Version-6 (October-2018)
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Abstract: Background: Thyroid diseases are common problem of enormous magnitude now a day all over the world. And it is necessary in the clinical practice is to distinguish reliably the few malignant thyroid tumors from the harmless thyroid lesions, so that a definitive preoperative tissue diagnosis of the malignancy allows planning of appropriate surgery and relevant patient counseling. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is simple, readily available, reliable, time saving, and minimally invasive procedure. Aims & objectives:The objective of the study was to understand the usefulness of FNAC as a diagnostic tool in the evaluation of various thyroid lesions, classify the.......
Key words: Fine needle aspiration cytology, histopathology, thyroid swelling, Bethesda.
[1]. Cibas ES, Ali SZ. The Bethesda System for reporting thyroid cytopathology. Am J Clin Pathol 2009; 132: 658-65.
[2]. Orell SR, Vielh P. The techniques of FNA cytology: i) Basic techniques ii) Miscellaneous techniques. In: Orell SR, Sterrett GF, editors. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology. 5th ed. Gurgaon: Reed Elsevier India Private Limited; 2012. p. 8-27.
[3]. Sanchez MA, Stahl RE. The Thyroid, Parathyroid, and Neck Masses Other Than Lymph Nodes. In: Koss LG, Melamed MR, editors. Koss‟ Diagnostic Cytology and Its Histopathologic Bases, 5th ed. China: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2006. P.1148-85.
[4]. Vielh P. The techniques of FNA Cytology In : Orell SR, Sterrett GF, Walters M N-I, Whitaker D, editors. Manual and Atlas of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology, 3 rd ed. Harcourt Brace and company Limited; 1999. P. 14-17
[5]. Jayaram G, Orell SR. Thyroid. In: Orell SR, Sterrett GF, editors. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology, 5 th ed. Gurgaon: Reed Elsevier India Private Limited; 2012. P.118-55..
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Abstract: Background:-Meningiomas are most common benign neoplasm of central nervous system that arises from meningial arachnoid cells of brain and spinal cord. Meningiomas are slow growing tumor with slightly female predominance because of its association with progesterone receptor. Histological differentiation of meningioma has a great prognostic implication. Aim: - Aim of the study is to evaluate the different histological variant of meningiomas and its prevalence at a tertiary care center, G. R. Medical College Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. Material and methods: - This is a 5 year retrospective and prospective cohort study of meningioma from January 2013 to December 2017. In this study, received 117 histological specimens from neurosurgery department of G R Medical College........
Keywords: Meningiomas, WHO Grading of meningiomas, Psammoma bodies
[1]. Kepes JJ. Meningiomas: Biology, Pathology and Differential Diagnosis. New York, NY: Masson, 1982.
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[4]. Burger P, Scheihauer BW, Vogel FC .Spinal menings, spinal nerve roots and spinal cord, In : Surgical pathology of nervous system and its coverings.4th ed. Philadelphia, Churchill Livingston; 2002. p: 527-531
[5]. Custer BS, Koepsell TD, Mueller BA. The association between breast carcinoma and meningioma in women. Cancer 2002 Mar 15; 94(6):1626-35...
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Abstract: Background: Rabies is a virtually 100% fatal acute viral encephalitis caused by an RNA virus belonging to family Rhabdoviridae and genus Lyssavirus. The virus can infect all warm blooded animals. The disease is transmitted to humans by the bite, lick or scratch of an infected animal. More than 99% of all human rabies deaths occur in the developing world. It is preventable with timely and proper usage of modern immunobiologicals (vaccines and immunoglobulins). Once exposure occurs, modern prophylaxis entails immediate wound care, local infi ltration of rabies immune globulin........
Keywords: Intradermal, Anti rabies prophylaxis, Dog-bite, Anti rabies vaccine (ARV), Compliance
[1]. Rozario Menezes, Rabies in India: CMAJ. 2008 February 26; 178(5): 564–6
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Primary Adrenal Tumors –Our Experience |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. Senthilkumar || R.Rajkumar || PV. Thiruvarul || S. Rajasekar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1710062729 ![]() |
Abstract: INTRODUCTION : The incidence of adrenal tumours is much lower than that of other tumours in humans, We report a series of 28 cases of adrenal tumors treated in our hospital . OBJECTIVE : To review and analyse clinical data on the diagnosis and management of patients with adrenal masses. MATERIAL AND METHODS: It is a retrospective study of 28 case of adrenal tumours treated in our hospital between Aug 2015 to Aug 2018, have been analyzed. Various parameters such as gender , age , clinical presentation size of tumour , functional status , histopathology , type of management have been reviewed. RESULTS: 18 out of 28 belonged to males and majority (78.5%) had presented with symptoms , incidentalomas were found in 21.4%.......
