Version-9 (July-2017)
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Abstract: The virtue of becoming a mother is God's greatest gift to womankind. However, sometimes the mother has to pay a heavy duty for this privilege. During pregnancy, there are progressive anatomical, physiological, and/or may be even some pathological changes which involve not only the reproductive system but also all other organ systems of the body even including the eyes. Pregnancy can affect the eyes in many ways (i.e. physiological or pathological) which are being described in this article.
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Abstract: Purpose: To show our results of removal of RIOFB successfully from the eye with good anatomical and functional outcome. Method: Retrospective study of 4 patients. RIOFB localised preoperatively by clinical examination and also by imaging modalities. Main outcomes including anatomic and visual outcomes, and both intraoperative and postoperative complications were recorded. Result: All were young males. Two had RIOFB embedded in posterior segment, were operated for pars plana vitrectomy with endolaser and silicone oil injection...........
Keywords: RIOFB, vitrectomy, endolaser, foreign body
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Abstract: Background: Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent chronic joint disease affecting ambulation of a person. The incidence of osteoarthritis is rising because of the ageing population and the epidemic of obesity. Pain and loss of function are the main clinical features that lead to treatment. Aim and objectives: To assess the components alignment in total knee replacement done using traditional jigs which include Varus, valgus and rotational alignment of tibial and femoral components Posterior tibial slope and posterior condylar offset preoperatively and post operatively. To assess the relationship between components alignment and the functional outcome.............
Keywords: TKR, Jigs
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Abstract: Background: Lactating mothers from low income settings are considered as a nutritionally vulnerable group. Due to nursing process, mothers are subjected to nutritional stresses. Frequent pregnancies followed by lactation increase the health risk of mothers resulting in a high maternal mortality. Objectives: To assess the socio-demographic profile of lactating mothers attending immunization clinic of Calcutta National Medical College, Kolkata, to determine the nutritional status of these mothers, to find out the different factors affecting their nutritional status................
Keywords: BMI, Pallor, Additional meal.
[1]. Amosu A.M, Degun A.M, Atumolah N.O.S, Olanrewju M.F (November 15, 2011), A Study of the Nutritional Status of Under-5 Children of Low-Income Earners in a South-Western Nigerian Community. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences 3(6):578-585, 2011.
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Abstract: The primary goal of fracture management is restoration of healing of the fractured bone, resulting in restoration of form and function. Even though titanium plating system is well established in treatment for mandibular fracture there are certain inherent disadvantages. In order to overcome these drawbacks Resorbable polymers were evolved for usage in Rigid Internal Fixation. Resorbable materials have been used as fixation materials in craniomaxillofacial surgery and orthognathic surgery. In contrast to titanium plating systems, resorbable plating systems have not been used on larger scale for the fixation of mandibular fractures. Objectives : This study aims to access the efficacy, stability and rigidity of bioresorbable poly-L-lactide (PLLA) system for mandibular symphysis and parasymphysis fracture osteosynthesis.................
Keywords: Symphysis and parasymphysis fractures, Undisplaced, Isolated, Bioresorbable plates, bite force, 3D CT
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Abstract: Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of two electronic apex locators in presence of herbal irrigants after cleansing and shaping of the root canals . Materials and methods: Sixty five extracted human permanent single rooted teeth with mature apices were selected. Electronic working length was measured following manufacturers instruction after access opening and then before the bio mechanical preparation and after the preparation with Root ZX mini and Propex PIXI respectively using Tulsi, Turmeric and Green Tea extract. The difference between electronic length and actual length was calculated.................
Keywords: Apex locator, Tulsi, Turmeric, Green Tea, Working length.
[1]. Inoue N, Skinner DH. A simple and accurate way of measuring root canal length. J Endod. 1985;11:421–7. [2]. Contemporary terminology for Endodontics. 6th ed. Chicago: American Association of Endodontists; 1998. Glossary. [3]. Nekoofar MH, Ghandi MM, Hayes SJ, Dummer PM. The fundamental operating principles of electronic root canal length measuring devices. Int Endod J. 2006;39:595–609.
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Abstract: Mucocele of Appendix occurs when there is abnormal accumulation of mucus within the appendix leading to dilation of appendiceal lumen by mucus. The disease is considered as a rare lesion of the appendix, which is found in 0.2 to 0.3 % of the appendectomies. The course and prognosis of mucocele related to the histological subtypes. Preoperative diagnosis is difficult due to non-specific clinical manifestation and 50% are discovered incidentally at surgery. Patient may present with pain in lower right quadrant of abdomen and surgeon may mistake it for acute appendicitis.................
Keywords: Mucocele, appendix, pseudomyxomaperitonei, sonography.
[1]. Rangarajan M., Palanivelu C., Kavalakat A. J., Parthasarathi R. Laparoscopic appendectomy for mucocele of the appendix. Report 8 cases. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2006;25(5):256–257. [PubMed]
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[5]. Stocchi L, Wolff BG, Larson DR, et al. Surgical treatment of appendicealmucocele. Arch Surg. 2003;138(6):585-590.
