Series-6 (December-2019)Dec-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract:A Pilonidal Sinus is a blind end tract lined with granulation tissue which leads to a cystic cavity lined with epithelial tissue .
• Pilus = Hair & Nidus = Nest
• It is basically a hair containing cavity presenting either as non healing and discharging sinus or recurrent abscess formation.....
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Abstract: In my study we concluded that intralesional injection of triamcinolone acetonide (TA) has the advantage of being a simple, fast and less painful procedure while treating children, patients having local or systemic hypersensitivity reactions to local anaesthesia and in chalazia located close to the lacrimal drainage system. In my study the majority of the patients are female as compared to male with average age of 25.7 ± 8.53 and average size of chalazion is 7.32 mm. Maximum no. of chalazion were noted in RUL (45%) followed by LUL (35%). 15% of chalazions resolving start in first weeks after injection, 50% of chalazions completely resolved in 2 weeks after injection and 80 % of chalazions resolved in 4 weeks, whereas 20% of chalazions did not decrease in size by 2 weeks and were given second TA injection after which 25% resolution was achieved (out of 8 patients) post the management. Complete resolution of the chalazion was brought about in 80% of the patients after 4 weeks. One injection was sufficient in most cases and only 8 needed a second injection.6 patients (Out of 8) not cured by second dose of TA required incision & curettage (I& C) of chalazion.....
Keywords: Triamcinolone acetonide (TA), Chalazion, Eye lid, Incision & Curettage (I& C).
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Abstract: Background and Aim: Tacrolimus (FK506) is an immunomodulatory agent which is used topically for the treatment of Oral Lichen Planus.There is variation in the concentration of topical tacrolimus used, frequency and duration of the treatment among different authors. Also, vast literature wherein tacrolimus is compared with other therapeutic modalities is available. The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate the efficiency of Tacrolimus in the treatment of symptomatic Oral Lichen Planus. Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted until December 2018 using PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane library,Science Direct and Google scholar databases to identify human clinical trials with topical tacrolimus as one of the interventionsand published in English. Studies for which complete electronic data was available on internet was included in the study. Quality assessment was done based on recommendation of CONSORT statement and 'Cochrane Hand Book.....
Keyword: Oral Lichen Planus, Topical Tacrolimus, Oral Lesions, Treatment, Burning sensation
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Abstract: CONTEXT: Thyroid hormones has a significant impact on kidney disease so it is important to consider the physiologicalassociation of thyroid dysfunction in relation to chronic kidney disease.Hypothyroidism is known to be associated with reduced renal plasma flow (RPF) and low glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Also it causes decreased renal sodium reabsorption and decreased renal ability to dilute urine, resulting in hyponatremia..........
Keyword: eGFR - estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate CKD - Chronic Kidney Disease MDRD - Modification of Diet in Renal Disease
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Abstract: Introduction: The mandible also known as jawbone is the largest and only movable bone of face except ear ossicles. It forms the inferior part of the facial skeleton which helps in chewing, speech and facial expressions. It develops from the first pharyngeal arch. The body of mandible is curved and has a pair of rami which project upwards from the posterior end of the body. Angle of mandible is the postero-inferior angle present at the junction of lower part of ramus and body of mandible. Aims & Objectives: Present study was done to determine mandibular angle using dry bones and orthopantomogram in north Indian population......
Keyword: orthopantomogram, angle, mandible.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Evaluation Of 0.5% Hyperbaric Bupivacaine for Subarachnoid Block: A Review of 50 Cases |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Asha Bansal, MBBS, MD |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1812062629 ![]() |
Abstract: Spinal anesthesia is used very commonly to produce analgesia for surgery below umbilicus .The advantages of spinal analegesia are well known and are widely accepted in the developing countries .Various local anaesthetics have been tried and few of them established a good reputation . First spinal anaesthesia was given by corning in 1885, and was first used deliberately by Bier in 1898 . Bier injected 3ml of 0.5% cocaine . Hyperbaric lignocaine hydrochloride 5% is extensively used for subarachnoid block . But it is not useful for prolonged surgery ,as its effect were off within one to one and half hour.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is one of the most distressing and common problem following general anaesthesia. Gynaecological laparoscopic procedure and administration of opioids are associated with remarkably high incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Pethidine is a predominantly a mu agonist. Pentazocine is the first opioid agonist-antagonist. Butorphanol is a synthetically mixed opioids agonist- antagonist. This study compared the effect of preoperative administration of pethidine, pentazocine and butorphanol on PONV in young female patients undergoing elective laparoscopic gynecological surgery......
Keyword: Pethidine, Pentazocine, Butorphanol, PONV.
