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Abstract: The World Health Organization lockdown declared COVID 19 a global pandemic; it has reduced the access to treatment centers and has challenged the management of hemophiliacs requiring regular and frequent in-person visits. In the present study, we retrospectively analyzed the impact of COVID 19 on hemophiliac children who were on regular prophylaxis earlier. The mean annualized bleed rate before lockdown was 2.4, whereas it significantly increased to 8.2 during the lockdown. Among various reasons cited by them for not attending Hemophilia treatment centre, the important reasons were non availability of transport (97.5%), fear of corona virus infection (95%) and high cost of alternate transport (90%). During such crisis period telemedicine plays an important role to overcome some of the issues related to hemophilia care. The best possible alternative option to continue regular prophylaxis in this crisis situation is implementation and practice of 'home therapy'..
Key Words: COVID-19 pandemic, hemophilia prophylaxis, unprecedented challenges, telemedicine, home therapy
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Abstract: Purpose -The purpose of this study is to report the incidence and risk factors of ROP in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) In maharani laxmibai medical college. Materials and Methods-A retrospective review was performed on 250 premature infants who were consecutive ROP screened in theNICU of maharani laxmi bai medical college from september 2019 to february 2020. The single-factor analysis and the logistic multivariate regression analysis were used to detect risk factors of ROP.. The data were analyzed using SPSS programme. Results: Total 250 premature infants were consecutive ROP screened, 80 (32.00%) were found ROP, and 68(40.00%) were treated. The single-factor....
Key Words: anti-VEGF,neonatal intensive care unit,retinopathy of prematurity.
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Abstract: Background The Indian MTP Act legalises the use of combination of mifepristone and prostaglandins like misoprostol, as a non surgical method for termination of pregnancy uptill 7 weeks of gestation. The beneficiaries are however ignorant about inherent limitations of the combination and the need for supervised use of MTP kit to achieve the objective of safeguarding maternal health. Objectives To evaluate the ignored aspects of MTP kit intake during self administration: Baseline investigations, period of gestation at time of taking MTP Kit, obstetrical history (including uterus being scarred or unscarred), dosage of drugs......
Keywords: Over the counter, MTP kit, Incomplete abortion, Scarred uterus, Blood transfusions
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Abstract: Aim: Approach to a penetrating brain injury. Case: 27-year-old male came to a casualty with an alleged history of assault with a knife and sustained multiple stab injuries on head, chest, and abdomen with a knife in situ in the left temporal region. On presentation, the patient was conscious, drowsy with GCS 13/15. BP 90/60 mmHg, PR 110/min. CT brain was suggestive of a foreign body in the left temporal region. CT angiography of the brain showed no involvement of major vessels. CT abdomen was suggestive of grade 2 splenic laceration and CT chest s/o pneumothorax on the left side. Discussion: Traumatic brain injury(TBI) is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in India. Penetrating wounds are responsible for only 0.4% of all brain injuries. In penetrating head injury, CT brain is the imaging modality of choice..
Keywords: penetrating brain injury, knife in the brain, foreign body
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Abstract: The aim of this review is to give an update on the protocols to be followed by the dentists for dental procedures for patients on bisphosphonate therapy. Presently there is an increasing prevalence of patients receiving bisphosphonate therapy. This review has included the pathological effects on alveolar bone, epithelium, variations in healing time, angiogenesis,and the risk factors associated with Bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) development. The consensus management protocols as recommended by experts is presented comprehensively. It is envisaged that dental practitioners should have a better understanding of bisphosphonate therapy and the complications associated with various dental procedures so as to enable them to render care with confidence and to improvethe quality of life of their patients on bisphosphonate.
Key Words: Bisphosphonates, BRONJ, tooth extraction, tooth implants, prevention of BRONJ
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Abstract: Osseointegration in titanium implants is determined by surface topography. Modification of implant surface could be physiochemical, morphological or biochemical. The artificial biodegradable nanofibers produced by electrospinning process mimics extra cellular matrix.This 3D scaffold enhances neo tissue- genesis due to its high surface area, porosity and biodegradability . They are capa-ble of forming networks of highly porous mesh with remarkable interconnectivity between their pores,making them an attractive choice for a host of advanced applications. In fact, the significant impact of nanofiber technology can be traced from the wide range of fundamental materials that can be used forthe synthesis of nanofibers. These include natural polymers, synthetic polymers, carbon-based materials,semiconducting.....
