Version-3 (September-2017)
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Abstract: Introduction: The prevalence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) varies widely in India and is associated with high morbidities and mortalities among mothers and infants. Objectives: 1. To find out prevalence of GDM. 2. To study associated risk factors. Materials And Methods: The study was conducted at the antenatal clinic of a tertiary care hospital. A semi-structured pretested questionnaire was used for data collection. Following DIPSI guidelines, patients with plasma glucose values >140 mg/dl were labeled as GDM. Statistical methods used were OR (CI95%), percentage, Chai square............
Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, GDM, BMI, Gravida
[1]. Seshiah V, Das AK, Balaji V, Joshi SR, Parikh MN, Gupta S. Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group. Gestational diabetes mellitus-guidelines. J Assoc Physicians India. 2006;54:622–8. [PubMed]
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Abstract: Nailing and Plating by minimally invasive technique are two main techniques to treat distal tibia metaphyseal fracture without intrarticular extension.Which one is better is still a controversial and debatable topic due to variable results reported in literature. Aim: To compare the functional and radiological outcomes in patients of distal metaphyseal fracture treated with intramedullary nailing versus anteromedial plating using locked plae by minimally invasive method............
Keywords: Closed, Extraarticular,Locked plate, Klemn and Borner scoring system
[1]. Ovadia DN, Beals RK. The fractures of tibial plafond. J of bone joint surgery America. 1986;68; 543-551.
[2]. Im GI, Tae SK. Distal metaphyseal fractures of tibia: a prospective randomized trial of closed reduction and intramedullary nail versus open reduction and plate and screws fixation. J Trauma. 2005;59:1219–1223. doi: 10.1097/01.ta.0000188936.79798.4e.
[3]. Janssen KW, Biert J, Kampen A. Treatment of distal tibial fractures: plate versus nail: a retrospective outcome analysis of matched pairs of patients. Int Orthop. 2007;31:709–714. doi: 10.1007/s00264-006-0237-1.
[4]. Bourne RB. Pylon fractures of the distal tibia. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1989;240:42–46Shanmugam C, Rahmatalla A, Maffulli N. Strain in distal tibial osteotomy stabilized with metaphyseal and distal tibial locking compression plates. Tech Orthop. 2007;22:162–166. doi:10.1097/BTO.0b013e318149fc3e.
[5]. Stoffel K, Dieter U, Stachowiak G, Gachter A, Kuster MS. Biomechanical testing of the LCP–how can stability in locked internal fixators be controlled? Injury. 2003;34(Suppl 2):B11-B19.doi:10.1016/j.injury.2003.09.021
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Abstract: Diaphyseal fractures in the tibia are one of the commonest ones encountered in clinical practice and of which the distal third involvement accounts for about one-fourth. Various treatment modalities have been in practice from conservative management to operative modalities like plate fixation, Interlocking nailing, combined nail and plate fixation. The aim of this study was to identify the relevance and advantages of fibular fixation in lower one-third fractures of both bones of leg treated by tibial interlocking nailing. Materials and Methods: 15 patients who presented with fracture in the distal third region of tibia and fibula underwent interlocking nailing for tibia and plate fixation for fibula...........
Keywords: Diaphyseal fracture, tibia, fibula, mal-alignment, Distal Third Tibio-Fibular Fractures
[1]. Rockwood C A Jr,Green O P,Bucholz R W,Heckman J D. Fractures of the tibia and fibula.In:Rockwood C A,Green D P,editors.Rockwood and Greens Fractures in adults. 4thEd, vol 2.Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven; 1996.p 2127-2200
[2]. Nicoll E.A. Fractures of the tibial shaft. A survey of 705 cases. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1964; 46-B: 373-387.
[3]. Chapman M W. Fractures of the tibial and fibular shafts.In: Chapman M W, editor.Chapman's Orthopaedic surgery.3rdedition, Vol 1. Philadelphia: Lippincott rd Williams and Wilkins; 2001.p 755-810.
