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Abstract: The main goal of endodontic treatment is to provide a three-dimensional hermetic seal of the endodontium from the periodontium. When this is not possible due to a reason which is not conservatively solvable, it is necessary to approach retrograde via endodontic surgery. Retrograde filling materials are obtaining a good hermetic seal of the apex. The ideal retrograde obturation should meet several requirements, but on the market, where is a variability of different materials to serve on this purpose. It is often a difficult clinical decision for the dentist to choose among all of them.
Key Word: endodontic materials, retrograde fillings, MTA, Biodentin, endodontic surgery
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Abstract: Aims & objectives: To study the different modalities of treatment of peripheral arterial disease. To study the treatment modalities in acute and chronic limb ischemia. To compare the efficacy of bypass grafting versus endovascular stenting in the treatment of critical limb ischemia in patients with aorto-iliac disease (inflow disease) Materials and methods: The present study was carried out with 50 patients admitted with peripheral arterial disease (of which 30 patients were operated for Critical limb ischemia of the inflow region) in the General Surgery Department of a tertiary care hospital with vascular surgery facility, between August 2017 to October 2019.......
Key words: Critical limb ischemia, thrombolysis, bypass surgery
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Abstract: Background: Severe acute pancreatitis is one example of critical illness where both the inflammatory system & the coagulation system are to be considered as ticking bombs, where the most extreme scenarios result in multiple organ dysfunction & disseminated intravascular coagulation Microcirculatory disturbances with micro vascular thrombosis appear to play and important role both in the inflamed pancreas itself & in remote organ failure [1,2]. Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the biochemical evaluation of sensitivity and specificity of severe acute pancreatitis. Methods: The study was a prospective type of observational study conducted at the department of surgery, Dhaka medical....
Keywords: Severe Acute; Pancreatitis; Biochemical
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Abstract: Introduction: Glucose is essential in the neonatal fuel economy. It is necessary for adequate nutrition as well as cerebral energy metabolism since it is the preferred substrate that accounts for approximately all of the oxygen use in the brain. Low birth weight babies have a variety of problems, including hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, hyperbilirubinemia, intraventricular hemorrhage, recurrent apnea, septicemia, and intrauterine hypoxia. Seizures, brain malfunction, motor developmental delay, and osmotic diuresis are all possible outcomes of this condition. Seizures can occur as a result of birth asphyxia or as a result of hypoglycemia, cerebral hemorrhage, septicemia, or hyperbilirubinemia........
Keywords: Hypoglycemia, Hyperglycemia, Glucose, Low birth weight
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Observational Analysis of Pre Operative Anxiety on Dose of Propofol Required For Induction of General Anaesthesia |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2011072351 ![]() |
Abstract: Preoperative anxiety is described as an unpleasant state of uneasiness or tension that is secondary to a patient being concerned about a disease, hospitalization, anaesthesia and surgery, or the unknown1.The reported incidence of preoperative anxiety in adults ranges from 11% to 80%, depending upon the assessment method. The highest incidence was noted by psychiatrists using a validated psychological questionnaire2, whereas the lowest was reported in studies using clinical impression only3. Currently data exist with respect to the effects of anxiety and fear before surgery on preoperative outcomes, such as heart rate, blood pressure and neuroendocrinal changes 4.The neuroendocrine response is associated with characteristic hemodynamic and metabolic effects.
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Abstract: Résumé : Nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective, d'une série de 32 cas de fractures du pilon tibial, traités chirurgicalement au sein du service de traumatologie-othopedie IIde l'Hôpital Militaire d'Instruction Mohammed V de RABAT, sur une période de 5 ans allant de Janvier 2015 au Décembre 2020. La fracture du pilon tibial atteint le sujet jeune actif, avec une moyenne d'âge de 42 ans, et une prédominance masculine, le sexe ratio H/F égal 2.2Les circonstances étiologiques étaient dominées par les traumatismes à haute énergie : les chutes d'un lieu élevé à 47%, suivis des accidents de la voie publique à 31.25%. Les radiographies standards de la cheville de face et de profil ont permis de confirmer le diagnostic, et d'analyser les différents types anatomopathologiques.......
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Abstract: Resume : L'arthroplastie totale de la hanche est une intervention chirurgicale fiable dans le traitement des affections de la hanche, dont le but est d'améliorer la fonction de l'articulation coxo-fémorale. L'objectif de cette étude rétrospective est l'évaluation du résultat des prothèses totales de la hanche (PTH) mises en place, au sein du service de Traumatologie-Orthopédique II de l'Hôpital Militaire Mohammed V de Rabat, durant la période allant de Janvier 2016 au Décembre 2020. La série comporte 44 sujets, avec 38,60% des femmes et 61,40% des hommes, la moyenne d'âge est de 65 ans. L'indication la plus fréquente de....
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