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Abstract: Background: In December 2019, a pathogenic human corona virus SARS- CoV-2, corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19), was recognized and has caused serious illness and numerous deaths. In an effort to mitigate the outbreak of COVID-19, many countries have imposed drastic lockdown and movement control on their residents. The effectiveness of these mitigation measures is highly dependent on cooperation and compliance of all members of society. The knowledge, attitudes and practices people hold toward the disease play an important role in determining a country's readiness to accept behavioral change measures from health authorities. The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge levels, attitudes and practices toward COVID-19 among the Indian public......
Key Word: COVID-19; Novel corona virus; Knowledge; Attitude; Practice; Social distancing; Lockdown
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Abstract: Background:Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) for the first 6 months of life is the most effective preventive measurefor saving the lives of infants and children in country like India with high burden of under -five mortality.Despite of the demonstrated benefitsof breastfeeding the duration and prevalence are still low in first six months . Various social customs and misconceptions act as barrier to EBF. Aims and objective: To estimate the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding practices among study population and to find out the factors affecting EBF. Methodology: A community based cross sectional study was conducted among mothers having at least one childinbetween 06-24 months of age. Considering the prevalence 54.9 % from NFHS4 (2015-2016) data with 95% confidence and a precision.....
Key Word: Exclusive breast feeding, Prevalence, Determinant, Colostrum
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Abstract: Background: The unintentional wastage of vaccines associated with Immunization programmes worldwide is an obvious pointer to the huge losses in form of shortages, expiry dates, breakages etc. in many nations. This was a retrospective descriptive study based on information retrieval from relevant statutory records. There is lack of comprehensive study done in Kaduna State to validate the wastage rate recommended by WHO and the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA), thus aim for this assessment was to assess the profile of vaccine wastage in the Routine immunization program of Kaduna state from 1st January 2019 to December 2019. Materials and Methods :Monthly vaccine allocation, usage, storage and retirement data were collected from the Local Government Health Authorities......
Key words: Distribution Chain; Priority; Management; Vaccine Use; Data quality; Documentation
[1]. Wallace AS, Willis F, Nwaze E, Dieng B, Sipilanvambe N, Daniels D, Abanida E, Gasasira A, Mahmud M, Ryman TK. Vaccine wastage in Nigeria: An assessment of wastage rates and related vaccinator knowledge, attitudes and practices. Vaccine. 2017; 35(48 Pt B): 6751–6758.
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Abstract: Medicine is an art and science. The art of Medicine has grown with an increased understanding of Human Anatomyand Physiology. With greater understanding of Anatomy and Physiology, the functioning of Human body has come to lime light. The application of quantum physics has resulted in the better understanding of concepts dealing with energetic nature of human body. These concepts were understood and expressed by other cultures in terms of chi, prana, mana and vital force. This quantum based Anatomy has allowed to scientifically study energy levels and their locations. These studies were made possible by the Kirlian photography (1-2). Aura or Kirlian photography is a relatively new development in the age of "‟new age‟‟ technology. It refers to a form of photogram......
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Abstract: Despite the increasing access to antiretroviral medications several studies have demonstrated suboptimal levels of viral load suppression among different population groups especially in low resource settings. In order to achieve the 90-90-90 strategy of UNAIDS by 2020 and 95-95-95 by 2030 ensuring a sustained viral suppression in HIV patients on antiretroviral (ARVs) is critical. The viral load suppression level among people living with HIV on Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) in Nigeria in 2019 was as low as 44.5%. In Nigeria, the Dolutegravir(DTG)anHIV integrase inhibitor, fixed dose based combination therapy was approved as the preferred first line ART in 2018 and implementation commenced in July 2019. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the effect of DTG based combination regimenTenofovir/lamivudine/ Dolutegravir(TDF/3TC/DTG) in suppressing viral load among HIV treatment experienced patients in Minna, Nigeria. Data analyzed was obtained from a prospective single arm trial to evaluate the effect of DTG fixed dose combination therapy (TDF/3TC/DTG)......
Key words: Antiretroviral, Dolutegravir, HIV Patients, viral load, UNAIDS target
[1]. NACA. (2019). Revised National HIV and AIDS strategic framework 2019-2021. https://naca.gov.ng/wp-content//NATIONAL-HIV-AND-AIDS-STRATEGIC-FRAMEWORK-1.pdf
[2]. KolabChhim, GitauMburu, SovannaryTuot, Ratanasopha, Vohithkhol, PheakChhoun, Siyan Yi (2019), Factors associated with Viral non-suppression among Adolescents living with HIV in Cambodia : a cross sectional study, AIDS research and therapy, (2018) 15:20 pg. 2-10.
