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Abstract: Aim: People with Type 2 Diabetes are at increased risk of developing long term complications. Dysregulation of Matrix Metalloproteinase activity may be an important factor in the onset and progression of these Diabetic complications. In the present study we assessed serum MMP-9 activity and HbA1c levels in Type 2 Diabetes.
Materials and Methods: The study included 100 type 2 Diabetic Subjects and 100 age-matched healthy individuals with no history of Diabetes. The Anthropometric measurements, Fasting plasma glucose, Post prandial plasma glucose, HbA1c and serum MMP-9 were all measured in these subjects. Results: Overall an increase....
Key words: Type 2 diabetes mellitus, HbA1c, MMP-9, diagnostic biomarker, long term complications
[1]. World Health Organization. Definition, Diagnosis And Classification Of Diabetes Mellitus And Its Complications. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1999.
[2]. Uk Prospective Diabetes Study (Ukpds). Viii. Study Design, Progress And Performance. Diabetologia. 1991; 34:877–890.
[3]. Rosenquist Kj, Fox Cs. Mortality Trends In Type 2 Diabetes. In: Cowie Cc, Casagrande Ss, Menke A, Et Al., Editors. Diabetes In America. 3rd Edition. Bethesda (Md): National Institute Of Diabetes And Digestive And Kidney Diseases (Us); 2018 Aug. Chapter 36.
[4]. Garcia-Fernandez N, Jacobs-Cachá C, Mora-Gutiérrez Jm, Vergara A, Orbe J, Soler Mj. Matrix Metalloproteinases In Diabetic Kidney Disease. J Clin Med. 2020 Feb 8;9(2):472.
[5]. Cabral-Pacheco Ga, Garza-Veloz I, Castruita-De La Rosa C, Ramirez-Acuña Jm, Perez-Romero Ba, Guerrero-Rodriguez Jf, Martinez-Avila N, Martinez-Fierro Ml. The Roles Of Matrix Metalloproteinases And Their Inhibitors In Human Diseases. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Dec 20; 21(24):9739..
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Abstract: Despite the developing variety of publications in the field of implant dentistry, there are limited studies that investigate the biology and metabolism of bone healing around dental implants and their implications in compromised bone. The purpose of contemporary dentistry is to restore the tooth to normal contour, function, comfort, aesthetics, speech, and health by removing a disease process from a tooth or replacing teeth with a prosthesis. Teeth are designed for a lifetime but often patients lose teeth completely because of causes such as dental caries, periodontal problems, accidental trauma, etc.1 Dental implants can be considered as one of the treatment options....
Keywords: dental implants, compromised bone, osseointegration, bone density
[1]. Carl E.Misch. Contemporary Dentistry. 2 Ed. Missouri: Mosby; 1999.
[2]. Weiss Cm, Weiss A. Principles And Practice Of Implant Dentistry. London, England: Mosby; 2001.
[3]. Andi Setiawan Budihardja, Mucket. Bone Management In Dental Implantology. Cham: Springer; 2019.
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[5]. Anandakrishna Gn, Roa G. Pterygomaxillary Implants: A Graftless Solution To Deficient Maxillary Bone. The Journal Of Indian Prosthodontic Society. 2012 Sep ;12(3):182-6
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Abstract: Osteoid metaplasi or Heterotopic ossification, characterized by bone growth within soft tissues, is often benign and post-traumatic, notably following surgical interventions. A case involving a 67-year-old man, multi-operated for intra-abdominal neoplasia, revealed a painful calcified tumor in the anterior abdominal wall, requiring surgical resection. Analysis demonstrated an ossifying lesion with bone, adipose tissue, and muscle fibers. Typically, this condition does not necessitate treatment, except in cases of severe pain where resection may be considered. Malignant degeneration is rare. This case highlights the necessity for a personalized approach to address this rare condition, emphasizing the importance of symptom management and lesion localization.
Keywords: Osteoid metaplasia, Heterotopic ossification, Rectus abdominis muscle.
