Version-6 (September-2017)
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Abstract: Diabetes Mellitus is a major independent risk factor of Coronary artery disease. The increase in coronary artery disease in diabetes mellitus is due to accelerated atherosclerosis, that starts at an early age. The damage to coronaries is more in people with microalbuminuria than those with normoalbuminuria...
Keywords: coronary artery morphology, SYNTAX Score, Microalbuminuria.
[1]. Amir Farang Zand Parsa et al . Positive correlation between microalbuminuria and severity of coronary artery disease inpatients wth Type 2 diabetes . Acta Medical arnica 2013.51(4): 231-35.
[2]. Guo .L, Cheng Y, Wang X . Association between microalbuminuria and cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus Acta Diabetol 2010; 49 suppl: S65-71.
[3]. Luo BJ, YU DQ, Chen JY . Correlation of microalbuminuria and fibrinogen to severity of coronary artery lesions in patients with metabolic syndrome Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Bao 2010; 30(11): 2459-62.
[4]. Sheriff A El, Khaled M, Ibrahim . Association of Glycosylated Hemoglobin with the severity of coronary artery disease: Journal of American Science , 2011; 7
[5]. Sukhija R , Aronow WS ET et al . Relation of microalbuminuria and coronary artery disease in patients with and without diabetes mellitus. Am. Journal of Cardiology 2006;98(98);279-81
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Abstract: Allergic rhinitis (AR) is agrowing global health problemwithconsiderable variation in the use of various diagnostic and management options.Some of the key action statements of the 2015 clinical practice guideline of AAO-HNS focused on improving accurate clinical diagnosis of AR and avoiding unnecessary allergy testing and sinonasal imaging. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence, clinical features, x-ray findings and responses to treatment of allergic rhinitis at our institution. Materials And Method: This was a 10 year retrospective study from 2002 to 2011. Collated data from patients' folders, in line with the aim of the study, were analysed.........
[1]. Naclerio RM, Sahin-Yilmaz A. Allergic Rhinitis. In: Snow JB and Wackym PA's Ballenger's Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. 17th edition. BC Decker Inc. Shelton, USA. 2009; 531 – 550.
[2]. Ciprandi G, Mora F, et al (Cassano M, Gallina AM, Mora R) Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and nasal obstruction in persistent allergic rhinitis. Otolaryngol – Head Neck Surg 2009; 141: 527 – 529.
[3]. Scadding G, Durham S. Allergic Rhinitis. In Scott-Brown's Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. 7th edition. Hodder Arnold. London, Great Britain. 2008; 1386 – 1407.
[4]. Desalu OO, Salami AK, Iseh KR, Oluboyo PO. Prevalence of self-reported Allergic Rhinitis and its relationship with asthma among adult Nigerians. J. InvestigAllergolClinImmunol 2009; vol. 19 (6). 474 – 480
[5]. European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps 2012. Fokkens WJ, Lund VJ, Rhinology. Vol 50 (23). March 2012
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Abstract: "CLOVES" stands for Congenital Lipomatous Overgrowth, Vascular malformations, Epidermal naevi, Spinal or Skeletal anomalies. CLOVES Syndrome is extremely rare ,non hereditary, progressive overgrowth disorder, with about 100 cases reported worldwide. The features of this syndrome include truncal lipomatous lesions, cutaneous naevi, vascular anomalies (typically truncal) and spinal anomalies like Scoliosis or skeletal anomalies like limb overgrowth, widened first interdigital space, overgrowth of digits etc. Some are also associated with seizures or central nervous system malformations like hemimegalencephaly. This recent delineation distinguishes it from Proteus...........