[4]. Rolando M. Puno., Joseph T. Teynor, Nagano Junji., Gustilo R. Critical analysis of results of treatment of 201 tibial shaft fractures. Clin Orthop. 1986; 212: 113- 121.
[5]. Merchant T.C., Dietz F.R. Long term follow up after fractures of the tibial and fibular shafts. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1989; 71-A: 599-606.
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Abstract: The fractures of the distal third of the tibia and fibula are critical for treatments due to its subcutaneous position and minimal muscle cover which contributes to the complexity. Severe damage to the soft tissue indicates high risk of delayed bone union and results in contamination and a wide range of wound complications such as non-union, infection and necrosis.To achieve union with eradication of infection is an orthopaedic challenge. We have retrospectively reviewed cases of infected nonunion of distal third tibia managed by single stage debridement and Ilizarovmethod and analysed.A retrospective study of 16 adults (age 15-65 years) admitted to the orthopaedic department................
[1]. Zeytoonjian T, Mankin HJ, Gebhardt MC, Hornicek FJ (2004) Distal lower extremity sarcomas: frequency of occurrence and patient survival rate. Foot Ankle Int. 25(5):325-330.
[2]. Eilber FR, Eckhardt J, Morton DL (1984) Advances in the treatment of sarcomas of the extremity: current status of limb salvage. Cancer 54 (Suppl 11):2695-2701.
[3]. Liu T, Yu X, Zhang X, Li Z, Zeng W (2012) One-stage management of post-traumatic tibial infected nonunion using bone transport after debridement. Turk J Med Sci. 42(6):1111–1120.
[4]. Tu YK, Yen CY, Yeh WL, Wang IC, Wang KC, Ueng WN (2001) Reconstruction of posttraumatic long bone defect with free vascularized bone graft: good outcome in 48 patients with 6 years' follow-up. Acta Orthop Scand. 72(4):359-364.
[5]. Cierny G 3rd, Zorn KE (1996) Segmental tibial defects. Comparing conventional and Ilizarov methodologies. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 301:118-123...
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Abstract: Intracapsular fracture neck femur have always presented great challenges to orthopaedic surgeons and remain in many ways today the unsolved fracture as far as treatment and results are concerned. With delay,Intracapsular fracture neck femur is associated with a high incidence of non-union and avascular necrosis. Although many techniques have been described for femoral head salvage in these circumstances, a less technically demanding procedure with high yield results is yet to be evaluated. In the present study, role of free fibular grafting for neglected intracapsular fractures among adolescents in 22 patients have been reviewed retrospectively. The results of this technique are promising with good union rate and satisfactory outcome rate. However, its superiority with subset analysis and with other techniques need to be analysed.
[1]. David G Lavelle. Fractures and Dislocations of the Hip. In: Campbell's operative orthopaedics. Terry Canalle s, BeatyJH :editors. Pennsylvania. 2008; Mosby Elsevier. 11 th edition,vol-3: p3237-308.
[2]. Ross K Leighton. Fractures of the Neck of Femur. In: Rockwood and Green's Fractures in Adults. Bucholz RW, Heckman JD, Court-brown CM: editors. Philadelphia. 2006; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 6th ed,vol-2; p1753-92
[3]. Meyers MH, Harvey JP Jr, Moore TM. Treatment of displaced subcapital and transcervical fractures of the femoral neck by muscle-pedicle- bone graft and internal fixation. A preliminary report on one hundred and fifty cases. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1973;55:257–274
[4]. Protzman RR and Burkhalter WE. "Femoral neck fractures in young adults". J Bone & Joint Surgeries. 1976; 58-A : p689-95.
[5]. Beris AE, Payatakes AH, Kostopoulons VK, Kormopillias MD, et al. Non union of femoral neck fracture with osteonecrosis of femoral head. Orthop Clin North Am. 2004;35:335-43.