[1]. Christofi T, Raptis Da, Kallis A, Ambasakoor F.True Trilineage Haematopoiesis In Excised Heterotopic Ossification From A Laparotomy Scar: Report Of A Case And Literature Review. Ann R Coll Surg Engl, 2008; 90(5):12-14
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[5]. Sanders Rl. Bone Formation In Upper Abdominal Scars. Ann Surg, 1955; 141(5): 621..
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Abstract: Background: COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the search for the status of micronutrients such as serum zinc after recovery. Since 2019, the rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 caused global emergency situation.No standard treatment is available for curing the disease. To support the immune response physicians are still dependant on active immunity, several minerals and vitamins with antioxidants. It is time to look for the changes of micronutrients after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Aim of the study:The aim of the study was to evaluate the quantative difference of serum zinc level in home and hospital treated patients........
Keywords: SARS-CoV-2, recovery, zinc, zinc deficiency, COVID-19.
[1]. Alkattan A, Alabdulkareem K, Kamel A, Abdelseed H, Almutairi Y, Alsalameen E. Correlation Between Micronutrient Plasma Concentration And Disease Severity In Covid-19 Patients. Alexandria Journal Of Medicine. 2021;57(1):21-7.
[2]. Arentz S, Hunter J, Yang G, Goldenberg J, Beardsley J, Myers Sp, Mertz D, Leeder S. Zinc For The Prevention And Treatment Of Sars-Cov-2 And Other Acute Viral Respiratory Infections: A Rapid Review. Advances Inintegrative Medicine. 2020;7(4):252-60.
[3]. Elham As, Azam K, Azam J, Mostafa L, Nasrin B, Marzieh N. Serum Vitamin D, Calcium, And Zinc Levels In Patients With Covid-19. Clinical Nutrition Espen. 2021;43:276-82.
[4]. Gau Jt, Ebersbacher C, Kao Tc. Serum Zinc Concentrations Of Adults In An Outpatient Clinic And Risk Factors Associated With Zinc Deficiency. Journal Of Osteopathic Medicine. 2020;120(11):796-805.
[5]. Gordon Am, Hardigan Pc. A Case-Control Study For The Effectiveness Of Oral Zinc In The Prevention And Mitigation Of Covid-19. Frontiers In Medicine. 2021;8.
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Abstract: Background: Obesity is a global problem and it antedates the insulin resistance (IR). Traditionally HOMA-IR is usually used for prediction of insulin resistance. As HOMA-IR is an expensive method, most of the primary healthcare centers cannot afford this. Therefore, TyG index & TG/HDL-C ratio can be used as alternative method of HOMA-IR for detection of IR. Assessment of insulin resistance indices (TyG index & TG/HDL-C ratio) can help in prediction of severity of obesity induced health risks. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional........
Keywords: Insulin resistance indices, obesity phenotypes, non-diabetic adult, Insulin resistance, Metabolic syndrome.
[1]. Gomez-Abarca L, Abdeen Za, Hamid Za, Abu-Rmeileh Nm, Acosta-Cazares B, Et Al., (2017) Worldwide Trends In Body-Mass Index, Underweight, Overweight, And Obesity From 1975 To 2016: A Pooled Analysis Of 2416 Population-Based Measurement Studies In 128 · 9 Million Children, Adolescents, And Adults. Lancet , 390: 2627–42.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Oculodermal Melanocytosis (Nevus Of Ota) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Aerpula Shailaja || Dr G. Jayamadhury |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2301022122 ![]() |
Abstract: Oculodermal melanocytosis was described by Ota and Tanino in 1939. Nevus of Ota is the other name of this rare disorder which affects 0.014 - 0.034% of population in South East Asia(1,2).Unilateral involvement is the rule; however, 10% of cases may be bilateral.The condition manifests as a bluish grey patch in the distribution of 1st and 2nd branches of trigeminal nerve. Ocular manifestation include episcleral melanosis, heterochromia, glaucoma and iris nevi(1-3)......
