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Abstract: La miliaire tuberculeuse est une forme aigue de la maladie, potentiellement grave et mettant en jeu le pronostic vital par ses complications, mais qui reste relativement rare. Elle représente moins de 2% des tuberculoses [1]. Sa prévalence est augmentée dans les pays endémiques. Elle est due à une dissémination lymphohématogène du Mycobactérium tuberculosis dans un ou plusieurs viscères de l'organisme à partir d'un foyer pulmonaire ou extra pulmonaire. Le diagnostic de la miliaire est le plus souvent radio-clinique du fait de la rareté de la positivité des bacilloscopies et de l'urgence thérapeutique. La vaccination par le BCG joue un rôle primordial dans la prévention des formes sévères de la maladie chez l'enfant [2]. A travers......
[1]. CARETTE M. F., AZEUCOT N., LE BLANCHE A., LE BRETON C., BIGOT J.M. Apport de l'imagerie dans le diagnostic et le suivi de la tuberc u l o s e thoracique. Rev. Pneumol. Clin. 1994 ; 50 : 229-39.
[2]. Sharma SK, Mohan A,Sharma A,Mitra DK,Miliary tuberculsis :new insight into an old disease.Lancet infect Dis 2005 ;5 :415-30
[3]. Naudziunas A, Jacunskiene L, Taruta A. Clinical forms of new cases of tuberculosis at Kaunas Romainiai Tuberculosis Hospital in 1998-2001. Medicina 2004; 40: 42-5.
[4]. Hiratsuka T, Arimura Y, Ihi T. A clinical study of miliary tuberculosis. Kansenshogaku Zasshi. 2004 ; 78: 929-34
[5]. Kwng JS.Carignan S, Kang EY , Muller NL,tzGerald JM.Miliary tuberculosis :diangnostic accuracy f chest radiolography.Chest 1996,110 :339-42
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Abstract: The research is investigated prediction of anaemia among women at reproductive age in Baramati. Iron deficiency is major cause of anaemia and is more prevalent in developing countries, posing additional burden on health care systems, in the presence of scarcity of resources. The high-risk group consists of females due to physiological reasons. Multiple factors can predict anaemia, which in turn leads to various adverse outcomes. Iron deficiency is a major cause of anemia and is more prevalent in developing countries, posing additional burden on health care systems, in the presence of scarcity of resources. The high-risk group consists of females and children......
Keywords: Age, Haemoglobin, Red blood cells(RBC), Packed cell volume(PCV),mean corpuscular volume(MCV), mean corpuscular Haemoglobin(MCHC), Mean corpuscular Haemoglobin concentration (MCHC.Con),red cell distribution width(RDW)..
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Abstract: Background:pancreas is surrounded by various blood vessels any inflammation during pancreatitis causes exogenous release of the pancreatitis amylases and lipases causing direct action on the arterial vessel walls leading to pseudoaneurysm and hemorrhage. on the other hand the inflamed pancreatic tissue and collections may compress on the adjacent veins leading to thrombosis.contrast enhanced computed tomography helps in identifying these vascular complications. Materials and Methods: this is a cross sectional study conducted in department of Radiodiagnosis in Maharajah's institute of medical sciences, Vizianagaram, India for a duration of 1 year from 1st June 2021 to 31st may 2022.the study population consist of patients with complaints of upper abdominal pain clinically diagnosed as pancreatitis......
Key words: complication, pseudoaneurysm, venous thrombosis
[1]. Lenhart DK, Balthazar EJ. MDCT of acute mild (nonnecrotizing) pancreatitis: abdominal complications and fate of fluid collections. American Journal of Roentgenology. 2008 Mar;190(3):643-9.
[2]. Balthazar EJ. Acute pancreatitis: assessment of severity with clinical and CT evaluation. Radiology. 2002 Jun;223(3):603-13.
[3]. Sharma PK, Madan K, Garg PK. Hemorrhage in acute pancreatitis: should gastrointestinal bleeding be considered an organ failure?. Pancreas. 2008 Mar 1;36(2):141-5.
[4]. Masud R, Waheed A, Aurangzeb, Malik FI, Mian A. Role of radiology in pancreatic disorders, Pak. Armed Forces Med J. 2009;59(1):103-08.
[5]. Quinlan JD. Acute pancreatitis. Am Fam Physician. 2014;90(9):632-39.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Primary Mesenteric Carcinoid-A Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr MannemRoopa || Dr MD Meraj || Dr N L N Moorthy |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2108071720 ![]() |
Abstract: Carcinoid tumours are rare, slow-growing neoplasms that display neuroendocrine properties. The mesentery is usually involved secondary to direct infiltration from the involved bowel or by metastatic involvement. Primary mesenteric NET has been rarely reportedand liver metastasis is still rarer.
