Version-10 (September-2017)
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Abstract: Introduction- There are still now no standardized bone tumour data available for West Bengal which has a wide geographical variation. Detailed study of correlation between cytology and histopathological findings of bone tumor are very few in literature for this part of India. Aims and objective-So the present study helps us to know the distribution of bone tumors in West Bengal as well as to delineate correlation between cytology and histopathological findings of bone tumor studied in this part of India. Materials and methods-Patients within age range of 5-65 years have been selected for this survey as most of the primary bone tumours are restricted within this age group. Retrospective and Prospective datas were collected during the time period of 2005-2010 as available data for pathology departments bone tumor cytology and histopathology registry khata and population survey in tumor clinic of out patient department from 2011-16. All recorded datas have been analyzed using standard statistical method (Kappa Statistics) ..............
Keywords:Bone tumor,FNAC of bone tumor , histopathology of bone tumor,bone tumor epidemiology,west Bengal.
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Abstract: Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the effect of Direct & Indirect pick-up techniques on The Retention & Patients' satisfaction of implant-supported mandibular overdenture with locator attachment.
Materials & methods: For the outcome of this clinical research study, twenty fully edentulous patients received new mandibular and maxillary complete dentures prior to implant placement. Every patient was instructed to use the denture for two months. After two months; each patient received four implants in the mandible by the aid of a computer-guided surgical stent. After ensuring complete osseointegration of the implants; patients were randomly divided into two groups; First group ( of ten patients) had completed the procedures of fabricating Implant-supported overdenture with locator attachment using Direct pick-up technique ( chair-side technique), while Second group ( of ten patients) had completed the...............
Keywords: Overdenture, Patient satisfaction, Pick-up technique, Dental implants, Retention
[1] Akoglu, B., Ucankale, M., Ozkan, Y. & Kulak-Ozkan, Y.: Five-year treatment outcomes with three brands of implants supporting mandibular overdentures. Intern. J. of Oral and Maxillof. Impl. 26, 2011, 188–194.
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[4] Boerrigter E.M., Geertman M.E., Van Oort R.P., Bouma J., Raghoebar G.M., van Waas M.A. et al.: Patient satisfaction with implant-retained mandibular overdentures; A comparison with new complete dentures not retained by implants–a multicenter randomized clinical trial. British J. of Oral and Maxillof. Surg. 33, 1995, 282–288.
[5] Cehreli M.C., Uysal S. & Akca K.: Marginal bone level changes and prosthetic maintenance of mandibular overdentures supported by 2 implants; A 5-year randomized clinical trial. Clin. Impl. Dent. and Related Res. 12, 2010, 114–121...
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Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the treatment and post-treatment dentoskeletal effects induced by the Forsus device (FRD) in a growing patient with Class II malocclusion. A 13year old non-compliant male patient with Class II division1 malocclusion was treated with MBT 022in pre-adjusted edgewise appliance. After initial alignment and levelling, Forsus fixed functional appliance was placed and was continued for 6 months. Results: At the end of the treatment there was significant reduction in overjet, overbite and correction of molar relationship. In sagittal plane, upper molar showed slight retrusive effect, upper incisors showed retroclination, mesialization of lower molars and lower incisor proclination were also seen. In vertical plane lower incisors showed intrusion and upper molars also showed some intrusion. Mandibular plane angle increased, convexity of profile improved, but less skeletal changes were seen..........
Keywords: Class II malocclusion, Dentoskeletal, Forsus, MBT, Mandibular retrusion, FRD.
[1]. Aras A, Ada E, Saracog˘ lu H, Gezer NS, Aras I. Comparison of treatments with the Forsus fatigue resistant device in relation to skeletal maturity: a cephalometric and magnetic resonance imaging study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop.2011; 140:616-625.McNamara JA Jr. Components of Class II malocclusion in children 8-10 years of age. Angle Orthod.1981;51:177-202.
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[5]. Kulbersh VP, Berger JL et al. Treatment effects of the mandibular anterior repositioning appliance on patients with Class II malocclusion. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop.2003;123:286-295..
