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Abstract: Dental caries is a unique chronic disease among human which is one of the most common important global oral health problems in the world today. It is the destruction of dental hard acellular tissue by acids by-products from the bacterial fermentation of dietary carbohydrates especially sucrose. It progresses slowly in most of the people which results from an ecological imbalance in the equilibrium between tooth minerals and oral biofilms which is characterized by microbial activity, resulting in fluctuations in plaque pH due to bacterial acid production, buffering action from saliva and the surrounding tooth structure. The microbial community of caries is diverse and contains many facultatively and obligately-anaerobic bacteria. S. mutans is the most primary associated with it.Dental disease has been associated with low.....
Key Word: Dental caries, Histology, Etiology, Diagnosis, Prevention, Oral health.
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Abstract:We are reporting a case of 60-year-old female with head injury due to road traffic accident, NCCT head s/o Right sided acute SDH. Patient improved clinically en route to the hospital and repeat NCCT done after 14 hours showed marked resolution of Sub Dural Haematoma. • Similarly a 40 year old female with head injury due to a road traffic accident, NCCT head s/o Left sided acute SDH improved clinically under observation and repeat NCCT head done after 12 hours showed marked resolution of Sub Dural Haematoma • Proposed mechanism of spontaneous resolution was dilution and washing out of haematoma due to a tear in the arachnoid membrane by CSF. • As a clinician one should keep an eye out for patients who do not deteriorate while awaiting surgery with NCCT having characteristics of SAH and a repeat CT scan should be done before any surgical intervention.
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Abstract: Background: As the demand for esthetic treatments is increasing, more people are seeking alternatives to fixed orthodontic appliances. Clear aligners are an esthetic and comfortable option for orthodontic treatment and have gained immense popularity over the last decade.The present study evaluated the potential factors influencing the frequency of annual usage of clear aligners amongst Orthodontist practising in Madhya Pradesh. Materials and Methods: 60 Orthodontists (Academician/ Private Practitioner or Both) practicing in Madhya Pradesh were assessed for their perspective on the potential factors influencing the frequency of annual usage of clear aligners. Orthodontists were randomly allocated to2 groups depending upon patients treated by aligners per year (Group I- Orthodontist.....
Key Word: Clear Aligner; Orthodontist; Esthetics, Efficient Orthodontic treatment
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[5]. Aljabaa AH. Clear aligner therapy––Narrative review. J Int Oral Health 2020;12:S1-4..
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Abstract: Trauma or disease may result in enucleation or evisceration of the eye which can have a negative effect on the quality of life. An ocular prosthesis given in such situations not only improves esthetics but also protects the eye cavity, thereby preventing infections. The combined efforts of the ophthalmologists and the maxillofacial prosthetist can provide a cosmetically acceptable ocular prosthesis. An ocular prosthesis is either pre-fabricated or custom-made. This case report describes a simple and less time-consuming method for the fabrication of custom ocular prosthesis by selecting iris from stock eye and characterization of the scleral portion.
Key Word: Enucleation, Stock eye, Custom ocular prosthesis, Putty index
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Abstract: burns of the perineum represent a challenge for the plastic surgeon, visceralist, urologist and anesthetist. In the acute phase, the patient must be stabilized with the insertion of a systematic urinary catheter and a colostomy if the anal region is affected. Directed wound healing with thin skin grafting is the most common surgical approach. Special attention must be paid to the functional and aesthetic sequelae. Through this interesting clinical case and the review of the literature, we will present the interest of an adequate management in both the acute and chronic phase.
Key Word: Burn, Perineal area, colostomy, graft skin
[1]. Huang T. Management of burn injuries of the perineum. In : Herndon DN (éd.), Total Burn Care. 3rd ed. Philadelphie, Elsevier, 2007, p. 749-758.
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Abstract: Leucorrhea or shwetapradara is a very common gynaecological disorder, found mainly in women in reproductive age. Leucorrhea is commonest complaints of women in gynaecological day to day practice. Leucorrhea is termed as excessive normal vaginal discharge. It often found that it is excessive in amount but it is non purulent, non-offensive, non irritants in nature. Due to excessive vaginal discharge female gets prone to so many other associated minor ailments such as backache, itching in vulval region, burning micturation, bodyache ,pain at calf muscles. In Ayurvedic classical text , all the gynaecological disorders are mentioned under the 'yonivyapada' which can be associated with anatomical and functional abnormality of female reproductive system. According to ayurvedic science, shwetapradara is mainly caused by vitiation of kapha and vata dosha. In classical ayurvedic texts in yogaratnakarokta reference he mentioned that daruharidra ghana and ashoka twak churna with tandulodaka and madhu is used as treatment modalities in shwetapradara found best treatment.
Key Word: shwetapradara , leucorrhea, vaginal itching, yonivyapada, ashok twak, daruharidra ghana
[1]. D.C Dutta textbook of gynaecology, 6th edition, edited by Hiralal Konar published byJaypee brothers medical publishers Ltd.
