Version-3 (October-2018)
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Abstract: Objective:- To evaluate the effectiveness of placental cord blood drainage in reducing the duration of blood loss in third stage of labor, and the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage. Method:- This prospective study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pacific Medical College and Hospital , Udaipur from October 2016 to April 2017 . Placental blood was drained in all the patients in the study group, whereas in the control group the cord blood was not drained. Blood lost in the third stage of labour was measured and blood from the episiotomy was mopped, and the mops were discarded separately............
Key words:AMTSL(Active Management of Third Stage Of Labor) GA(Gestational Age) , PPH(Postpartum Heamorrhage)
[1]. Henry DA et al. Antifibrinolytic use for minimizing perioperative allogenic blood transfusion: Cochrane database of systematic
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[3]. Mac Mullen NJ, Dulski LA, Meagher B. Perinatal hemorrhage MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs. 2005;30:46–51.
[4]. Chong YS, Su LL. Arul Kumaran S. Current strategies for the prevention of post-partum haemorrhage in the third stage of labour.
Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2004;16:143–50.
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Abstract: Primary squamous cell carcinoma of the breast is an extremely rare malignancy. It represents less than 0.1% of all primary invasive breast cancer. We present a case of pure squamous cell carcinoma of the breast in a male of 65 years. To the best of our knowledge, our case is the first breast SCC to be reported in men. Diagnosis was first confirmed on core needle biopsy. Left-side modified radical mastectomy with axillary lymphadenectomy was peformed. There was no lymph node involvement. After two years, the patient developed a local recurrence that was excised. Radiotherapy was indicated. Breast SCC is aggressive and refractory to chemotherapy and radiation. Novel therapies including EGFR inhibitors may change SCC outcomes.
Keywords: Primary Squamous cell carcinoma, breast cancer, recurrence, male
[1] Rudlowski C. Male Breast Cancer. Breast Care. 2008; 3(3):183-189.
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Abstract: Loss of teeth at any age, either due to periodontal or endodontic problems may cause imbalance in stomatognathic system leading to occlusal disharmony, impaired function and esthetic disfigurement. Therefore, modern dentistry provides many options to improvise the overall prognosis through preventive prosthodontics.It highlights the importance of any procedure that can delay or eliminate future prosthodontic problems. Preventive prosthodontics philosophy is an alternative to the conventional removable dentures, to minimize the complete denture problems. Overdenture therapy is essentially a preventive prosthodontic concept attempting to prevent extraction of natural teeth or root and indirectly preventing extensive residual ridge resorption.
[1]. Kalpana C, Prasad KV. Seeing The Unseen : Preventive Prosthodontics : Use Of Overlay Removable Dental Prosthesis. Annals and
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[2]. Tallgren A. The continuing reduction of the residual alveolar rides in complete denture wearers: a mixed longitudinal study
covering 25 years. J Prosthet Dent. 1972;27:120-32.
[3]. Schwartz IS, Morrow RM. Overdentures. Principles and procedures. Dent Clin North Am. 1996;40:169-94.
[4]. Toolson LB, Smith DE. A two year longitudinal study of overdenture patients, Part 1: Incidence and control of caries on
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[5]. Crum RJ, Rooney Jr GE. Alveolar bone loss in overdentures: a 5-year study. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry. 1978;40(6):610-3..
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Abstract: Background- Periodontal disease is primarily caused by specific group of microorganisms which colonizes tooth surfaces in the form of a biofilm called dental plaque. Periodontal diseases include conditions such as chronic periodontitis, aggressive periodontitis and necrotizing periodontitis. Aim- To evaluate the efficacy of tetracycline fibres with scaling and root planing in reducing the clinical signs of periodontitis Materials and Methods- Study consisted of 60 sites of periodontal pocket of age group 25 – 55 years with chronic periodontitis. The selected sites were randomly divided into 2 groups: Group I (SRP alone) and Group II (SRP + tetracycline fibres) Plaque index, Gingival index, Sulcular bleeding index, Probing depth (PD) and Relative Attachment Level (RAL). After recording the clinical parameters from each site at baseline, a thorough scaling and root planing was done...........
