Version-5 (April-2017)
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Abstract: Introduction: Vitamin D deficiency does indeed constitute an epidemic in many populations across the world. It is essential to bone health and is a major regulator of calcium homeostasis. Research Question: prevalence and its associatong factors of Vitamin D Deficiency in persons Of 18-60 Age Group Attending SMS Hospital, Jaipur. Material Methods: This cross-sectional study design conducted in 18-60 year age group visiting SMS Hospital, Jaipur during April 2015 to December 2016.The sample size is calculated to be 255 subjects assuming the prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency to be 24 % at 95 % confidence interval and 5.8% absolute allowable error.Statistical analysis was performed with the SPSS.......
Keywords: Vitamin D Deficiency , associating factors
[1]. Goswami R, Mishra SK, Kochupillai N. Prevalence & potential significance of vitamin D deficiency in Asian Indians. Indian J Med Rev 2008 Mar;127(3):229-38.
[2]. Hashemipour 5, Larijani B, Adibi H, Javadi E, Sedaghat M, Pajouhi M. Vitamin D deficiency and causative factors in the population of Tehran BMC Public Health. 2004;4(l):38.
[3]. Du X, Greenfield H, Fraser DR. Vitamin D deficiency and associated factors in adolescent girl in Beijing. Am J Clin Nutr 200 1;74:494-500.
[4]. Alagol F, Shihadeh Y, Boztepe H. Sunlight exposure and vitamin D in Turkish women. J Endocrinol Invest 2000;23:173-77.
[5]. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for Office of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request; Food Labeling Regulations. Federal Register. 2009;74(201):53743–6.
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Abstract: Candida may play a role in the etiopathogenesis of premalignant and malignant lesions. The aim of the study was to isolate and identify Candida species from the oral cavity with HiCrome candida differential agar plate. It is a new chromogenic culture media that allows the isolation and identification of species on the basis of coloured colony formation. This study was carried out in 56 patients that included, 18 cases of OSMF, 18 cases of Squamous cell carcinoma and 18 healthy individuals. Hichrom agar medium can show four different candida species depending on the coloured colonies, like light green colonies are identified as Candida albicans, Pink with a darker mauve center colonies as Candida glabrata, pink with pale borders colonies as Candida krusei, and dark blue, purple diffusion colonies as Candida tropicalis. Our study was able to identify the most common candida species in the diseased group as well in healthy individuals.
[1]. Sankari SL, Gayathri K, Balachander N, Malathi L. Candida in potentially malignant oral disorders. J Pharm Bioall Sci 2015;7:162-
[2]. Williams D, Lewis M. Pathogenesis and treatment of oral candidosis. Journal of Oral Microbiology 2011;3:1-11.
[3]. Gupta B, Chandra S, Raj V, Gupta V. Comparison of salivary flow and candidal carriage in patients with oral submucous fibrosis. J
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[4]. Nair DR, Pruthy R, Pawar U, Chaturvedi P. Oral cancer: Premalignant conditions and screening- an update. Journal of Cancer
Research and Therapeutics 2012 ;8:57-66.
[5]. Małgorzata Radwan-Oczko, Magdalena Mendak. Differential diagnosis of oral leukoplakia and lichen planus – on the basis of
literature and own observations. J Stoma 2011; 64(5-6): 355-370.
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Abstract: Introduction: Worldwide, the Ocular Trauma Score (OTS) standardizes the prognosis of ocular injuries based on clinical criteria and provides the best achievable results in the treatment of such cases. Open Globe Injuries are a major but preventable cause of permanent visual impairment and blindness in the world. The Ophthalmology department of the North Bengal Medical College and Hospital treats a large number of OGI cases. Objectives: The present study attempts to determine the visual outcomes in patients with OGIs and to determine visual prognosis following an eye injury as compared to the OTS study...........
[1]. F. Kuhn, R. Maisiak, L. Mann, V. Mester, R. Morris, and C. D. Witherspoon, ―The ocular trauma score (OTS),‖
Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 163–165, 2002.
[2]. D. J. Pieramici, P. Sternberg Jr., T.M. Aaberg Sr. et al., ―A system for classifying mechanical injuries of the eye
(globe),‖ American Journal of Ophthalmology, vol. 123, no. 6, pp. 820–831, 1997.
[3]. A.-D. N´egrel and B. Thylefors, ―The global impact of eye injuries,‖ Ophthalmic Epidemiology, vol. 5, no. 3, pp.
143–169, 1998.
