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Abstract: Introduction: Serum lactate dehydrogenase (S.LDH) is raised in many inflammatory disorders. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic inflammatory disease; S.LDH is expected to rise according to the severity of the disease. Synovial fluid total LDH and its isoenzymes are increased in RA as per some studies. The aim of the present study was to check synovial fluid LDH hypothesis in systemic circulation by testing total S. LDH level in RA patients and correlating it with the severity of the disease. Methods: We have done a cross-sectional study of total 49 patients of rheumatoid arthritis after excluding cases of megaloblastic anaemia, malignancies, liver failure, cardiac failure, renal failure, severe osteoporosis, thyroid disorders and age below 18 years. CDAI and DAS 28 CRP were calculated,serum LDH level more than 3 times of mean normal value (288 IU) was considered..........
Key words: Serum lactate dehydrogenase, Disease severity marker, Rheumatoid arthritis
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Abstract: Aim :1)To estimate renalresistive(RI) index and pulsatility(PI) index in chronic liver disease2)To study the association between RI,PI and severity of liverdisease, esophageal varices . Methods:57 consecutive CLD outpatients were included in study,detailed historyand labdata was collected,all patient underwent Doppler study of renal artery to estimate RI and PI and gastroscopy Results:both meanRI and mean PI higher in CLD 0.72,1.48 compared to normal 0.62,1.00.RI and PI also showed a good correlation with severity of liver disease meanRI in child...........
Keywords): CLD,dopplerstudy,PI,RI, severity.
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Abstract: Isolated ilial perforation(IIP) caused by blunt abdominal trauma is uncommon and most often seen after motor ve-hicle accidents. We present a case of single perforation of the ilium in a young male who was admitted to our hospital with intense abdominal pain following fall by itshelf on stairs. Although the erect chest radiograph was negative for free air, abdominal com-puted tomography scan revealed GI perforation. The exploratory laparotomy that followed revealed only a 1 cm perforation of the ilium at messentric border, 90 cm from the iliocaecal junction. Although our experience as a trauma center is limited, clinical suspicion and timely exploration in this case led to prompt surgical intervention and a successful outcome. Key Words: Blunt; ilium; perforation; trauma Since Samuel Annan reported the frst case of intestinal rupture secondary to blunt trauma in 1837. there have been abundant publications on...........
[1]. Chiang WK. Isolated jejunal perforation from nonpenetrating abdominal trauma. Am J Emerg Med 1993;11:473-5.
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[3]. Fakhry SM, Brownstein M, Watts DD, Baker CC, Oller D.Relatively short diagnostic delays (<8 hours) produce morbidity and mortality in blunt small bowel
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Abstract: Background: Tobacco use is a major public health problem worldwide. It is estimated that 7 million people die each year from tobacco use. The prevalence of tobacco use is rising in adolescents and young adults. Teenagers easily get influenced by their peers and media to experiment substances like tobacco. Due to lack of awareness on the harmful nature, addictive potential and long-term effects of tobacco use, college students tend to start tobacco consumption. Hence, the present study was done to assess the prevalence, determinants and attitudes of tobacco use among college students in Visakhapatnam. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in two randomly selected colleges in Visakhapatnam for one month.......
Keywords: Attitudes, Cigarette smoking, College students, Cross-sectional descriptive study, Prevalence, Socio-demographic profile, Tobacco use.
[1]. World Health Organization. Tobacco, 2018. Available at Accessed 20 September 2018.
[2]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Smoking & Tobacco Use: Fast Facts and Fact Sheets, 2018. Available at Accessed 20 September 2018.
[3]. World Health Organization. WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2011, 2017. Available at Accessed 20 September 2018.
[4]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Smoking & Tobacco Use: Surgeon General's Reports, 2018. Available at Accessed 20 September 2018.
[5]. Jha P, Ramasundarahettige C, Landsman V, Rostron B, Thun M, Anderson RN et al. 21st-Century Hazards of Smoking and Benefits of Cessation in the United States. New England Journal of Medicine 2013;368:341-50..
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Abstract: This is a clinical case of a mandibular first molar with four root canals using a one shape rotary file system. Successful root canal treatment depends on proper cleaning, shaping and compact filling of the root canal under aseptic conditions. With the use of a new file system-one shape, a standard procedure can be carried out with minimal fatigue along the length of the file which virtually eliminates the risk of separation including its simplified handling of instrument sequences. Oneshape file system provides quality root canal shaping with one single instrument with remarkable design. With the use of this rotary file, a root canal treatment is approximately 4 times faster than a conventional treatment. Also, the overall duration of treatment is shortened.