[1]. Guledgud Mv, Patil K, Srivathsa Sh, Malleshi Sn. Report Of Rare Palatal Expression Of Nevus Of Ota With Amendment Of Tanino's Classification. Indian J Dent Res 2011; 22:850-2.
[2]. Taylor Sc. Epidemiology Of Skin Diseases In Ethnic Populations. Dermatol Clin 2003; 21:601-7.
[3]. Park Jh, Lee Mh. Acquired, Bilateral Nevus Of Ota-Like Macules (Abnom) Associated With Ota's Nevus: Case Report. J Korean Med Sci 2004; 19:616-8.
[4]. Mukhopadhyay Ak. Unilateral Nevus Of Ota With Bilateral Nevus Of Ito And Palatal Lesion: A Case Report With A Proposed Clinical Modification Of Tanino's Classification. Indian J Dermatol 2013; 58:286-9.
[5]. Sekar S, Kuruvila M, Pai Hs. Nevus Of Ota: A Series Of 15 Cases. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2008; 74:25-7.
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Abstract: Background: The rise of non communicable diseases has challenged the foundation of public health among all the new threats which have emerged. People of all age groups, regions and countries are affected by NCDs. These conditions are often associated with older age groups, but evidence shows that 17 million NCD deaths occur before the age of 70 years. Methods: The community based Cross-Sectional Study was conducted in the Urban Health filed practice area of Al Ameen Medical College Badi Kaman Vijayapur District – Karnataka. All adult population (18–60 years) residing at Urban Health Centre Badi Kaman Vijayapur........
Keywords: Risk Factors, Non-communicable disease, WHO STEP Approach.
[1]. Global Health And Ageing [Online]. World Health Organization; 2011 [Cited Dec 2 2023]. Available From. Available From: Http://Www.Who.Int/Ageing/Publications/Global_Health.Pdf.
[2]. Ncd Mortality And Morbidity [Online]. World Health Organization. [Cited Dec 2 2023].Available From. Available From: Http://Www.Who.Int/Gho/Ncd/Mortality_Morbidity/En/.
[3]. 2008-2013. Action Plan For The Global Strategy For The Prevention And Control Of Non-Communicable Diseases [Online]. Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2009 [Cited Dec 2 2023]. Available From. Available From:
[4]. Global Atlas On Cardiovascular Disease Prevention And Control [Online]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2011 [Cited Dec 2 2023]. Available From. Available From: Https://Www.Who.Int/Cardiovascular_Diseases/Publications/Atlascvd/En/.
[5]. Physical Development In Adulthood. Boundless Psychology Boundless. Available From:
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Abstract: Inhalation of biomass fumes over a long time leads to Proliferation and fibrotic changes in the lungs. Early recognition of this damage provide an important clue to insure good health. About 84mt. (23.86%) of the stubble burnt on field each year immediately after harvest. Ambient air pollution increases the risk of respiratory mortality. PM 2.5 Particulate concentration makes the air quality Air pollution responsible for lung cancer has changed from household air pollution to Ambient Air Pollution. The study has been conducted for comparison of lung function 200 farmers who were burning the stubble each season and 200 persons (controls) who were living far from........
Keywords: PM 2.5, Ambient Exposure, Lung cancer, PEFR, FEV1, COPD, Indoor Air Pollution
[1]. Chakrabarti S, Khan Mt, Kishore A, Roy D, Scott Sp : Risk Of Acute Respiratory In Infection From Crop Burning In India: Estimating Diseases Burden And Economic Welfare From Satellite And National Health Survey Data Far 250,000 Persons, Int J Epidemiol 2019 Aug; 48(4); 1113-1124.
[2]. Aggarwal R., Awasthi A, Singh N: Effects Of Exposure To Rice Crop Residue Burning Smoke On Pulmonary Functions And Oxygen Saturation Level Of Human Beings In Patiala (India): May 2012 Science Of Total Environment 429(9): 161-9.
[3]. Szczyreck M, Krawczyk P, Milanowski J, Jastzebska I, Zwolak A, Daniluk Jadwiga : Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease In Farmers And Agricultural Workers – An Overview Ann Agric Environ Med. 2011; 18(2): 310-313.