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Abstract: OBJECTIVE Papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTC) frequently metastasize to regional lymph nodes. Our purpose was to investigate the predictive role of tumor location for lymph node metastasis pattern in PTCs. METHODS Medical records of 50 PTC patients were reviewed retrospectively. Tumor location was determined as upper, middle, and lower pole according to ultrasonography (USG) findings. The effects of tumor size, and location on lymph node metastasis were investigated. RESULTS The series comprised 87% females.....
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Abstract: Introduction: Adverse drug reactions of drugs continue to remain as an important public health issue. Safety monitoring of medicines is the responsibility of all stakeholders of healthcare system since it continues to be an important cause of morbidity and mortality.In some countries adverse drug reactions are the one among the leading cause of mortality. The safety of patients and safe use of medicines are crucial for health policy development and the delivery of the best healthcare. Materials and methods:70 patients from the inpatient units of both males and females.The patients were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. In the present study, the patients attended to the paediatric inpatient department with symptoms of ADRs........
Key Words: ADR, ICSR, UMC, WHO
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Abstract: Hair is one of the important derivatives of skin and has high cosmetic value among present human population. Hair in each part of the body have definite period of growth, after which they shed and replaced. Shedding of 50-100 hairs a day on average is considered to be normal, which will be followed by normal hair growth. (1)Hair growth is a cyclical process which occurs with phase of anagen, catagen and telogen. Each phase of hair cycle is independent with anagen - growth phase, lasting for 3 – 5 years. Catagen – short transitional phase, of 10 days, where the hair follicle detaches itself from the nourishing blood supply. Telogen – shedding phase, where the hair follicle is released following inactive 30 days of hair cycle. (2) Hair is not only aesthetic but its loss can create depression and anxiety.(3)Hair loss happens when internal milieu of hair growth cycle is lost.Alopecia is due to factors like radiation, stress, hormonal, hereditary, improper nutrition, infection, hair style and treatment. These factors disturb......
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Abstract: Objective: In this study our goal aim is to evaluate the current situation of myocardial infraction in diabetes mellitus. Methodology: This study was done at department of medicine at tertiary care hospital during the period of one year (January 2011-December2011) among 105 patients. Where complete demographic details such as age, gender, blood pressure, smoking and alcohol details, previous clinical and medical history were noted for all the patients. Blood was collected from the patients for random blood glucose levels and HbA1c levels. Results: In the study patients male patients 26.8% higher than female and 28.1% were known diabetics. 10.7% of them were identified as diabetic during the hospitalization. Also where diabetic patients who have had an MI previously are more at risk to a recurrent MI rather than those without. Conclusion: From result we can conclude that the chronic and acute hyperglycemia linked with acute myocardial infarction is an independent and determinant factor in the outcome for patients with and without diabetes mellitus. Further study is needed for better outcome.
Keyword: Myocardial infarction (MI),diabetics, hyperglycemia
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Abstract: Introduction: Cholelithiasis is a chronic recurrent disease of the hepatobiliary system. The impaired metabolism of cholesterol, bile acids and bilirubin are characterized by gall stone formation. Materials & Methods: In present study, apart from studying the clinical presentation, it also looks at improvement in attributable and non-attributable symptoms of gall stone disease following cholecystectomy. Result: In this study, 100 cases of cholelithiasis who were admitted in Guru Nanak Dev Hospital and Government Medical College, Amritsar, for cholecystectomy during November 2017 to October 2019 were studied. At present, available literature on cholelithiasis is reviewed and the results of study are compared with those of other authors. Conclusion: The highest age incidence of cholelithiasis was in the 5th decade, with female preponderance. 100% cases became symptoms free from vomiting after 6 months of cholecystectomy.93% (hyperacidity) cases, 92% (flatulence) cases, 85% (Heartburn) cases, 82%(dyspepsia), 80%(right upper abdominal pain and non attributable symptoms) cases became symptoms free after 6 months of cholecystectomy
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Abstract: Most composite resins release both bisphenol A (BPA), which disrupts the endocrine balance, and triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA), which has high risks for human health. The purpose of this study was to evaluate BPA and TEGDMA leaching from orthodontic light-cured composite resins after immersion in different media and to quantify the BPA released. Dental restoration resins were used as control. Resin samples were cured for 20 seconds and immersed in distilled water, RPMI 1640 culture medium and ethanol for 24 hours. The release of BPA and TEGDMA was then evaluate by gas phase chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The limit of quantification was 0.01 μg/mL. In ethanol, the eluted.....
Key words: Bisphenol A, TEGDMA, Monomer released, Light-cured composite resin, GC-MS.
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