Key words:Root canal anatomy, mandibular molar, Oneshape.
[1]. Sinha D J ;Four Rooted Mandibular First Molar with Four Root Canals: A Rare Case 2017
[2]. Ghodussi J Mandibular First Molar with Four Distal Canals;JOE — Volume 33, Number 12, December 2007
[3]. Goodis C J Mandibular Molar Endodontic Treatment: Maximizing Efficient and Safe Endodontic Therapy
[4]. One Shapefor Endodontic Instrumentation Volume 9;2;2013
[5]. Elias J, Bonnin J J; ONE SINGLE INSTRUMENT FOR A SAFE ROOT CANAL PREPARATION | ONE SHAPE - Micro-Mega;Dental News Volume XX, Number I, March, 2013.
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Abstract: Background: Strokes are a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Majority are due to ischemic cerebral infarction. Ischemia may result from occlusion of blood vessels due to a disease process intrinsic to carotid and intracranial vessels or may relate to coexisting heart diseases, predisposing to embolic phenomenon. Objective: Echocardiographic study in patients with cerebrovascular accident, confirmed to be of non hemorrhagic nature on CT scan/MRI, for evidence of potential cardiac abnormalities as a predisposing cause for the vascular event. Material and Methods: An observational study was conducted in department of medicine, Govt. Villupuram Medical College Hospital, Villupuram. 50 patients of ischemic stroke were taken and 2D transthoracic echocardiography.........
Key words: Stroke, echocardiography, potential cardioembolic abnormalities, cardioembolic stroke
[1]. Sacco RL. An updated definition of stroke for the 21st century: statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke
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Abstract: The World Health Organisation (WHO) categorises a BMI equal or greater than 25 as 'overweight', equal or greater than 30 as 'obese' and equal than or less than 18.5 as 'underweight' Objective: This study was conducted to study impact of underweight and obese women and their weight gain during pregnancy on fetomaternal outcome. Method: This is a prospective, non-interventional, observational study on 500 women (BMI between 20 and 30 were excluded). Women attending GVPIHC & MT OPD with singleton pregnancy at or before 16 weeks were included...........
Keywords: Pregnancy, Obesity, Underweight, BMI, FGR
[1]. WHO Global InfoBase- data and analysis of overweight andobesity, Fact sheet 311, updated on January 2015.
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Abstract: Plasma cell leukemia (PCL)is an uncommon, aggressive variant of lymphoproliferative disorder that may occur de novo (primary) or in association with multiple myeloma (secondary) . Primary PCL is a distinct clinicopathological entity with different cytogenetic abnormalities and molecular findings from multiple myeloma. Secondary PCL is seen in advanced myeloma. The diagnostic criteria are based on the percentage (>20%) and absolute number (2000/ml) of plasma cells in peripheral blood. Clinical course is aggressive with poor survival rate.We report a case of plasma cell leukemia detected incidentally when the patient was being evaluated for gastrointestinal symptoms. Peripheral blood showed >20 % plasma cells & absolute plasma cell count was much more than cut off limit of >2000/ml.Further bone marrow aspiration ,biopsy showed plasma cell precursors & sr electrophoresis showed M.........
Key words: Plasma cell leukemia , secondary,primary
[1]. Galvão Braga C, Rodrigues A, Alves M, Portel C et al. Plasma cell leukaemia. Porto Biomedical Journal. 2016;1(2):49–51.
[2]. Fernandez de Larrea C, Kyle R,Durie B et al. PLASMA CELL LEUKEMIA: Consensus Statement on Diagnostic Requirements, Response Criteria, and Treatment Recommendations by the International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG). Leukemia.2013 April ; 27(4): 780–791. doi:10.1038/leu.2012.336.
[3]. Nishihori T, Abu Kar S, Baz R et al. Therapeutic Advances in the Treatment of Primary Plasma Cell Leukemia: A Focus on Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 19 (2013) 1144e1151.
[4]. Alghasham N, Alnounou R, Alzahrani H, Alsharif F. Plasma cell leukemia: Clinicopathologic,immunophenotypic and cytogenetic characteristics of 4 cases. Hematol Oncol Stem Cell Ther 2015; 8(2): 71–77.
[5]. Jelinek T, Kryukov F, Rihova L, Hajek R. Plasma cell leukemia: from biology to treatment. European Journal of Haematology 95 (16–26).-.