Keywords- Tetracycline fibre, Chronic Periodontitis, Scaling, Root planing, Local Drug Delivery
[1]. Vidya Dodwad, Shubhra Vaish, Aakriti Mahajan, mehak Chhokra. Local drug delivery in periodontics: a strategic intervention. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2012; 4(4):30-34.
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[5]. Heasman PA, Heasman L, Stacey F, McCracken GI. Local delivery of chlorhexidine gluconate (PerioChip TM) in periodontal maintenance patients. J Clin Periodontol 2001; 28: 90–95...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A clinical study of Anorectal disorders in rural population |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Narayan Das |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1710031820 ![]() |
Abstract: Back ground and objectives: To study the pattern of anorectal disorders in our society. Materials and methods: This study was undertaken for a period of eight months from 1st February 2018 to 30th September 2018 comprising of one hundred thirty four patients who were treated in the department of surgery at TRIHMS Naharlagun. Diagnosis made by mainly careful history and clinical examination and anoscopic examination. Results: The commonest presentation of anorectal disorders was anal fissure followed by haemorrhoids and fistula in ano. The most common presenting symptom was bleeding per rectum followed by pain and discharge. The common age.........
Key words: Anorectal disorders, clinical profile.
[1]. Sharma R, Kaure A, Mittal S, Goyal R, Neki NS. Clinical study of perianal disorders and their management : A study of 200 cases.
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[4]. Janicke D, Pundt M. Anorectal disorders . Emerg Med Clin North Am. 1996; 14: 757-88.
[5]. Haas PA, Fox TA, Haas G. The pathogenesis of haemorrhoids. Dis colon Rectum. Surg Clin North Am. 1984;27:442-50..
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Abstract: Agrochemicals are chemicals used in agriculture to maintain the ecosystem.This includes fertllizers, pesticides, insecticides, rodenticides etc. Agrochemicals are known to be associated with acute kidney injury.Of all the agrochemicals, Organophosphorus causing AKI was the most common agrochemical reported in literature.But with increasing use of Paraquat, the number of cases with Paraquat poisoning and thus with AKI are on rise. Of 40 cases of agrochemical poisoning with AKI , most common poisoning was Paraquat (18/40) , Organophosphorus (9/40).Factors associated with mortality were found to be low Oxygen status at admission, and low hemoglobin.
Key words: Agrochemical poisoning, acute kidney injury
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[3]. Sharma BR, Harish D, Sharma V, Vij K. Poisoning in Northern India: Changing trends, causes and prevention There of. Med Sci Law. 2002;42:251–7
[4]. Jayasinghe .S Chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology should be renamed chronic agrochemicalnephropathy. MEDICC Rev. 2014 Apr;16(2):72-4.
[5]. Yadla M, Yanala SR, Parvithina S, Chennu KK, Annapindi N, Vishnubhotla S. Acute kidney injury in Endosulfan poisoning. audi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2013 May;24(3):592-3.
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Abstract: According to World Health Organization(2000), infertility is the inability of the sexually unprotected, active couple to achieve pregnancy in one year of marriage . Present study is aimed to assess DNA damage in sperms using Acridine Orange fluorescence technique in infertile malesto correlate the results of DNA damage with other semen parameters and to select the healthy semen donors in sperm banks as part of treatment of infertility. Collaborating the findings from our study and the previous studies in the literature, it is concluded that fluorescence microscopy of seminal fluid using acridine orange is an easy test to perform and a relatively cheap method as compared to other methods which are expensive and require more machinery, equipment's and skilled technical staff. Although easy to perform and relatively cheap, it does not loses its relevance in semen analysis in comparison to other tests..
Key words: Semen Analysis, Infertility, Asthenozoospermia, Acridine Orange, Fluorescence Microscopy, DNA, Teratozoospermia, Oligoasthenozoospermia
[1]. Poongothai J, Gopenath TS and Manonayaki S. Genetics of human male infertility. Singapore Med J.2009;50:336-347.
