Education for Business 69, 2, 121-5
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[3]. Susan, W. E. (1995) Total quality: a mechanism for institutional change and curriculum reform. In Roberts, H.V. (Ed.) Academic Initiatives in Total Quality for Higher Education,135-58. ASQC, Quality Press, Milwaukee, WI
[4]. Corrigan, J. (1995) The art of TQM. Quality Progress 28, 61-64
[5]. Kaufman, R. (1992) The challenge of Total Quality Management in education. International Journal of Education Reform 1, 2, 149-65.
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Abstract: This study aimed to analysis the potential and problems of agro-industry development as well as men st rate gi formulated cocoa agro-industry development production area of raw materials. The method used is a qualitative method and quantitative. A lat analysis used is Descriptive analysis and Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP). The study population was all the direct perpetrators and not directly related to the development of agro-cocoa in Southeast Sulawesi. Sampling was done by purposive sampling or intentionally election with consideration of respondents are directly involved actors and experts who are deemed to have the ability and understanding of problems related to cocoa agro-industry.........
Keywords: Potential, Strategy, agro-industry Development, cocoa
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Abstract: Household food expenditure is important to be studied, especially in households of cassava farmers with limited incomes. The Purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that affect household food expenditure cassava farmers, either simultaneously or partially. The study was conducted in the District Pasarwajo Buton in 2017. The primary data were obtained from 32 respondents were determined by simple random sampling technique. Data were analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the variables simultaneously cassava farm income, non-farm income of cassava, education of household head, education housewife, the number of household members, and the price of rice has significant affect on household food expenditure.........
Keywords: food expenditures, household, cassava farmers, Indonesia
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