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Abstract: Small and Medium Enterprises constitutes the backbone of many economies in the world since they create jobs and contribute positively to their respective economies which Kenya is not an exception. In Africa there are a few studies on the link between capital structure and SMEs financial performance. The few studies in record focuses on capital structure and profitability of quoted companies, capital structure and financial performance of errand services SMEs and international joint ventures. In addition, the effect of capital structure on financial performance of large firms have been examined by a number of studies with smaller firms attracting less attention. Very few if any studies have examined the..........
Keywords: Leverage, capital structure, financial performance, debt capital, equity capital.[1]. Abor, J. (2005). The Effect of Capital Structure on Profitability: An Empirical analysis of Listed Firms in Ghana. Journal of Risk Finance, 6(4): 38-47.
[2]. Adekunle, P. (2009), Determinants of capital structure: empirical evidence from the Czech
[3]. Republic, Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 54, (7): 2-21.
[4]. Berger, A.N., Bonaccorsi di Patti, E. (2006), Capital structure and firm performance: a new
[5]. approach to testing agency theory and an application to the banking industry, Journal of Banking& Finance, 30 (4): 65-102..
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Abstract: The present development of television industry requires solidity of teamwork and quality, so that employees' involvement toward their jobs and company should be rewarded with the feeling of satisfaction from the employees themselves. Furthermore, to acquire the sufficient portion of job involvement from its employees, the company should put its trust to the employees. Hence, to grant the employees with the job satisfaction, the company should facilitates and provides comfortability and oppurtinity of career development to accommodate the ability of its employees. This study is a descriptive quantitative study. The method of analysis used was SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) with employee of..........
Keywords: .Job involvement, Job satisfaction,and Turnover intention
[1]. Ardana, I Komang, Ni WayanMujiati, I WayanMudiarthaUtama. 2012. ManajemenSumberDayaManusia. Yogyakarta :GrahaIlmu.
[2]. Akinbobola, O I. 2011. Conflict in Human Capital Relationships: the Impact of Job Satisfaction on Job Involvement in a Workplace". International jurnal of Social Science and Humanity. Vol. 1, No. 2.
[3]. Ali, Nazim. 2010. Factors Affecting Overvall Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention. Journal of Managerial Sciences. Vol. II, No. 2.
[4]. Andini, Rita. 2006. "Analisis Pengaruh Kepuasan Gaji, Kepuasan Kerja, Komitmen Organisasional terhadap Turnover Intention": Studi Kasus Pada Rumah Sakit Roemani Muhammadiyah Semarang. Magister Manajemen. Universitas Diponegoro.
[5]. Arikunto, S. (2010).ProsedurPenelitian (SuatuPendekatanPraktik. Jakarta: RinekaCipta...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on level of Financial Literacy among Indian Women |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Blessy Roy || Dr. Ruchi Jain |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2005051924 ![]() |
Abstract: The central theme of this study elaborates on the financial literacy of the women in the financial sector of Jaipur. The main purpose of the paper is to enhance better and impactful understanding of the subject so as the economy as a whole can attain the benefits in the growth prospects. Apart from that,to know the financial literacy level of women, we constructed a questionnaire and circulated among the working women in the city of Jaipur so as to assort relevant and appropriate data. On the basis of the reactions, we found out that the financial literacy level of women is based on their financial knowledge, attitude and behavior. The outcomeshows that the general alertness in relation to the techniques and planning tools related to the finance among women are in the current scenario is still not satisfactory..........
Keywords:Financial literacy, Financial Sector, Financial Product.
[1]. AkshitaArora (2016). Assessment of Financial Literacy among working Indian Women,, Article March 2016.
[2]. Bernadette D'Silva, Stephen D'Silva, and RoshniSubodhkumarBhuptani (2012). Assessing The Financial Literacy Level Among Women in India: An Empirical Study Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management Volume 1 Issue 1 February 2012
[3]. International Journal of Advance Research In Science And Engineering,May 2015 ISSN-2319-8354(E)
[4]. MandeepKaur,TinaVohra, AditiArora (2015)Financial Literacy among University Students: A Study of Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation 11(2) 143–152 © 2015
[5]. PriyankaAgarwal, Dr. (Mohd) ShamimAnsari,Dr.SumanYadav, RadhikaKureel (2015) Study On Financial Literacy Among Working Women In Educational Sector Of Jhansi District: With Special Reference To Investment Avenue..
