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Abstract: Introduction And Objectives: Fallopian tubes are the important part of female reproductive tract with long flexuous structures, beginning with the ovarian end each tube is divisible into four segments viz. infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus and intramural. Due to increasing rate of tubal block and infertility, fallopian tubes are gaining importance and have become a subject of research in present days. The aim of the study is to ascertain any differences of morphology, length and luminal diameter of the fallopian tube in different age groups and the research work could be utilized for investigation and treatment of diseases and infertility.............
Keywords: Prereproductive, reproductive, postmenopausal, luminal diameter, infertility
[1]. Gunasegaran J. P. Textbook of Histology Atlas and Practical Guide. 3rd Ed. (Reed Elsevier Pvt. Ltd . 2016). P-325
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Abstract: Aim: Diabetes Mellitus is a heterogeneous group of diseases, characterized by a state of chronic hyperglycemia. Diabetes Mellitus has a number of long-term effects on the genitourinary system predisposing to Urinary Tract Infections and change in pH. This study focuses on the Urine pH analysis of Diabetic patients and its correlation with urine culture and duration of diabetes to assess if deviation from the normal range is a sensitive indicator of Urinary Tract Infection...............
[1]. Park's Textbook of Preventive And Social Medicine, K. Park.
[2]. Global Prevalence of Diabetes -Sarah Wild, MB BCHIR, PHD, GojkaRoglic, MD, Anders Green, MD, PHD, DR MED SCI, Richard Sicree, MBBS, MPH and Hilary King, MD, DSC.
[3]. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 18th Edition Volume 1
[4]. Complicated Urinary Tract Infections associated with Diabetes Mellitus: Pathogenesis, diagnosis and management- MounafekiMnif, Mahdi Kamoun, [...], and Mohamed Abid.
[5]. Urinary Tract Infections in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: review of prevalence, diagnosis, and management- OrnaNitzan, Mazen Elias, [...], and WalidSaliba..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cytological Diagnosis of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis;A Study At Medical College Hospital |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Salma Bhat |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1607031315 ![]() |
Abstract: Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare intricate neoplasm affecting predominantly children. It can present as a single isolated lesion requiring no treatment or as a multisystem, life-threatening disorder necessitating aggressive therapy1. This disorder is characterized by abnormal, clonal proliferation of antigenpresenting cells, the Langerhans cells (LCs), associated with immunosurveillance and immune regulation. 2 It remains a debatable matter as to whether LCH represents a reactive or neoplastic process.3 The exact pathogenesis of the disease is, however, unclear.4The clinical presentation may be variable, with a clinical spectrum that ranges from an isolated bone lesion with a favorable natural history to a more aggressive disease with multisystem involvement (such as liver, lung, bone, spleen, lymph nodes, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, gastrointestinal tract).5..............
[1]. L. Buchmann, A. Emami, and J. L. Wei, "Primary head and neck Langerhans cell histiocytosis in children," Otolaryngology, vol.
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[2]. Chandekar SA, Shah VB, Kavishwar V. Cytological diagnosis of Langerhans cell histiocytosis with cutaneous involvement. J Cytol
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[4]. Yoon JH, Park HJ, Park SY, Park BK. Langerhans cell histiocytosis in non-twin siblings. Pediatr Int 2013;55:e73-6.
[5]. Yi X, Han T, Zai H, Long X, Wang X, Li W. Liver involvement of Langerhans' cell histiocytosis in children. International Journal
of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. 2015;8(5):7098-7106..
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Abstract: The treatment of rotator cuff tears has evolved from an open procedure to an arthroscopic-assisted (mini-open) technique to an all-arthroscopic technique. With advances in arthroscopic techniques, complete rthroscopic repairs has become the standard of treatment. The potential advantages of this procedure include less pain, more rapid rehabilitation, the ability to treat intra-articular lesions, smaller skin incisions and an extremely low risk of deltoid detachment. Purpose of the study is to evaluate the functional outcome of arthroscopic repair of full thickness rotator cuff tears..............
Keywords: Rotator cuff, ucla score, double row and single row
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Abstract: The present study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of various Candida spp. infecting the neonates, and the virulence markers viz., proteinase, phospholipase, hemolytic activity and biofilm production expressed by the isolates. Out of the 243 blood culture samples, thirty five (35, 14.4%) showed growth of candida spp., of which thirty two (32) were Non candida albicans candida spp.(NCAC) & three (3) Candida albicans. Most common isolate among the NCAC spp. was C.krusei (19) followed by C.tropicalis (6), C.glabrata (5) & C.parapsilosis (2)...............
Keywords : Biofilm, Candida, haemolysin, Neonate, Phospholipase, Proteinase
[1]. I. Ahmad et al. (eds.), Combating Fungal Infections, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-12173-9_2, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
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Abstract: Conducting deliveries in unhygienic places or not properly disinfected labor rooms increases the risk of spreading infections form mother to baby or from one person to another person. The aim of the study is to prevent spreading of infections in labor room by implementation of policies and procedures related to infection control. To assess the efficacy of infection control practices various factors were considered and analyzed before and after implementation of infection control policies and practices. Various aspects observed were environmental surveillance reports, clinically suspected or confirmed infections of patients in labor, needle stick injuries incidence, puerperal infections rate, neonatal infections, hand hygiene compliance. These infection control indicator rates were collected and analyzed..............
