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Abstract: Résumé : Introduction : L'asthme est une affection fréquente caractérisée par un processus inflammatoire impliquant les voies aériennes proximales et distales. Le rôle des petites voies aériennes, PVA, dans le contrôle de l'asthme est bien démontré actuellement. Matériels et méthodes : Afin d'évaluer le rôle des PVA ainsi que leur relation dans le contrôle de l'asthme, nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective descriptive et analytique concernant 26 patients, ayant une atteinte des PVA, ces patients ont été suivis au service de pneumologie à l'hôpital Ibn Sina de Rabat pendant une durée de 3 ans......
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[4]. Martinat Y, Rogeaux Y, Giraud V, Mezzi K. Maîtrise de l'asthme et atteinte des petites voies aériennes :enquête transversale Jacinte (Juniper Asthma Control In a National Transversal Evaluation) en pneumologie libérale. Rev Fr AllergolImmunol Clin 2002; 42: 358-66
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Abstract: Background and Aim: The aim of this study was done to see the efficacy of captopril and nifedipine to control hypertension in AGN in respect to their clinical response, duration and cost of treatment. Methods: This randomized clinical trial was done among 60 children ages ranging from 3-12 years who were suffering from AGN with hypertension and/or its complications in the department of Paediatrics, Dhaka Shishu(children) hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh during from January 2018 to December 2018. After enrolment the patients were randomly divided into two groups as Group A and Group B. Both groups received the standard management of AGN. In addition children in group-A received captopril (dose 0.5 up to 6 mg/kg/day) and children in group-B received nifedipine (0.25 up to 0.5 mg/kg/day).....
Key Words: Acute Glomerulonephritis, Blood Pressure, captopril, nifedepine.
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Abstract: Sleep is an integral part of life and sleep duration is important factor in sleep quality, physical, and psychological health. Disturbances in sleep duration have been associated with increased risk of metabolic disorders, hypertension, and overall mortality. Sleep disturbance has also been linked with various gastrointestinal disorders. However, the association between sleep and acid peptic disease (APD) has not been evaluated. Daily sleep duration was established by asking participants the amount of time that they slept per day. Multiple logistic regression models were used to evaluate the association of APD and sleep duration. This study included 100 participants. People who slept ≥9 hours were significantly less likely to have APD compared to people who slept 7 hours. Our results suggest that longer sleep duration may play a protective role for APD development.......
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Abstract: Background and aim: Bupivacaine is established long-acting regional anesthetic but is associated with cardiotoxicity and neurotoxicity if given in high concentrations. Ropivacaine, it is less potent than bupivacaine but has a greater threshold for cardiovascular toxicity and neurotoxicity. The aim of the study was to evaluate and compare two local anesthetic drugs Bupivacaine and Ropivacaine intrathecally. Material and Methods: This randomised, double-blinded controlled study was carried out on 40 patients, ASA grade I & II of age group between 20y & 65years, of either sex undergoing lower abdominal and lower limb surgeries under spinal anesthesia, after approval of the institutional research committee. Patients were allocated into two groups. Group A received intrathecal 0.5% 3 ml – 3.5 ml hyperabaric bupivacaine, and Group B received 0.75% 3ml 3.5ml isobaric ropivacaine. The duration and quality of sensory block, as well as motor block, duration of complete analgesia and adequate analgesia, hemodynamic changes, side effects of both the individual drugs, were observed and compared between the groups.....
Key Words: Spinal Anesthesia; Sensory block; Motor block; Quality of Analgesia; Hemodynamic Parameters
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Abstract: Background: Breast lumps are the commonest point of concern in outpatient departments due to growing awareness in the general population. In Indian women breast carcinoma is the second most common malignancy preceded by cervical cancer. Hence early detection and to distinguish non-neoplastic from neoplastic breast lesions is very important prior to definitive management. The global protocol of "Triple Assessment" in breast lump diagnosis includes a combined approach by clinical examination, imaging (mammography / ultrasound) and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC).FNAC can be done as an OPD procedure,it is minimally invasive ,rapid,reliableand cost effective procedure. The aim of the study was to analyses the cytomorphological spectrum of palpable breast...
