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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of Near Miss Cases in Obstetrics in Goverenment Medical College, Kadapa |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. M. Sofia Sowjanya |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2010030104 ![]() |
Abstract: Maternal near miss data is invisible and is very important to reduce the maternal mortality. The aim of this study is to determine the incidence and etiology of near miss events. This prospective observational study is done at Govt. Medical College, Kadapa from September 2020- August 2021. The data is collected from obstetrics emergency patients. The incidence ratio, etiology, and timings of these near miss events are analyzed. Of the 19 maternal near miss cases with an incidence ratio of 2.9 per 1000 live births, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are the most common cause of near miss events accounting for (42.1%), followed by obstetrics hemorrhage (31.5%), perforation of uterus (10.5%), while rupture uterus (5.2%), sepsis (5.2%), and anemia (5.2%), are of same proportion. 31.5% of the near miss events occurred in postpartum period (31.5%) followed by 3rdtrimester (21.0%) & post abortal (21.0%) period. The 2ndtrimester has (15.7%) cases, and 5.2% during the intrapartum period.......
Key words: maternal near miss, maternal mortality, postpartum
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Abstract: BACKGROUND:- Multiple pregnancy is considered a high risk for obstetric complications such as spontaneous abortion, hypertensive disorders, placenta previa, anemia, postpartum hemorrhage and fetal complications like malformations, pre-maturity, low birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction, neonatal morbidity and high perinatal, neonatal and infant mortality.Due to inherent biological factors, twin pregnancies have increased rates of obstetric and perinatal complications.¹‾³ WHO Global Survey on Maternal and Perinatal Health (2004–2008), where twin pregnancy was a significant, independent risk factor for maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality compared to singleton pregnancies4.The incidence of spontaneous twinning differs according to country and ethnicity. Triplets are estimated to occur in 1 out of [86]² pregnancies and quadruplets in 1 out of [86]³ pregnanciesin.....
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Abstract: Stroke is a neurological disorder characterized by occlusion of blood vessels in the brain as a result of thrombi or emboli, which block laminar blood flow.Stroke is the third leading cause of death (after heart disease and cancer).For the realization of this research, a descriptive epidemiological method was applied, as well as a retrospective analysis of a total of 1132 patients with cerebral infarction from Strumica from the Statistics Department of the Center for Public Health at PHI General Hospital - Strumica. A comparison was made in terms of gender, age and age groups, morbidity rate. Мost of the patients were hospitalized in 2016 (21.4%), the majority of the respondents are aged 65-74 years (35.0%), while the men have the higher risk of developing the disease (57.6 %). The average age......
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Abstract: Aim: This retrospective study aims to evaluate our results according to figures in the literature and to conclude about the best choice of surgical approach as well as long term results in the management of SOM.Sphenoorbital meningiomas are a rare location of grade I meningioma that arise from the sphenoid wing and cause hyperostosis with a large dural infiltration. This tumour can invade important neuro vascular structures such as the optic nerve, occulo motor nerves, peri orbit and the cavernous sinus (CS). Surgery of SOM addresses the balance between gross total tumour removal and the long-term progression free survival with low recurrence rate. Patients and methods: In this study we are reviewing a serie of 37 patients operated from SOM in the period between 2011 and 2O21.....
Keywords:Spheno-orbital meningiomas, Orbitosphenoidmeningiomas, meningioma "en plaque", Optic nerve Abbreviations: Optic nerve: ON, spheno-orbital meningiomas: SOM, Cavernous Sinus: CS,progression free survival: PFS
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Abstract: Background: Pterygium is a wing shaped triangular growth of the bulbar conjunctiva encroaching onto the cornea, usually within the intrapalpebral fissure. Pterygium excision with conjunctival autografting is a well accepted procedure and can be done using sutures or adhesives. Aim of this study was to compare the clinical outcome and post operative complications of pterygium surgery done by conjunctival autografting using sutures versus fibrin glue. Material and Methods : A prospective, observational and analytical study was conducted on patients undergoing pterygium surgery with conjuctival autografting using either sutures or commercial fibrin glue at Post Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, SMHS Hospital, Srinagar over a period of two years. The study was conducted on 100 eyes of 100 patients with progressive pterygium who were randomly allocated in two groups and operated upon by a single surgeon.......
Keywords: Pterygium, conjuctival autografting, sutures, fibrin glue
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Abstract: Foot and mouth disease is an infectious and sometimes fatal viral disease that affected tongue, mouth and cloven hoofed animals, including domestic and wild bovid. FMD is prevented successfully by using high quality protein for production of anti viral vaccine, no need virus VPg protein for the production of vaccine. Foot and mouth disease is a severe and highly contagious viral disease.The FMD virus causes illness and hoofs, mouth ulceration in cows, pigs ,sheep ,goat deer and others animals. FMDV is apicornavirus. The picornavirus family consists of nine members, including foot and mouth disease virus FMDV. In addition the picornavirus family contains a number.....
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Abstract: Introduction: Birth weight is a sensitive and reliable predictor of health in newborn babies. Determining the birth weight is extremely important because that can help in identifying babies who need emergency or special care after birth. According to WHO, a birth weight of <2.5kg is considered low birth weight for babies. But it is not always possible to measure the weight after birth, as, in many developing countries including ours, most childbirths happen at home, by the hands of traditional birth attendants, who don't always have weighing scales with them. Also in many tertiary hospitals, babies are not regularly weighed because of the lack of weighing scales. Because of this, anthropometric....
Keywords: Anthropometric, Measurements, low Birth Weight, Chest Circumference, MUAC
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