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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Smear Layer in Endodontics |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Aji Markose |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1908010105 ![]() |
Abstract: McComb and Smith (1975) were the first researchers who described the presence of smear layer on surfaces of instrumented root canals in their Scanning Electron Microscopic study. This layer primarily contains ground dentin, remnants of pulp tissue, odontoblastic processes and bacteria.
Key Words Smear Plugs, EDTA, Irrigation, Dentinal Tubules
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Abstract: Background: Acute appendicitis is the most common cause of the acute surgicalabdomen, and appendicectomy is the most commonly done emergency surgery. Its diagnosis remains an enigmatic challenge, plagued by a high rate of negative explorations (15-30%). There is no single reliable test with satisfactory sensitivity and specificity. The objective of the study was to evaluate the role of few known and proven investigations for appendicitis like Total leukocyte count, CRP, and ESR in diagnosing acute appendicitis and reducing the rate of negative appendicectomies. Also, we wanted to study whether combining the investigations in the same patient would improve the diagnostic accuracy. Materials and Methods: The present......
Key Word: CRP,TLC,ESR, Acute appendicitis, Sensitivity, Predictive value
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Abstract: Background Cancer cervix develops from the premalignant lesions (CIN) over a period of time which can be diagnosed by screening tests. The Papanicolaou (Pap) smear was the initial screening test for CIN and invasive cervical cancer. However, the simultaneous use of Pap smear and colposcopy has been shown to increase the rate of the cervical cancer detection. This study was done to assess the reliability of colposcopy by correlating the findings of colposcopy with cytology and colposcopic directed biopsy in women with unhealthy cervix . Materials And Methods This was a prospective observational study conducted in 100 women aged between 20 to 65 years with unhealthy cervix. All were subjected to screening......
Keywords Cervical cancer , Cervical biopsy , Pap smear ,Colposcopy , Unhealthy cervix
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Abstract: Siddha system is originated in southern part of India, which is one of the ancient traditional systems of medicine. This system has its own unique methodology of treatment for various ailments. Varmam is one among such therapies used to treat multiple ailments, especially related to musculoskeletal and neurological deficits. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurobehavioral disorder of children. Varmam is a siddha science that aims to fulfill the cultural, spiritual and medical needs of humanity.Life energy circulates human body in three forms like Vatham, Pitham and Kabam.In our Siddha paediatric text the symptoms of ADHD is related to Sanninoi especially in AlathiduSanni, which is due to raised or altered function of Vatham, Pitham and Kabam.....
Key words: Siddha external therapy, Varmam, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
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Abstract: Introduction: The Brugada syndrome (BrS) is an inherited cardiac arrhythmia syndrome associated with a high risk for sudden cardiac death in young adults. An implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) is the most widely accepted approach to therapy. The aims of treating symptomatic Andersons lesionin AS are to stabilize the ankylosed spine, relieve symptoms, decrease functional limitations, and reduce complications. Minimal invasive spine surgery enables us to achieve stable fixation while reducing intraoperative stress and blood loss in these patients. Case report: The aims of treating AS are to stabilize the ankylosed spine, relieve symptoms, decrease functional limitations, and reduce complications. Minimal invasive spine surgery enables.....
Keywords: Ankylosing spondylitis, Andersons lesion, Brugada syndrome, Minimal invasive spine surgery
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Abstract: Introduction: Uveitis is a group of complex inflammatory disorder of the uveal tract with diverse aetiology. The most common form is anterior uveitis affecting the iris and pars plicata of the ciliary body which can lead to severe vision threatening complications if not treated appropriately. Objectives: 1.To study the incidence, modes of presentation and etiological patternof anterior uveitis. 2. To evaluate the treatment, its outcome and the complications that could occur over the study period. Materials and Methods: A prospective, cross sectional and clinical study was done in the Department of Ophthalmology, Maha Rani Laxmi Bai Medical......