Key Words: ,fine needle aspiration cytology ,palpable breast lumps ,FNAC, Fibroadenoma, Breast cancer
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Incidence and pattern of paediatric cancers from a tertiary care institute |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Krishna Chaitanya MD DM |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1908153133 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Paediatric tumours constitute 6 to 8% of all cancers. India has approximately 1/5 of world's paediatric cancer load. Objective:To analyse the demographic data and pattern of paediatric cancers in a tertiary care Institute. Materials and methods: All paediatric cancer cases age less than 15 years registered during the year 2019 were enrolled in the study. Data is obtained from the registry. Frequency distribution and descriptive statistics were analysed using graph pad prism software. Results: Total of 394 paediatric cases were registered out of which 246 /394 (62.4%) were haematological malignancies and 148/ 394 (37.6%) were solid tumours.....
Key Words: Acute leukaemias are the most common diagnostic group of childhood cancer. Among solid tumors, CNS malignancies predominate
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Abstract: Background: Malocclusion is not an acute condition, and therefore, treatment of malocclusion has been associated with a great degree of subjectivity and distorted perceptions of treatment need. Malocclusion may lead to such deviations and if left untreated may lead to various health problems like difficulty in speech, difficulty in eating and swallowing, hampered esthetics and psychological distress Materials and Methods: The total sample comprised of 1598 subjects (47.1% males and 52.9% females), aged from 7-9 years. Clinical examination was made according to the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI). Chi-square test was used find the relationship between malocclusion with different independent variables Results: According to DAI, 84.7% of children had < 25 DAI scores....
Key Words: Dental Aesthetic Index, Malocclusion
[1]. Cavalcanti AL, Santos JAD, Aguiar YPC, Xavier AFC, Moura C. PREVALENCE AND SEVERITY OF MALOCCLUSION IN BRAZILIAN ADOLESCENTS USING THE DENTAL AESTHETIC INDEX (DAI). Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal 2013; 33(3): 473-477.
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[4]. Rajmani H, Thilagrani PR, Dhanyasi AK, Mongia J. Assessment of Dental Aesthetic Index Among School Children of Bilaspur (CG), India. Journal of Dental Peers 2014; 2(2): 43-47.
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Abstract: Many of the 54 countries in the African Continent had gaps in the International Health Regulations (IHR) core capacities of 50% and above. The numbers of countries with gaps of such magnitude included 29 (53.7%) in IHR legislation; 22 (40.7%) in coordination and national IHR focal point functions; 7 in surveillance; 23(42.6%) in preparedness; 11 (20%) in response; 24 (44.4%) in risk communication; 23 (42.6%) in human resource; 8 (14.8%) in laboratory; 41 (76%) in points of entry; 6 (11.1%) in zoonotic events management capacities. The dearth of IHR core capacities implies that significant numbers of countries in the Continent are likely to have major challenges communicating risk, identifying, testing, tracing contacts, quarantining suspected cases, and safely managing COVID-19 cases.
Keywords: Africa continent; International Health Regulations; COVID-19; IHR Core Capacities gaps
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Abstract: The mandibular canines usually display single root and single canal. A few variations do exist in the anatomy of mandibular canine like presence of two root canals in a single root or two separate roots. These morphologic variations play an important role as they can cause errors during cleaning and shaping of root canals ultimately leading to failure of root canal treatment. The appropriate interpretation of radiographs for the presence of an extra canal and a thorough knowledge about the root canal anatomy is essential for a successful endodontic treatment. This paper highlights the endodontic management of single root mandibular canines with two root canals.
Key Words: Mandibular canine, two root canals, anatomic variations,radiography, root canal treatment
[1]. Mithunjith K, Borthakur BJ. Endodontic management of two rooted mandibular canine. E-J Dentistry. 2013;3:339–42.
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[4]. M. A. Versiani, J. D. Pecora, M. D. Sousa-Neto, ―Micro- ´ computed tomography analysis of the root canal morphology of single-rooted mandibular canines,‖ International Endodontic Journal. 2013;46(9):800–07.
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Abstract: Background: A rare case of buccal fat pad herniation into oral cavity after extraction. Herniation of the buccal pad of fat is commonly seen in the paediatric age group. It is rarely seen in the adult and older age group at the time of trauma and surgical procedures like orthognathic surgeries and tumour resection. Materials and method: This case presents with herniation of buccal fat pad into the oral cavity resulting in a largeswelling which is a rare complication of extraction.Difficulty in mastication was one of the concerns of the patient. Results: Good post-operative healing was seen once the lesion was excised with no recurrence even after three months of follow up. Histopathological results showed well-circumscribed lobules of mature fat cells separated by thin fibrous septa.......
Key Words: Adipose tissue,Buccal fat pad,Masticatory difficulties, Post extraction herniation
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