Keywords: Cloves syndrome,Truncal lipomatosis,vascular malformation,tethered cord
[1]. Alomari A. I, "Characterization of a distinct syndrome that associates complex truncal overgrowth, vascular, and acral anomalies: a descriptive study of 18 cases of CLOVES syndrome," Clinical Dysmorphology, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 1–7, 2009
[2]. Alomari A. I., Burrows P. E., Lee E. Y., Hedequist D. J., Mulliken J. B., and Fishman S. J., "CLOVES syndrome with thoracic and central phlebectasia: increased risk of pulmonary embolism," The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, vol. 140, no. 2, pp. 459–463, 2010.
[3]. Gucev Z S, Tasic V, Jancevska A, Konstantinova M K, Pop-Jordanova N, Trajkovski Z, et al.Congenital lipomatous overgrowth, vascular malformations, and epidermal nevi (CLOVE) syndrome:CNS malformations and seizures may be a component of this disorder. Am J Med Genet A 2008;146A: 2688-90
[4]. Kurek K. C, Luks V. L., Ayturk U. M et al., "Somatic mosaic activating mutations in PIK3CA cause CLOVES syndrome," The American Journal of Human Genetics, vol. 90, no. 6, pp. 1108–1115, 2012.
[5]. Kurek K. C, Luks V. L., Ayturk U. M et al., "Somatic mosaic activating mutations in PIK3CA cause CLOVES syndrome," The American Journal of Human Genetics, vol. 90, no. 6, pp.1108–1115, 2012.
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Abstract: Introduction: Essential hypertension comprise more than 90% of hypertension. It is a emerging health problem in india.Many studies have shown that a positive correlation between serum sodium and blood pressure and a negative correlation between blood pressure and serum potassium. Objective: To evaluate serum sodium and potassium levels and correlate them with blood pressure in newly diagnosed patients of essential hypertension Method: Data for the study was collected from twenty five newly diagnosed essential hypertensive patients attending the medicine opd/ admitted to the clinicians ward of RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand for the period of six month The healthy control group comprise twentyfive healthy persons, age and sex matched to cases..............
Keywords : Essential hypertension, serum potassium, serum sodium, BMI, risk factor
[1]. WHO ( 2011 ), global status report on non- communicable disease.
[2]. Govt. of india, National health report 2011, ministry of health and family welfare, new delhi. Kaplan NM. Primary hypertension: pathogenesis. In clinical hypertension. Baltimore, Williams Wilkins, 1998: 41 – 101.
[3]. Annual health survey of Jharkhand 2011 – 2012.
[4]. He FJ, MacGregor GA; A comprehensive review on salt and health and current experience of worldwide salt reduction programmes. J Hum Hypertens., 2009; 23(6):363–384.
[5]. Veith I; The Yellow Emperor's Classic ofInternal Medicine. 2nd edition, University ofCalifornia Press: Berkeley, CA, USA, 2002.Gupta R. Trends in hypertension epidemiology in India. J Human Hypertension, 2004; 18: 73--78.
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Abstract: Background: Burns are the most common & devitalising forms of trauma. Infections are the most common cause of mortality and morbidity in these patients.Approximately 75% of mortality following burns are because of infection. Aims and objectives: This study was conducted to determine the bacteriological profile of burn wound infection along with evaluation of antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of the organism isolated Material and methods: Samples from 110 burn patients were collected. Organisms were isolated and identified using standard microbiological methods. AST was done by Kirby Bauer disc diffusion method an ESBL detection done by combined disc test.............
Keywords: Burns, MRSA, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Staphylococcus aureus
[1]. Warrick A. Ames. Management of the major burn, update in anesthesia. 1999; 10 (10)
[2]. Clinton M, Duane R. Burn wound infection: follow up, infectious disease fellowships 2008.
[3]. Clinton M, Duane R. Burn wound infections, health education consortium 2008
[4]. Forjouh S.N. Burns in low and middle income countries. Burns 2006; 32 (12), 529-537.