[1]. Favia G, Lumachi F, Basso S,D Amico DF. Management of incidentally discovered aderenal masses and risk of malignancy. Surgery 2000;128:918-24
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[5]. Candel ag gattuso p reyes c prinz ra castelli mh fine-needle aspiration biopsy of adrenal masses in patients with extraadrenal malignancy surgery 1003;114:1132-6...
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: EPN is a severe necrotizing infection of renal parenchyma and perirenal tissues that is caused by gas producing pathogenic organisms. We conducted a retrospective study at our hospital between aug 2015 and aug 2018 to investigate the factors that determine the outcome of renal function in EPN. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the clinical and lab data, imaging findings and outcome of pts with EPN. We studied a total of 28 patients and categorised them as conservative management group (16) and surgical intervention group (12). 8 cases presented with acute pyelonephritis, 9 cases with urosepesis and the remaining 11 patients with multioorgan dysfunction. The overall survival rate was 89 28%............
[1]. Huang JJ tseng CC .emphysematous phyelonephritis:clinicoradiological calassification , management , prognosis , amd pathonephritis: Arch intern med 2000;160:797-805.
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Abstract: Purpose: Vitamin A deficiency can lead toa variety of ocular changes from xerosis and xerophthalmia to corneal ulcer and perforation.The treatment of this devastating disease is simple and inexpensive. It is therefore importantto recognize and treat accordingly, especially in the event of ulcers unresponsive totreatment or in the presence of severe malnutrition/malabsorption syndromes. Hereby we report a case of bilateral corneal ulceration who is a known alcoholic diagnosed with pancreatitis. Initially ulcers were unresponsive to conventional treatment for immunogenic ulcers, but resolved on vitamin A supplementation. The purposeof this case report is to remind physicians of the potentially devastating effects of vitamin Adeficiency on the eyes and to demonstrate outcomes after vitamin A treatment.
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Abstract: Objectives: upper gastro intestinal(GI) bleeding is a common medical emergency with significant morbidity and mortality rates. Diversity of lesions and its locations makes the diagnosis of upper GI bleeding and their management a problem that affect all ages,nationalities,different ethnic groups and socio economic strata. Despite modern technique of reksuscitation, anaesthesia and surgery, it has significant mortality and only few studies have been done in this regard in the north-east region especially in Manipur. With this background, clinico endoscopic study in patients of upper GI bleeding was carried out in one of the tertiary hospitals of north-east India........
[1]. Jutabha R, Jensem DM. Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding. In: Friedman SL, Mc Quaid KR, Grendell JH, editors. Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Gastroenterology: Newyork: McGraw- Hill; 2003.p.53-67.
[2]. Theocharis GJ, Thomopoulos KC, Sakellaropoulos G, Katsakoulis E, Nikolopoulou V. Changing trends in the epidemiology and clinical outcome of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding in a defined geographical area in Greece. J Clin Gastroenterol 2008;42(2):128-33.
[3]. Lee EW, Laberge JM. Differential diagnosis of gastrointestinal bleeding. Tech Vasc Interv Radiol 2004;7(3):112-22.
[4]. Van Leerdam ME, Vreeburg EM, Rauws EA, Geraedts AA, Tijssen JG, Reitsma JB, et al. Acute upper GI bleeding: did anything change? Time trend analysis of incidence and outcome of acute upper GI bleeding between 1993 and 2000. Am J Gastroenterol 2003;98(7):1494-9.
[5]. Barkun AN, Bardou M, Kuipers EJ, Sung J, Hunt RH, Martel M, et al. International consensus recommendations on the management of patients with nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Ann Intern Med 2010;152(2):101-13...
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Abstract: AIM;To assess the diagnostic value of B-scan ultrasonography in evaluation of posterior segment disorders of eye in clear and hazy media. Material and Methods: This Observational Prospective Study of B-scan was conducted in the Ophthalmology department of a tertiary care hospital over a period of one year fromSeptember 2017 to August2018,180 patients with known and suspicious posterior segment pathology were evaluated. Detailed ocular and systemic history, a thorough ocular examination including visual acuity, refraction,ocular movement, and slit lamp and fundus examination with indirect ophthalmoscopy were done. Ultrasonography diagnosis was made by with general purposemachine usinghigh frequency wave.Results: Out of 180 patients, 123 (68%) were males......
Keywords: B scan, posterior segment, opaque ocular media
[1]. McNicholas MM, Brophy DP, Power WJ, Griffin JF. Ocular sonography. AJR Am JRoentgenol 1994 Oct; 163(4):921-26.
[2]. Byrne SF, Green RL. Physics and instrumentation. In: Ultrasound of eye and orbit. 2nd ed. St Louis: Mosby; 2002. pp.1-14.