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Abstract: Nutrient foramina are the largest foramina present in the shaft of a long bone which allows the passage of the blood vessel to enter the bone. Nutrient arteries play an important role not only in the active growth phase of the foetus but also in early stage of ossification. Eventhough the bone is supplied by many periosteal and diaphyseal arteries the major arterial supply to the long bone is by nutrient arteries. The nutrient artery has a particular position in every long bone and its direction always away from the growing end. The aim of the study was to assess the presence of number and position of nutrient foramina and its clinical relevance.The present study was conducted................
Keywords: Diaphysis, Foramina index, Long bone, Nutrient artery, Nutrient foramen.
[1]. Malukar O, Joshi H. Diaphysial Nutrient Foramina In LongBones And Miniature Long Bones,NJIRM;2011,2 (2): 23-26.
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Abstract: Treatment of distal humerus intra articular fractures are more problematic as humerus becomes more wider going to distally and become narrow , small fragments with thin bone, less bone mass, weight of the forearm causing distraction of fragments, poor purchase in this area causing more implant failure problems. Distal humerus having complex anatomy, articular margin should be maintained anatomically if they are not maintained anatomically movements will decrease and arthritis will develop and pain causing decreased quality of life that causing economical, functional, psychological effect on the patient and family ..............
Keywords: Bi columnar ,intra articular , distal humerus , locking plates ,adults.
[1]. Robinson, C. Michael, Et Al. "Adult Distal Humeral Metaphyseal Fractures: Epidemiology And Results Of Treatment." Journal Of Orthopaedic Trauma 17.1 (2003): 38-47.
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[5]. Korner, J, Lill, H, Müller, LP, Rommens, PM, Schneider, E, Linke, B. The LCP-Concept In The Operative Treatment Of Distal Humerus Fractures-Biological, Biomechanical And Surgical Aspects. Injury. 2003;34:B20–B30
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Biomodelation of Gummy Smile with Botulinum Toxin: An overview |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Abhirup Goswami || Dr. Abhik Sen |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1607095763 ![]() |
Abstract: Gingival smile is a constant complaint and its treatment modalitiesvary from simple methods like use of botulinum toxin, to even complex ones as orthognathic surgery.In this era of passion to look beautiful, various new technologies are emerging to enhance and improve the physical appearance. Use of this toxin is emerging as a popular, cost effective and least invasive treatment option to improve facial anomalies. Botulinum toxin is a protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum................
Keywords: Botox, Botulinum toxin, gummy smile
[1]. Erbguth FJ. Historical notes on botuiiam, Clostridium botlinum, botulinum toxin, and the idea of the therapeutic use of the toxin. MovDisord 2004;19(Suppl):S2—S6.
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Abstract: Introduction: Dentists generate wastes in their practices that challenge global environment and human health.'Green Dentistry' will improve human wellbeing through minimization of waste, decrease in pollution and conservation of energy and water. Objective: To know about dental practitioner's attitudes and the factors that are influential in the adoption of green dentistry. Methodology: 100 registered private dental practitioners in Hubli-Dharwad were approached and data was collected and analysed using pretested questionnaire containing attitudes and persuasive factors influencing adoption of green dentistry...........
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[5]. Iqbal, H., 2012. Consumer attitude and behavior toward green hospitals in Thailand. The IMRE Journal 6(2), pp.15-36.
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Abstract: Introduction: Blood stream infection is one of the major cause of morbidity & mortality in developing countries as of ours. The incidence of sepsis is increasing all over the world particularly in developing countries. Moreover the scenario is complicated in high risk patients particularly neutropenic patients. Standardized methods of blood culture take 48 hours for the Antibiotic susceptibility test result even after being flagged positive by an automated blood culture system and even more by conventional blood culture method. We proceed with this study so as to establish a system so that we can cut short the duration of initial result of AST available to the clinicians for the betterment of these patients.................
[1]. Cheol-In Kang,Sung-Han KimBloodstream Infections Caused by Antibiotic-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacilli: Risk Factors for Mortality and Impact of Inappropriate Initial Antimicrobial Therapy on Outcome .doi: 10.1128/AAC.49.2.760-766.2005Antimicrob. Agents Chemother.February 2005 vol. 49 no. 2 760-766
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Abstract: Objective: Various local grafts have been used to cover the buccal mucosal defects after the fibrotic bands are released in oral submucous fibrosis but all of them are associated with complications and morbidities. The aim of our study is to evaluate the effect of collagen membrane to cover the mucosal defect after the excision of fibrotic bands. Materials And Methods : A total of 30 histologically proven cases of advanced oral submucous fibrosis having a mouth opening of less than 20 mm were surgically treated .The procedure involved (1) bilateral release of fibrotic bands (2) bilateral coronoidectomy (3) covering the buccal defects with collagen membrane. Regular followup was done and results were assessed by comparing the preoperative & postoperative maximum mouth opening.................