[5]. Al Akyaleh A.T, Invasive burn wound infection. Ann Burns Fire disasters. 1999; 12 (4):1-5. 7
[6]. Pruitt BA,McManus AT,Kim SH,Goodwin CW.Burn wound infection:current status.World J Surg.1998;22:135-45
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Abstract: Around 50 % of deaths in patients with renal failure is heart failure caused by Cardiovascular Disease. Epidemiology of the diseases affecting the heart and kidney is necessary for understanding various types of cardio renal syndrome. It is useful to calculate the burden of the disease in the community, natural history, morbidity, risk factors and mortality of Cardiorenal syndrome. We aimed to study the clinical profile of dilated cardiomyopathy patients in heart failure presenting as cardio renal syndrome and to assess the predictors of mortality in dilated cardiomyopathy heart failure patients with cardio renal syndrome.54 known dilated cardiomyopathy patients admitted for heart failure who show elevated renal parameters without prior renal dysfunction were enrolled in the study...............
Keywords: CRS,cardiomyopathy,mortality predictors,LVEF
[1]. Smith GL, Lichtman JH, Bracken MB, Shlipak MG, Phillips CO, DiCapua P, Krumholz HM. Renal impairment and outcomes in heart failure: systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am CollCardiol 2006;47:1987–1996
[2]. Damman K, Jaarsma T, Voors AA, Navis G, Hillege HL, van Veldhuisen DJ. Both in- and out-hospital worsening of renal function predict outcome in patients with heart failure: results from the Coordinating Study
[3]. Evaluating Outcome of Advising and Counseling in Heart Failure (COACH). Eur J Heart Fail 2009;11:847–854.
[4]. Forman DE, Butler J, Wang Y, Abraham WT, O'Connor CM, Gottlieb SS, Loh E, Massie BM, Rich MW, Stevenson LW, Young JB, Krumholz HM. Incidence, predictors at admission, and impact of worsening renal function among patients hospitalized with heart failure. J Am CollCardiol 2004;43:61–67.
[5]. Gottlieb SS, Abraham W, Butler J, Forman DE, Loh E, Massie BM, O'Connor CM, Rich MW, Stevenson LW, Young J, Krumholz HM. The prognostic importance of different definitions of worsening renal function in congestive heart failure. J Card Fail 2002;8:136–141.
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Abstract: Purpose: To compare and evaluate the safety and efficacy of suture less glue free limbal conjunctival autograft and conventional sutured autograft for the management of primary pterygium. Methods: The Randomized clinical trial was done with 100 male and female patients with diagnosis of primary/ Progressive pterygium from October 2014 to September 2016. The study groups randomly selected into 2 groups using simple randomization technique. Experimental group underwent autologous conjunctival graft fixation without sutures (sutureless) and control group underwent autologous conjunctival graft fixation with sutures. Results: Early graft retraction occurred 6% in Experimental group whereas it was present among 14% in control group. Conjunctival granuloma occurred in 2% and 6% cases, corneal scar in 4% and 8% cases, graft dehiscence in 8% and 0% cases in each group respectively. Recurrence rate was almost 6% and 8% respectively in both groups...............
Keywords: Autologous conjunctival graft, limbal conjunctival autograft, Pterygium
[1]. Rosenthal JW>chronology for pterygium therapy.Am J Ophthalmology1953:36:1601
[2]. A K Khurana, Comprehensive Ophthalmology. 6th edition, Diseases of Conjunctiva; p-87-89.
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[4]. Jaros PA, De Luise VP. Pingueculae and pterygia. Surv Ophthalmol1988;3341-9.
[5]. Chui J , Di Girolamo N wakefield D , Coroneo MT. The pathogenesis of pterygium: current concepts and their therapeutic implications. Ocular Surf2008; 6(1): 24-43.
[6]. Jaworski CJ et al, Expression analysis of human pterygium shows a predominance of conjunctival and limbal markers and genes associated with cell migration. MolVis 2009;15:2421-34.
