Version-6 (December-2018)
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Abstract: Onychomycosis is often associated with chronicity,therapeutic difficulties and recurrences after healing leading to clinical failure and such casesare increasing in very rapid pace. In this background the present retrospectiveobservational study aimed to have an etiological review of such cases. The" study group" consisted of non-repeating, consecutive 92 patients who werediagnosed cases of onychomycosis and developed persistent lesions or recurrence after use of oral and / or topical antifungal agents continuously or intermittently for a period of> 12 months in toe nail infections and 6 months in finger nails. A control group was also formed with those who came for the first time with suspected onychomycosis and never applied any medicine. In history age, sex, literacy level,occupations........
Key words: dermatophytes , non-dermatophytic molds, non response, onychomycosis ,recurrences
[1]. Rupali S. Suryawanshi*, Shashir W. Wanjare, Avani H. Koti .Onychomycosis: dermatophytes to yeasts: an experience in and around Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.Int J Res Med Sci. 2017 May;5(5):1959-1963.
[2]. Ragunatha Shivanna1, Arun C Inamadar . Clinical failure of antifungal therapy of dermatophytoses: Recurrence, resistance, and remedy. Indian journal of drugs in dermatology 2017;vol 3(1):pg 1-3.
[3]. Ravinder Kaur1,Pragyan Swagatika Panda 2*, Shahnawaz Khan1.Non dermatophyticmolds causing onychomycosis: a rising trend in North India ..Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017 Dec;4(12):4532-4537. [4]. MahmmoudGhannoum, Nancy Isham. Fungal Nail Infections (Onychomycosis): A Never-Ending Story?Plospathog; 2014 Jun; 10(6): e1004105
[5]. Chander Grover, Ananta Khurana .Onychomycosis: Newer insights in pathogenesis and diagnosis. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology | May-June 2012 | Vol 78 | Issue 3 263.
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Abstract: In 1898, spinal anaesthesia as an anaesthetic technique for surgery was first used by AUGUST BIER since then the technique was evolved and now is a method of choice of anaesthesia for lower abdomen surgeries and lower limb surgeries. This is because of its efficacy, rapidity, minimal effects on mental status and reduction of blood loss. It also reduces the risk of vomiting and pulmonary aspiration in patients with full stomach and also it is useful in patients with chronic airway disease. Subarachnoid block has some complications like hypotension, bradycardia, PDPH(Post dural puncture headache) as high as 25%. Spinal anaesthesia with hyperbaric bupivacaine is administered routinely for lower abdominal and lower limb surgeries. An attempt was........
[1]. Malinovsky JM Cozian A, Lepage JY, Mussini JM, PinaudM,Soruon R : Ketamine and Midazolam Neurotoxicity in the Rabbit. Anesthesiology 1991; 75:91-95.
[2]. Malinovsky JM, Cozian A, Lepage JY, Mussini JM, Pinaud M, Souron R: Is Ketamine or its preservative responsible for Neurotoxicity in the Rabbit? Anesthesiology 1993; 78:109-115.
[3]. Borgbjerg FM, Svensson BA, Frigast C, Gordh T JR: Histopathology after repeated Intrathecal Injections of Preservative-Free Ketamine in the Rabbit; A Light and Electron Microscopic examination. Anesthesia and Analgesia 1994; 79:105-11.
[4]. Gabriella J,Horvath G, Klimscha W, Kekesi G, Dobos I, Szikszay M, Benedek G: The effects of Ketmine and its Enantiomers on the Morphine-or Dexmedetomidine-Induced Antinociception after Intrathecal administation in Rats. Anesthesiology 2000;93: 231-41.
[5]. Miyamoto H.Saitoy, Kirihara Y, Hara K, Sakura S and Kosaka Y: Spinal Coadministration of ketamine reduces the development of Tolerance to Visceral as well as Somatic Antiriociception during Spinal Morphine Infusion. Anesthesia Analgesia 2000l 90: 136-41.