Keywords: Buccal defect reconstruction, Coronoidectomy, Collagen Membrane, Interincisal distance,Oral submucous fibrosis
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Abstract: Background: The frenum may jeopardize the gingival health causing gingival recession, midline diastema when they are attached too closely to the gingival margin, either because of an interference with the proper placement of a toothbrush, either due to interference in the plaque control or through the opening of the gingival crevice because of a muscle pull. The management of such an aberrant frenum is accomplished by performing a frenectomy procedure. The conventional technique has certain disadvantages, namely large rhomboidal wound area where primary closure is not possible in the lower part and healing takes place by secondary intention................
Keywords: Frenum, conventional technique, paralleling technique
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Abstract: Pharmacovigilance (PV) is the sum of activities related to the detection, assessment, understanding, and prevention of ADRs caused by drugs [1]. In India, the national Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (PvPI) was established by the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) in 2004 to monitor ADRs and to provide drug safety reports to the WHO-ADR monitoring center in Uppsala, Sweden [2]. It is evident that under-reporting of suspected ADRs by health professionals is a widespread problem in India [3] In order to improve the reporting of ADRs, it is important to improve the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of the healthcare professionals regarding ADR reporting
[1]. World Health Organization (WHO). Safety of Medicines.A guide to detecting and reporting adverse drug reactions Why health professionals need to take action. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2002.
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[3]. Tandon VR, Mahajan V, Khajuria V, Gullani Z. Under-reporting of adverse drug reactions: A challenge for pharmacovigilance in India. Indian J Pharmacol 2015;47(1):65–71. doi: 10.4103/0253-7613.150344
[4]. Gupta, Sandeep Kumar et al. "A Questionnaire Study on the Knowledge, Attitude, and the Practice of Pharmacovigilance among the Healthcare Professionals in a Teaching Hospital in South India." Perspectives in Clinical Research 6.1 (2015): 45–52. PMC. Web. 27 June 2017.
[5]. Meher, Bikash Ranjan et al. "A Questionnaire Based Study to Assess Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Pharmacovigilance among Undergraduate Medical Students in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of South India." Perspectives in Clinical Research 6.4 (2015): 217–221. PMC. Web. 27 June 2017.
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Abstract: Objectives: Wear assessment of different ceramic restorations placed against different occlusal antagonists. Materials and methods: Sixty ceramic sample discs (13mm in diameter and 2mm in thickness) were divided into two groups; full contour zirconia (Zr) and lithium disilicate press on zirconia substrate (E.max) discs. Sixty antagonists were constructed and subdivided into three subgroups: (1)Discs wearing against extracted teeth. (2) Discs wearing against Porcelain fused to metal crowns (PFMc). (3)Discs wearing against full contour zirconia crowns (Zrc).Sample discs and antagonists were dynamically three-body loaded................
Keywords: Full contour zirconia, Lithium disilicate ceramic, Wear.
[1]. Kim, M., Oh, S., Kim, J., Ju, S., Seo, D., Jun, S., Ahn, J., and Ryu, J.:Wear evaluation of the human enamel opposing different Y-TZP dental ceramics and other porcelains. Journal of dentistry; 40: 979-88, 2012.
[2]. Jung, Y., Lee, J., Choi, Y., Ahn, J., Shin, S., and Huh, J.: A study on the in-vitro wear of the natural tooth structure by opposing zirconia or dental porcelain. J Adv Prosthodont; 2: 111-5, 2010.
[3]. Wang, L., Liu, Y., Si, W., Feng, H., Tao, Y., and Ma, Z.:Friction and wear behaviors of dental ceramics against natural tooth enamel. Journal of the European Ceramic Society; 32: 2599-606, 2012.
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Abstract: Aim: To estimate and compare the frictional forces engendered by three types of aestheticself- ligating brackets with two straight wire alloys. Materials: The study comprised of a total of 90 brackets, of which 30 passive (Damon clear 2), 30 active (GAC In-Ovation C) and 30 interactive (Empower clear) orthodontic brackets with a slot size of .022X.028 MBT prescription in combination with stainless steel(SS) and Titanium molybdenum alloy(TMA) wires of dimension 0.019X0.025inch.Frictional resistance was evaluated using Instron Universal testing machine and the results were tabulated.Results................
Keywords: Aesthetic self-ligating brackets, Frictional resistance,Stainless Steel and TMA alloy wires.
[1]. Sujeet Kumar,Shamsher Singh, Rani Hamsa P.R, Sameer Ahmed, Evaluation of Friction in Orthodontics Using Various Brackets and Archwire Combinations-An in Vitro Study,J Clin Diagn Res. 2014; 8(5): ZC33–ZC36
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