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Abstract: Background: In our study the focus is on periarticular unreduced fractures involving the hip joint which are serious injuries resulting from both high velocity and low velocity trauma. Old unreduced dislocations of hip are relatively uncommon in adults but in our hospital we have seen many cases presenting with neglected hip dislocation and neglected neck of femur fractures with a minimum period of neglect of 1 week. Due to the increased need for preservation of biological hip in Indians we have attempted to devise a strategy for treatment of these neglected injuries to produce the best outcome possible for the patient..............
[1]. Upadhyay SS, Moulton A, Srikrishnamurthy K.An analysis of the late effects of traumatic posterior dislocation of the hip without fractures. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1983 Mar;65(2):150-2.
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Abstract: Introduction: In modern age everyone are using Mobile Phones even immature children. Nowadays children are spending more time on phone. It has nowadays become an essential part of our lives. Therefore, technological advances are associated with progressive increase in intensity and frequency of emitted Electronic magnetic waves (EMR). Many authors have reported that radiation of mobile phones have adverse effect on Gonads and Reproductive health in males. Aims of study: The study was carried out to investigate the effect of EMR on Albino Rats related to weight of Body and Testis...........
Keywords: Albino rats, EMR (Electromagnetic Radiations), Gonads
[1]. Agarwal A, Deepinder F, Sharma RK, Ranga H, Li J. Effect of cell phone usage on semen analysis in men attending infertility clinic: an observational study. Fertil steril, 2008; 89 (1): 124-128.
[2]. Aziz A, El-Khozondar HJ, Shabat M, Elwasife K, Mohamed-Osman A. Effect of electromagnetic field on body weight and blood indices in albino rats and the therapeutic action of Vitamin C or E. Romanian J Biophys, 2010; 20 (3), 235-244.
[3]. Davoudi M, Brossner C, Kuber W. The influence of electromagnetic waves on sperm motility. Journal fur Urologie and Urogynakologie, 2002; 19: 18-22.
[4]. Fejes I, Zavaczki Z, Szollosi J, Koloszar S, Daru J, Kovaks L, Pal a. Is there a relationship between cell phone use and semen quality? Archives of Andrology, 2005; 51: 385-393.
[5]. Hammodi AS. Effect of Mobile phone on Male Fertility in Rats. Mesopotamia J of Agric, 2011; 40(2): 1-9.
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Abstract: Medication errors defined as any error in the prescribing, dispensing or administration of a drug whether there are adverse consequences or not, are the single most preventable cause of patient injury [1, 2]. These errors can occur at any stage in the drug use process from prescribing to administration to the patient. A recent report by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) estimated that errors in medical management cause between 44,000 and 98,000 deaths each year in USA hospitals [3]. In the USA it has been suggested that the rate of serious medication error is approximately 7% [2]. Medication errors are not confined to the hospital setting. Reports from the Medical Defence Union and the Medical Protection Society revealed that 25% and 19%, respectively, of legal claims against general
[1].Savvato K et al., An inside look into the factors contributing to medication errors in the clinical nursing practice. Health science journal 2014; 8(1), 32-43.
[2]. Ebru K et al., Causes, reporting and prevention of medication errors from a pediatric nurse perspective. Australian journal of advanced nursing 2005;28-35.
[3]. Sentinel E et al., The joint commission. Sentinel Events, 2008; 39-42.
[4]. M A Ghaleb et al., Systematic review of medication errors in pediatric patients. The annals of pharmacotherapy, 2006; 1766-1776.
[5]. Karen M et al., Medication administration errors: Understanding the issues. Australian journal of advanced nursing, 2006; 33-41.
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Abstract: Computerized Tomography Angiography (CTA) and Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) have both now evolved into noninvasive techniques for imaging the lower limb vasculature. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of MRA at 1.5 T versus CTA for evaluation of lower extremity peripheral arterial disease (PAD). In this study, cases were maintained at King Fahad Hospital during the period from 2014-2017. 100 consecutive patients (52 were males, 48 were females) were enrolled. Their ages ranged between 34–83 years old, average age was 62.3 years with clinically suspected lower extremity PAD underwent MRA and CTA under the standard protocol of examinations. The diagnosis was compared in both modalities by two radiologists with 8 and 10 years of experience.