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Abstract: This research was conducted to examine the influence of macroeconomic factors, as measured by inflation, BI rate and GDP growth, market share as measured by the share of bank financing and the characteristics measured by CAR, FDR, NPF, BOPO to Return On Assets (ROA) Islamic Banking in Indonesia. Data used in this study was obtained from the Financial Report of Bank Indonesia publications, and bank reports through the website. The samplingtechnique used was purposive sampling. The sample in this study 15 Islamic banks. Data analysis techniques used in this study is multiple regression analysis where previously the data had been tested with the classical assumptions include normality test data, heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity and autocorrelation..........
Keywords: Macroeconomics, Market Share, Characteristics of the Bank, Profitability, Regression
[1]. Achmad, tarmizidanwillyantokartikokusuno. 2003. Analisisrasio-rasiokeuangansebagai predictor dalammemprediksipotensikebangkrutanperbankan di indonesia. mediaekonomidanbisnis. vol.XV, No.1
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[5]. Anthonasoglou, Brissimis, 2005, Bank spesific industry, and spesificmakroekonomic determinant of bank profitabilitas. Working paper, bankof greece. No. 25.june
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Abstract: This paper aims to look at the notion of optimization in a supply chain to avoid bottlenecks that exists frequently in manufacturing area. Supply chain consists of raw material supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer and customer. Here attention is given to a specific chain link called process operations in which the inspection line process operations of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinder manufacturing unit is studied. Task Bottleneck Generalized Assignment Problem (TBGAP) aims at assigning the suitable quality supervisors to each process inspection stages and at the same time avoid the bottleneck in all these process inspection stages. Here optimizing the inspection time..........
[1]. Aggarwal.V,V.G. Tikekar, L.-F. Hsu,( 1986), Bottleneck assignment problems under categorization, Computers & Operations Research vol.13 no.1pp.11–26
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[5]. Goldberg.D.E (1989.) Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimisation, and Machine Learning. Addison-Wesley, pages 1-7.
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Abstract: This study aims to examine the influence of market orientation on competitive advantage, the influence of market orientation and competitive advantage on internationalization, and the role of competitive advantage in mediating the influence of market orientation on internationalization of small and medium enterprises (SME) in the woodcraft industry sector. There is a total of 110 respondents in this research in which they are the owners or the managers of the woodcraft SMEs in Gianyar Regency. The data collection method is through interview for the open-ended questions and questionnaires for the closed questions. The analysis technique in this research is the path analysis and the Sobel test...........
Keywords: market orientation, competitive advantage, internationalization, SME
[1]. Abdullah,M. 2015. Metodelogi Penelitian Kuantitatif. Yogyakarta: Aswaja Pressindo.
[2]. Afsharghasemi, A., Zain, M., Sambasivan, M., and Imm, S.N.S. 2013. Market Orientation, Government Regulations, Competitive Advantage and Internationalization of SMEs: A Study in Malaysia. Journal of BusinessAdministration Research, 2(2): h:13-22
[3]. Ahmad, S.Z. 2014. Small and medium enterprises internationalization and business strategy : some evidence from firms located in an emerging market. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 8(2): h:168-186.
[4]. Amal, M., and Filho, A.R.F. 2010. Internationalization of small and medium sized enterprises: a multicase study, European Business Review, 22(6): h: 608-623.
[5]. Armario, JM., Ruiz, D.M., and Armario, E.M. 2008. Internationalization market orientation and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Magazine of SmallBusiness Management, 46, h:485-511.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Islamic Epistemology: An Inquiry Into The Foundation Of Knowledge In Metaphysics And Physic |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Mahayudin Hj Yahaya |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2005056270 ![]() |
Abstract: Apart from the spirit and the supernatural, humans have been allowed to learn and understand through the mind, sense and the senses. The meaning of His Knowledge and Iradat is only about the laws and regulations of his creation. To understand the legal and regulatory nature, there is no other way than to reach out and befriend and deal with the nature. This approach is known as "eco-friendly ", which mean not creating damage in the world such as cutting down trees and hilly without permission regardless of risk as every creation of God on this earth there are laws and regulations that must be adhered to.Physical science (natural science) differs from the metaphysical sciences. Physical science uses induction (induction or إستقراء in Arabic). Induction means, a way of handling..........
Keywords: Islamic Epistemology, knowledge, metaphysics, Physic, the law of God
[1]. Abd al-Rahman bin Khaldun. (1993). Muqaddimah Ibn Khaldun. Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, al-Tab`ah al-Ula.
[2]. Al-Ghazali. (1358/1939). al-Munqidh min al-Dalal. Jamal Salibah dan kamil Ayyad (ed..). Damascus, 3rd.Ed.: ….
[3]. Mahayudin Hj. Yahaya. (1992). "Surutan Konsep Ilmu Mengikut Pandangan Sarjana-
[4]. Sarjana Muslim Zaman Silam: Teori dan Kaedah". Kesturi Jurnal Sains Islam (Journal of Islamic Scienc):UKM Press.