Key words: Labor room, Infection Control.
[1]. Mary T caserta, Oct 2015, "Overview of neonatal infections". Merck Sharp & Dohme corporation. Retrieved Jan 16, 2015.
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Abstract: The introduction of platelet rich plasma (PRP) as a possible adjunct to conservative and operative treatment has motivated significant research into this topic. PRP is a set of autologous platelet products used to accelerate recovery from injury by bringing to the site of injury a set of molecules that will accelerate the functional recovery of the tissue by trying to regenerate it rather than merely repair with scar tissue. In this prospective study, we evaluate the results of PRP in tennis elbow and plantar fasciitis
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Conventional Sinus Surgery Vs Fess |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | PV Sampath Kumar || T. Rajendra Prasad || K. Santhaiah |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1607034451 ![]() |
Abstract: Objectives: This study of Conventional sinus surgery vs FESS was done in the Department of ENT, Government General Hospital, Guntur from 2011 to 2015 to compare conventional sinus surgery with FESS. Materials and methods: The present clinical study has been carried out from 2011 – 2015 after getting informed consent from the patients. This study was conducted in 100 patients of nasal polyposis aged between 10 – 60 years, 50 patients undergoing conventional sinus surgeries and 50 patients undergoing FESS at Government General Hospital, Guntur. Inclusion criteria: All patients with nasal polyposis from aged 10 – 60 years of both the sexes. Exclusion criteria: patients with chronic sinusitis, patients with bronchial asthma, patients with allergy to any of the drugs and pregnant patients...............
Keywords: DNE (Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy), CT PNS (Computed Tomography of Para Nasal Sinuses), FESS (Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery).
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Abstract: Nutritional anaemia is recognized as a public health problem throughout the world. Infants and young children, who are the most vulnerable groups of the society, are especially affected. According to the global prevalence of anaemia 2011, it is estimated that in India 59% of under-five children have anaemia. The prevalence is seen more in rural areas than in urban areas. The consequences of anaemia are widely ranging and even mild anaemia due to micronutrient deficiencies affects growth, development and immunity. To keep in view the severity of this problem the present study was planned...............
Key words: Anaemia, Meerut, Rural, Under-Five Children
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Abstract: Enterolithiasis or formation of gastrointestinal concretions is an uncommon medical condition that develops in the setting of intestinal stasis in the presence of the intestinal diverticula, surgical enteroanastomoses, Cholecysto-enteric fistulas, intestinal kinking from intra-abdominal adhesions, Crohn's diseaseand intestinal tuberculosis.We present a case of sub-acute small intestinal obstruction owing to a large impacted stone in the terminal ileum in a 65 years old man. The diagnosis was made by computed tomography. Laparotomy revealed grossly dilated small bowel with a 6cm intraluminal stone impacted in the terminal ileum. Resection and Anastomosis of the involved segment was done .
Keywords: Enterolithiasis; Cholecysto-enteric fistulas; impacted ileum stone; enterolithotomy,
[1]. Ruiz Marín M, Tamayo Rodríguez ME, González Valverde FM, Méndez Martínez M, Sánchez Cifuentes Á, MaestreMaderuelo M, et al. Non-obstructive enterolithiasis: Report of two cases. GastroenterolHepatol 2012;35:247-50.
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Abstract: Our objective was to study clinical profile and comparatively evaluate surgical and medical management of otitis media with effusion (OME). Fifty cases of OME were treated at department of ENT, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal (Manipur) during a two years period between June 2015 and May 2107. They were evaluated for the clinical profile, laboratory findings and results of medical and surgical managements. Diagnosis was made from findings of pure tone audiometry (PTA) and the impedance audiometry. 23 cases (46%) were treated medically while 27 cases (54%) were managed surgically. The surgical treatment included myringotomy, Grommet insertion and adenotonsillectomy...............
Keywords: Otitis media with effusion, Grommet, Myringotomy,
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Abstract: Introduction: acute appendicitis occurs due to obstruction of appendix lumen followed by vascular compromis e and bacterial overgrowth. Our study is aimed at recognizing the common bacterial strains present in appendix during the attack of acute appendicitis and to find if there is any association between a particular bacterial stra in and incidence of acute appendicitis. Material and methods: in 60 consecutive operated cases of acute appendicitis, appendix was sent for- a) histop athologic exmination and b) culture of luminal content from excised appendix...................
Keywords: acute appendicitis, histopathological examination, intraluminal pressure, bacterial translocation
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Abstract: Background: Despite an overall caries decline in children, still 50-60% of carious primary teeth of 6-year-olds remain untreated, in 3-year-olds 13%. There are an increasing number of poli-caries patients with insufficiently treated primary teeth. Therefore, early treatment is fundamental. The goal is to treat caries and inflammation of the dental pulp in one visit to the day's surgery of the child by applying analgesia with general and local anesthesia............... .