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Abstract: Bone density plays an important role in the determination of dental implant outcome. Low bone density values can be associated with poor implant stability and increased marginal bone loss. Bone density assessment prior to implant installation can provide useful information regarding implant planning. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of bone density on primary implant stability, and clinical and radiographic outcome of narrow diameter implants, supporting mandibular overdentures. A total of 32 narrow diameter (3x10mm) two piece implants were installed for the construction of implant-assisted mandibular overdentures for each of eight completely edentulous.........
Kew Words: implant stability, narrow-diameter implant, implant-assisted overdenture, Bone density, implant outcome, ISQ..
[1]. Romanos GE. Bone quality and the immediate loading of implants-critical aspects based on literature, research, and clinical experience. Implant Dent 2009;18:203–9.
[2]. Jaffin RA, Berman CL: The excessive loss of Branemark fixtures in type IV bone: A 5-year analysis. J Periodontol 1991;62:2–4
[3]. Goiato MC, dos Santos DM, Santiago JF Jr, Moreno A, Pellizzer EP. Longevity of dental implants in type IV bone: a systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2014;43(9):1108-16.
[4]. Herrmann I, Lekholm U, Holm S, Kultje C: Evaluation of patient and implant characteristics as potential prognostic factors for oral implant failures. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2005;20, 220–230
[5]. Esposito M, Hirsch JM, Lekholm U, Thomsen P. Biological factors contributing to failures of osseointegrated oral implants. (II). Etiopathogenesis. Eur J Oral Sci. 1998;106:721-64.
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Abstract: Introduction: In classical Unani literature the causes of kasrat-e-tams is dystemperament of the uterus and imbalance of the body humours. According to the Unani literature excessive Safra (due to its hararat and hiddat) in the body humour is responsible for heavy menstrual bleeding(changes in the consistency). Mizaj plays an important role to detect the disease, assisting specific treatment to the patients of any diseases. Mizaj is one of the most important theories of Unani system of medicine.It has been explained by each and every Unani Physician and it is most important fundamental concept of Tibb-e-Unani. Every human being is born with a primitive temperament.Mizaj is derived...........
Key Words: Mizaj,Menorrhagia,Kasrat-e-tams,Unani.
[1]. Naaz SA. Clinical Study and Therapeutic Response of Unani-drugs in Kasrat-e-tams Qabl Sin-e-yas( pre-menopausal Menorrhagia(thesis).1996;94.
[2]. Quraishi AU. Iffadah Kabeer Mujmal( translated by Kabeeruddin). New Delhi:Idara kitab us shifa;2010;12,98.
[3]. Hussain Hamdani HSK.Usool-e-Tibb.New Delhi:Qaumi Council Barae Urdu Zuban;1998;49.
[4]. Fatima N, Ali T, Naaz SA. Temperamental Analysis in case of Menorrhagia in Reproductive age group. International Research Journal of Pharmacy.2012;3(9);146-149.
[5]. Arzani MA. Tibb-e-Akbar.New Delhi:Idara Kitab- us -shifa;594-597..
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Abstract: Toxoplasma gondii a tissue protozoan affecting one third of humanity has subpopulation structures in different geographical regions caused by less frequent sexual recombination and population sweeps. The majority of strains isolated in North America and Europe fall into one of three clonal lineages, referred to as types I, II, and III. So far, little is known about Toxoplasma strains in Africa. Ocular toxoplasmosis is an important complication of T. gondii infection in the immunocompetent. The present study aimed to determine the genotype of Toxoplasma strains from ocular toxoplasmosis patients in Benghazi, Libya. Blood from 43 patients clinically suspected of ocular toxoplasmosis were obtained and serologically screened for anti-Toxoplasma antibodies. 24 (55.8%) seropositive........
Key Words: Ocular toxoplasmosis, PCR-RFLP, T. gondii
[1]. Ajzenberg, D., Banuls, A. L., Tibayrenc, M., &Dardé, M. L. (2002). Microsatellite analysis of Toxoplasma gondii shows considerable polymorphism structured into two main clonal groups. International journal for parasitology, 32(1), 27-38.