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Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of dental caries in patients with cleft lip and/or palate and their non-cleft controls.
Methods:A comparative study of 62 children with cleft deformity between the ages of 3 and 18years, and 62 control children. Pretested questionnaires were administered by trained interviewers to record the demographic information and elicit risk factors. Examination for dental caries and oral hygiene was done according to WHO guidelines. Data from the questionnaires and clinical examinations were analyzed using theSPSSversion 16. Chi-square test of association was used to compare proportions and ratios.
Results:In this study, a total of 124 children participated. 72 males and 52 females. Sixty two children were affected with cleft lip and/or palate...
Key Word: cleft lip, cleft palate, caries, DMFT, dmft
[1]. Butali A, Adeyemo WL, Mossey PA, Olasoji HO, Onah II, Adebola A, et al. Prevalence of orofacial clefts in Nigeria. Cleft Palate Craniofac J: 2014; 51: 320-325.
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Abstract: Management of internal root resorption is a challenge to the endodontists. It may occur in cases with chronic pulpal inflammation, following caries or due to trauma in the form of an accidental blow. Most cases of internal root resorption are seen in anterior teeth, due to their susceptibility to trauma. Early detection and a correct differential diagnosis are essential for successful management of the internal resorption to prevent over weakening of remaining tooth structure and root perforations. Internal root resorption lesions present the endodontist with unique difficulties in the preparation and obturation of the affected tooth. This case report presents successful management of a case of internal resorption using MTA followed by thermoplasticised gutta-percha..
Keywords- Internal root resorption, root canal, mineral trioxide aggregate, thermoplasticised gutta-percha
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Abstract: Background:A successful endodontic treatment requires thorough debridement of the canal space and a 3-dimensional obturation. This is facilitated by placement of a good obturating material and a sealerto prevent ingress or survival of bacteria. The aim of this study was to determine the depth of penetration of GuttaFlow Bioseal, BioRoot RCS, MTA Fillapex and AH Plus into the radicular dentine using Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope. Materials and Methods:64 teeth with single canals were decoronated and instrumented with ProTaper system (Dentsply, Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) until a F5 (50/05) instrument. 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and 17% EDTA were used for 3 minutes to irrigate the canals and were then washed with 3 ml of distilled water.The samples were divived into....
Keywords-BioRoot RCS, GuttaFlow Bioseal, MTA Fillapex, AH Plus, sealer, Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope, depth of penetration.
[1]. Gandolfi MG, Siboni F, Prati C. Properties of a novel polysiloxane-guttapercha calcium silicate-bioglass-containing root canal sealer. Dental Materials. 2016 May 31;32(5): e113-26.
[2]. Amoroso-Silva PA, Guimarães BM, Marciano MA, Duarte MA, Cavenago BC, OrdinolaZapata R, De Almeida MM, De Moraes IG. Microscopic analysis of the quality of obturation and physical properties of MTA Fillapex. Microscopy research and technique. 2014 Dec 1;77(12):1031-6.
[3]. Viapiana R, Moinzadeh AT, Camilleri L, Wesselink PR, TanomaruFilho M, Camilleri J. Porosity and sealing ability of root fillings with gutta‐percha and BioRoot RCS or AH Plus sealers. Evaluation by three ex vivo methods. International endodontic journal. 2016 Aug 1;49(8):774-82.
[4]. Dash AK, Farista S, Dash A, Bendre A, Farista S. Comparison of three different sealer placement techniques: An In vitro confocal laser microscopic study. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry. 2017 Apr;8(2):310.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Imaging sellar and suprasellar lesions |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Raitkumar Pankajkumar Patel || Dr Nandini Bahri |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1908085061 ![]() |
Abstract:Background:Various types of neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions arise in the anatomically complex sellar and suprasellar region.Pre-operative imaging evaluation of these various lesions is very important in deciding mode of management. CT and MRI are usually the most commonly used cross sectional imaging modalities in evaluating sellar and suprasellar pathologies and both are complimentary to each other.Pituitary macro adenoma, meningioma and craniopharyngioma are few of the common conditions affecting this region. In this article we aim to review their imaging features and characterise them for better understanding and evaluation. Conclusion:The sellar and suprasellar regions hold complex anatomical region with multiple neurovascular structures and the site of multiple pathologies of varying clinical significance.Imaging is very important in guiding the treatment.
Keywords:MRI, sellar and suprasellar pathology
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