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Abstract: Background: tooth wear is common and increases by the age,the aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of tooth wear in the adult population of Jeddah and to investigate the factors associated with such tooth wear. Methods: Seven hundred and fifty adult patients were examined in the clinic of Batterjee Medical College. Clinical oral examinations of the patients were performed using disposable dental mirror and explorer. The patients gave their information consent for the use of their data and they were willing to answer a questionnaire. The incisal/occlusal surface of all teeth were scored according to the criteria: (0) No loss of enamel surface characteristics (1) loss of enamel surface characteristics (2) Lose of enamel,just exposing dentine (3) Lose of enamel and substantial loss...........
[1]. Nimri,G,E‚M.: Archive of oral and dental research. Archives of Oral andDental Research; 1:1-7, 2015.
[2]. Bartlett,D,W.,Lussi,A., West,N,X., Bouchard,P., Sanz,M.,and Bourgeios ,D.: Prevalence of tooth wear on buccal and lingual surfaces and possible risk factors in young European adults; J of Dentistry ;41:1007-13, 2013.
[3]. Liu,B., Zhang ,M,.Chen ,Y., and Yao,Y.:Tooth wear in aging people: an investigation of the prevalence and the influential factors of incisal/ occlusal tooth wear in north china. BMC Oral Health; 14:1-5,2015.
[4]. Song,M., Park, J.,and Park,E.:Full mouth rehabilitation of the patient with severly worn dentition;J Adv Prosthodont; 1:106-10,2010.
[5]. Salas,M.,Nascimento,G.,Vargas-Ferreira,M.,Tarquinio,S.,Huysmans,M.,and Demarco,F.: Diet influenced tooth erosion prevalence in children and adolescents: Results of a meta-analysis and meta-regression .J of Dentistry ; 43:865-75,2015...
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Abstract: Background: Epistaxis or nosebleed has a varied aetiopathology. It is one of the common presentations requiring an immediate intervention to prevent from life threatening complications. Methods :A comparative study was done on 152 patients in a tertiary care hospital (Regional Institute Medical Sciences, Imphal, Manipur, India) during the study period of two years from September 2013 to August 2015 using a structured questionnaire along with clinical examination, laboratory investigations for identifying specific aetiology. Efficacy of various modes of conservative management as well surgical intervention was studied............
Keywords: Epistaxis, nasal packing, cauterisation, nasal endoscopy, efficacy, success.
[1]. Weis NS. Relation of high blood pressure to headache, epistaxis and selected other symptoms. N Eng J Med.
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Abstract: Nitrobenzene is a pale yellow oily liquid, with an odour of bitter almonds used in the synthesis of solvents like paint removers, manufacturing of lubricating oils and dyes and in shoe manufacturing units for production of synthetic rubber.The toxic effects after ingestion lead to methemoglobinemia. Methemoglobinemia, because of accidental ingestion of nitrobenzene is a life threatening emergency, difficult to diagnose clinically and not routinely suspected. Early aggressive management of severe poisoning, strongly suspected on clinical grounds may change the outcome of a patient. Our case had this rare presentation so we are presenting this case because of its rarity.
Keywords: Methhemoglobinemia, Nitrobenzene, Methyline blue, Ascorbic Acid.
[1]. Dutta R, Dube SK, Mishra LD, Singh AP. Acute methemglobinemia. Internet J Emerg Intensive Care Med. 2008;11:1092–4051.
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Abstract: Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding is a common gynaecological problem affecting 25-35% women of reproductive age group and upto 50 % women of perimenopausal age group .there are various causes of AUB classified according to PALM COEIN classification .it is a debilitating condition affecting women in their middle age and its management depends on correct diagnosis. hysteroscopy is an important diagnostic modality used for diagnosis of structural causes of AUB . AIM of study: To study role of hysteroscopy in diagnostic evaluation of intrauterine causes of AUB compared to histopathology reports..........
Keywords: Hysteroscopy, AUB ,endometrial polyp, endometrial hyperplasia.
[1]. Caserta D, Toro G, Porretta M, Mancini E, Moscarini M. Hysteroscopic vs histologic diagnosis: Study of 222 cases of abnormal uterine hemorrhage .Minerva Ginecol 1999; 51:169 -172.