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Abstract: 1) To compare post operative abdominal complications like wound infection, chest infection, incidence of pyrexia associated with open cholecystectomy with and without drain. 2) To compare post operative pain and hospital stay in open cholecystectomy with and without drain. Materials and Methods: prospective study carried out at K.R. hospital attached to mysore medical college and research institute and included patients admitted with diagnosis of chronic calculous cholecystitis and underwent elective open cholecystectomy over a period of one year..............
Keywords: post operative, cholecystectomy, drain
[1]. F.Charles Brunicardi, Schwartz Principles Of Surgery, 10th Edition
[2]. Erichsen HG. Cholecystitis And Cholelithiasis. Experience With 760 Cases. Reported
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Assessment and evaluation of pulse oximetry in Newborns |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajesh Rai || KapilShukla || Deepak Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1609032931 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Oxygen is essential for adequate cellular functioning and highly specialized systems have developed to maintain a delicate balance during conditions of relatively low to high levels of oxygen availability. However, despite such sophisticated controls prolonged or severe exposures to both excessively low and high oxygen levels may lead to tissue damage. Recent studies have suggested that SpO2 measured during the first hours of life may be an effective screening tool for congenital heart disease as well as detecting the early onset of sepsis. If the measurement of SpO2 is performed as a routine in newborns, we can assess the normal variation of SpO2 during the first day of life. Present study was conducted to study the influence of birth weight, gestational age, mode of delivery and gender on levels of SpO2 in healthy newborn
[1]. Finer N, Leone T. Oxygen saturation monitoring for the preterm infant: the evidence basis for current practice. Pediatric research. 2009 Apr 1;65(4):375-80.
[2]. Dawson JA, Davis PG, O'Donnell CP, Kamlin CO, Morley CJ. Pulse oximetry for monitoring infants in the delivery room: a review. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed.2007; 92:F4–7.
[3]. Rabi Y, Yee W, Chen SY, Singhal N. Oxygen saturation trends immediately after birth.JPediatr. 2006;148:590–4.
[4]. Shiao SY, Ou CN. Validation of oxygen saturation monitoring in neonates.Am J CritCare. 2007;16:168–78.
[5]. Levesque BM, Pollack P, Griffin BE, Nielsen HC. Pulse oximetry: what's normal in the newborn nursery? PediatrPulm. 2000;30:406–12.
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Abstract: Meningiomas are one of the most important and common tumours of the central nervous system. They comprises of about 25 to 30% of the primary tumours of CNS. They occur more commonly in females with increased occurrence in the middle age. They may be of intracranial or intraspinal location. World health organization classifies meningiomas in to numerous variants under three grades (grade I,II and III). Though close to 80% of meningiomas are benign, some of the grade I and all of the grade II and III meningiomas exhibits aggressive behaviour. It is very important to analyse the various clinical parameters and histological types that causes aggressive nature of meningiomas which is.......
Keywords: Atypical meningioma, Anaplastic meningioma, Meningioma grading
[1]. F Roser, M Nakamura, M Bellinzona, S K Rosahl, H Ostertag, M Samii .The prognostic value of progesterone receptor status in meningiomas. J Clin Pathol 2004;57:1033–1037.
[2]. Cordera S, Bottacchi E, D'Alessandro G, Machado D, De Gonda F, Corso G. Epidemiology of primary intracranial tumours in NW Italy, a population based study: stable incidence in the last two decades. J Neurol.2002;249: 281-284.
[3]. Quinn T. Ostrom, Haley Gittleman, Peter M. de Blank, Jonathan L. Finlay, James G. Gurney, Roberta McKean-Cowdin, American Brain Tumor Association Adolescent and Young Adults. Primary Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors Diagnosed in the United States in 2008-2012 Neuro-Oncology, 2015,18:i1–i50.
[4]. Louis DN, Ohgaki H, Wiestler OD, Cavenee WK, Burger PC, Jouvet A, Scheithauer BW, Kleihues P. The 2007 WHO classification of tumours of the central nervous system. Acta Neuropathol. 2007 Aug; 114: 97-109.