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[3]. Rima Dada, JayapalrajaThilagavathi, SundararajanVenkatesh, Sandro C. Esteves and Ashok Agarwal.Genetic Testing in Male Infertility.The Open Reproductive Science Journal.2011; 3:42-56
[4]. Sripada S, Townend J, Campbell D, Murdoch L, Mathers M and Bhattacharya S. Relationship between semen parameters and spontaneous pregnancy. Fertility and Sterility 2010; 94(2): 624–630.
[5]. Fertility: Assessment and Treatment for People with Fertility Problems. London: RCOG Press. 2004. ISBN 1-90036 4-97-2...
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Abstract: This is the first case report of dental therapy performed on a patient with well-managed fibromyalgia (FM). FM is characterized by autonomic dysfunction (AD). Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis is useful for detecting AD. In this study, we assessed the significance of HRV analysis for FM in a dental practice. The patient was a 51-year-old Japanese female. A tooth extraction procedure was safely performed with the diagnosis of an impacted wisdom tooth. Although the dental therapy did not induce AD, it increased the scores of HRV variables related to sympathetic activity. HRV analysis revealed the latent autonomic change and proved valuable for dental management of our FM patient.
Key words: Fibromyalgia, Autonomic dysfunction, Dental therapy, Heart rate variability
[1]. Reis MS, Durigan JLQ, Arena R, Rossi BRO, Mendes RG, Borghi-Silva A. Effects of Posteroanterior Thoracic Mobilization on Heart Rate Variability and Pain in Women with Fibromyalgia. Rehabil Res Pract 2014: 898763, 2014.
[2]. Glasgow A, Stone TM, Kingsley JD. Resistance Exercise Training on Disease Impact, Pain Catastrophizing and Autonomic Modulation in Women with Fibromyalgia. Int J Exerc Sci 10: 1184-1195, 2017.
[3]. Kulshreshtha P, Deepak KK. Autonomic nervous system profile in fibromyalgia patients and its modulation by exercise: a mini review. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging 33: 83-91, 2013.
[4]. Yun DJ, Choi HN, MD, Oh GS. A Case of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome Associated with Migraine and Fibromyalgia. Kor J Pain 26: 303-306, 2013.
[5]. Furlan R, Colombo S, Perego F, Atzeni F, Diana A, Barbic F, Porta A, Pace F, Malliani A, Sarzi-Puttini P. Abnormalities of cardiovascular neural control and reduced orthostatic tolerance in patients with primary fibromyalgia. J Rheumatol 32: 1787-1793, 2005...
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Abstract: Periodontal diseases, especially gingivitis and periodontitis, are highly prevalent and a public health concern. Severe forms of these diseases cause ulceration of the oral epithelium, leading to entry of oral microbes and inflammatory products into systemic circulation. Early detection and management of these lesions is important to avoid systemic spread. The aim of this study was to describe the periodontal status of HIV discordant couples seen in Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital/ Moi University Ampath clinics between October and December 2018. Socio-demographic characteristics, oral hygiene practices and oral health seeking behaviour, were obtained using a semi-structured questionnaire. Oral hygiene status was measured using Silness and Loe (1964) plaque index, while gingival inflammation was measured using Loe and Silness (1963) gingival index. Periodontitis was..........
[1]. Offenbacher, S., Periodontal diseases: pathogenesis. Ann Periodontol, 1996. 1(1): p. 821-78.
[2]. Page, R.C. and K.S. Kornman, The pathogenesis of human periodontitis: an introduction. Periodontology 2000, 1997. 14(1): p. 9-11.
[3]. Ryder, M.I., An Update on HIV and Periodontal Disease. Journal of Periodontology, 2002. 73(9): p. 1071-1078.