[4]. Khane Rs, Arora B; A Study Effect Of Inhaled Pesticides On Pulmonary Function Tests In Formers: International Journal Of Science And Research (Ijsr) 2013 Issn (Online) : 2319-7064.
[5]. N, Elmahdey A Elmarry Ta, Elsyad M, S, Elkhyat M, S, Risha Ea, El Desouky I : Elkhyat M, S, Risha Ea, Eldesouky I: Effect Of Rice Straw Burning Products Guinea Pig Lungs: African Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmacology, Vo1.9(26), Pp 645-661.
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Abstract: Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) is an uncommon, locally aggressive, cutaneous tumor which rarely metastasizes. However, local recurrence following apparently adequate surgical excision is well recognized. Its occurrence in children head and neck region is very rare. We present a case of children DFSP with oncological, functional and aesthetic challenges that arose from it. The patient was treated with a wide excision of the lesion. One year later, there was no recurrence. We also reviewed the relevant literature on DFSP pertaining the head and neck region and discussed the diagnosis and treatment based on that literature.
Keywords: dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, diagnosis, treatment, local recurrence, children
[1]. Angouridakis N, Kafas P, Jerjes W, Triaridis S, Upile T, Karkavelas G Et Al. Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans With Fibrosarcomatous Transformation Of The Head And Neck. Head And Neck Oncol 2011; 3:5.
[2]. Lemm D, Mügge Lo, Mentzel T, Höffken K. Current Treatment Options In Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2009, 135(5):653-65.
[3]. Hammas N, Badioui I, Znati K, Benlemlih A, Chbani L, El Fatemi H Et Al. Le Dermatofibrosarcome De Darier Et Ferrand: A Propos De 27 Cas Et Revue De La Literature. The Pan African Medical Journal. 2014; 18: 280.
[4]. Zhang Z, Lu Y, Shi C, Chen M, He X, Zhang H. Pediatric Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans: A Clinicopathologic And Genetic Analysis Of 66 Cases In The Largest Institution In Southwest China. Front Oncol. 2023;13:1017154.
Doi: 10.3389/Fonc.2023.1017154. Ecollection 2023.
[5]. Stojadinovic A, Karpoff Hm, Antonescu Cr, Shah Jp, Singh B, Spiro Rh Et Al. Dermatofibroma Protuberans Of The Head And Neck. Ann Surg Oncol 2000, 7(9):696-704..
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Abstract: Proliferative fasciitis is a beningn pseudosarcomatous myoproliferative lesion with ganglion cells in subcutaneous region. The lesion is more common in upper limb, particularly forearm, followed by lower limb. Very rare presentations are seen in head and neck. Though records of other myofibroblastic tumours are seen in literature, extensive proliferative fasciitis of temporal and occipital regions is not reported in literature. We present a case of proliferative fasciitis as a complication of chronic otitis media in a 52 years old male who presented with recurrent ear discharge and mastoid abscess on right side.
Keywords: Proliferative fasciitis, myofibroblasts, chronic otitis media, temporal bone
[[1]. Roberto Gasparotti, Diego Zanetti, Andrea Bolzoni, Paola Gamba, Maria L. Morassi, Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor Of The Temporal Bone, American Journal Of Neuroradiology November 2003, 24 (10) 2092-2096
[2]. Elsensohn A, Getty S, Shiu J, De Feraudy S. Intradermal Proliferative Fasciitis Occurring With Chondrodermatitis Nodularis Helicis. Am J Dermatopathol. 2018 Feb;40(2):139-141.