[5]. Klaeboe L, Lonn S, Scheie D, Auvinen A, Christensen HC, Feychting M, Johansen C, Salminen T, Tynes T . Incidence of intracranial meningiomas in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, 1968-1997. Int J Cancer 2005; 117: 996-1001..
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Abstract: Aneurysm of the celiac artery is an uncommon clinical problem; fewer than 180 cases have been reported in the world medical literature. Although the rate of rupture was 72% to 87% during the 1st half of the 20th century,1 advances in diagnostic imaging and early surgical intervention have reduced the rupture rate to 7% in recent years.2 Most celiac aneurysms are asymptomatic or present with vague epigastric pain prior to rupture, preoperative diagnosis is infrequent and is usually made incidentally during unrelated surgery or angiography. Early recognition and intervention are crucial, because the operative mortality rate associated with ruptured celiac artery aneurysms is 40% compared with only 5% for non-ruptured aneurysms.We present the case of a 56-year-old woman who had an asymptomatic celiac artery aneurysm detected by ultrasonography and computed tomography angiography
[1]. Graham LM, Stanley JC, Whitehouse WM Jr, Zelenock GB, Wakefield TW, Cronenwett JL, Lindenauer SM. Celiac artery aneurysms: historic (1745-1949) versus contemporary (1950-1984) differences in etiology and clinical importance. J VascSurg 1985;2:757-64.
[2]. Shanley CJ, Shah NL, Messina LM. Common splanchnic artery aneurysms: splenic, hepatic, and celiac. Ann VascSurg 1996;10:315-22.
[3]. Deterling RA Jr. Aneurysm of the visceral arteries. J CardiovascSurg (Torino) 1971;12:309-22.
[4]. Stanley JC, Whitehouse WM Jr. Splanchnic artery aneurysms. In: Rutherford RB, ed. Vascular surgery. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders; 2005. p. 1565-81.
[5]. Schrotter LV. Erkrankungen der gefasse. In: Nothnagel H, editor. Speciellepathologie und therapie. Vol 14, Pt 2. Vienna: Wien, Holder; 1901. p. 153-307.
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Abstract: The Macintosh blade laryngoscope is the gold standard equipment for endotracheal intubation. Video laryngoscopes provide an excellent and magnified view of larynx and adnexa. Commercial video laryngoscopes are expensive which acts as a limitation for routine use. We prepared an inexpensive version of video laryngoscope by using an USB endoscope camera and attaching it to regular laryngoscope blade and a personal computer. We evaluated between custom made video laryngoscope and macintosh laryngoscope aided endotracheal intubation for success of intubation, overall duration, POGO score ,intubation difficulty score and ease of intubation
Keywords: Custom made video laryngoscope , Macintosh ,POGO Score,USB endoscope camera.[1]. Caplan RA, Posner KL, Ward RJ, Cheney FW. Adverse respiratory events in anesthesia: A closed claims analysis. Anesthesiology 1990;72:828‑33.
[2]. Cheney FW. The American Society of Anesthesiologists Closed Claims Project: What have we learned, how has it affected practice, and how will it affect practice in the future? Anesthesiology 1999;91:552‑6.
[3]. Peterson GN, Domino KB, Caplan RA, Posner KL, Lee LA, Cheney FW. Management of the difficult airway: A closed claims analysis. Anesthesiology 2005;103:33‑9.
[4]. Mort TC. Esophageal intubation with indirect clinical tests during emergency tracheal intubation: A report on patient morbidity. J ClinAnesth 2005;17:255‑62.
[5]. Mort TC. Emergency tracheal intubation: Complications associated with repeated laryngoscopic attempts. AnesthAnalg 2004;99:607‑13.
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Abstract: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a common, preventable disease characterized by persistent respiratory symptoms and airway narrowing. It has been predicted by the WHO to become the 3rd leading cause of death by 2030. The chief pathogenesis at play involves an imbalance of oxidants and anti-oxidants, a term called "oxidative stress". Ischemia Modified Albumin (IMA) is a novel biomarker shown to be elevated in various states of ischemia and oxidative stress. This study was done with the aim of determining the association between IMA and COPD and also its associated factors. A cross sectional study was done on 20 consecutive patients hospitalized with COPD. The control..........