[2]. Alfonso, Y., Fraga, J., Cox, R., Bandera, F., Pomier, O., Fonseca, C., Ginorio, D., Torres, G. & Capo, V. (2008). Comparison of four DNA extraction methods from cerebrospinal fluid for the detection of Toxoplasma gondii by polymerase chain reaction in AIDS patients. Medical Science Monitor, 14(3), MT1-MT6.
[3]. Alfonso, Y., Fraga, J., Jiménez, N., Fonseca, C., Dorta-Contreras, A. J., Cox, R., Capó, V., Bandera, F., Pomier, O. &Ginorio, D. (2009). Detection of Toxoplasma gondii in cerebrospinal fluid from AIDS patients by nested PCR and rapid identification of type I allele at B1 gene by RFLP analysis. Experimental parasitology, 122(3), 203-207. [4]. Commodaro, A. G., Belfort, R. N., Rizzo, L. V., Muccioli, C., Silveira, C., BurnierJr, M. N., & Belfort Jr, R. (2009). Ocular toxoplasmosis: an update and review of the literature. Memórias do InstitutoOswaldo Cruz, 104(2), 345-350.
[5]. Dardé, M. L., Bouteille, B., &Pestre-Alexandre, M. (1992). Isoenzyme analysis of 35 Toxoplasma gondii isolates and the biological and epidemiological implications. The Journal of parasitology, 786-794..
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Abstract: Background: By means of component therapy, it is wise to provide the component which is required and keep the remaining components for other patients. Here compatible ABO non identical components (CC) are the need of the day to combat the shortage/ excess of particular blood components and on occasions it may be necessary to provide CC instead of identical blood component (IC). Aims and Objective: The aim is to study the usefulness of Compatible components in transfusion medicine. Material and methods: It is a approximately 7 years retro-prospective study from 1st January 2012 to 1st December 2018 conducted at Blood Bank in a tertiary care center in Gwalior. All data of components prepared, issued and its adverse effect of transfusion to the patients had been collected, tabulated and analyzed statistically..........
Keywords-Compatible components (CC), Identical components (IC), Transfusion
[1]. Learoyd P. A short history of blood transfusion. Leeds, UK: National Blood Service; 2006
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[3]. Blajchman MA, Shepherd FA, Perrault RA.Clinical use of blood, blood components and blood products. Can Med Assoc J. 1979 Jul 7;121(1):33-42.
[4]. Agarwal, S. P. (2012). National Voluntary Blood Donation Day- Message of The Secretary-General. From 27-sep-2013.htm
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Abstract: Background: Eye diseases are important cause of medical consultation in children, with the spectrum varying in different localities. This study aimed to determine the spectrum of childhood eye diseases in a medical college serving rural area. Methods: We conducted a collaborative, prospective and observational review of all patients </= 16 years old who presented to the Department of Ophthalmology and Department of Paediatrics of a medical college in malwa region of Punjab between July 2017 and July 2018.Detailed history was obtained from the children with respect to the age at presentation, sex and presence of any known ocular disease. A comprehensive ocular examination.........
Keywords;Allergic conjunctivitis, Paediatric ocular disorders, Ocular trauma, Refractive errors
[1]. Ntim-Amponsah CT, Amoaku WM. Causes of childhood visual impairment and unmet low-vision care in blind school students in Ghana. Int Ophthalmol 2008; 28:317-23.
[2]. C. Gilbert. New issues in childhood blindness. Community Eye Healt. 2001; 14:53-6.
[3]. World Health Organization VISION 2020: The right to sight: global initiative for the elimination of avoidable blindness: action plan 2006–2011. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2007
[4]. World Health Organisation. Global data on visual impairments 2010. Available from:
[5]. Gudlavalleti, VSM. Magnitude and Temporal Trends in Avoidable Blindness in Children (ABC) in India. Indian J Pediatr 2017;84:924-9.