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[5]. Dravya guna vijnana part 2 by Prof. P.V.Sharma published by Chaukhambha bharati academy ,Gokul Bhawan ,K 37/109 ,Gokul
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Abstract: Spread of Covid-19 has been declared as an outbreak of pandemic by WHO. Though, there are many ongoing clinical trials for identifying potential treatments, currently, there are no specific vaccines or treatments. It's impact on our lives are expected to cause a lot of undue guilt and fear. COVID-19 has caused major trigger among the health care professionals as well and the aim of this study is to assess the awareness of the COVID-19 disease, psychological and occupational impact of this event among the health care workers. The survey result shows that there is considerable awareness about Covid-19 with respect to its disruptive impact and about the uncertainty in when the world will be in a position to quell this virus. This has resulted in the creation of increased awareness about various self-preventive methods. Further, this uncertainty has increased the inquisitiveness in seeking information relating to Covid-19 research. The respondents are already feeling the impact of Covid-19 on the economic and emotional front. Since there is a large amount of uncertainty in the minds of respondents with respect to the time period within which the chances of returning of normalcy, there is a likelihood of an increase of the stated impacts on the health (physical and emotional) and wealth of the respondents.
Key Word: COVID-19; Corona Virus; awareness; economic and psychological impact of COVID
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Abstract: Neuroblastoma is the most common extracranial solid tumor in childhood. It is considered to have one of the least favourable outcomes among paediatric cancers. Aims To assess the outcome of childhood neuroblastoma in a tertiary care centre over the period of 12 years. Number of studies on neuroblastoma with outcome data from India is very limited. Methods The study was retrospective analysis of neuroblastoma casesfrom during the period of 2008 to 2019. International neuroblastoma risk group staging system was usedfor Staging and risk stratification. Graphpad prism softwareversion 8.0 was used for the survival analysis.....
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Abstract: Résumé Le syndrome de Poland est un ensemble de malformation congénitale relativement rare décrit pour la première fois en 1841 par Alfred Poland.Nous rapportons le cas d'un garçon de 5 ans, admis pour exploration d'une hyperplasie pectorale gauche d'évolution progressive. L'imagerie tomodensitométrique sans injection de produit de contraste objective une agénésie totale du muscle grand pectoral droit responsable d'une déformation et d'une asymétrie claviculaire sans lésion parenchymateuse. Les différentes anomalies ont été rattaché au syndrome de Poland après exploration complémentaire global n'ayant révélé aucune autre malformation majeure en dehors d'un raccourcissement et d'une amyotrophie du membre supérieur homolatérale. L'incidence de ce syndrome est estimée à 1 cas pour 30000 naissances environ. Son étiologie reste inconnue et discutée. L'origine la plus probable.......
Key Word: Poland Syndrome, Imaging, Child
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Abstract: Résumé La leuco encéphalopathie postérieure réversible, appelée PRES pour posterior-reversible- encephalopathy syndrome ou RPLES pour réversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome, est une entité clinico-radiologique décrite pour la première fois en 1984.Elle est liée à un oedème vasogénique au sein de la substance blanche, au polymorphisme cliniques,facteurs favorisant ou situations physiopathologiques associées multiples (hypertension artérielle, HELLP syndrome, maladies de système, sepsis, traitements immunosuppresseurs). Leslésions typiques en IRM sont cortico-sous-corticales prédominant au niveau des régions cérébrales postérieures pariéto -occipitales.Il fait discuter......
Key Word: PRES, epic cause, Imagery
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Abstract: Résumé Introduction : La luxation talonaviculaire est une urgence orthopédique rare dont le diagnostic ne doit pas tarder et repose essentiellement sur l'imagerie. Matériels et Méthodes : Nous présentons un cas clinique d'un patient de 34ans qui a été envoyé par le service des urgences pour faire une TDM du pied après un traumatisme domestique. Une IRM dans les suites lointaines a été réalisée. Résultats :Le scanner a conclu à une luxation talonaviculaire en association avec une fracture du rostre calcanéen et de la base du cinquième métatarsien, dès suite d'un accident domestique. Après réduction sous anesthésie, le patient a présenté des douleurs dans les suites lointaines. Ainsi, l'IRM réaliséea noté le développement secondaire d'une algodystrophie post-traumatique........
Key Word: Talonavicular dislocation, ankle ring sign, algodystrophy, MRI and CT scan
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry: Boom or Doom |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. SAKSHI GOYAL |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1908125761 ![]() |
Abstract: Human beings are one of the most superior species that survived through ages and their brain is a complex inimitable structure that is present till today. Scientists & researchers have always remained inquisitive about it and still have not been able to simulate the exact neural network and functioning that runs this whole system. Broadly it consists of multiple interlinked neurons that transmits signals throughout the human body and controls its functioning. A primitive model of the human brain's functionality was first contemplated by Plato in 400 BC (1). Since then numerous inventions have been done with the help of continuously improving new technology to simulate the closest possible model of human brain function. Culmination of these innovations is the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI).....
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