Keywords: PAD, CTA, MRA, Occlusive disease
[1]. Meijer WT, Hoes AW, Rutgers D, Bots ML, Hofman A, Grobbee DE. Peripheral arterial disease in the elderly: The Rotterdam
Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 998;18(2):185-92.
[2]. P. Young, J. F. Glockner, T. R. Vrtiska, T. Macedo, P. Mostardi, and S. J. Riederer Comparison of CAPR MRA with CT
Angiography for Evaluation of Below the Knee Runoff: Preliminary Results of Radiologist Confidence Mag. Reson. Med. 19
[3]. Picus D, Hicks ME, Darcy MD, Kleinhoffer MA. Comparison of nonsubtracted digital angiography and conventional screen-fi lm
angiography for the evaluation of patients with peripheral vascular disease. J Vasc Interv Radiol 1991;2(3):359-64.
[4]. Malden ES, Picus D, Vesely TM, Darcy MD, Hicks ME. Peripheral vascular disease:evaluation with stepping DSA and
conventional screen-fi lm angiography. Radiology 1994;191(1):149-53.
[5]. Waugh JR, Sacharias N. Arteriographic complications in the DSA era. Radiology1992;182(1):243-6.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Malo' S Bridge An "All-on-4"/ Diem-2 Immediate Function Concept |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Deepika Bainiwal |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1609066775 ![]() |
Abstract: The Malo's clinical ceramic bridge is the most aesthetically advanced form of fixed prosthodontic rehabilitation for the fully edentulous patients. This prosthesis is the epitome of biomedical engineering combined with Computer aided design/ computer assisted machine CAD/CAM technology. The bridge is initially constructed as a removable occlusal screw retained superstructure on four titanium implants placed according to the All-on- 4 concept. The approach is to rehabilitate the fully edentulous jaw by placing only four titanium implants in each jaw, 2 anterior implants placed axially and 2 posterior implants placed distally tilted within the mandibular parasymphyseal region.............
Keywords-: Malo's bridge, Branemark system, All-on-4 implants, Marius bridge.
[1]. Babbush, CA, Kutsko, GT & Brokloff, J 2011 "The All-on-Four Immediate function treatment concept with NobelActive Implants: A Retrospective study‟, JOI, vol-4, pp 431-445.
[2]. Butura, CC, Galindo, DF & Jensen, OT 2011, "Mandibular All-on-Four Therapy using angled implants: A three year clinical study of 857 implants in 219 jaws‟, Dent Clin N Am 55, pp 795-811.
[3]. Chu, PK 2010, "A case study: The All-on-4 treatment concept using biohorizon tapered internal implants‟, Clinical and Practical Oral Implantology- vol -1 no. 3, pp 28-36
[4]. Di, P, Lin, Y, Li, JH, L, Lu o, J, Q, LX, Chen, B & Cui, HY 2013, "The All–on-Four Implant Thearpy protocol in the management of edentulous Chinese patients‟, Int J Prosthodont; 26: pp 509-516.
[5]. Dym, H April 2015 "Implant Procedures for the General Dentist‟, Elsevier, Volume 59, Number 2, pp 421-470.
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Abstract: Management of chronic ulcers is a considerable medical burden associated with large expenditures. Out of several types of wound dressings that have been developed, effectiveness of various types of wound dressings is limited. In this scenario the ideal and cost effective one needs to be selected. Chronic ulcers most commonly we come across are venous leg ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, pressure sores and other complex mixed ulcers. Selecting an appropriate dressing plays a vital role in promoting and maintaining an environment that is conducive to healing. Conventional dressings means saline gauze, paraffin gauze dressing. Foam dressing is done with a semipermeable polyurethane foam.
