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Abstract: Artificial intelligence and dental technology are combining, as the globe gets more technologically advanced. Implants have advanced from a stage of wishful thinking to one of the most rewarding experiences for patients and treating fraternity alike for the rehabilitation and retention of dental and facial prosthesis. The long-term survival rate of implants and the restorations they support is quite high. But there are complications associated with implant treatment. Due to the complexity of biological processes, local or systemic factors may impede them, potentially leading to issues and implant failure. It is critical for implant surgeons and other dental professionals to manage patients who have specific risk factors and to be prepared to handle problems and failure. The aim of this article is to discuss frequent complications of implant failure and its management and help clinicians in placing and restoring implants.
Key Words: Implant failures, implant survival
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Abstract: Introduction: Transfusional safety remains a major concern in our environment where the permanent availability of the screening tests is not always guaranteed. The first aim of this work is to highlight the prevalence of HBV, HCV and HIV infections and to encourage systematic screening for these viruses. The second aim is to identify the risk incurred by the transfused person depending on whether the blood donor is a loyal blood donner or an improvised family Methods: We conducted a multi-center, cross-sectional analytical study at health centers and hospitals performing blood transfusion......
Keywords: Blood transfusion, Hepatitis, HIV, Congo
Butt Tariq, Butt Battol. Is Seroprevalence Of Hepatitis B And C Among Blood Donors Changing In Northern Pakistan?. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal2017, (4): 627.
Sidibe S, Youssoufi Sacko B, Traoré I. Prévalence Des Marqueurs Sérologiques Du Virus De L'hépatite B Chez Les Femmes Enceintes Dans Le District De Bamako, Mali. Bull Soc Pathol Exot(2001), 94(4): 339-341.
Dembele M, Maïga I, Minta D, Konate A, Diarra M, Sangare D, Lunel F. Etude De L'antigène Hbs Et Des Anticorps Anti-Virus De L'hépatite C Au Cours Des Hépatopathies Chroniques Dans Des Services Hospitaliers A Bamako, Mali. Bull Soc Pathol Exot 2004, 97(3): 161-164.M.
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[5] Namululi Ba, Guerrieri C, Dramaix M. Impact Du Mode De Recrutement Des Donneurs De Sang Sur La Prévalence Du Vih Et Du Vhb A Bukavu, République Démocratique Du Congo. Médecine Et Santé Tropicales 2012, 22(1): 69-74..
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Abstract: Orthognathic surgery, aimed at correcting jaw deformities, requires precise planning to achieve optimal functional and aesthetic outcomes. Traditional methods, reliant on two-dimensional imaging and manual model surgery, present limitations in accuracy and predictability. VSP, utilizing three-dimensional imaging and computer-aided design, has emerged as a transformative tool in this field. he integration of VSP in orthognathic surgery demonstrated a significant improvement in the accuracy of surgical outcomes, with a high correlation between the planned and actual postoperative skeletal positions. VSP also contributed to reduced surgical time and minimized intraoperative errors. Additionally, patient satisfaction scores were notably higher due to enhanced aesthetic and functional results.
Keywords: Laterognathia, Virtual surgical Planning in Orthognathic Surgery, Surgical Guides Class III malocclusion, CAD CAM,3D printing
Malenova Y, Ortner F, Liokatis P, Haidari S, Tröltzsch M, Fegg F, Obermeier Kt, Hartung Jt, Kakoschke Tk, Burian E, Otto S, Sabbagh H, Probst Fa. Accuracy Of Maxillary Positioning Using Computer-Designed And Manufactured Occlusal Splints Or Patient-Specific Implants In Orthognathic Surgery. Clin Oral Investig. 2023 Sep;27(9):5063-5072. Doi: 10.1007/S00784-023-05125-9. Epub 2023 Jun 29. Pmid: 37382718; Pmcid: Pmc10492762.
Posnick Jc, Kinard Be. Is A Final Splint Necessary In Bimaxillary Orthognathic Surgery? J Craniofac Surg. 2020 Sep;31(6):1756-1759. Doi: 10.1097/Scs.0000000000006542. Pmid: 32433133.
Farrell Bb, Franco Pb, Tucker Mr. Virtual Surgical Planning In Orthognathic Surgery. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2014 Nov;26(4):459-73. Doi: 10.1016/J.Coms.2014.08.011. Epub 2014 Sep 22. Pmid: 25246324.
García Y Sánchez Jm, Gómez Rodríguez Cl, Romero Flores J. Surgical Management Of Laterognathia In Orthofacial Surgery. J Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2017 Sep;16(3):365-373. Doi: 10.1007/S12663-015-0870-6. Epub 2016 Jan 27. Pmid: 28717296; Pmcid: Pmc5493542.
Abou Chebel N, Saadeh M, Haddad R. Unilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy: Effect On Mandibular Symmetry In The Treatment Of Class Iii With Laterognathia. Prog Orthod. 2020 Jul 6;21(1):19. Doi: 10.1186/S40510-020-00319-3. Pmid: 32627109; Pmcid: Pmc7335760.
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Abstract: Background: Leprosy affects skin and peripheral nerves, muscles, eyes, bones, testis and internal organs. Histopathology and demonstration of lepra bacilli is a vital role to supplement clinical examination and diagnosis for correct classification and therefore for patients treatment. Aim- To study the Histopathology spectrum of Leprosy in a tertiary care centre. Materials &Methods: All the skin biopsy with clinically suscipious of leprosy and sent for histopathological examination during the year Jan 2020 to.....