Keywords: COPD, Ischemia Modified Albumin, Oxidative stress, Smoking Index,
[1]. Global strategy for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 2017 Report. Available
[2]. WHO. World health statistics. 2008. Available at: http://www.whoint/whosis/whostat/EN_WHS08_Full.pdf.
[3]. de Boer WI, Yao H, Rahman I. Future therapeutic treatment of COPD: struggle between oxidants and cytokines. Int J Chron
Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2007 Sep; 2(3):205–228.
[4]. Rahman I. Antioxidant therapies in COPD. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2006 Mar; 1(1): 15–29.
[5]. Ciencewicki J, Trivedi S, Kleeberger SR. Oxidants and the pathogenesis of lung diseases. J Allergy Clin Immunol . 2008
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Rare Case of Paraganglioma Presenting As Hydatid Cyst |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Vaibhav Krishna || Dr. Alok Chandra |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1609035760 ![]() |
Abstract: Mediastinal paraganglioma are rare, highly vascularized tumours arising from chromaffin tissue located in the para-aortic ganglia. Tumours tend to invade bordering structures and may also form metastasis. Up to 50% of patients are asymptomatic and diagnosis is incidental. Herein, we discuss a case paraganglioma, A 40 yrs female who presented with chief presentation of right sided chest pain since 1.5 months and breathlessness since 15 days. Earlier she was diagnosed and treated as Hydatid cyst on basis Chest X-ray, other reports were inconclusive. On Examination patient was having tachycardia.Chest X-ray showed well defined round homogenous opacity. Eosinophils Counts were 16...............
Keywords-: Paraganglioma, Echinococcus, ELISA, CTVS.
[1]. Haber S. Retroperitoneal and mediastinal chemodectoma: report of a case and review of the literature. AJR 1964;92: 1029-1041
[2]. Lacquet LK, Moulijn AC, Jongerios CM, Umburg M, Rensing JB. Intrathoracic chemodectoma with multiple localizations. Thorax 1977;32:203-209
[3]. Olson JL, Salyer WA. Mediastinal paragangliomas (aortic body tumor). Cancer 1978:41 :2405-2412
[4]. Lack EE, Stillinger RA, Colvin OB, Groves AM, Bumette 0G. Aorticopulmonary paraganglioma: report of a case with ultrastructural study and review of the literature. Cancer 1979:43: 269-278
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Abstract: The aim of all early therapeutic methods used in early mixed dentition is to prevent the occurrence of orthodontic irregularities in the permanent dentition. In this case of early loss of lower second primary molar change in the vertical occlusal relationships was detected. To intercept further negative consequences for the permanent dentition a band-loop space maintainer was constructed and fixed
Keywords: space maintainer, early loss of deciduous molar
[1]. American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Guideline on management of the developing dentition and occlusion in paediatric dentistry. Clinical Guidelines. 2014;36(6):251–261.
[2]. Brothwell DJ. Guidelines on the use of space maintainers following premature loss of primary teeth. J Can Dent Assoc 1997;63(10):753-66.
[3]. Ngan P, Alkire RG, Fields HW Jr. Management of space problems in the primary and mixed dentitions. J Am Dent Assoc 1999;130(9):1330-9.
[4]. Terlaje RD, Donly KJ. Treatment planning for space maintenance in the primary and mixed dentition. J Dent Child 2001;68(2):109-14.
[5]. Proffit, W. R., Fields, H. W., & Sarver, D. M. (2007). Contemporary orthodontics. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby Elsevier.