[4]. Gonçalves de Souza L, Soares Ferreira SM Souza CO et al., Clinical and Microbiological Profiles of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)–Seropositive Brazilians Undergoing Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy and HIV-Seronegative Brazilians With Chronic Periodontitis. Journal of Periodontology, 2006. 78(1): p. 87-96.
[5]. Fricke U, Werner Geutsen, Ingmar Staufenbiel et al., Periodontal status of HIV-infected patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy compared to HIV-therapy naive patients: a case control study. European Journal of Medical Research, 2012. 17(1): p. 1-6.
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Abstract: Le myélome multiple (MM) est une hémopathie maligne caractérisée par une prolifération clonale de plasmocytes tumoraux envahissant la moelle osseuse hématopoïétique[1]. La localisation orbitaire d'un myélome est exceptionnelle ; elle s'observe dans 0,3% des cas[2]. Nous rapportons le cas d'un patient chez qui l'installation d'une exophtalmie bilatérale a permis de poser le diagnostic de myélome à IgA kappa.............
[1]. Kyle RA, Rajkumar SV. Criteria for diagnosis, staging, risk stratification and response assessment of multiple myeloma. Leukemia 2009;23:3—9.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Clinical Study of the Ocular Complications of Diabetes Mellitus |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Pasupala VasudevAnand || Dr Goli Sridhar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1710034549 ![]() |
Abstract: Complications of diabetes mellitus (DM) are progressive and lead to several ocular complications such as diabetic retinopathy, diabetic papillopathy, glaucoma, cataract, and ocular surface diseases. There is recent recognition of the potential for diabetes to reach epidemic proportions and the possible implications on visual impairment in India, especially as rural areas in India rapidly "urbanise" .Ocular complications of di-abetes manifests in myriad ways, but manifestations of diabetes other than diabetic retinopathy are easily over-looked. A total of 380 patients who have been admitted with various ocular conditions at our institute during January to June 2018 and who are a known case of Type I & Type II Diabetes Mellitus on medical management were included in the study. Patients.........
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Abstract: Even in era of antibiotics deep neck space infections are frequently encountered. A retrospective study of 120 patients admitted in regional institute of medical sciences,Imphal, during period of jan2013- Dec 2015 was done. A total number of 120 patients were admitted in ENT ward of male were 69(57.5%) and female 51(42.5%) with ratio of 1.35. the most common age group affected were between 31-40 years which accounts 37 patients(30.3%) with youngest being 2 years old and oldest 81 years. Ludwig angina with 53 patients(44.6%) was the most common infection, streptococcus group with 28 patients (23.3%) being the most common organism. Various antibiotic regimen were used for treatment based on infection and bacteriological studies. one patient died and one needed tracheostomy.
Key words: antibiotics, deep neck space infection(DNSI),ludwigangina,,tracheostomy
[1]. Gujrathi AS, AmbulgekarV,KathaitP.Deep neck space infection-retrospective study of 270 cases at tertiary care centre. World J otorhinolaryngology-head and neck surgery.2016;2:208-213.
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Abstract: We here describe an innovative approach to the tried and tested two step impression technique using polyvinyl siloxane putty and light body impression materials. The technique by principle is a two step technique but in spirit becomes a one step technique clinically. The aim of this technique is to reduce the chair side time during the definitive impression making and to retain the inherent advantages of the two step technique. The uniqueness of the technique lies in finishing the first part of the impression process prior to the clinical appointment of the patient and delegating that part to a laboratory technician. This helps to save a lot of clinical time during the appointment and also achieve proper wash material thickness by ingenious use of aluminum foil as a spacer material...
Key words: Two- step technique, aluminum foil spacer, diagnostic cast, spacer thickness
[1]. Hung SH, Purk JH, Tira DE, Eick JD. Accuracy of one-step versus two-step putty wash addition silicone impression technique. J Prosthet Dent 1992;67:583-89.
[2]. Idris B, Houston F, Claffey N. Comparison of the dimensional accuracy of one and two–step techniques with the use of putty/wash addition silicone impression materials. J Prosthet Dent 1995;74:535-41.