[2]. Lalchandani S, Phillips K. Evaluation of endometrial cavity investigation option. Rev Gynecol Prac 2003; 3:165-170.
[3]. Wieser F, Albrecht A, Kurz C, Wenzl R, Nagele F. Ambulatory hysteroscopy in evaluation of postmenopausal bleeding. Wien Klin Wochenschr 1999;111:289-293.
[4]. Malinova M. Ultrasonographic hysteroscopy, new approachfor the investigation of the uterine cavity in women with postmenopausal bleeding. Akush Ginekol ( Sofiia ) 1999;38:36-38.
[5]. Lo KW, Yuen PM. The role of outpatient diagnostic hysteroscopy in identifying anatomic pathology and histo pathology in the endometrial cavity. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc 2000; 7:381 –385
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Abstract: Aim & Objective: The aim of the study is to assess the role of sialometry and sialochemistry as a diagnostic tool in Sjogren's syndrome by quantifying the levels of sodium, potassium, chloride, urea, calcium, phosphate, total protein, creatinine, albumin and estimating the flow rate of whole unstimulated saliva in patients with a positive diagnosis of Sj?gren's syndrome in comparison with control group and thus utilizing the changes in the chemical levels in the diagnosis of Sjogren's syndrome . Materials & Methods: A cross sectional study was done with 60 subjects divided into two groups, 30 in study group with mean age of thirty six years and 30 in control group with the mean age of forty three years. 9 among the study group had Primary Sjogren's syndrome...........
Keywords: Cross sectional study,sialometry,sialochemistry,Sjogrens syndrome.
[1]. Ben-Aryeh H, Speilman A, Szarge Rl, Gutman D, Scharf J, Nahir M, Scharf Y. Sialochemistry for diagnosis of Sjogrens's syndrome in xerostomic patients. Oral surg Oral Med Oral Pathol1981 Nov; 52(5):487-490.
[2]. Fisher BA, Brown RM, Bowman SJ, Barone F. A review of salivary gland histopathology in primary Sjogren's syndrome with a focus on its potential as a clinical trials biomarker. Ann Rheum Dis 2015 Sep;74(9):1645-50.
[3]. Baldini C, Talarico R, Tzioufas AG, Bombardieri S. Classification criteria for Sjogren's syndrome: a critical review. J Autoimmun 2012 Aug; 39(1-2): 9-14.
[4]. Ramos- Casals M, Brito- Zeron P, Siso-Almirall A,Bosch X. Primary Sjogren syndrome.BMJ 2012 Jun 14;344:e3821.
[5]. Vitali C, Bombardieri S, Jonsson R, Moutsopoulos HM, Alexander EL, Carsons SE, Daniels TE, Fox PC, Fox RI, Kassan SS, et al. Classification criteria for Sjogren's syndrome: a revised version of the European criteria proposed by the American-European Consensus group. Ann Rheum Dis 2002 Jun;61 (6):554-8.
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Abstract: Sixty five patients were admitted in the department of Neurosurgery Govt. Medical College Srinagar Kashmir for last one and half year, who had facial maxillary injuries associated with craniocerebral trauma. This department has been newly introduced in Govt Medical College Srinagar and has been functional for last four years. Study was carried out to analyse the association of faciomaxillary injuries in brain injury patients due to craniocerebral trauma. After initial resuscitation patients were subjected to computerized Tomographic scanning and 3D scanning of face. Patients with low G.C.S had poor outcome associated faciomaxillary injuries added to morbidity and mortality...........
Keywords:- Faciomaxillary injuries, Craniocerebral trauma, Computerized Tomography, Violence of Conflict, Vehicular trauma.
[1]. Goodisson,D MacfurlaneM. Snape L, DarwishB. Head injuries and associated maxillofacial injuries. NZMedJ 2004 Sept; 117: 1201
[2]. HashmiH, Iqbals. Motorcycle Accidents main cause of maxillofacial injuries in the penungmarilaridMalaysia, Dent Traumatol 2011 Feb; 27(1): 19-22.
[3]. Medubul ZE, Chukwuco, OmokeniOyakhilomeOP, OZOC. Road traffic accidents seen in a Nigerian teaching hospital ENT. Orthop 2011May; 35(5): 743-6.