Keywords: Borderline tuberculoid leprosy, Skin Biopsy, Leprosy, Histopathology
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Abstract: Background: ovarian cancer (oc) is the 3rd most common cancer (ca) in females in india (globocan 2020)1, epithelial ovarian cancer consists of 90% of all oc. More than 70% of ovarian ca patients diagnosed at advanced stage due to its asymptomatic nature and insidious onset of the disease. Metastases(mets) remained a major cause of mortality in ovarian cancer patients. This study is being undertaken to identify prognostic and predictive factors associated with the survival of patients with metastatic ovarian cancer. Materials and methods: it is a retrospective study. Patients diagnosed with stage iv epithelial ovarian cancer (treatment naive), who attended....
Keywords: ovarian cancer, stage iv, cytoreductive surgery, chemotherapy, prognostic factors, overall survival, progression free survival
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Abstract: Purpose: This study aimed to determine the prevalence and antibiotic resistance patterns of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from ICU patients at a tertiary care hospital. Understanding these patterns is crucial for informing infection control strategies and treatment protocols. Material and methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted at the Department of Microbiology, Government Medical College & New Civil Hospital, Surat......
Keywords: Acinetobacter baumannii, multidrug resistance, ICU infections, antibiotic susceptibility, hospital-acquired infections.
Tzouvelekis Ls, Markogiannakis A, Psichogiou M, Et Al. Acinetobacter Baumannii: An Overview Of Its Biology, Pathogenicity, And Therapeutic Options. Microbes Infect. 2014;16(3):164-173.
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Karami Y, Vaziri F, Aghazadeh M, Et Al. Antimicrobial Resistance Of Acinetobacter Baumannii: An Emerging Challenge. J Glob Antimicrob Resist. 2020;20:204-212.
Falagas Me, Lourida P, Kourlaba G, Et Al. Risk Factors For Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii Infections. J Infect. 2014;69(5):452-462.
Berglund B, Nilsson A, Mölstad S, Et Al. Antimicrobial Resistance In Intensive Care Units: Trends And Risk Factors. Crit Care Med. 2015;43(6):1232-1240
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Abstract: Oral ulcers are a common clinical problem, causing significant discomfort and impacting the quality of life. Traditional therapeutic approaches often fall short in providing effective relief, prompting the exploration of alternative treatments. Vitamins such as riboflavin, folic acid, and niacinamide have shown promise in this context, with various studies highlighting their roles in enhancing mucosal healing and modulating immune responses. This review synthesizes the existing literature on the efficacy of these vitamins in treating oral ulcers, examining their mechanisms of action, therapeutic potentials, and clinical outcomes. Through a comprehensive analysis of peer-reviewed studies and clinical trials, the review aims to elucidate the scientific basis for the use of these vitamins as......
Keywords: Oral Ulcers, Riboflavin, Folic Acid, Niacinamide, Vitamin Therapy, Mucosal Healing, Immune Modulation, Nutritional Supplements, Clinical Outcomes, Treatment Efficacy.
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[5] Al-Waili N. S. (2003). Topical Application Of Natural Honey, Beeswax And Olive Oil Mixture For Atopic Dermatitis Or Psoriasis: Partially Controlled, Single-Blinded Study. Complementary Therapies In Medicine, 11(4), 226–234. Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/S0965-2299(03)00120-.
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Abstract: Introduction: Hemophilia is a recessive coagulation and bleeding disorder that is X-linked and inheritable. The Factor VIII (F8) and Factor IX (F9) genes are involved in hemophilia A and B, two hereditary diseases. The process of hemostasis is hampered by spontaneous or post-traumatic bleeding, which also increases the risk of.....
Keywords: Hemophilia A, Hemophilia B Factor VIII, Factor IX
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Abstract: Background: Side teeth, having a decisive role for mastication, require special attention after endodontic treatment. The rehabilitation of these teeth includes the analysis of current restoration techniques, materials used, as well as aesthetic and functional impact on the patient. Through a multidisciplinary approach, it aims not only to recover dental function, but also to improve the quality of life of the patient by restoring a healthy and harmonious smile. Materials and Methods: In this study, we conducted tests on 30 extracted teeth that had whole or partially whole dental crowns,....
Keywords: Endocrown, oral rehabilitation, CAD-CAM technology
[1]. Dartora Nr, De Conto Ferreira Mb, Moris Icm, Brazão Eh, Spazin Ao, Sousa-Neto Md, Silva-Sousa Yt, Gomes Ea. Effect Of Intracoronal Depth Of Teeth Restored With Endocrowns On Fracture Resistance: In Vitro And 3-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis. J Endod. (2018);44(7):1179–85.
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[5]. Dietschi D, Duc O, Krejci I, Sadan A. Biomechanical Considerations For The Restoration Of Endodontically Treated Teeth: A Systematic Review Of The Literature, Part Ii (Evaluation Of Fatigue Behavior, Interfaces, And In Vivo Studies). Quintessence Int. (2008);39(2):117–29..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Genetic Aspects Of Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dimitar Dimitrovski || Gordana Stankovska || Imran Memedi |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2309045760 ![]() |
Abstract: Autism spectrum disorder is a clinically and etiologically heterogeneous group, affecting 1 in 59 children. The etiopathogenesis of these, basically, neurodevelopment disorders, has been the subject of research by numerous researchers for more than two decades, and involves complex genetic, environmental, and epigenetic mechanisms. Hundreds of genes have been identified that contribute to serious deficits in communication, social relations and patient behavior. So the main objective of the paper is to explain the way in which genetic modifiers and epigenetic changes have a key role in modulating the phenotypic spectrum of patients with autism spectrum disorder.....
Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, genetic modifiers, epigenetic, gene-environment interaction.