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Abstract: This compared the shear bond strength of metal brackets bonded on porcelain fused to metal crowns with conventional orthodontic composite Enlight (ORMCO) and a nanoceramic, restorative composite Spectra ST (Denstply). Materials and Methods: Sixty extracted human premolar teeth were collected, stored & mounted with acrylic and were divided into two groups of 30 samples each. Crown preparation was done on the teeth mounted and PFM crowns were fabricated and cemented. Stainless steel brackets were bonded on PFM crowns using conventional composite (ormco) in group I and nanoceramic restorative composite (dentsply) in group II as per manufacturer's protocol.The shear bond strength of the brackets bonded was measured on universal testing machine at the speed of 1.25mm....
Key Word: Metal brackets, Shear Bond Strength, PFM crowns, Enlight Ormco, Spectra ST Denstply
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Abstract: Introduction: Nasopharyngeal amelanotic melanomas (NAM) are extremely rare malignant neoplasms. Several prognostic factors, e.g. aggressive treatment, a few mitoses, lymphocytic tumour infiltration; treatment with IL-2 activated killer T-cells and genetically-altered tumour cells may improve the outcome of the patients. Herewith, we report a case of nasopharyngeal amelanotic melanoma. Case report : A male, aged 32 years complained of left nasal obstruction and occasional bleeding from left nostril. He was operated and tumour was excised. Grossly, tumour comprised of multiple small reddish brown soft tissue pieces together......
Key Word: Mucosal malignant neoplasm, melanocyte, neural crest
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Abstract:Implant treatment has become a common modality among the people for tooth replacement. The dental surgical procedures too require evaluation for systemic conditions for patients having cardiac or any health conditions. Cardiac conditions may be life threatening for the patients undergoing implant surgeries. Infective endocarditis is a serious infection occurring on the endothelial surfaces of the heart, especially at the valves. This article sums up a detail about the risk of infective endocarditis, the protocols to follow and the medicament that can be taken for cardiac patients undergoing implant surgery.
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Abstract: Introduction: A wound is a result of any surgical intervention as it is the only way to get access to and treats the underlying pathology. The aim of surgical wound closure is to achieve rapid wound healing and a satisfactory cosmetic result, and to reduce the risks of complications, including dehiscence and infection. Different methods and materials are used for wound closure and they are highly dependent on the length and anatomical location of the wound. Materials and Methods: This hospital based prospective, observational analytical study conducted on 120 cases that underwent abdominal surgeries. A comparative study of skin staples and conventional sutures for abdominal skin wound closures was done with objectives like incidence of wound infection, wound dehiscence, postoperative pain cosmesis and....
Key Word: Wound, suture, staple, cosmesis.
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Abstract: Imperforate hymen is a rare anomaly of the reproductive tract with a prevalence of approximately 0.1% in female newborns[1]. Imperforate hymen, though being the commonest female genital tract malformation [2], is a rare occurrence with a prevalence of 0.014-0.1% [2-4]. It mostly presents during puberty [2,5] although diagnoses in utero [4, 6, 7] and during the new born period....
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Body dysmorphic disorder is a psychiatric disorder according to diagnostic manual for mental disorders where patients have delusions and unsatisfactory perceptions and unrealistic expectation and seek for surgical help. aim of the study was to assess body dysmorphic profile of patients complaining of dento facial defects and association of other variables
We have taken sample size of 100 patients of age more than 18 years with complaint of maxillofacial defect, out patients were asked to fill a BDDQ questionnaire
53% of patients were screened positive for BDD and significant association were found with other variables.
Key Word: Body dysmorphic disorder, diagnostic statistical manual, questionnaire, dentofacial defects
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Abstract: Objectives: To study the association of life style factor type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in rural area among young adults (30-45 years age). Study design: A cross- sectional study Study Settings: Chargawan block in Gorakhpur District of Uttar Pradesh. Study subject: People in the age group of 30 -45 years residing in rural areas of Chargawan block: Study Period:1st Aug 2021-31st July 2022 Study variable: Dietary habit, Smoking.....
Key Word: life style pattern
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Abstract:Résumé: L'hibernome est une tumeur adipocytaire rare qui se développe aux dépens de la graisse brune. Il s'agit d'une tumeur de consistance plus ferme qu'un lipome, mobile, rarement infiltrante et de croissance lente. L'imagerie permet de préciser la nature lipomateuse de la tumeur et de préciser ses différents rapports. Le diagnostic positif est apporté par l'histologie qui permet d'éliminer le principal diagnostic différentiel qui est le liposarcome. Le traitement repose sur une exérèse complète de la tumeur hypervascularisée. Nous rapportons la prise en charge d'un hibernome dorsal chez un patient de 44ans, sans antécédents, chez qui un bilan radiologique complet et une biopsie ont été réalisés avant le geste chirurgical. Nous discutons ensuite les aspects cliniques, paracliniques et thérapeutiques de cette tumeur.
Key Word: Hibernome, lipome, liposarcome
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Abstract:Background and Objectives: "Effect of intrathecal dexmedetomidine, clonidine, midazolam as adjuvant to isobaric ropivacaine in subarachnoid block for lower limb and lower abdominal surgeries. The objective was to assess the effect of dexmedetomidine 20 mcg, clonidine 30mcg and midazolam 1mg as an adjunct to isobaric ropivacaine in spinal anesthesia.
Materials and Methods: One hundred twenty selected patients were randomized to receive intrathecal 0.75% isobaric ropivacaine 3ml with clonidine 30mcg, dexmedetomidine 20mcg and midazolam 1mg in spinal anesthesia for lower limb & lower abdominal surgeries. Block characteristics, hemodynamic changes, postoperative analgesia and adverse effects were compared.......
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Abstract:Introduction: Lymphoproliferative disorders (LPDs) are a diverse group of conditions that arise from the abnormal proliferation of lymphoid cells. Core Needle Biopsy (CNB) is a minimally invasive procedure that has been widely used for the diagnosis of LPDs due to its accuracy and reliability. However, the histological interpretation of CNB samples can be challenging and may result in diagnostic pitfalls, which can have serious clinical consequences. To evaluate the usefulness of CNB in the diagnosis of LPDs and to identify potential diagnostic pitfalls, the present study was conducted at a tertiary-level hospital in Bangladesh. Methods: This observational prospective study was conducted at the Department of Histopathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology....
Key Word: Biopsy, Lymphoproliferative, Pitfall, Core Needle Biopsy (CNB)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Intracranial epidermoid cysts About 44 cases |
Country | : | Algeria |
Authors | : | Kamel bouaita || Lynda Atroune || Soumia Benallag |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2204015358 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Intracranial epidermoid Cysts, also known as pearl tumor or cholesteatoma, is a rare, slow-growing benign lesion that accounts for 0.2–1.8% of intracranial tumors. As early as 1922, Cushing defined this tumor as epidermoid cyst of central nervous system for the first time, and later this disease was reported successively. Materiels and Methods: Our study concerns 44 cases of diagnosed intracranial epidermoid cysts, collected in department of neurosurgery of cherchel hospital and ait idir hospital for a period of 20 years (from 2000 to 2020). Results:.....
Key Word: epidermoid cysts; Cerebellopontine angle; ectodermal
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Abstract:Metacarpal fractures are frequent injuries of the hand, they constitute 30% of hand fractures. The treatment is not yet well codified and remains a subject of debate and scientific discussion. For unstable and displaced fractures, the treatment is surgical. Thus, two techniques are commonly used: anterograde intramedullary pinning and internal osteosynthesis by screwed mini-plate.