[4]. Khan AA. A Retrospective study of injuries to maxillofacial skeleton in Harare Zimbabwe Br. J. Oral MaxillojacSurg 1988 Oct; 26(5): 435-439
[5]. Daigal K, Einokour R.S, Findin S, Taub D, Pribit Kin E. Use of three dimensional computerized tomography reconstruction in complex Facilaltrauma (Facial PlastSurg 2005 Aug; 21(3): 214-220.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Yellow Oleander Seed Poisoning – A Profile |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sureshkumar Aparna || Murugesan Sharmila |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1609106471 ![]() |
Abstract: Aim: The aim of this study was to estimate the incidence of yellow oleander seed poisoning,toanalyse theclinical and biochemicalaspects, tocorrelate the clinical andbiochemicaldata with electrocardiographicchanges and cardiotoxicity and toidentifythe possible risk factors for cardio toxicityand outcome following treatment. Methodology: Cases of yellow oleander seed ingestion presenting to the Poison control Center, were included in the study. Selected sociodemo graphic, clinical, biochemical, electrocardio graphic and treatment detailswere collected from the patientsand recorded in a proforma. Results: In a study of 50 patients, the clinical, biochemical and electrocardiographic profle of the patients with a history of ingestion of yellow oleander seed were studied and analysed............
Keywords: Yellow oleander, Hyperkalemia, cardiotoxicity.
[1]. Driggers DA, Solbrig R, Steiner JF, et al : Acute oleander poisoning – A Suicide attempt in a geriatric patient. West J Med 1989 Dec; 151 : 660 -662
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Abstract: Introduction : Carboprost is used to prevent and treat postpartum hemorrhage in pregnant patients, however it is associated with severe nausea and vomiting .This is quite discomforting for the patient and the treating obstetrician. This study was designed to compare ondansetron only and ondansetron along with dexamethasone for the prevention of Carboprost induced nausea and vomiting Materials and Methods: This double blinded study Was done at a peripheral hospital from July 2016 to July 2017.200 ASA Class I and II full-term pregnant patients scheduled for elective LSCS were randomly allocated into two groups namely group O and group OD Inj.carboprost 250 mcg was given intramuscularly after the delivery of anterior shoulder in both groups............
Keywords: Carboprost, Cesarean section, , Dexamethasone, Ondansetron.,PONV(Post OP Nausea Vomiting)
[1]. K. D. Triatic. Prostaglandins leukotrienes (eicosanoids) and platelet activating factor. In:. K. D. Tripathi, eds. Essentials of Medical Pharmacology. 6th ed. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2009: 174-181.
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Abstract: Adolescence in girls has been recognized as a special period in their life cycle that requires specific and special attention. This period is marked with onset of menarche. The girl experiences several problems during adolescence, and menarche is one among them.There is a substantial lacuna in the knowledge about menstruation among adolescent girls. Several research studies have revealed this gap and they showed that there was a low level of awareness about menstruation among the girls when they experienced it. The objective of the study was to assess knowledge, attitude and practices towards menstrual cycle and its problems among school girls............
[1]. Ahuja A, Tiwari S. Awareness about pubertal changes among adolescent girls. Journal of Family Welfare 1995; 41(1):46-50.
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[5]. Bhatia JC, Cleland J. Self reported symptoms of gynecological morbidity and their treatment in south India. Studies in Family Planning 1995; 26/4:491-495.
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Abstract: As stated by Federation Dentaire Internationale, "Forensic Odontology" is the branch of dentistry which, in the interest of justice, deals with proper handling & examination of dental evidence & with the proper evaluation & presentation of dental findings. Forensic dentistry is important for human identification, especially when conventional methods cannot be applied, usually due to advanced decomposition, carbonization or fragmentation of the body. However, the method of using teeth has several advantages as it is easy to locate & measure them. Teeth form an excellent material for anthropological, genetic, odontologic & forensic investigations. To investigate the possibility of predicting the height of an individual using selected odontometric parameters as a forensic tool..........
Keywords: Arch length, arch width, intercanine width, interpremolar width, odontometric parameters, stature estimation.