KEYWORDS: mesentery, carcinoid
[1]. Park, I. S., Kye, B. H., Kim, H. S., Kim, H. J., Cho, H. M., Yoo, C., & Hwang, S. S. (2013). Primary mesenteric carcinoid tumor. Journal of the Korean Surgical Society, 84(2), 114–117. https://doi.org/10.4174/jkss.2013.84.2.114
[2]. Shogbesan, Oluwaseun et al. "Primary Mesenteric Carcinoid Tumor Presenting with Carcinoid Syndrome." Case reports in gastroenterology vol. 12,2 396-401. 21 Aug. 2018, doi:10.1159/000490522.
[3]. Imaging features of Carcinoid tumors of Gastro-intestinal Tract, DhakshinaGaneshanAmerican Journal of Roentgenology. 2013;201:773-786. 10.2214/AJR. 12.9758
[4]. Juanmartiñena Fernández JF, Fernández Urién I, Amat Villegas I, Prieto Martínez C. Liver metastasis secondary to primary mesenteric carcinoid. Rev EspEnferm Dig. 2017;109(3):211-212.
[5]. Agarwal A, Kaman L, Gupta A, Ramavath K, Vaiphei K. Primary mesenteric neuroendocrine tumour with liver metastasis: a common presentation of an uncommon tumour. Trop Doct. 2020;50(1):65-68. doi:10.1177/0049475519887657
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Abstract: Zinc is an important mineral for regulation and development of the tissues of the human body, especially the epithelium. The lack of this element causes skin lesions, alopecia, difficulty of healing and diarrhea – which is very severe in the pediatric age. Although most causes of zinc deficiency are because of the diet, sometimes the lack of the nutrient can be related to genetic cause, like in Acrodermatitis enteropathica(AE), which is a recessive autosomal disease that can be fatal in children if not managed correctly. The objective of this study was to describe a case report of a child with AE that was mismanaged for several years in different services of the country before being properly diagnosed and adequately treated.
Keywords: zinc deficiency, acrodermatitis enterophatica, child
[1]. Glutch V, Hamm H, Goebeler M. Zinc and Skin: an update. Journal of the German Society of Dermatology. 2019; 17(6):589-596.
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[3]. Rerksuppaphol L, Rerksuppaphol S. Zinc deficiency in children with Dengue viral infection. Pediatric Reports. 2019; 11(1):7386-7386.
[4]. Willoughby J L, Bowen C N. Zinc deficiency and toxicity in pediatric practice. Current Opinion in Pediatrics. 2014; 26(5):579-584.
[5]. Vuralli D, Tumer L, Hasanoglu A. Zinc deficiency in the pediatric age group is common but underevaluated. World Journal of Pediatrics. 2017; 13(4):360-366.
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Abstract: Hepatoid adenocarcinoma of the lung is a comparatively rare malignant tumor originating from the lung with shorter survival. Its morphological features are remarkably similar to hepatocellular carcinoma. High concentration of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is often detected in the serum of patients with no hepatic occupying lesion, but AFP is not required for its diagnosis according to the modified diagnostic criteria. We report a 57 year-old male patient with smoking history of 40 cigarettes per day for 20 years whose clinical and paraclinical assessment confirmed the diagnosis.
Key Words: Lung, Cancer, Neoplasm, Adenocarcinoma, Hepatoid
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Abstract: Aims: To analyse the outcome following surgical resection for cystic neoplasms of pancreas. Methodology: This is a prospective observational study from retrospectively collected data of all patients who underwent surgery for cystic neoplasms of pancreas from January 2012 to December 2018. These patients were followed up and the outcome in terms of complications and recurrence were analysed. Results: A total of 20 patients with cystic neoplasms of pancreas as diagnosis underwent surgery during this period. Females were more commonly affected than males. Most common type in our case series was solid pseudopapillary neoplasms. Most common location of tumour in our series was in body and tail. Most commonly done procedure was Distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy. 18 patients were without any recurrence during follow up......
Key Words: Cystic Neoplasms, Distal Pancreatectomy Splenectomy, Pancreaticoduodenectomy, Solid Pseudopapillary Tumour, Central Pancreatectomy
[1]. Brugge WR. Diagnosis and management of cystic lesions of the pancreas. J Gastrointest Oncol 2015 Aug;6(4):375.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4502158/
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Abstract: Scabies is caused by Sarcoptesscabiei or the itch mite which is an obligate parasite arthropod that burrows into skin (stratum corneum). We present a case report of 61 year old male presented with complaints of crusting, hyperpigmantation of skin from head to toe except web of fingers. Early recognition of this disease is important as misdiagnosis can lead to spreading of this to the family members and super infections in patient. Treat all family members if they show symptoms who come in contact with the patient as it is highly contagious
[1]. B. Pence & E.Ueckermann (2002). "Sarcoptic mange in wildlife" (PDF). Scientific and Technical Review of the World Organisation for Animal Health 21 (2): 385398.
[2]. Orkin, M. (25 August 1975). "Today's Scabies". JAMA 233 (8): 882885.