[3]. Weiss Sw. Histological Typing Of Soft Tissue Tumours. 2nd Ed. Berlin: Springer- Verlag; 1994:48
[4]. Weber Al, Romo Lv Et Al, Pseudotumour Of The Orbit: Clinical, Pathological, And Radiological Evaluation. Radiol Clin North Am 1999;37:151-168
[5]. Som Pm, Brandwein Ms, Maldjian C, Reino Aj, Lawson W. Inflammatory Pseudotumor Of The Maxillary Sinus: Ct And Mr Findings In Six Cases. Ajr Am J Roentgenol 1994;163:689–692
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Abstract: Graft dysfunction (GD) in renal allograft transplant is common and biopsy remains the gold standard for diagnosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spectrum of histopathological changes in GD and to evaluate the corelation between the causes of graft failure with the time after transplant, native kidney disease, and types of immunosuppression used. It was an retrospective, observational study, done in Osmania Medical College and Hospital, Hyderabad, Telangana where the histopathological........
Keywords: Renal transplant, Graft dysfunction, Biopsy, Rejection, ATN
[1]. Katsuma, A., Yamakawa, T., Nakada, Y. Et Al. Histopathological Findings In Transplanted Kidneys. Ren Replace Ther 3, 6 (2017)
[2]. Modi G, Jha V. Incidence Of ESRD In India. Kidney Int 2011;79:573
[3]. Shroff S. Current Trends In Kidney Transplantation In India. Indian J Urol 2016;32:173-4
[4]. Sellarés J, De Freitas DG, Mengel M, Reeve J, Einecke G, Sis B, Hidalgo LG, Famulski K, Matas A, Halloran PF. Understanding The Causes Of Kidney Transplant Failure: The Dominant Role Of Antibody Mediated Rejection And Nonadherence. Am J Transplant 2012; 12: 388-399
[5]. D' Agati VD, Jennette JC, Silva FG. In Pathology Of Renal Transplantation In: Donald WK, Ed. Non-Neoplastic Kidney Diseases. Washington DC: American Registry Of Pathology/Armed Force Institute Of Pathology. 2005: Pp. 667-709
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Abstract: In this study we aim to investigate the role of SOX2 for monitoring disease progression in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas which may serve as prognostic marker to predict its recurrence. To investigate the role of SOX2 in Tumour cells of different grades of Squamous cell carcinoma patients. Method: 21 Tissue samples were collected from the from the Tongue, Buccal Mucosa, Alveolar Mucosa and Lip site from the patients aged between 30 to 70 years. All the samples were histologically confirmed for OSCC. Results: Histologically Different grades of OSCC exhibited positivity for SOX2 significantly. Poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma showed higher concentration of SOX2 (85.7%) than the moderately differentiated (42.9%) and well differentiated type (14.3%) respectively.
Keywords: Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Cancer stem cell markers, Sox2
Karatas Om Et Al. Current Cancer Stem Cell Biomarkers In Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Trakya University Journal Of Natural Sciences, 19(2): 197- 207: 2018
Gokulan Rc And Devraj H. Stem Cell Markers Cxcr-4 And Cd133 Predict Aggressive Phenotype And Their Double Positivity Indicates Poor Prognosis Of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Cancers 2021: 13: 5859.
Zhao W, Li Y And Zhang X, Stemness Related Markers In Cancer, Cancer Transl Med. 2017; 3(3): 87- 95.
Medema Jp. Cancer Stem Cells: The Challanges Ahead. Nat Cell Biol. 2013; 15(4):338-44.
Pattabirman Dr, Weinberg Ra. Tracing The Cancer Stem Cells What Challanges Do They Pose? Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2014; 13(7):497- 512
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role Of Multimodal Imaging In Optic Nerve Sheath Meningoma |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Drusya Pamuru || Dr.G. Jayamadhury |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2301025961 ![]() |
Abstract: Optic Nerve Sheath Meningiomas (ONSM) are rare benign neoplasms originating from the meningothelial cells of the meninges surrounding the optic nerve.1The tumor may arise from either the intraorbital or intracanalicular portions of the optic nerve where there is a meningeal sheath.Although considered benign tumors, primary ONSMs cause slow, progressive vision loss secondary to compression of the adjacent optic nerve and its blood supply.2 The incidence of ONSM is highest in adult women in the fourth or fifth decades of life, with women being three times more likely than men to be affected.3.