[5]. Mahmud Qasim. (1967).Dirasat fi`l-Falsafah al-Islamiyah.2nd Ed. Cairo: Dar al Ma`arif.
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Abstract: The Quran is the complete book of guidance (Huda li al-Naas) and it instantly guides upon the straight and righteous path (al-Sirat al-Mustaqim) that being the ultimate objective of the human activities. The ultimate focus of the Quranic revelation is the achievement of falah (success) and to lift the human beings towards an eternal development be it physical or spiritual. The notion of sustainable development is deeply rooted in the Quranic themes and it governs the structure of the socio-economic activities in Islam. Broadly speaking, the concept of development in Islam has three dimensions: individual self development called al-Rushd, the physical development of the resources called al-Maa'din, and the development of the human collectivity Falah al-Jami'ah, which includes appropriate allocation of the natural wealth for sustainable development of the human beings. The first specifies..........
Key words: Sustainable development, Islamic finance, Quranic vision, Falah,Tazkiyah, Advance studies, Re-structure
[1]. Quran, 4:58
[2]. Quran, 100:8
[3]. Quran, 51: 56
[4]. Quran, 91: 9
[5]. Quran, 7:85, 7:21, 28:77, 7: 31,
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Abstract: The concept of leadership has been studied extensively over the past years but still remains fairly puzzling due to the fact that none of the leadership theory can wholly account for the diversity of leaders and the nature of their leadership dealings. For effectiveness, the leadership style should be adaptive such that it can be adjusted to suit a particular operational environment. The kind of leadership style that is employed within an organization dictates the success or failure of an organization. The Kenyan constitution that was enacted in 2010 provided for the establishment of devolved governments headed by governors. These devolved units consist of diverse groups of employees, some of which were absorbed from the defunct municipal, county and city councils. Since the county governments are new forms of governments, the employees need to adapt to the new forms of government by adjusting their ways of doing things. There is need to study the influence of leadership styles in the implementation of the devolved governments.........
Key terms: Transactional leadership, devolved governments, empirical analysis, leadership styles
[1]. Abdollah S., Masoud K., &Mohammad M. (2014). New emerging leadership theories and styles .Technical Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Vol. 4 (3), pp. 180-188.
[2]. Amanchukwu R., Stanly, G., & Ololube, N. (2015). A review of Leadership theories, principles and styles and their relevance to Educational Management. Management. Vol.5 (1), pp. 6-14.
[3]. Chepchieng J., Harriet K., & Christopher G. (2017). The Influence of Leadership Styles on Public Participation in Monitoring and Evaluation of Preschool Projects in Migori County, Kenya. The International Journal Of Humanities & Social Studies. Vol. 5, Issue 6, 7-13.
[4]. Chin & Roger (2015).Examining teamwork and leadership in the fields of public administration, leadership, and management. Team Performance Management. 21 (3/4): 199.
[5]. Chioma E., Japheth A., Oluseyi A. (2016).A Review of Leadership Theories, Principles, Styles and their Relevance to Management of Health Science Libraries in Nigeria. Journal of Educational Leadership and Policy. Vol. 1, No. 1, 2016, pp. 17-26..
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Abstract: Human resource information system (HRIS) is a concept which utilizes the information technology for effective management of the human resource, its functions and applications.E-performance management system is an important component of HRIS whose effects on organization performance remains largely unknown.Several studies both local and international have underscored the importance of HRIS on performance of organizations. However, the effects of the individual components of the system such as E-Performance Management were largely subsumed, hence, the exact impact of E-Performance Management is not known. Further, the focus of the studies was not on Saccos. Therefore, the purpose of the current study was to examine the effect of e-performance management systems..........
Key words: E-Performance Management Systems, Human Resource Information System, Organization
[1]. Ademba, C. (2010, October). Challenges facing SACCO regulations in Africa. In 11th SACCA Congress, Swaziland. Retrieved May (Vol. 9, p. 2014).
[2]. Albert, R., Escot, L., &Fernández-Cornejo, J. A. (2011). A field experiment to study sex and age discrimination in the Madrid labour market. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(02), 351-375.
[3]. Al-Raisi, A., Amin, S., & Tahir, S. (2011), Evaluation of e-performance analysis and assessment in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Organizations, Journal of Internet & Information System, 2(2), 20 –27
[4]. Bagozzi, R. P., Davis, F. D., & Warshaw, P. R. (2012). Development and Test of a Theory Of Technological Learning and Usage. Human Relations, 45 (7).
[5]. Bharti, P. (2015). Impact of E-HRM System on Organizational Performance: A Case Study on Banking Sector. International Conference of Advance Research and Innovation (ICARI-2015), 202-204.