[3]. Brandy C. Hayden, Linda Kelly, Arun D. Singh. Ophthalmic ultrasonography: Theoretic and practical considerations. Ultrasound clinics. [online] 2008 Apr;
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Abstract: Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and indications for destructive eye surgeries at a Tertiary level teaching Hospital with a view to identifying the preventable indications for which appropriate preventive measures could be recommended. Patients and Methods: A retrospective, descriptive study of all patients who underwent evisceration, enucleation or exenteration at Fathermuller medical college and hospital, Mangalore from January 2014 to January 2017 was performed. Their outpatient, ward and theatre records were retrieved and reviewed. Information obtained included age, sex, eye affected, duration of symptoms before presentation, visual acuity of affected eye at diagnosis, indication for surgery and type of destructive surgery. Results: A total of 41 patients had a recommendation........
Keywords: Destructive, eye surgeries, indications, tertiary, Enucleation, Evisceration ,Exenteration, Neoplasm, trauma
[1]. Saeed MU, Chang BY, Khandwala M, Shivane AG, Chakrabarty A. Twenty year review of histopathological findings in enucleated/eviscerated eyes J Clin Pathol 2006;59(2):153-5.
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[4]. Holdy JB, Chang WJ, Dailey RA, Foster JA. Orbit, eyelids and lacrimal system. In: Basic and Clinical Science Course. San Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology; 2010. p. 123‑32.
[5]. Obuchowska I, Mariak Z, Sherkawey N. Clinical indications for enucleation – A review of the literature. Klin Oczna 2005;107:159‑62.
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Abstract: Lichen planus is one of the most common dermatologic lesions to manifest in the oral cavity1. The importance of understanding this disease lies in the fact that a large percentage of these cases present only oral lesions. Also the different clinical forms mimic some other more serious disease. The precise aetiology of lichen planus still remains unclear with recent works suggesting an autoimmune role. The skin lesions in lichen planus are distinctive and the primary lesion is a small, angular, flat-topped papule which may be discrete or gradually coalesce into large plaques. The oral lesions are highly variable and can be described as popular, annular, reticular, plaque, verrucuous, atrophic, erosive, and ulcerative and vesiculo-bullous types2. The main symptom is burning sensation of the affected areas......
[1]. Scully CM, El-Kom M. Lichen planus review and update on pathogenesis. Journal of Oral Pathology, 14:431;1985
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Traumatic Subdural Hemorrhage – Chemoprophylaxis For VTE. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Kotakadira Srinivas || Dr. Aluka Anand Chand |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1710065658 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: VTE is well known complication of patients with subdural hemorrhage and is well documented in much recent literature with incidence up to 34% in absence of chemoprophylaxis. Objective: To find the efficacy of chemoprophylaxis and factors to affecting VTE within 12 hours of SHD. Methods: This is a Retrospective analysis consisting of patients with subdural hemorrhage presenting to a tertiary care trauma center within 12 hours of injury. These set of patients were compared to another set of matched patients who received Enoxaparin with delayed presentation (24hr to 48 hr). All patients were subjected to CT scan at presentation and base line venous status of lower limbs as per standard trauma protocols. Primary outcome was measured as expanding SDH. Secondary outcome includes craniotomy surgery and mortality.......
Keywords: Venous Thromboembolism, Chemoprophylaxis, Traumatic Subdural Hemorrhage.
[1]. Geerts WH, Code KI, Jay RM, Chen E, Szalai JP. A prospective study of venous thromboembolism after major trauma. N Engl J Med. 1994;331(24):1601-1606.
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Abstract: We describe a case of retinochoroiditis in a young patient with lyme disease with suspicion of development of CNV. a 30- year old man presented with painless visual loss of the left eye since a day ago. He was treated with steroid and antibiotics as a case of Lyme disease with ocular manifestation of the disease. The patient has shown improvement. The case was stable for 2 years. then he came with visual deterioration , and PIC and suspicion of CNV. He was treated accordingly with Avastin as a case of CNV. Then the visual acuity improved and The macula edema was nowhere to be seen......
[1]. Joana Campos, Antonio Campos , Silvia Mendes , Arminda Neves , Diana Beselga and JP Castro Sousa , Punctate Inner Choroidopathy: A Systematic Review PMCID: PMC4348489
[2]. Lyme disease . In Kanskis Clinical Ophthalmology Eighth edition , 2016 , Chapter 11.