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Abstract: The ultimate goal of periodontal therapy is to restore the tissues that have been lost as a result of periodontal diseases. The objective of regenerative procedures is to form a new connective tissue attachment to a root surface that has been infected by plaque and calculus. This review focuses on GTR, its biologic rationale and factors affecting its outcome..
[1]. Melcher AH. On the repair potential of periodontal tissues. J Periodontol 47, 256-260, 1976.
[2]. Karring, T., Nyman, S. & Lindhe, J. (1980). Healing following implantation of periodontitis affected roots into bone tissue. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 7, 96–105, 1980.
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[4]. Karring, T., Isidor, F., Nyman, S. & Lindhe, J. New attachment formation on teeth with a reduced but healthy periodontal ligament. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 12, 51–60. 1985.
[5]. Gottlow, J., Nyman, S., Karring, T. & Lindhe, J. (1984). New attachment formation as the result of controlled tissue regeneration. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 11, 494–503..
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Abstract: Diabetes mellitus results in abnormal metabolism that affects many systems of the body. It is necessary to understand the hematological & electrocardiographic changes that can occur in patients with type 2 diabetes.Materials & method:-Present cross sectional study carried out in tertiary care hospital from May 2015 to May 2017. 100 diabetic subjects (study group), 100 non-diabetic subjects (control group) were selected for study randomly from various departments of tertiary care hospital. In all study, subject's blood was tested for HbA1c; MPV & ECG changes were recorded.Results: - There was significant difference between cases and controls for mean blood sugar level & mean HbA1c (p<0.01). Mean Platelet Volume of study group is significantly more than that of control.......
Key words: ECG,MPV, HbA1c, Type II Diabetes
[1]. Global Report on Diabetes, World Health Organization 2016.
[2]. RituLakhtakia ,The History of Diabetes Mellitus.2013 Jun 3.
[3]. Dr.AkashSingh,Dr.Priyanka Singh , Study on Prevalence of various Complications in Type -2 DM:A Hospital Based Study Indian Journal Of Applied Research,Volume:6/Issue :11/November 2016.
[4]. IlkkaPenttila,KarriPenttila,PaiviHolm,HarriLaitinen,PaiviRanta,JukkaTorronen,RainerRauramaa.Methods ,units and quality requirements for the analysis of haemoglobin A1c in diabetes mellitus.World Journal of Methodology,2016 June 26;6(20):133-142.
[5]. Shariq I. Sherwani,Haseeb A.Khan,AishahEkhzaimy,Afshan Masood and MeenaSakharkar.Significance of HbA1c Test in Diagnosis and Prognosis of Diabetic Patients.Libertas Academica,Biomarker Insights 2016-11.Page 95-104.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Legal Considerations during Disasters in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Saurabh Dalal || Dr Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1712066773 ![]() |
Abstract: Law and ethics have an important role to play during disasters. As affirmed in the Hyogo Framework for Action, law is a critical tool for empowering action and adapting to a changing world. In addition to coordinating functions, legal frameworks at the international, national and state level, laws provide a framework for the manner in which actions should be taken. Law also plays an important role in protecting the vulnerable and disadvantaged population by respecting human dignity and rights. Developing legal frameworks to reduce the risks of disasters is more complicated than improving response mechanisms, as it includes the whole of the society and government. Legal measures are needed to expedite recovery efforts, secure land for temporary shelters or rebuild destroyed homes..
Key words: Law, disasters
[1]. McDonald, Fiona, Eburn, Michael & Smith, Erin . Legal and Ethical Aspects of Disaster Management. Disaster Health Management: A Primer for Students and Practitioners 2016. Routledge, Abington, Oxon.
[2]. Daya Kaul, Md. Ayaz, Lohitkumar S N. Disaster Management In India. United Nations report
[3]. South Sudan Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). Law and Disasters in South Sudan Workshop Report, 2012.
[4]. RCRC. Guidelines for the domestic facilitation and regulation of international disaster relief and initial recovery assistance (IDRL Guidelines), 30th International Conference, IRCRC, 2007.