[3]. Dugal R, Railkar B, Musani S. Comparative evaluation of dimensional accuracy of different polyvinyl siloxane putty was impression techniques- in vitro study. J Int Oral Health 2013;5:85-94.
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Abstract: AIM To study the histopathology of endometrium in cases of abnormal uterine bleeding in various age groups and correlating with endometrial thickness on USG
1. To study the various histopathological features of endometrium in cases of abnormal uterine bleeding undergoing D&C or hysterectomy
2. To find the efficacy of D&C as a better, cost effective and minimally invasive tool for screening in patients with D&C
3. To determine the efficacy of transvaginal USG in depicting the patterns of endometrium and to possible minimize the requirement of invasive procedures
4. To identify and differentiate benign and malignant lesions
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Abstract: Extraction of teeth is followed by continuous ridge resorption and poor denture foundation.Loss of periodontal receptors responsible for improper masticatory function and inaccurate jaw movements.Retention of few remaining teeth will preserve alveolar bone and preserve periodontal receptors. This case report describes a systematic approach to treat a patient with tooth supported overdenture.
[1]. Atwood DA, Reduction of residual ridges A major oral disease entity. J Prosthet Dent 1971 ;2ó:266-279,
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[6]. Gunnar E Carlsson, Implant and root supported overdentures -a literature review and some data on bone loss in edentulous jaws, J AdvProsthodont 2014;6:245-52..
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Abstract: Background: Genitourinary prolapse is the herniation of pelvic organ through genital hiatus. It is not a very uncommon finding among perimenopausal and postmenopausal women attending our gynaecology OPD. Some of these patients came for treatment of this condition (moderate to severe degree), while rest were detected on routine gynaecological examination. Aim and objective: we did a retrospective analysis of these cases to see the sociodemographic characteristic, common predisposing factors and the treatment options available for them. Result and analysis: Commonest age group of patients with genitourinary prolapse cases in our hospital was between 45-65 years. Majority.........
Key words: Genitourinary prolapse, weak pelvic support, herniation of pelvic organs, epidemiology of prolapse cases.
[1]. Rance Thakar, regular review on management of prolapseBMJ . 2002 May 25; 324(7348):1258-1262
[2]. Olsen AL, Smith VJ, Bergstorm JO: Epidemiology of surgically managed pelvic organ prolapse & urinary incontinence ; obstet Gynecol 1997; 89:501-506
[3]. Nitin Joseph et al: Clinical Profile of Uterine Prolapse Cases in South India ; J Obstet Gynaecol India. 2016 Oct; 66(Suppl 1): 428–434.
[4]. Kyung Hwa Choi & Jae Yup Hong ; Management of pelvic organ prolapse :Korean J Urol. 2014 Nov; 55(11): 693–702. .
[5]. Citgez S, Demirkesen O, Ozdemir F, Gevher F, Demirdag C, Onal B, et al. Transvaginal repair using acellular collagen biomesh for the treatment of anterior prolapse. Urol J. 2014;11:1271–1277.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Gender Determination Using Volume of the Clavicle in Nigerian Population |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Benwoke Ihunwo IW || Port Harcourt |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1710037478 ![]() |
Abstract: The clavicle is known to be a useful bone in metric determination of gender in forensic anatomy and anthropology. Gender determination is primary criteria of identification. The clavicle is the only long bone that lies horizontally and usually resists environmental degradation. Apart from the pelvis, skull, calcaneus, radius and ulna, the clavicle appears to be a very reliable and useful bone for gender determination. The aim of this study was to scientifically use volume of the clavicle to determine gender in human skeletons in adult Nigerians. Direct measurements of volume of the clavicle was conducted on 40 clavicles (25 males and 15 females), extracted from adult human bodies, which were well macerated and dried. These clavicles were sourced from the Anatomy Department of various Universities in South-south and South-eastern region of Nigeria. Degraded, deformed and fractured........
Key words: Clavicle, gender, volume, statistical, orthopedic
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