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Abstract: Introduction: Women with pre-eclampsia have an increased rate of cesarean section consequent upon the high incidence of intrauterine growth restriction, fetal distress and prematurity. Cesarean section on the other hand increases the risk of cardiopulmonary morbidity associated with pre-eclampsia. This is due to the altered hemodynamics in women with pre-eclampsia. This risk is present with both spinal and general anesthesia. This underscores the need for studies to compare the outcome of Cesarean section using sub-arachnoid block and general anesthesia as this will help physicians practicing in developing countries in decision-making. Objective: To compare the outcome of spinal anesthesia and general anesthesia in Cesarean delivery for women with severe pre-eclampsia........
Keywords: General anaesthesia, spinal anaesthesia, pre eclampsia, birth asphyxia
[1]. Wallace DH, Leveno KJ, Cunninham FG, Giesecke AH, Shearer VE, Sidawi JE. Randomized comparison of general and regional anaesthesia for caesarean delivery in pregnancies complicated by severe pre-eclampsia. Obstet Gynecol. 1995;86:193–9.
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[3]. Visalyaputra S, Rodanant O, Somboonviboon W, Tantivitayatan K, Thienthong S, SaegchoteW. Spinal versus epidural anaesthesia for caesarean section in severe pre-eclampsia: a prospective randomised multicentre study. AnesthAnalg. 2005;101:862–8.
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Abstract: Malaria during pregnancy continues to be a major health problem in endemic countries with clinical consequences including death of both mother and child and attendant derangement in trace elements. This study is aimed at evaluating the relationship between the trace elementmanganese and malaria density in pregnant women with malaria. The patients were pregnant women attending the ante natal clinic of NnamdiAzikiwe University Teaching Hospital Nnewi, Anambra, South East, Nigeria. The controls were pregnant women without malaria, non-pregnant women with malaria and non-pregnant women without malaria. The serum level of manganese was determined by atomic absorption........
Keywords: Manganese, Malaria, Pregnancy, Antioxidants, Malaria parasite density, Trace elements.
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Abstract: Background: Job satisfaction usually determines the productivity and efficiency of human resource for health and it also affects the intension to migration as well as retention of staff . The aim of this study is to explore the job satisfaction levels and associated factors and intension to migrate among Medical doctors working at primary health care centers in Khartoum state. Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional health facility based study Data was collected through pretested -designed questionnaire, Analysis was done using the Statistical Package for Social Science, result was presented as tables and figures.Results: highest average Satisfaction rate was (29.0%) .Causes for dissatisfaction includes low salary (70.1%), no clear job description (55.5%), tremendous..........
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Abstract: Objective: To compare sexual function of women using Depo-Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA) and Cyclofem with Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). Method: This descriptive-comparative study was conducted on 120 women in Medan on November 2017 until January 2018. They were selected by consecutive sampling and data was collected using FSFI questionnaire. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, Chi-square and Mann-Whitney test. The p-value less than 0.05 were applied for all statistical tests as significance level. Result: Majority of participants in this study were 30-39 years.....
Keywords: Female sexual function, FSFI, DMPA, cyclofem.
[1] Raina R, Pahlajani G, Khan S, Gupta S, Agarwal A, Zippe CD. Female sexual dysfunction: classification, pathophysiology, and management. Fert n Stert. 2007 November; 88(5): p. 1273-84.
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[4] Veisi F, Zangeneh M. Comparison of Two Different Injectable Contraceptive Methods: Depo-medroxy Progesterone Acetate (DMPA) and Cyclofem. J Fam Reprod Health. 2013 September; 7(3): p. 109-13.
[5] Wiebe ER, Brotto LA, MacKay J. Characteristics of Women Who Experience Characteristics of Women Who Experience Hormonal Contraception. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2011; 33(12): p. 1234-40....
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Abstract: La détection de l'extension ganglionnaire ainsi que la détermination de la profondeur de l'invasion pariétale représente une étape cruciale dans la prise en charge thérapeutique des adénocarcinomes gastriques. L'objectif de notre étude était d'établir une corrélation entre les données tomographiques préopératoires et les résultats pathologiques définitifs selon le système de classification TNM à travers une étude rétrospective, descriptive, observationnelle et transversale incluant 117 patients ayant des adénocarcinomes gastriques confirmés histologiquement qui avaient tous eu une tomodensitométrie thoraco-abdomino-pelvienne préopératoire et une chirurgie d'exérèse dans un but curatif avec une étude anatomopathologique complète. L'analyse statistique a été réalisée avec le logiciel SPSS version 20.0 et les calculs de sensibilité et de spécificité ont été effectués à l'aide du programme Microsoft Excel 2007. La majorité de nos patients était au stade III et IV dans 62.4% des cas. La profondeur.........
[1]. Siewert JR, Böttcher K, Stein HJ, Roder JD. Relevant prognostic factors in gastric cancer: ten-year results of the German Gastric Cancer Study. Ann Surg. 1998;228(4):449.
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