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[4]. Guldbakke KK, Khachemoune A. Crusted scabies: a clinical review. J Drugs Dermatol. 2006; 5:221–227.
[5]. Cestari SC, Petri V, Rotta O, Alchorne MM. Oral treatment of crusted scabies with ivermectin: report of two cases. PediatrDermatol. 2000; 17:410–414.
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Abstract: Low grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm (LAMN) is a rare malignancy which are mostly incidentally diagnosed after appendectomy. Unspecific ways of presentation makes it more difficult to diagnose it pre-operatively. We present here a case of 35 years old male who presented clinically as appendicular lump not resolving completely; another unusual way of its presentation
Key Words: Low grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm, LAMN, Pseudomyxomaperitonei, PMP, appendicular lump, acute appendicitis, HIPEC, Non-resolving appendicular lump
[1]. Ramaswamy V. Pathology of Mucinous AppendicealTumors and PseudomyxomaPeritonei. Indian J SurgOncol. 2016 Jun;7(2):258-67.
[2]. Kelly KJ. Management of Appendix Cancer. Clin Colon Rectal Surg. 2015 Dec;28(4):247-55.
[3]. McCusker ME, Coté TR, Clegg LX, Sobin LH. Primary malignant neoplasms of the appendix: a population-based study from the surveillance, epidemiology and end-results program, 1973-1998. Cancer. 2002 Jun 15;94(12):3307-12.
[4]. García Lozano A, Vázquez Tarrago A, Castro García C, Richart Aznar J, Gómez Abril S, Martínez Abad M. Mucoceleapendicular: presentación de 31 casos [Mucocele of the appendix: Presentation of 31 cases]. Cir Esp. 2010 Feb;87(2):108-12.
[5]. Ruiz-Tovar J, Teruel DG, Castiñeiras VM, Dehesa AS, Quindós PL, Molina EM. Mucocele of the appendix. World J Surg. 2007 Mar;31(3):542-8.
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Abstract: Background: Osteoarthritis is the most frequent joint disease in the world and the commonest cause of disability in the older ages. Osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative disorder of multifactorial etiology characterized by cartilage destruction, subchondral bone thickening and new bone formation, resulting in pain, deformity and functional impairment, often requiring operative intervention.Materials and Methods: High tibial opening wedge osteotomy is done using Puddu plate (10 mm or 12 mm) according to the desired wedge to be created. Bone grafting was done in two patients and in all other twenty patients, bone grafting was not done.Results: A total of twenty-two.......
Key words: Unicompartmental osteoarthritis, osteotomy, Puddu plate
[1]. Snell R.S M.D. Ph.D. Clinical Anatomy by regions. 8th edition.Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2007:p 628-630.
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Abstract: Résume Introduction Les traumatismes constituent des agressions aux étiologies diverses dont la plus importante est celle qui est due aux accidents de trafic routier. L'atteinte de la charpente ostéo-articulaireapparait comme un véritable problème de santé et de développement suite au handicap obtenu et à la sévérité des lésions associées. Leur prise en charge chirurgicale via l'ostéosynthèse est à la base de la survenue des infections du site opératoire. Cette étude a pour objectif de connaitre l'incidence des infections du site opératoire aux CUL, afin d'en déterminer les facteurs associés, les germes incriminés et la prise en charge. Matériel et méthode........
[1]. Manix Ilunga Banza, Augustin Kibonge Mukakala, Herman Tamubango Kitoko, Trésor Kibangula Kasanga, Vincent de Paul Kaoma Cabala, OlelaAhuka André, Jean-Gauthier KibabuWanga, Serge Ngoie Yumba, Jospin Mutonkole Lunda, Emmy Manda Kisimba, Dimitri KanyandaNafatalewa, Catherine Saleh Ugumba, Sébastien Mbuyi-Musanzayi, Willy Arung Kalau and FrancoisTshilomboKatombe. Prognosis of abdominal injuries in trauma patients in two university hospital unit of Lubumbashi. International Journal of Surgery Science 2022; 6(6): 239-248. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/surgery.2022.v6.i1d.865
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Abstract: Background The aim of the present study is to assess the knowledge and perception of safety protocols used before and after dental aerosol procedures among Dental professionals. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An online survey was conducted with a self-prepared questionnaire with a sample size of 354 participants consisting of post graduate students, dental practitioners who work in private/government institute/hospitals. The questionnaire was prepared on Google Forms and the link was circulated to postgraduate students and dental practitioners via email and WhatsApp platforms. Data was analyzed at 95% confidence intervals with a p-value <0.05 considered as statistically significant. The results of the study was tabulated.....
KEY WORDS: dental aerosol generating procedures, survey study, safety protocols, COVID-19, knowledge and perception
[1]. Huang X, Wei F, Hu L, Wen L, Chen K. Epidemiology and clinical characteristics of COVID-19. Arch Iran Med. 2020;23(5):268–271. doi:10.34172/aim.2020.09
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