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Abstract: Introduction: Poisoning is a pediatric emergency. The profile and outcome of poisoned pediatric patients in a given region is influenced by the prevalent social, economic and cultural practices prevalent and also by the availability and the quality of the medical facilities. Acute poisoning in children is common and in many cases it is preventable. Most of the research papers are at least a decade old so this study was conducted at GMCH, Pediatric Department. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the last 2 year (Jan, 2015 to Dec, 2016) hospital records of Pediatric department to analyze the profile of all cases of pediatric poisoning and their outcome.........
Keywords: Poisoning, North East India, Children, and Gauhati Medical College and Hospital.
[1]. Lamireau T, Llanas B, Kennedy A, Fayon M, Penouil F, Favarell-Garrigues JC et al. Epidemiology of poisoning in children: a 7-year survey in a paediatric emergency care unit. Eur J Emerg Med 2002; 9 : 9-14.
[2]. Marchi AG, Renier S, Messi G, Barbone F. Childhood poisoning: a population study in Trieste, Italy, 1975-1994. JClinEpidemiol1998; 51 : 687-695.
[3]. World Health Organization. Guidelines for poison control. Bulletin 1999;Geneva, World Health Org.
[4]. Abula T, Wondmikyn Y. The pattern of acute poisoning in a teaching hospital, north- west Ethiopia. Ethiop Med J 2006; 44: 183-9.
[5]. Paudyal BP. Poisoning: pattern and profile of admitted cases in a Hospital in Central Nepal. J Nepal Med Assoc 2005, 44: 92-6...
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Abstract: Serum creatinine measurement is most widely used and commonly accepted index of renal function. It is an important and reliable indicator of renal health because its biological reference intervals are relatively constant during the life time of an adult individual without a superimposed renal failure.Daily Approximately 2% of muscle creatine is converted to creatinine. (1)(2) Glycine, arginine, and methionine participate in creatine biosynthesis.Glycine and arginine form guanidoacetate in kidney an intermediate in biosynthesis of creatinine. Creatine synthesis is completed by methylation of guanidoacetate by S- adenosyl methionine(3)(4).Creatine is converted to creatine phosphate by creatine kinase, a reversible reaction. Creatine by a non-enzymatic, irreversible, spontaneous reaction is converted to creatinine, which is anhydride of creatine.............
[1]. Nankivell JB. Creatinine clearance and the assessment of renal function. Aust Prescr [Internet]. 2001;24(1):15–7. Available from:
[2]. Clark R V, Walker AC, O‟Connor-Semmes RL, Leonard MS, Miller RR, Stimpson S a, et al. Total body skeletal muscle mass: estimation by creatine (methyl-d3) dilution in humans. J Appl Physiol [Internet]. 2014;116(12):1605–13. Available from:
[3]. Murray RK, Bender DA, Botham K. Harper‟s Ilustrated Biochemistry. 29th ed. 2012. 689-699 p.
[4]. Wyss M, Kaddurah-Daouk R. Creatine and Creatinine Metabolism. Physiol Rev. 2000;80(3):1107–213.
[5]. Allen PJ. Creatine metabolism and psychiatric disorders: Does creatine supplementation have Therapeutic value ? neurobiorev201203005. 2013;36(5):1442–62.
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Abstract: Actinomycosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria of Actinomyces species. Although it most commonly occurs in the cervicofacial region, actinomycosis of tongue is quite rare. We report a patient who presented with a nodular mass on lateral border of tongue, mimicking a neoplasm, which was diagnosed as actinomycosis on histopathological examination.
Key words: Actinomycosis, bacteria, cervicofacial, nodular, tongue.
[1]. V.T. De Montpreville, N. Nashashibi, E.M. Dulmet, Actinomycosis and other bronchopulmonary infections with bacterial granules, Ann. Diagn. Pathol. 3,1999, 67–74.
[2]. Habibi A,Salehinejad J, Saghafi S,Mellati E, Habibi M. Actinomycosis of the tongue. Arch Iran Med 11(5),2008, 566-568.
[3]. Atespare A,Keskin G, Eric C, Keskin M,Camcioglu A Actinomycosis of the Tongue: a diagnostic dilemma. J Laryngol Otol 120(8), 2006, 681-683.