[4]. Sengupta P, Mazumdar M, Gyatsho J. Epidemiology of ocular trauma cases presenting to a tertiary care hospital in a
rural area in West Bengal, India over a period of 2 years IOSR-JDMS 2016; 15 (3): 92-97.
[5]. Teixeira SM, Bastos RR, Falc˜ao MS, Falc˜ao-Reis FM, Rocha-Sousa AA. Open-globe injuries at an emergency
department in porto, Portugal: clinical features and prognostic factors. European Journal of Ophthalmology 2014;
24(6): 932–939
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Abstract: With advances in material science and technology multitude of treatment options are available for traumatically missing anterior tooth. It can be implants, porcelain to metal bridges, Maryland bridges or orthodontic treatment. Development of fibre-reinforced composites (FRCs) has opened a new perspective in such cases. The fibre-reinforced composites have better flexural strength and fracture resistance. FRC bridges even allow replacing natural tooth pontic. This gives the advantage of perfect colour, size and shape of the pontic and additionally psychological satisfaction to the patient.................
Keywords: Conservative, Fibre-reinforced composite, Minimal invasive, Natural tooth pontic, Single visit.
[1]. Khetarpal A, Talwar S, Verma M. Single visit rehabilitation with anterior fiber-reinforced resin composite bridges: a review. IJAR
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viable alternative to a PFM bridge. JCDR 2013;7(4):772-775.
[3]. Tilakchand M, Kidiyoor KH, Rao RN. Natural tooth pontic using fiber-reinforced composite for immediate tooth replacement. WJD
[4]. Zhang M, Matinlinna JP. E-Glass fiber reinforced composites in dental applications. Silicon 2012;4:73-78.
[5]. Mohan S, Gurtu A, Singhal A, Guha C. Fibre reinforced composite- a review and case report. Jr Dent Sci Oral Rehab 2012;2:45-48.
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Abstract: Aim: The aim of this study is to compare the MRI findings with arthroscopy findings in internal derangement of knee. Material and methods: 124 patients of different age group and sex with internal derangement of knee (IDK) were subjected to MRI for determining ACL, PCL, medial and lateral meniscus injury and later were subjected to arthroscopy. Accuracy of MRI diagnosis as had been made earlier was compared with arthroscopic examination findings. Results: MRI performed on the injured knees revealed 90 tears of the menisci, of which 54 were of medial meniscus and 36 tears of lateral meniscus................
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Abstract: Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine and compare the clinical presentation of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) and its correlation with CD4 count in groups of patients with and without human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in ART & CHEST clinic in kilpauk Medical College Hospital, Chennai, Tamilnadu, Chennai. Materials and Methods: A total number of 60 patients of HIV + ve TB and 30 patients HIV –veTB were enrolled in this study. All patients were meticulously examined for the presence of Pulmonary and Extra pulmonary tuberculosis.................
[1]. Corbett EL, Watt CJ. Walker N, Maher D, Williams BG. The growing burden of tuberculosis; global trends and interactions with HIV epidemic ( Archives of int medicine 2003, 163;1009-1021)
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Abstract: Myocardial infarction (MI) is the important manifestation of coronary heart disease. MI is myocardial necrosis occurring as a result of critical imbalance between coronary blood supply and myocardial demand. Myocardial infarction is the "impairment of heart function due to inadequate blood flow to the heart compared to its need, caused by obstructive changes in the coronary circulation to the heart". Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is associated with obstruction of coronary artery, myocardial ischemia leading to myocardial necrosis and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS).1 Diabetes mellitus (DM) increases the incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and increases the risk of CVD-induced mortality in diabetic subjects compared to non-diabetic subjects.2,3 In more than 90% of cases
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Abstract: Introduction: Basicervical region of femoral neck consist of that part of proximal femur located just proximal to or along the intertrochanteric line through the base of the femoral neck at its junction with the intertrochanteric region. In our study we try to observe the results of fixation of basicervical fracture neck of femur with dynamic hip screw with derotation screw Methodology: 30 cases of basicervical fracture neck of femur with age >18 yrs were treated by DHS with Derotation Screw(DRS) and followed up regularly............
Keywords: Basicervical neck femur, DHS, Derotation Screw, Harris Hip Score
[1]. Cathcart RF. The shape of the femoral head and preliminary results of clinical use of a non-spherical hip prosthesis. J Bone Joint
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Abstract: This cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the health and demographic profile of inmates of a government-run reformatory home for boys in a metropolitan city in Western India. Inmates with more than one year of stay at the reformatory home who gave written informed consent for participating in the study were interviewed using a pre-tested semi-structured proforma wherein demographics, illness history, personal hygiene, anthropometry and medical examination were recorded. A majority of 150 inmates (mean age 14.84±0.23 years) had previously lived in nuclear families. The mean duration of time spent outside original homes was 5.63±0.36 years..............