[1]. Krishan K. Anthropometry in forensic medicine and forensic science-'Forensic Anthropometry', The Internet Journal of Forensic Science 2007 DOI: 10.5580/1dce [cited 2014 Nov 05 ].
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[3]. Krishan K. Estimation of stature from cephalo-facial anthropometry in North Indian population. Forensic Sci. Int. 2008; 181 : 52.e1-6.
[4]. Kumar J, Lilinchandra. Estimation of stature using different facial measurements among the Kabui Naga of Imphal valley, Manipur. Anthropologist 2006; 8: 1-3.
[5]. Jadhav HR, Shah GV. Determination of personal height from the length of head in Gujarat region. J Anat Soc India 2004; 53:20-21.
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Abstract: Eradication of microbes from root canals and impeding of further reinfection is the basic support of endodontic treatment. This is achieved by overall disinfection and shaping of canals which can then be filled using a three-dimensional filling with a fluid-tight seal. To achieve these goals, the clinician must have integral knowledge of regular anatomy and anatomic variants of root canals. One such variant configuration in mandibular molars is the presence of a third canal in the mesial root called middle-mesial canal. This article describes the endodontic therapy of permanent mandibular first molars having this extra mid-mesial canal.
Keywords: accessory canal, intermediate mesial canal, mandibular molar, middle mesial, mid-mesial canal
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Abstract: Introduction: Development of pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH) worsens prognosis of systemic sclerosis (SSc) and can be either isolated precapillary PAH or secondary to interstitial lung disease (ILD). Early diagnosis is of crucial importance. There is scarcity of data on PAH in patients with SSc in India. Objectives: To determine the prevalence and clinical correlates of PAH in systemic sclerosis using noninvasive cardiopulmonary evaluation and in selected cases by cardiac catheterization. Materials And Methods: Clinical and functional characteristics of 100 patients of systemic sclerosis were studied and they were evaluated by echocardiography to detect pulmonary artery hypertension. Our objective was to study the prevalence and the clinical correlation of PAH in SSc...........
Keywords: Interstitial lung disease, pulmonary artery hypertension, Raynaud's phenomenon, systemic sclerosis
[1]. Rodnan GP, Lipinski E, Lucksick J. Skin thickness & collagen content in progressive systemic sclerosis & localized scleroderma. Arthritis Rheum. 1979;22(2):130-40.
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Abstract: Subtalar dislocation is also known as peritalar dislocation, it can be medial, lateral, anterior and posterior displacement. Medial dislocation is more common than a lateral dislocation. Usually, dislocation can be reduced with closed reduction technique but if it is un-reducible or a neglected dislocation, then open reduction is the preferred method of treatment. We present here the technique of open reduction of 12 days old unreduced lateral subtalar dislocation.
Keywords: Subtalar dislocation, lateral,un-reduced, neglected.
[1]. Ruhlmann F, Poujardieu C, Vernois J, Gayet L-E. Isolated Acute Traumatic Subtalar Dislocations: Review of 13 Cases at a Mean Follow-Up of 6 Years and Literature Review. J Foot Ankle Surg Off Publ Am Coll Foot Ankle Surg. 2017 Feb;56(1):201–7.
[2]. Veltman ES, Steller EJ, Wittich P, Keizer J. Lateral subtalar dislocation: Case report and review of the literature. World J Orthop. 2016 Sep 18;7(9):623–7.
[3]. Prada-Cañizares A, Auñón-Martín I, Vilá Y Rico J, Pretell-Mazzini J. Subtalar dislocation: management and prognosis for an uncommon orthopedic condition. Int Orthop. 2016 May;40(5):999–1007.
[4]. Kumar YC, Reddy S, Golla DK, Ganesh N. Closed Talar Dislocation without Associated Fracture a Very Rare Injury, a Case Report. J Orthop Case Rep. 2014 Jun;4(2):10–2.
[5]. Tucker DJ, Burian G, Boylan JP. Lateral subtalar dislocation: a review of the literature and case presentation. J Foot Ankle Surg Off Publ Am Coll Foot Ankle Surg. 1998 Jun;37(3):239–247; discussion 262.