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Abstract: Background: Blindness is a devastating physical condition with deep emotional and economic implications. Cataract is responsible for 50% of blindness in the world. Limited information is available regarding the proportion of cataract, its determinants and level of awareness regarding cataract and its treatment among tribal patients of Tripura .This study was done with the aim to study the epidemiology of senile cataract among the tribal patients of Tripura and formulate recommendation for its remedy. Materials and Methods: This crossectional study was carried out on 184 Tribal patients of Department of Ophthalmology Agartala Government Medical College and Govind Ballabh Pant Hospital for 2 years study period extending from 1st October 2015 to 30th September 2017.....
Key words: Hyper mature senile cataract, Mature senile cataract, Posterior sub capsular cataract, Immature senile Cataract
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Abstract: Aesthetic restorations of anterior teeth play an important role on the emotional and psychological well-being of the patient. It is important that not only the anatomy is replicated, but also the various shades are placed in proper thickness and position. The main techniques for restoring anterior teeth include the use of direct adhesive restorative materials. However, this type of treatment is time consuming and requires an operator who has complete mastery of the restorative materials. This case report illustrates the use of a putty index technique for the reproduction of palatal anatomy of the teeth which need aesthetic corrections, achieving satisfactory results with lower skill demand.
Key Word: Aesthetic restorations; Anterior teeth; Direct adhesive restorative materials; Putty index technique; Palatal anatomy.
[1]. Rajavaedhan K, Sankar AJ, Shaik TA, Kumar KR A novel technique in restoring fractured anterior teeth. J ClinDiagn Res 2014; 8(2): 244-245.
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[5]. Santos MPA, Maia LC, The Reference Guide; A Step by step Technique for Restoration of Fractured Anterior Permanent Teeth, J Can Dent Assoc 2005,71 (9):643-646.
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Abstract: Surgical site infection is one of the most common complication faced by surgeons in postoperative patients. Infrared thermography measures the temperature of the surgical wound non-invasively. The aim of this study is to provide early diagnosis of surgical site infection in post-operative patients by using Infrared Thermal imaging when compared to clinical diagnosis. To evaluate the accuracy of this technique new thermographic variables are added to those commonly analysed such as the difference of temperature between non-infective and infective area. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Prospective study was conducted between 2019 and 2020 at Dr. PSIMS & RF for diagnosing surgical site infection in post-operative patients in Orthopaedics ward......
Key Word: Surgical Site Infection, Infrared thermal image, Post Operative Day (POD)
[1]. Jarmo Alamesta, Markku Oikarainen, Jarmo Perttunen Jari Viik, Annikki Vaalasti. Thermal imaging in skin trauma evaluation by CAT S60 mobile phone. Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare. 2018;10(2-3):192-199
[2]. Fangge Deng, Qing Tang, Yujiang Zheng, Quangqiao Zong, Nanshan Zhong. Infrared thermal imaging as a novel evaluation method for deep vein thrombosis in lower limbs. Medical Physics. 2012;39(12):7224-7231
[3]. Charmaine Childs, Nicola Wright, Jon Willmott, Matthew Davies et al. The surgical wound in infrared: thermographic profiles and early stage test- accuracy to predict surgical site infection in obese women during the first 30 days after caesarean section. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control. 2019;8(7):1-15
[4]. Arjun Chanmugam et al. Relative temperature Maximum in Wound Infection and Inflammation as Compared with a Control Subject Using Long-Wave Infrared Thermography. Advances in skin and wound care. 2017;30(9):406-414
[5]. Ruben Usamentiaga et al. Infrared Thermography for Temperature Measurement and Non-Destructive Testing. Sensors. 2014;14: 12305-12348 doi:10.3390/s140712305
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Abstract: AIM: Aim is to predict the risk of mortality and morbidity in patients with peritonitis due to hollow viscous perforation. This study attempts to evaluate the prognostic value of MPI scoring system in patients with peritonitis due to hollow viscous perforation, To assess and stratifying these patients according to individual surgical risk. METHODS: 100 patients with hollow viscous perforation admitted in Govt.....
Key Words: Peritonitis, Scoring systems, morbidity, Outcome predictors
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "Traumatic Abdominal Wall Hernia - A Rare Case Report and Review of Literature" |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.S .Balaji MS || Salem |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2010082528 ![]() |
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Traumatic abdominal wall hernias (TAWHs) are a rare clinical entity that can be difficult to diagnose and treat. There is no fixed protocol on management of TAWH due to its low incidence and complex concomitant injury patterns .TAWHs are more common in children (handlebar hernias).The clinical diagnosis is not usually straightforward and the hernia is often discovered by imaging studies or during surgical exploration for intra-abdominal injuries. CASE REPORT: In this article,we discuss the management of a 50 year old male who was involved in a road traffic accident.On evaluation.......
Key Word: blunt injury,abdominal wall,hernia,traumatic wall defect,primary repair,mesh repair.