Keywords-: Ulcers, wounds, burn ulcers, foam, polyurethane, hydrocolloid, clinical evaluation.
[1]. Sabiston Text Book of Surgery, 20th Ed, First South Asian Edition- 2017, Wound healing, Vol.I, Chapter- 6, pg. 148-151.
[2]. Thomas S. The role of dressings in the treatment of moisture-related skin damage. World Wide Wounds March 2008.
[3]. Fletcher J, Moore Z, Anderson I, Matsuzaki K. Hydrocolloids and pressure ulcers Made Easy. Wounds International 2011; 2(4):
[4]. Saco Michael, Tampa Howe Nicole, Tampa Nathoo Rajiv, Comparing the efficacies of alginate, foam, hydrocolloid, hydrofiber, and hydrogel dressings in the management of diabetic foot ulcers and venous leg ulcers: a systematic : 2016, Dermatology Online Journal, 22(8)
[5]. Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery,26th Edition- 2016,Surgical infection, pg.59-60.
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Abstract: Introduction: Most common cause of urethro cutaneous fistula is hypospadias surgery. There are other causes like congenital, iatrogenic (circumcision, priapism, urethral injury after penile fracture, TURP, HIFU), traumatic (penile deglove injury, partial amputation), malignancy, chronic infection (peri-urethral) and radiotherapy induced. There is no universal single technique mentioned in literature Materials and Methods: We have operated a total of 12 cases of urethrocutaneous fistulae during January 2013 to November 2016. The size of the fistulae was < 2cm in our study. The urethral cutaneous fistula ventral part was covered with a flap of Tunica vaginalis without tubularization, which was harvested through a small scrotal incision and mobilized via a subcutaneous tunnel into the penis underneath the buck's fascia over the urethra to cover the fistula site.............
Keywords-: tunica vaginalis flap, urethrocutaneous fistula.
[1]. Shankar KR, Losty PD, Hopper M,et al. Outcome of hypospadias fistula repair. BJU Int. 2002;89: 103–5. [PubMed]
[2]. Sharma N, Bajpai M, Panda SS,et al. Tunica vaginalis flap cover in repair of recurrent proximal urethrocutaneous fistula: a final solution. Afr J Paediatr Surg. 2013; 10(4):311–4.
[3]. Mohamed S, Mohamed N, Esmael T, et alA simple procedure for management of urethrocutaneous fistulas; post-hypospadias repair. Afr J Paediatr Surg. 2010; 7(2):124–8.
[4]. Muruganandham K1, Ansari MS, Dubey D, Mandhani A, Srivastava A, Kapoor R, Kumar A: Urethrocutaneous fistula after hypospadias repair: outcome of three types of closure techniques. PediatrSurg Int. 2010 Mar;26(3):305-8.
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Abstract: Amelanotic malignant melanoma is a rare entity with challenging histopathological features, comprising of about 5-35% of all the oral mucosal melanomas. The most common site of its occurrence is maxillary gingiva and hard palate. Amelanotic form being more biologically aggressive and has poor prognosis than pigmented melanomas. Amelanotic malignant melanoma of maxilla has been sparsely reported. Surgery is the keystone treatment of choice with other adjuvant therapies. The present case report highlights the occurrence of this uncommon tumor at a common site which was managed surgically followed by adjuvant radiotherapy. A four year follow-up shows uneventful healing with no evidence of disease.
Keywords-: Oral Melanoma, Amelanotic malignant melanoma, Maxilla, Mucosal melanoma..
[1]. Haiducu ML, Hinek A, Astanehe A, Lee TK, Kalia S. Extracutaneous melanoma epidemiology in British Columbia. Melanoma Res. 2014; 24: 377-380. PMID: 24722196.