[4]. Bennhoff DF. Actinomycosis: diagnostic and therapeutic considerations and a review of 32 cases. Laryngoscope 94, 1984,1198–1217.
[5]. Brown JR. Human actinomycosis. A study of 181 subjects. Hum Pathol 4, 1973, 319–330..
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Abstract: Aim: Asses the post-operative pain in patients presenting with haemorrhoids and undergo either haemorrhoidectomy with lateral sphincterotomy or haemorrhoidectomy without lateral sphincterotomy. Methods: Patients who satisfy the inclusion criteria are taken up for surgery after history taking , meticulous physical examination such as per rectal and anal speculum examination [proctoscopy] and appropriate serological investigations. 50% of the cases undergo open haemorrhoidectomy without lateral sphincterotomy and other 50% of the cases undergo open haemorrhoidectomy with lateral sphincterotomy. Data documented are the post operative pain in the first 48 hours..........
Keywords: Anal , sphincterotomy , haemorrhoidectomy , pain
[1]. Pescatori M, Gagliardi G (March 2008). "Postoperative complications after procedure for prolapsed hemorrhoids (PPH) and stapled transanal rectal resection (STARR) procedures". Tech Coloproctol. 12 (1): 7–19. doi:10.1007/s10151-008-0391-0. PMC 2778725 . PMID 18512007.
[2]. Racalbuto, A. et al. Hemorrhoidal stapled prolapsectomy vs. Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy: a long-term randomized trial. International Journal of Colorectal Disease, 2004; 19: 239-244
[3]. b Rowsell, M., Bello, M., Hemmingway, D.M. Circumfrential mucosectomy (stapled hemorrhoidectomy) vs. conventional haemorrhoidectomy: randomised controlled trial. The Lancet, 4 March 2004; 355: 779-781
[4]. b Boccasanta, P. et al. RCT between stapled circumferential mucosectomy and conventional circular hemorrhoidectomy on advanced hemorrhoids with external mucosal prolapse. American Journal of Surgery, 2001; 182(1): 64-68
[5]. ^ Ganio, E., Altomare, D.F., Gabrielli F., et al. Prospective randomised multicentre trial comparing stapled with open haemorrhoidectomy. British Journal of Surgery, 2001; 88: 669-674.
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Abstract: Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of Portal Hypertensive Colopathy in Patients with Cirrhosis Portal Hypertension and Clinical Correlation with the severity of the Liver Disease using Child Pughs score. Methodology: This Study was done in Department of Medical Gastroenterology in Government Stanley Medical college.Casesof cirrhosis with Portal Hypertension presenting to the medical gastroenterology department both Outpatients and Inpatients were included in the study. Symptomatic Patients were subjected to White Light Colonoscopy. Lesions characteristic of Portal Hypertensive Colopathy were studied Those lesions were biopsied and specimen were subjected to Histopathological Examination...........
Keywords-: Cirrhosis, Portal hypertensive Colopathy
[1]. Schuppan D, Afdhal NH. Liver cirrhosis. Lancet. 2008;371:838–851.
[2]. Viggiano TR, Gostout CJ. Portal hypertensive intestinal vasculopathy: a review of the clinical, endoscopic, and histopathologic features. Am J Gastroenterol 1992; 87: 944-954
[3]. Arendt T, Barten M, Lakner V, Arendt R. Diffuse gastric antral vascular ectasia: cause of chronic gastrointestinal blood loss. Endoscopy 1987; 19: 218-220
[4]. Gostout CJ, Viggiano TR, Balm RK. Acute gastrointestinal bleeding from portal hypertensive gastropathy: prevalence and clinical features. Am J Gastroenterol 1993; 88: 2030-2033
[5]. Kozarek RA, Botoman VA, Bredfeldt JE, Roach JM, Patterson DJ, Ball TJ. Portal colopathy: prospective study of colonoscopy in patients with portal hypertension. Gastroenterology 1991; 101: 1192-1197..