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Abstract: Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in patients with rheumatoid arthritis with special regard to disease activity and duration. Methods: 110 patients of seropositive Rheumatoid arthritis during the study period from January 2018 to July 2018 were included in the study. All patients were assessed using DAS 28 score for disease activity and transthoracic echocardiography using M-mode, 2D, conventional doppler echocardiography and TDI. Results: Using DAS 28 score patients were categorized into those with inactive........ .
Keywords: Rheumatoid Arthritis , Diastolic dysfunction , DAS 28 Score
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Abstract: Recently there has been an increase in the incidence of adolescent PCOS1. This is more common in urban as compared to those in rural areas. In this context persistence of physiological hyperinsulinemia may be a cause but environmental factors play significant role .The aim of my study wasto study the incidence of polycystic ovarian disease among adolescent age group girls in age group between 11 to 19 years attending GOPD in Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology RIMS Ranchi and to study levels of serum DHEAS, serum LH/FSH Ratio, serum testosterone, serum LDL and LDL Levels and serum Insulin levels .This was a prospective study . Detailed history taking,general examination including ferryman galway's scoring was done followed by routine investigations...........
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Abstract: Objectives:To evaluate whether High TENS can control pain and subsequently improving tenderness, walk time in OA Knee. Study Design – Prospective randomized controlled parallel group study. Study Area – Osteoarthritis Clinic and OPD of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Deptt. IPGMER, SSKM, Hospital. Sample - Patients with bilateral symmetrical primary OA Knee attending Osteoarthritis Clinic and OPD of PMR. IPGMER, SSKM Hospital from March2008 – November2014. Patients were divided into 2 groups.
● First group (total no. 30 patients) -risedronate (35mg.) [R].
● Second group (total no.30 patients) -- High TENS and risedronate (35mg.) [RT].
Outcome measures-......
Key words-: OA knee, High TENS, WOMAC
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Abstract: The aim of the study wasto compare the effectiveness of Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) and microscopy, in detection of malaria parasite, among suspected patients of malaria from S.N. Medical College, Agra.During February to July 2018,a total of 700 blood samples were collected for Peripheral blood smear & Rapid Card Test based on Immuno-chromatography.Peripheral blood smear method showed 112 cases positive for malarial parasite. Of these, 108 cases were positive for P.vivaxand 4 cases for P.falciparum. Rapid card test method showed 107 positive for malarial parasite. Of these, 104 cases were positive for P.vivaxand 3 cases for P.falciparum.Rapid Card Test failed to detect four cases of P.vivaxand one case of P.falciparumwhich were positive by blood smears.Peripheral.....
Key words: Peripheral blood smear, Rapid Card test, P.vivax, P.falciparum
[1]. Tangpukdee N, Duangdee C, Wilairatana P, Krudsood S. Malaria Diagnosis: A Brief Review. The Korean Journal of Parasitology.2009;47(2):93-102. [2]. Suh KN, Kain KC, Keystone JS. Malaria. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2004;170(11):1693-1702.
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Abstract: Introduction: Coronary heart Disease (CHD) considered to be man's disease, is also a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in middle aged women throughout world. Coronary manifestations occurs approximately 20 years later in women as compared to men and may have atypical presentations. The poor prognosis in women due CHD has been attributed to advanced age, concomitant medical illnesses, late presentation because of atypical presentations, ignorance of seriousness of the disease and delayed treatment. Materials and Methods: 80 consecutive female patients admitted in the Department of Medicine(Cardiology) at Govt. Villupuram medical college from 1st June 2017 to 31st May 2018 were included in the study. Informed consent, demographic profile and risk factors were recorded. After focused clinical examination biochemical investigations such.........
Key word: CHD, Women, Mortality.
[1]. Mikhail GW. Coronary heart disease in women. BMJ 2005;331:467-8.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Oral Cysticercosis: A Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Harish Kumar. A || Dr. Simran Kaur || Dr. Ruchika Raj |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1710016667 ![]() |
Abstract: Cysticercosis is a condition that occurs when a host is infected by the larvae of taenia solium, acting as an intermediate host instead of definitive. Oral cysticercosis is a rare event, and it represents a difficulty in clinical diagnosis. A case of oral cysticercosis in a 28 year old male who presented a painless swelling in the lower right corner of lip is reported. An excisional biopsy was performed and histopathological examination revealed a cystic cavity containing the tapeworm..
Key words: Oral cyticercosis; Taenia solium; Cysticercus celiulosae; Taeniasis.