[2]. Luiz Fernando Barbosa de Paulo, João Paulo Silva Servato, Roberta Rezende Rosa, Maiolino Thomaz Fonseca Oliveira, Paulo Rogério de Faria. Primary amelanotic mucosal melanoma of the oronasal region: report of two new cases and literature review. Oral Maxillofac Surg 20 April 2015.
[3]. Olga Warszawik-Hendzel, Monika Słowińska, Małgorzata Olszewska, Lidia Rudnicka. Melanoma of the oral cavity: pathogenesis, dermoscopy, clinical features, staging and management. J Dermatol Case Rep 2014 3, pp 60-66.
[4]. Tomicic J, Wanebo HJ. Mucosal melanomas. Surg Clin North Am. 2003; 83: 237-252. PMID: 12744608.
[5]. Nandapalan V, Roland NJ, Helliwell TR, Williams EM, Hamilton JW, Jones AS. Mucosal melanoma of the head and neck. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci 1998; 23: 107–116..
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Abstract: Aims And Objectives: Age assessment is of broader importance in forensic science for identification of individuals in crimes and accidents involving legal issues. Although various age estimation methods do exist radiographic age estimation methods such as Demirjians and Williems methods are more commonly employed. In the present study the above mentioned methods were used. This time bound study was to test the applicability of both the methods among children residing in Mangalore. Materials And Methods: The study consisted of randomly selected 30 subjects ranging from 6 to 18 years. Dental age estimation was performed from orthopantomogram images from archives by Demirjian's and Willem's methods. The differences between the chronological age and the estimated dental age were calculated and the data obtained was statistically analysed.............
Keywords-: Demirjians method ,Williems method, chronological age , dental age , panoramic Radiograph
[1]. Purv S. Patel, Anjani Ramachandra Chaudhary, Bhavin B. Dudhia, Parul V. Bhatia, Naresh C. Soni, Yesha V. Jani. Accuracy of two dental and one skeletal age estimation methods in 6-16 year old Gujarati children. J Forensic Dent Sci 2015;7:18-27.
[2]. Shafer, Hine & Levy. Shafer‟s textbook of oral pathology 5th edition 1999.
[3]. 3. Demirijian A, Goldstein H and Tanner J M. A new system of dental age assessment. Human Biology 1973; 42: 211-222.
[4]. Demirijian A, Goldstein H. A new system of dental maturity based on seven and four teeth. Annals of Human Biol 1976; 3 (5) 411-421.
[5]. Ashish W, Panjab W, Tushar P. Correlation of radiographic and chronological age in human by using Demirjian‟s method: A radiographic study. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2011;23:1.4.
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Abstract: Cutaneous horns are uncommon protruding lesions from the skin which look like an Animal horn in a small form. They are usually found in sun exposed areas of the body, though cases have been reported of their occurrence in non sun exposed areas as well. We report a case of cutaneous horn on volar aspect of right little finger which to the best of our knowledge is the first reported such case in a female.
Keywords-: sebaceous, horn, volar, finger, female.
[1]. Sanjay Saraf. Sebaceous horn: An interesting case. Indian Journal of Dermatology 2007;Volume 52: Issue 1,Pg 59-60
[2]. Priyanka Singhal, Rahul Dixit, Shivani Patel, Y.S.Marfatia. What is your diagnosis? Indian Journal Sex Transm Disease 2010, July-Dec;31(2):130-131
[3]. Rekha A, Ravi A.Cornu Cutaneum- cutaneous horn on the penis. Indian J Surg 2004;66:296-7
[4]. Akan M, Yildirim S, Avici G, Akoz T. Xeoderma pigmentosum with a giant cutaneous horn. Ann Plast Surg 2001;46:665-666
[5]. Eray Copcu, Nazan Sivrioglu, Nil Culhaci. Cutaneous horns: are these lesions as innocent as they seem to be? World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2004;2:18 DOI: 10.1186/1477-7819-2-18.