Key Words: tissue engineering, nanofibers, implant dentistry, electrospinning; bone regeneration; electrospunnanofibers
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Abstract: Aims: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of anterior tension band wiring technique using two cannulated cancellous screws in patients with transverse (AO34-C1) or transverse with mildly comminuted (AO34-C2) patellar fractures. Materials and Methods: This was a prospective study of 25 patients with transverse fracture or transverse fracture with mildly comminuted patella fractures. All the patients were treated with open reduction and internal fixation using two parallel cannulated screws and 18G stainless steel wire as per the tension band principle. Results: There were 16 males (64%) and 9 females (36%). The age group ranged from 24 to 58 years,mwith mean age of 38 years. The most common mode of injury was RTA (72%) Transverse fracture was present in 72% and transverse fracture with mild comminution in 28% of patients. Mean time to achieve union was 12.4 weeks (range 8-12 weeks). Mean ROM at.....
Key Words: Patella, transverse fracture, open reduction, cannulated screw, anterior tension band
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Abstract: Background: The knowledge of anatomy plays an integral role in the education and practice of health care professionals. Though there is no 'the best method' for teaching or learning anatomy. It is necessary for all teachers to be familiar with and know how of using great many materials techniques, ideas and special skills referred to as teaching methods. Successful teaching is that through which the learner learns the most, and it is not about a stunning power point presentation furnished by an eloquent professor. 'What' and 'how' we teach today will have an impact on students well beyond our lifetime, because each teacher leaves a small part of him/herself in the students they touch....
Keywords: Power Point, Chalk Board, Perception, Medical student, Teaching Method, Anatomy
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ramadan and Diabetes: A mini-review |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr J. Issouani || Dr A. A. Guerboub || Pr G. Belmejdoub |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1908164750 ![]() |
Abstract: Many of the 80 million Muslim diabetics choose to fast during Ramadan, despite recommendations advising them to abstain. The unprepared fast exposes the diabetic subject to multiple complications of varying severity including hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis. Before Ramadan, the fasting of diabetic patients should be discussed and planned taking into consideration the patient's desire to fast, a risk assessment and above all a specific education including an adaptation of the treatment with the objective of eliminating the occurrence of complications.
Key Words: Ramadan- Diabetes- Education - Hypoglycemia -Ketoacidosis
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Abstract: Aim : To review the records of patients at our center who underwent anastomotic urethroplasty for posterior urethral distraction defect with a focus on short and long-term outcomes to assess the efficacy of this approach. Methods : Records of 35 patients who underwent posterior urethral reconstruction were reviewed who presented with posterior urethral distraction defect to our center from 2014 to 2018. Results: Only excision of fibrosis and simple perineal anastomosis was performed in 10 patients (28.6%), crural separation was also needed in 12 patients(34.2%)while inferior pubectomy was also required in 13 patients (37.14%) to attain a tension-free anastomosis. Anastomotic urethroplasty alone was successful in 25 cases (71.4%). Seven patients(20%) required endoscopic urethrotomy after urethroplasty. In 3 patients (8.5%) urethroplasty ultimately failed and they remained untreated. Overall, long-term success was observed in 32 patients (91.4%)......
Key Words: Anastomotic urethroplasty, posterior urethral distraction defect, pelvic fracture urethral distraction defect.
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Abstract: Pereechangai nei is a medicated ghee formulation mentioned in Siddha literatures for management of Madhumegam (Type-2 Diabetes mellitus). For its scientific validation this drug was studied for its therapeutic effectiveness in Madhumegam patients. Its well designed protocol was approved by Institutional Ethics Committee and the study been enrolled in Clinical Trial Registry of India. The clinical study was conducted as an Prospective, open label clinical trial in OPD of Ayothidoss pandithar Hospital of National Institute of Siddha Chennai. Based on the inclusion criteria 40 Madhumegam patients (Type-2 Diabetes mellitus) were enrolled in this study. Informed consent was obtained from each patient before study initiation. Pereechangai nei of 5ml dose was administered orally twice a day before food for a period of 90 days and advised to follow the prescribed dietary regimen. All the baseline.....
Key Words: HbA1c, Madhumegam, Medicated ghee, Siddha literature, Type-2 Diabetes mellitus.
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