[1]. de Souza PE, Barreto DC, Fonseca LM, de Paula AM, Silva EC, Gomez RS. Cystercercosis of the oral cavity;report of seven cases. Oral Dis 2000;6:253-5.
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Abstract: Introduction Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is of varied etiology, anatomic and physiological variations may play significant rolesin its aetiopathogenesis. Use of nasal Endoscopes and Computerised Tomographic scanshave improved both the diagnostic and therapeutic management of CRS. Most centres in sub-Saharan Africa rely on less detailedmethods in clinical evaluation without the use of endoscopes and Computerised Tomographic scans which have been proven to be indispensable tools in CRS management. Several studies in many parts of the world have given different results on the role of the nasal anatomical variations in causing CRS; this study will provide an idea on the role of these variations in CRS in this sub region. Objectives:........
Keywords:Nasal Anatomical Variations, Chronic rhinosinusitis, Nasal endoscopy, Sokoto.
[1]. Fokkens W, Lund V, Mullol J. European position paper on rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps. Rhinol. 2007; 20: 1-136.
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Abstract: In recent years, there has been a growing interest in researching and developing new antibacterial agents from various sources to combat microbial resistance. The ethanolic, ethyl acetate, N-hexane and warm water extracts of the leaves of Piper guineense, Ocimumgratissimum and the stem of Cassythafiliformis were examined for antibacterial activities and phytochemical constituents. The phytochemical screening of the samples was carried out according to the standard methods of Evans and Sofowora. The preliminary antibacterial activity of the plants was assayed using agar well diffusion. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assays were determined at concentrations of 200, 100, 50 and 25 mg/ml for all extracts against the test bacteria, Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus........
[1]. Ahmad, I. and Agil, F. (2007) .In Vitro efficacy of bioactive extracts of 15 medicinal plants against ESBL – producing multi drug- resistant.Entericbacteria Microbial Research. 2007;162: 264-275.
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Abstract: Primary carcinoma of ectopic breast tissue has been rarely reported and accounts for 0.3% of all breast cancers. We report a case of an ectopic ductal carcinoma occurring in a 17-year-old woman with no family cancer history. Because of the rarity of this entity, diagnosis may be delayed. We recommend preventive excision of ectopic breast tissue. Otherwise, regular examination of the ectopic breast tissue is mandatory to detect eventual malignancy transformation...
Keywords: ectopic breast, cancer, supernumerary, young
[1]. Youn HJ, Jung SH. Accessory Breast Carcinoma. Breast Care. 2009; 4(2):104-106. doi:10.1159/000210638.
[2]. Kopanakis N, Tzaida O, Nikolaou G, Ermidis D, Manou V, Efstathiou E, Spiliotis J. Male breast cancer originating in an ectopic breast tissue in the umbilicus A Case Report. Ann Ital Chir. 2016 Nov 4; 87. pii: S2239253X16024920.
[3]. Miles RC, Amornsiripanitch N, Scheel J. Inflammatory breast cancer in accessory abdominal breast tissue. Radiology Case Reports. 2017;12(4):639-641. doi:10.1016/j.radcr.2017.08.008.
[4]. Batori M, Ruggieri M, Chatelou E, Straniero A, Mariotta G, Palombi L, Casella G, Basile M, Casella MC. Breast cancer in young women: case report and a review. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2006 Mar-Apr; 10(2):51-2.
[5]. Francone E, Nathan MJ, Murelli F, Bruno MS, Traverso E, Friedman D. Ectopic breast cancer: case report and review of the literature. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2013 Aug; 37(4):746-9. doi: 10.1007/s00266-013-0125-1...
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Abstract: Aerodigestive tract foreign bodies are commonly seen in children or in elderly age group, making its management a challenge for the otolaryngologist. In our study, a review of 160 patients was done who presented with history of accidental ingestion/inhalation of foreign body to the Department of ENT, Govt. Medical College Jammu. The aim of the study was to find the age and sex distribution of aerodigestive tract foreign bodies, their site of impaction, nature and different procedures done for their removal. In our study, it was found that out of 160 aerodigestive tract foreign bodies, 120(75%) were in digestive tract and 40(25%) were in the airway. Majority of the digestive tract foreign bodies (72 cases, 60%) were in the age group of 0 – 10 years while majority of the airway.......
Keywords: foreign body, rigid, esophagoscopy , bronchoscopy
[1]. Uba AF, Adeyemo AO, Adejuyigbe O. Management of esophageal foreign body in children. East African Medical Journal 2002, 79(6):334-8
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