Keywords: Anthropometry, Morbidity, Nutritional status, Reformatory home
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Prospective Study of Adult Onset Seizure |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | HP Paliwal || Vinayak Kalla || Diwanshu Khatana || S Capoor |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1604054650 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Seizures are paroxysmal events due to abnormal excessive neuronal activity of the brain manifesting in varying clinical spectrum of focal or generalized seizures. In adults onset seizures the etiologies could be CNS infections, CVA, metabolic-factors, brain tumors and many other factors. Thus the objective of this study was to elaborate various clinical types of adult onset seizures with various etiological factors specially in adult age group. Material and methods: After obtaining ethical approval from institute committee, The participants were recruited from outdoor as well indoor services in department of medicine with onset of seizures at the age of 20 years and above. Total 100 cases were included in this study...............
Keywords: SPS (simple partial seizures), CPS (complex partial seizures), CVA (cardiovascular accidents), SE (status epileptics), EEG (electro encephalo graphy), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), OPC (organophosphate compound), PSSG (partial seizures with secondary general stations)
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Abstract: Background : Diabetic nephropathy remains major cause of morbidity & mortality for persons with either Type l or type2 DM.1 India leads the world with largest number of diabetic subjects earning the dubious distinction of being termed the "diabetes capital of the world". Patients with type 2 diabetes comprise the largest and fastest growing single disease group requiring renal replacement therapy (nearly 50-60% of diabetic subjects receiving renal replacement therapy.2 In the past few years, numerous studies have shown that low-grade inflammation is associated with the risk of developing type 2 DM.3 Several recent studies have also shown that patients with type 2 DM and overt nephropathy exhibit high levels of diverse acute phase markers............
[1]. Beaglehole R, Yach D: Globalisation and the prevention and control of non- communicable disease: The neglected chronic disease of adults. Lancet 362: 1763-1764, 2003
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Study of Metabolic Syndrome in Obese Persons |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shree Vashista || V K Goel || Ritesh Lal |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1604055556 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: The metabolic syndrome is a constellation of risk factors of metabolic origin that are accompanied by increased risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. The two major underlying risk factors for the metabolic syndrome are obesity and insulin resistance; exacerbating factors are physical inactivity, advancing age, and endocrine and genetic factors. The condition is progressive, beginning with borderline risk factors that exactly progress to categorical risk factors................
[1]. Deckle RH, Grundy SM, Zimmer PZ. The Metabolic syndrome. Lancet 2005; 365:1415-28
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Abstract: Back ground: WHO data highlights that globally 36.7 million people are living with HIV. There is sparse literature on mental health research in HIV /AIDS from developing countries such as India. Aims: To study patterns of psychiatric co-morbidities and associated factors in patients of HIV/AIDS on Anti retroviral treatment. Methods: This was an analysis of patients with diagnosis of HIV/AIDS on Anti retroviral treatment referred to psychiatry opd services.The duration of study was past one Year. Institution Ethics committee clearance was obtained and data was analyzed with SPSS 17 software. Variables such as demographic factors, co-morbid substance abuse, psychiatric co-morbidity..............
Keywords: Psychiatric co-morbidities, HIV/AIDS, Antiretroviral treatment
[1]. Global Health Observatory (GHO) data HIV/AIDS .(2016).Retreived from,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Osseointegration- Key Factors Affecting Its Success-An Overview |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Naveen Reddy Vootla || Dr. K. Varun Reddy |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1604056268 ![]() |
Abstract: During the past two decades, dental implants have been used extensively to achieve osseointergration for prosthetic rehabilitation of edentulism. For this, a surgical procedure is performed on patient to insert a foreign material i.e implant into the bone, after which a poorly organized woven bone is formed at the interface, thus having a relatively low inherent strength. After a period of 3 to 6 months, woven bone is replaced by lamellar bone which possess adequate strength for load bearing. This bone healing process is known as osseointegration...............
Keywords: Osseointegration, Factors Affecting Osseointegration, Implant Bone Interface.
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Abstract: Introduction: The reconstruction of a full thickness loss of the lower eyelid after neoplasm excision is an immediate functional requisite, since the eyelids are organs of primary importance for the protection of the eyeball. There are various techniques of closing the defect. Here I am describing Mc gregor flap technique for coverage of lower lid defect.
Keywords: Lower eyelid defect, BCC of lateral canthus of eyelid, Mc Gregor Flap, Lower eyelid defect coverage, Cheek advancement flap with Z plasty.