Keywords: caries, cavitated lesions, general anestesia, invasive treatment
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Abstract: Clear cell carcinoma of ovary comprises 5-12% of ovarian cancer. These are usually large tumors ranging from 10 to 30 cm in diameter with solid and partly cystic nodular lesion on their surfaces. It is usually associated with endometriosis, but paraneoplastic syndrome, hypercalcemia, venous thrombosis may occur occasionally. Prognosis of clear cell carcinoma of ovary is poor comparable to other common epithelial tumors as it does not respond to chemotherapy. Here we are reporting a case of clear cell carcinoma of ovary with distinct clinic-pathological and histological pattern in a 38 year old lady presented with pain abdomen and mass in lower abdomen underwent hysterectomy with bilateral salpingoophorectomy.
Keywords: clear cell adenocarcinoma, endometriosis, hypercalcemia, oophorectomy, ovary
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Abstract: Morphometric measurements of the corpus callosum (CC) are important to have normative values according to gender, age and race/ethnicity. The present study examined the correlation between age, gender, and CC morphometrical data, across ages ˂10˃60 years old to characterize normal developmental alternations in order to be as standard local reference for Sudanese. At issue; the objectives are also to examine whether CC index continues to increase throughout life, whether there are regional differences in measurements of CC maturation, and whether these outlines are sexually dimorphic.............. .
Keywords: corpus callosum, morphometry, MRI
[1]. Timothy J. Herron, Xiaojian Kang and David L.Woods Automated measurement of the human corpus callosum using MRI Frontiers in Neuro informatics September2012|Volume6|Article25 | 1-15
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Abstract: Introduction: Injuries at the forearm and wrist are a common cause of morbidity and are often associated with incomplete recovery of hand function, especially when the nerves are involved. Spaghetti wrist injury is commonly seen amongst the trauma patients visiting our hospital, yet it is not reported. These devastating injuries require urgent and prompt attention by a dedicated hand surgery team. Aim: The study is to determine the local epidemiological data and stating our management protocol............
Keywords: spaghetti wrist injury .hand injury, spaghetti hand injury
[1]. Weinzweig N ,chin G, Mead M and Gonzale M. Spaghetti wrist: Management and Results. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 1998; 102[1]:96-102. Pubmed
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Abstract: Hernia is defined as an abnormal protrusion of a viscous or part of a viscous through an abnormal opening in the wall of its containing cavity1. Approximately 75% of all abdominal wall hernias are seen in the groin. Femoral hernias comprise only 3% of all groin hernias. The lifetime risk of developing a groin hernia is approximately 27% in males and 3% in females. Of inguinal hernia repairs, 90% are performed in males and 10% in females. The primary aetiology behind the indirect inguinal hernia is believed to be a patent processus vaginalis, which in essence represents a hernia sac.........
Keywords:Lichtenstein tension free mesh repair, Trans abdominal pre peritoneal (TAPP), laparoscopic hernia repair, indirect inguinal hernia
[1]. Sultan B, Qureshi Z, Malik MA. Frequency of external hernias in Ayub teaching hospital Abbottabad. J Ayub Med Coll
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Abstract: Objective: Treatment with intranasal mometasone furoate spray is proposed as alternative to surgery in adolescents with adenoidal hypertrophy. Hence we compared the efficacy and tolerability of intranasal mometasone furoate as an add-on therapy with existing standard treatment in a randomized, open label comparative study. Design: A Prospective, randomized, open label, comparative study in patients with grade I and II adenoidal hypertrophy. Patients were divided into two groups to receive intranasal mometasone therapy and intranasal saline plus existing standard treatment with amoxycillin, paracetamol and levocetrizine ................
Keywords: Adenoid hypertrophy, Intranasal steroids, Mometasone furoate, Adolescents
[1]. Peter J.Robb, Scott – Brown's Otorhinolaryngology, Head and neck surgery, 7th ed, vol.I, Edward Arnold Publishers ©2008; 84:
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Abstract: Background : Nutritional Anemia is one of the major public health problems in the developing countries having not only an adverse impact on the overall efficiency of individuals, but also imposing an enhanced risk of morbidity due to infectious diseases. Adolescents are at a higher risk because of the gaps between the enhanced requirement of nutrients for their overall development and the actual intake. In the female adolescents, this is further aggravated due to regular loss of blood during menstruation. It affects adversely their adulthood and child bearing. ...............
Keywords: Adolescent girls, Anemia, Junk food, Line List, Menarche.,
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Abstract: Background: Mechanical ventilation and sedation are inextricably linked components of critical care that represent, what we do for the patients during their vulnerable course in ICU. Aims: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the use of BIS for monitoring sedation in mechanically ventilated ICU patients and correlation of BIS with Sedation Agitation Scale. Settings and Design: Prospective Observational study ..............
Keywords: Propofol, Midazolam, Sedation Agitation Scale, Bispectral Index, ICU sedation
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