[1]. Frisen L, Hoyt Wf, Tengroth Bm. Optociliary Veins, Disc Pallor And Visual Loss: A Triad Of Signs Indicating Spheno‐Orbital Meningioma. Acta Ophthalmologica. 1973 Apr;51(2):241-9.
[2]. Biousse V, Bruce Bb, Newman Nj. Ophthalmoscopy In The 21st Century: The 2017 H. Houston Merritt Lecture. Neurology. 2018 Jan 23;90(4):167-75.
[3]. Hong S, Usami K, Hirokawa D, Ogiwara H. Pediatric Meningiomas: A Report Of 5 Cases And Review Of Literature. Child's Nervous System. 2019 Nov;35:2219-25.
[4]. Shaikh M, Khera P, Yadav T, Garg P. Dural Ectasia Of The Optic Nerve: A Rare Presentation In Neurofibromatosis Type I. Journal Of Neurosciences In Rural Practice. 2019 Apr;10(02):349-51.
[5]. Eddleman Cs, Liu Jk. Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma: Current Diagnosis And Treatment. Neurosurgical Focus. 2007 Nov 1;23(5):E4.
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Abstract: This paper examined documentation of the Tiv indigenous medicinal knowledge (IMK) by libraries in Benue state. 3 objectives, 3 research questions and a theory guided the study. A descriptive survey design was adopted for this study. The total population for the study was 3326 which comprised 3028 registered indigenous medicinal practitioners (IMPs) and 298 library staff in three universities in study area. A sample size of 358 was determined from the population using Taro Yamene's 1969 formula for finite population. Purposive sampling and stratified sampling techniques were adopted for the selection of fifty (50) communities and 8 libraries of the study. Snowball sampling technique......
Keywords: Indigenous medicinal knowledge, Tiv indigenous medicinal practitioners, documentation, Libraries
[1]. Abbott, M.D. (2014). Documenting Traditional Medical Knowledge. World Intellectual Property Organization (Wipo). Retrieved From
Http://Www.Wipo.Int/Export/Www/Tk/En/Resources/Pdf/Tk-Toolkit-Draft Pdf. On 4/9/2014.
[2]. Abioye, A., Zaid, Y. & Egberongbe, H. S. (2011). Documenting And Disseminating Agricultural Indigenous Knowledge For Sustainable Food Security: The Efforts Of Agricultural Research Libraries In Nigeria. Paper Presented At The World Library And Information Congress:77th Ifla General Conference And Assembly, Puerto Rico, San Juan, August13- 18.
[3]. Abdullahi, A. A. (2011). Trends And Challenges Of Traditional Medicine In Africa. African Journal Of Traditional, Complementary And Alternative Medicines (Ajtcam) 8 (5):82- 87.
[4]. Adebayo, J. O. & Adeyemo, A. A. (2017). Documentation And Dissemination Of Indigenous Knowledge By Library Personnel In Selected Research Institutes In Nigeria. Library Philosophy And Practice (E-Journal). Retrieved From
Https://Digitalcommons.Unl.Edu/Libphilprac/1628. 18/10/2023.
[5]. Adega, A. (2020). "A Phenomenological Survey Of The Challenges Of Tiv Traditional Medicine In The 21st Century" International Journal Of Arts And Humanities, 8(9):142-164,
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Abstract: Background: Global attention to the COVID-19 pandemic is still very high. Significant modifications have been made to the clinical practises of otolaryngologists in Bangladesh as a result of the pandemic; these measures were taken to reduce the risks that these specialists in other nations had identified. Social distancing and patient acuity triage are two limitations brought on by COVID-19. Aim of the study: In order to educate the fundamentals of otolaryngology and increase exposure to the specialty, this study aims to build and assess......
Keywords: COVID-19, Otolaryngology, Virtual elective, Medical students
[1]. Kaplan AB, Riedy KN, Grundfast KM. Increasing competitiveness for an otolaryngology residency: where we are and concerns about the future. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2015;153(5):699-701. doi:10.1177/0194599815593734.
[2]. Boscoe EF, Cabrera-Muffly C. Otolaryngology in the medical school curriculum: current trends in the United States. Laryngoscope. 2017;127(2):346-348.