Keys words: Anterior uveitis, Behcets disease, Granulomatous, Tuberculosis
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Abstract: Abstract: Introduction: An uneventful cataract surgery with intraocular lens implant is capable of providing normal vision. Good visual outcome increases patient's satisfaction and quality of life. Aim is to evaluate the postoperative complications and visual outcomes after manual small incision cataract surgery at a teaching hospital. Materials and Methods: This is a clinic-based and hospital based study of consecutive cataract-operated patients who had age-related cataract with vision less than <6/60 before surgery. A total of 140 patients who visited the hospital and met the eligibility criteria were included in the study. In this study 140 patients who underwent uneventful SICS with PCIOL implant were followed up. Patients having pre-existing ocular disease were excluded. IOL power was accurately estimated. Visual acuity, anterior segment and fundus findings were recorded at each postoperative visit upto 6 weeks and in some cases upto 3months. We followed the visual outcome standards set by WHO.......
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Abstract: AIM- Management of c shape canals in mandibular second molar usingthree different obturating technique. METHODS AND MATERIALS-Developmental disturbances increases complexity of root canals along with increase in lateral canals, anastomoses and apical deltas. A thorough understanding and a sound knowledge is required regarding the c-shaped canal systems related so as to identify and treat them in a proper fashion with careful clinical and radiographic examination for successful endodontic management. Three different obturation technique- lateral compaction technique, thermoplasticised technique and cold compaction technique are used for successful obturation of C- shape canals in this case report. CONCLUSION-Complex intricacies and diverse morphology of C shaped canals can be managed successfully with proper irrigation and obturation techniques.
Key Words- C- shape canal, Cold lateral compaction, Thermoplasticised compaction, Obturation, Guttaflow
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Abstract: Urticaria is derived from the word "urtica" which means "to burn or hives". Urticaria is a skin condition consisting of wheal and flare reaction in which intra-cutaneous edema is surrounded by an area of redness that is typically pruritic, secondary to dermal edema and vasodilatation(1). Angioedema is characterised by sudden, erythematous,s welling of the lower part of the dermis and subcutis which may be associated with pain(2). Urticaria is said to be a mast-cell mediate disease. It stimulates release of histamine and other inflammatory mediators which results in appearance of wheal and intense pruritus(3).Chronic Urticaria is common distressing disease characterized by spontaneous occurrence of wheals lasting for less than 24hrs with or without angioedema occurring daily or almost.......
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Abstract: Résumé : Nous rapportons un cas de fracture de l´insert céramique survenue sans notion traumatique deux ans après une arthroplastie totale de hanche de première intention pour coxarthrose chez un homme de 53 ans. L'exploration per-opératoire a mis en évidence une fracture multifragmentaire de l'insert céramique, une métallose diffuse et une perforation de la cupule métallique. La tête céramique était intact et la tige fémorale était stable. Après ablation des fragments de céramique, excision de la métallose, et un lavage soigneux de l'articulation, une nouvelle cupule métallique a été réimplantée , un insert céramique a été mis en place et une nouvelle tête céramique placée sur le cône de la tige. Au recul de 16 mois le patient est asymptomatique, marche sans canne et mène une activité normale ......
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Abstract: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of death in women. Systemic hypertension is the commonest risk factor for CVD, and it frequently coexists with other risk factors in women, thereby increasing the absolute cardiovascular risk. Objective This study set out to study the spectrum of arrhythmia burden and CVD risk factors among hypertensive women. Method This is a cross-sectional study involving 300 hypertensive women and 150 age and sex-matched normotensive women as controls. Participants that met the inclusion criteria were recruited consecutively into the study. Prevalence and pattern of cardiovascular disease risk factors were sought by taking relevant history and examination. Blood was collected for glucose and lipid estimation. Patients underwent 24-hour Holter electrocardiography (ECG) and resting ECG study. Data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 17.0 Chicago Illinois) software.....
Keywords: hypertension, risk factors, cardiovascular disease, women
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