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Abstract: Veneers are the most frequently prescribed aesthetic restorations today. Ceramic veneers can be offered as the treatment option in a wide variety of different cases such as correcting tooth defects, abrasion, orthodontics, diastema, tooth discoloration, coronal fracture or to adjust occlusion. This case report describes the restoration of the anterior dentition with porcelain laminate veneers. The advances in bonding of porcelain to tooth structure make this treatment a feasible alternative to restore teeth with alteration in shape and position in cases in which the esthetic demand is high...............
[1]. Peumans M, Van Meerbeek SI, Lambrecht P, Vancherle G- Porcelain veneers : a review of the literature, J Dent, 2000 March;28(3);
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Abstract: Cleaningandshapingofrootcanalsisacrucialstepinendodontictreatments.Irrigationallowsremovalofresid
ualtissuesinthecanalthatcannotbecleanedbyinstrumentationalone.Thisstudyevaluates and compares the efficiency
of XP-endo Finisher (XPF), EndoActivator (EA) and Passive
UltrasonicIrrigation(PUI)inremovingdentindebrisandtocomparepercentageofremainingdentindebrisfor each
Keywords: EndoActivator, Irrigation, Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation, XP-endo Finisher.
[1]. Paqué F, Ganahi D, Peters OA. Effects of root canal preparation on apical geometry assessed bymicrocomputedtomography.
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[4]. KurtzmanGM.Positiveversusnegativepressureirrigation.Roots2012;8(1):16-22.
[5]. HaapasaloM,YaShen,WeiQian,YuanGao.IrrigationinEndodontics.DentClinNAm2010;54:291-312.
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Abstract: Background: Caries progression or reversal of the process depends on the balance between demineralization and re-mineralization. "Caries balance" is determined by the relative weight of the sum of pathological risk factors and the sum of protective factors. Objective to identify the main risk factors for caries of temporary teeth acting in the studied group of children through a survey of their parents. Material and Methods: Parents of children from the town Varna and Varna region. Displacement Monitoring 100 persons. Units of observation: Patients 3 to 6 years with a need for prevention and treatment of dental caries temporary dentition................
[1]. Featherstone JDB, Adair SM, Anderson MH, Berkowitz RJ, Bird WF, Crall JJ, Stewart RE. Caries management by risk assessment: consensus statement. Journal of the California Dental Association. 2003; 31(3), 257-269.
[2]. Anderson M. Risk assessment and epidemiology of dental caries: review of the literature. Pediatric Dentistry. 2002; 24(5):377-385.
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[5]. lesions in children,s Permanent teeth-a basis for the choice of a therapeutic
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Abstract: Small cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix is a very rare and exceedingly aggressive malignancy which is classified as a neuroendocrine tumor according to the current World Health Organization histological classification of tumors of the uterine cervix (2003). Actually, patients with cervical small cell carcinoma have poor prognosis in both early and advanced cancer stage. Moreover, due to the rarity of the disease there is no consensus regarding optimal treatment. Herein, we report a case of 62 year old woman with early stage of small cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix treated with primary concurrent chemoradiation therapy followed by radical surgery and discuss the clinical and pathological features, treatment and prognosis of this tumor.
Keywords: Small cell carcinoma, Uterine cervix, Treatment approach, Prognosis
[1]. Kuji S, Hirashima Y, Nakayama H, Nishio S, Otsuki T, Nagamitsu Y, Tanaka N, Ito K, Teramoto N, Yamada T. Diagnosis,
clinicopathologic features, treatment, and prognosis of small cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix; Kansai Clinical Oncology
Group/Intergroup study in Japan, Gynecol Oncol, 129(3), 2013, 522–7.
[2]. Lintoiu B, Bacalbașa N, Ionescu C. Cervical neuroendocrine tumors. A literature review, Ginecoeu 10(38), 2014, 168–171
[3]. Tian W.J, Zhang M.Q, Shui R.H. Prognostic factors and treatment comparison in early-stage small cell carcinoma of the uterine
cervix, Oncol Lett, 3(1), 2012, 125–130.
[4]. Wang KL, Chang TC, Jung SM, Chen CH, Cheng YM, Wu HH, Liou WS, Hsu ST, Ou YC, Yeh LS, Lai HC, Huang CY, Chen TC,
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Taiwanese Gynecologic Oncology Group study, Eur J Cancer, 48(10), 2012, 1484–94.
[5]. Viswanathan AN, Deavers MT, Jhingran A, Ramirez PT, Levenback C and Eifel PJ. Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the
cervix: outcome and patterns of recurrence, Gynecologic Oncology, 93, 2004, 27–33.