[5]. UN General Assembly resolutions 63/139,63/141 and 63/141.
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Abstract: Achilles tendon rupture is a condition when the Achilles tendon is injured or torn.It has been reported that the incidence of Achilles tendon rupture in patients with diabetes mellitus was 2.35 per 1000 population per year. This study aimed to determine the role of black cumin (Nigella sativa) as an antioxidant in the healing of Achilles tendon rupture in Wistar rats model with type 2 DM, with an indicator of a decrease in malondialdehyde and an increase in tensile strength of the Achilles tendon. The research design used in this study was the true laboratories experimental method with post test only control group, the samples were type 2DM and non-DM Wistar rats .......
Key words: Black Cumin, Malondialdehyde, Tensile Strength
[1]. Al-jassir, MS. 1992. Chemical Composition of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa) Seed Growing in Saudi Arabia Food Chemistry, Saudi Arabia. P239 -242
[2]. Ames, MS. 1992. Chemical Composition of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa) Seed Growing in Saudi Arabia Food Chemistry, Saudi Arabia. P239-242
[3]. Asni, E. 2009. Pengaruh Hipoksia Berkelanjutan Terhadap Kadar Malondialdehid, Glutation Tereduksi, dan Aktivitas Katalase Ginjal Tikus, Maj Kedokt Indon, 59(12): 595-600.
[4]. Badary & Gamel Eldin AM. 2001. Inhibitory Effects of Thymoquinone Againts 20-Methylcholanherene-Induced Fibrosarcoma Tumorigenesis. Abstract Cancer Detect. Prev 25 (4) p 362-368
[5]. Badary, OA., Taha, RA., Gamal El-Din, AM. & Abdel-Wahab, MH. Thymoquinone is a Potent Superoxide Anion Scavanger. (Online). (http://www., diakses tanggal 28 Nop 2015).
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Abstract: Preventive medicine and early disease detection is a gold standard medicine, Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) is independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases,estimated to be third leading of disability and death by 2020.Cardiovascular diseases may be unrecognized when co-exist with COPD andportend poor prognosis. Since the two shared some clinical presentation, it's a challenge for clinicians to accurately identify and differentiate patients with isolated COPD and COPD with left ventricular systolic dysfunction at early stages. Left ventricular systolic dysfunction in COPD patients is associated with poor prognosis. Cystatin c and NT-proBNP showed promising and emerged markers for early identification and ascertain prognosis of different......
Key words: Acute exacerbation chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; cystatin c; NT-proBNP; Left ventricular ejection fraction
[1]. Mirza S, Clay RD, Koslow MA, Scanlon PD. COPD Guidelines: A Review of the 2018 GOLD Report. Mayo Clin Proc. Oct;93(10):1488-1502. PubMed PMID: 30286833. Epub 2018/10/06. eng
[2]. Burgel PR, Laurendeau C, Raherison C, Fuhrman C, Roche N. An attempt at modeling COPD epidemiological trends in France. Respir Res. Jun 27;19(1):130. PubMed PMID: 29950169. Epub 2018/06/29. eng
[3]. Lopez AD, Shibuya K, Rao C, Mathers CD, Hansell AL, Held LS, et al. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: current burden and future projections. Eur Respir J. 2006 Feb;27(2):397-412. PubMed PMID: 16452599. Epub 2006/02/03. eng
[4]. Stallberg B, Janson C, Larsson K, Johansson G, Kostikas K, Gruenberger JB, et al. Real-world retrospective cohort study ARCTIC shows burden of comorbidities in Swedish COPD versus non-COPD patients. NPJ Prim Care Respir Med. Sep 10;28(1):33. PubMed PMID: 30202023. Epub 2018/09/12. eng
[5]. Schwab P, Dhamane AD, Hopson SD, Moretz C, Annavarapu S, Burslem K, et al. Impact of comorbid conditions in COPD patients on health care resource utilization and costs in a predominantly Medicare population. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis.12:735-744. PubMed PMID: 28260880. Epub 2017/03/07. eng.