[3]. Association of American Medical Colleges. Important guidance for medical students on clinical rotations during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak [press release]. Published March 17, 2020. https://www.aamc.org/news-insights/press-releases/important-guidance-medical-students-clinical-rotations-during coronavirus-covid-19-outbreak.
[4]. Ruthberg SJ, Quereshy HA, Ahmadmehrabi S. A multimodal multi-institutional solution to remote medical student education for otolaryngology during COVID-19. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. Published June 9, 2020. doi:10.1177/0194599820933599.
[5]. Del Rio C, Malani PN. 2019 Novel coronavirus: important information for clinicians. JAMA. Published online February 5, 2020. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.1490
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Abstract: Background: The mechanism of gastrointestinal damage (mucositis) induced by cancer chemotherapy remains uncertain. Constipation occurs in children receiving chemotherapy for cancer. Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the rate and various risk factors for the development of constipation in children on chemotherapy for cancer. Methods: This observational study was carried out in the Department Pediatrics, Bangladesh Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh during October 2012 to March 2013. A total of 100 patients with constipation......
Keywords: Gastrointestinal damage, Chemotherapy, Constipation
[1]. Droney J, Ross J, Gretton S, Welsh K, Sato H, Riley J. Constipation in cancer patients on morphine. Supportive care in cancer. 2008 May; 16:453-9.
[2]. Gibson RJ, Keefe DM. Cancer chemotherapy-induced diarrhoea and constipation: mechanisms of damage and prevention strategies. Supportive Care in Cancer. 2006 Sep; 14:890-900.
[3]. Solomon R, Cherny NI. Constipation and diarrhea in patients with cancer. The Cancer Journal. 2006 Sep 1;12(5):355-64.
[4]. Selwood K. Constipation in paediatric oncology. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. 2006 Feb 1;10(1):68-70.
[5]. Benson III AB, Ajani JA, Catalano RB, Engelking C, Kornblau SM, Martenson Jr JA, McCallum R, Mitchell EP, O'Dorisio TM, Vokes EE, Wadler S. Recommended guidelines for the treatment of cancer treatment-induced diarrhea. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2004 Jul 15;22(14):2918-26,
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Abstract: Background: Respiratory distress is a common problem in neonates necessitating hospital admission. Monitoring of oxygen saturation in case of neonatal respiratory distress is essential. Arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis is the gold standard method for determination of oxygen saturation but is not available in all hospital in our country. On the other hand, pulse oximetry which is noninvasive, portable and inexpensive and it can monitor oxygen saturation at any time at any place. Objectives: The aim of the study was to compare......
Keywords: Pulse oximetry, Arterial blood gas analysis, Neonate, Respiratory distress
[1]. Parkash A, Haider N, Khoso ZA, Shaikh AS. Frequency, causes and outcome of neonates with respiratory distress admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, National Institute of Child Health, Karachi. J Pak Med Assoc. 2015 Jul 1;65(7):771-5.
[2]. Sweet LR, Keech C, Klein NP, Marshall HS, Tagbo BN, Quine D, Kaur P, Tikhonov I, Nisar MI, Kochhar S, Muñoz FM. Respiratory distress in the neonate: Case definition & guidelines for data collection, analysis, and presentation of maternal immunization safety data. Vaccine. 2017 Dec 12;35(48Part A):6506.
[3]. Hermansen CL, Lorah KN. Respiratory distress in the newborn. American family physician. 2007 Oct 1;76(7):987-94.
[4]. Kattwinkel J, Perlman JM, Aziz K, Colby C, Fairchild K, Gallagher J, Hazinski MF, Halamek LP, Kumar P, Little G, McGowan JE. Part 15: neonatal resuscitation: 2010 American Heart Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Circulation. 2010 Nov 2;122(18_suppl_3): S909-19.
[5]. Swarnkar K, Swarnkar M. Neonatal respiratory distress in early neonatal period and its outcome. Int J Biomed Adv Res. 2015;6(9):643-7.