[1]. D.D. Damschen, J. Landercasper, T.H. Cogbill, R.T. Stolee, Acute traumatic abdominal hernia: case reports, J. Trauma 36 (1994) 273–276.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Factors and fates of placenta previa |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | AdibaMalik || M Jalal Uddin || Yasmin Ara Begum |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2010082933 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Placenta previa is a serious health issue where placenta is implanted in the lower uterine segment, overlying or approaching internal cervical os. Objectives of this study is to find out the risk factors, maternal and neonatal outcome of patients of placenta previa, who underwent caesarean section in a tertiary care Hospital in one year.Method and Materials:It was a hospital based descriptive study where among the antenatal patients admitted in one year, 119 were diagnosed as placentaprevia at or after admission, out of them 64 underwent caesarean section, other 55 patients were managed conservatively. Women who underwent caesarean section were analyzed with respect to their age, parity, gestational age, known risk factors, maternal and neonatal complications. Collected data were managed manually. Results were compared with previous similar studies. A conclusion was drawn at the end of the study. Results:53% patients were between age group 20-24 years, 61% patients were.....
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Abstract: Résumé: Nous rapportons une observation de malformation lymphatique macro kystique localisée au membre supe´rieur. Il s'agissait d'un patient admis pour une masse du bras droit ne gênant pas la fonction du membre. Le bilan radiologique réalisé a mis en évidence une formation kystique sous cutanée pour laquelle une exérèse chirurgicale a été réalisée avec un résultat anatomopathologique en faveur d'un lymphangiome kystique. Cette observation est originale du fait de sa localisation exceptionnelle.
Key Word: lymphangiome kystique, membre supérieur
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Abstract: Objective: association of HRCT chest involvement score in COVID-19 infections with clinical severity and outcome of patients. HRCT chest helps to identify hidden cases of COVID-19 pneumonia which helps to prevent further transmission. Methods: This was retrospective study carried out from October 24, 2020, until april 28, 2020 consists of 147 patients including suspicious and positive RT-PCR for COVID-19 pneumonia. Each scan were reported with involvement score and categorized as mild, moderate and severe as per score range. Results: In our study ground glass opacity was found in every patient. The association between CT score and final outcome has significant association as score rises. Conclusion: Hight the CT involvement score higher the mortality. This can be used to triage patients while limited resources are available.
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Abstract: Background: The world is suffering from the Covid-19 pandemic. To keep the students in the trail of learning when the lockdown was imposed by the government and also execution of new Competency Based Medical Education Curriculum(CBME) introduced by the Medical Council of India was more challenging than regular conventional method of delivering lectures. Hence Virtual Physiology classes were conducted in various modes. The present study objective was to evaluate the Perception of Phase I MBBS students toward online classes in Physiology teaching and assessment of CBME curriculum. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted after obtaining ethical clearance from IEC. 150 Phase I M.B.B.S students (2019-20 batch) were instructed.......
Key Word: Perception; online classes; offline Classes; Teaching ; Assessment ; CBME curriculum
[1]. G K Pal, Pravati Pal, Nivedita Nanda. Comprehensive textbook of Medical Physiology As per the revised new MCI Curriculum.2nd Ed. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2019.p1-6
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[3]. Rustagi SM, Mohan C, Verma N, et al. Competency-based Medical Education: The Perceptions of Faculty. J Med Acad 2019;2(1):1–5
[4]. 21-day lockdown in entire India to fight coronavirus, announces PM Narendra Modi. India Today. 2020. Available at: https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/indialockdown-pm-narendra-modi-speech-coronavirus1659266-2020-03-24. Accessed on 29 July 2020.
[5]. Suryawanshi DM, Venugopal R. Preferences, perception and barriers to e-learning among medical students during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in India. Int J Community Med Public Health 2020;7:4100-4.
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Abstract: Background: Postpartum hypernatremic osmotic demyelination is one of the recently proposed condition which is being frequently diagnosed nowadays. It is a rare and potentially lethal, but treatable and reversible clinico-neuro-radiological entity. Morbidity and mortality are recorded high in this condition that warrants prompt and early diagnosis and timely management. The aim of our study is to evaluate the diagnostic utility of MRI in postpartum hypernatremic osmotic extrapontine myelinolysis and to assess whether it is reversible or not. Materials and Methods: 87 patients of postnatal encephalopathy were studied over a period of 2 years from 2018 to 2020. MRI brain was taken for all patients using standardized institutional sequences. The images were read independently by two senior.......
Key Word: Postpartum hypernatremic encephalopathy syndrome; Hypernatremia; Extrapontine myelinolysis; Postnatal osmotic extrapontine myelinolysis; Rhabdomyolysi;, Hypernatremic encephalopathy;, Wine glass sign..
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Abstract: Purpose: To study Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography in patients with Ocular Trauma Methods: This study was conducted for 1 year in the outpatient department of ophthalmology and the in-patient wards of teritiary centre, Mangalore during November 2018 to December 2019. This was a hospital based Prospective Study done on 100 patients. Along with complete routine ophthalmic examination, Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography was done. Results: The present study was conducted among 100 patients to evaluate the anterior segment OCT changes in ocular trauma........
Key Word: AS-OCT, Trauma, Corneal foreign body, Traumatic cataract, Macular edema
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