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Abstract: Introduction: venous ulcer is most common type of chronic leg ulcer. In this study we have tried to summarize the experience of venous ulcer treatment in RIMS,Ranchi; a tertiary healthcare center in eastern India. Material and methods: This is a prospective study done over a period of 2years.Patients of venous ulcer were treated with conservative approach and followed up. In case of no response or poor response to conservative treatment, surgical treatment was done Result: 92.9%patients were male and 7.1% were female. Mean ulcer size at presentation was 37.5 cm2. 85.7% ulcers healed completely on conservative treatment at 3 month follow up, another 9.5% healed at 5 months followup and in 4.7% cases surgical treatment was required Conclusion: in our institute good healing rate is achieved in treatment of venous ulcer with conservative management
Keywords: Leg ulcer, varicose vein, chronic venous insufficiency, compression stocking, sclerotherapy
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Abstract: Heart failure comprises the constellation of clinical symptoms and signs leading to frequent hospitalisation, poor quality of life due to failing heart muscle that cannot pump blood around the body effectively. The early and reliable diagnosis of left ventricular systolic function is done by ECHO to measure Left Ventricular Ejection fraction (LVEF). Due to the cost and limited availability, cost effective tools needs to be found out. The aim of the study is to determine the efficacy of neuro-hormonal markers like NT pro BNP in predicting ventricular systolic dysfunction and its interrelationship with LVEF in heart failure cases. The current case-control study includes 50 numbers of cardiac failure patients and an equal number of age and sex matched controls................
Keywords: Heart failure, Brain Natriuretic peptides, LVEF.
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Abstract: Comparative study of intravaginal misoprostol and intracervical Dinoprostone for induction of labour in Premature rupture of membranes at term. This is a prospective observational study done during Feb 2015 to Jan 2016. 100 pregnant women who were booked in this hospital were taken for study. Out of 100 patients, 50 patients received 25ug intravaginal misoprostol and 50 patients received intracervical dinoprostone gel for labour induction. The mean delivery interval was 11 hrs and 13 hrs in misoprostol and dinoprostone group and 12 hrs and 17 hrs among assisted vaginal delivery................
Keywords: Intravaginal Misoprostol Intracervical Dinoprostone Premature rupture of membranes Labour induction Normal delivery Caesarean delivery
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Abstract: Infantile tremor syndrome (ITS) is a self limiting clinical disorder. This disorder commonly affects infants and young children. This disorder seems to affect children of African and south east Asian countries with poor socio economic conditions. It's a uncommon condition and in India it accounts for 0.2% to 2% of hospital admission. This syndrome presents with mental and psychomotor changes associated with tremors, pigmentary changes of skin and hair along with regression of milestones. Many etiological theories have been put forth but the most commonly accepted theory is nutritional theory................
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Abstract: Background:Foot drop from trauma or from any other cause can be devastating to the orthopedic patient especially as it prolongs rehabilitation. The inability to dorsi-flex the foot distorts the gait cycle with exaggerated clearance and poor heel landing which could lead to instability and occasional falls. Our objective is to find out the scope of this problem in our center. Patients and methods: The patients diagnosed with foot drop primarily or as complication of other orthopedic conditions between January 2006 and December 2015 were studied retrospectively by analyzing their case files. Results: A total of 1638 case files of patients who had foot drop or who had orthopedic problems considered high risk for foot drop were analyzed................
Keywords: Foot drop, Prevalence, Pattern, Gait, Ankle dorsi-flexion, South-east Nigeria.
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Abstract: Minimum preparation ceramic laminate veneers is a newer form of porcelain veneer which is as thin as contact lens and bond to the teeth with very little, if any, preparation. With traditional veneers, a portion of enamel has to be removed to allow the placement of the veneer. But since minimum preparation veneers are exceptionally thin, very little, if any, tooth structure needs to be removed in order for the veneers to be placed on the surface of the teeth. This helps to preserve the remaining tooth structure as well.
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Abstract: The nasolabial cyst is a rare non-odontogenic maxillofacial soft tissue swelling.The cyst grows slowly characterized by swelling in nasolabial region.This paper presents a case series report of 5 patients of nasolabial cyst studied in tertiary care hospital of SVNGMC Yavatmal, situated in trible area of Maharashtra. Three out of Fivepatients presented with scar mark over nasolabial region by previous treatment from quack and they belonged to the same locality.2 out of 5 patients underwent repeated aspiration of cystic fluid and presented with infected swelling...............
Keywords: Nonodontogenic,sublabial,cyst,nasolabial,scar mark
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