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Abstract: Urinary tract infection is a serious public health challenge that affects men and women, old and young, both in the community and hospital settings, causing cystitis and pyelonephritis, with associated complications. Factors that predispose individuals to UTI are gender, age, sex, marital status, and environmental factors. This study was designed to determine the predictive factors for community acquired urinary tract infection in Enugu State rural communities.In a cross-sectional study, a well-structured questionnaire was used to collect datafrom 780 respondents, to investigate their socio-demographic characteristics, symptoms of UTIs, knowledge, practices, and treatment on UTIs..........
Key words: Community-acquired UTI, respondents, knowledge, predictor, questionnaire.
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Abstract: A 50 years of age female presented to the General Medicine opd with complaints of easy fatiguability, abdominal distension, fever (on and off) and weight loss for past 3 months. Admitted and evaluated her in detail. Her Chest X-ray showed f/s/o Dextrocardia. Usg abdomen & pelvis showed situs inversus totalis. Due to elevated white blood cell count , as well as platelet count and decreased Hemoglobin, patient was planned for Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy. Both confirmed presence of CML in accelerated phase. P210 positive for BCR-ABL transcript. Imatinib mesylate administered. Following which her white blood cell count started decreasing. Patient showed improvement in her general condition......
Key Word: CML, Situs inversus totalis, P210 positive .
[1]. Sun Y, Li X, Li L, Liu H, Xu Q and Liu B: A patient with chronic myeloid leukemia and situs inversus totalis: A case report. Oncol Lett 14: 7425-7430, 2017 [2]. Emmanuel Kobina MesiEdzie, KlenamDzefi-Tettey, Obed Cudjoe, Philip NartehGorleku, Patrick Adu, "Incidental Finding of Dextrocardia with Situs Inversus in a 59-Year-Old Man", Case Reports in Radiology, vol. 2019, Article ID 7107293, 4 pages, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/7107293 [3]. Osarenkhoe, J. (2022) Situs Inversus: A Review of 191 Published Cases. Open Journal of Internal Medicine, 12, 85-94. doi: 10.4236/ojim.2022.122010. [4]. Verma SP, Subbiah A, Jacob SE, Basu D. Chronic myeloid leukaemia with extreme thrombocytosis. BMJ Case Rep. 2015 Aug 19;2015:bcr2014204564. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2014-204564. PMID: 26290562; PMCID: PMC4550973.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease which is caused by bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It affects the lungs (pulmonary TB) typically and can also affect other sites (extrapulmonary TB).Incomplete ATT results in increased transmission rates, emergence of multidrug resistant strains of TB bacillus, extensively drug resistant strains and totally drug resistant strains that emerged in 2012 in India. Hence, the present study is enforced to identify the risk factors associated with lost to follow up among TB patients during treatment........
Keywords: Lost to follow up , risk factors
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Abstract: Background: Malignant pleural effusions are a common clinical problem in patients with neoplastic disease and almost all malignancies have been reported to involve the pleura. In most studies, lung carcinoma has been the most common neoplasm, accounting for one-third of all malignant effusions. Breast carcinoma is next most common. Ovarian and gastrointestinal carcinomas are less commonly associated with malignant pleural effusions. No primary tumor is identified in 5 to 10% of malignant effusions. Although many factors predict prognosis in malignant pleural effusions including primary tumor, ECOG PS, Koronofsky score, pleural fluid LDH, pH and glucose levels, there is no validated prognostic scoring system that could stratify patients with malignant effusion. The present study is undertaken to evaluate the role of LENT Score in predicting survival in malignant pleural effusion.......
Key Word: LENT; ECOG PS; Survival; Prognosis; Malignant pleural effusion
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Abstract: Background: Large intestine has a varied spectrum of lesions both non neoplastic and neoplastic. Colorectal cancer is the 3rd most common cancer in men and 2nd in women worldwide with significant geographical, racial, ethnic variation in its incidence rate and pattern. Both macroscopic and microscopic appearance helps in identification of the large intestinal lesions which supports in the treatment of patients in a better way.........
Key Words: Neoplasm, Ischemic, Adenoma, Adenocarcinoma, polyp.
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Abstract: Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a novel viral disease with multisystem involvement and substantial pulmonary symptoms. Numerous prognostic models have so far been developed to direct therapy and resource allocation. There aren't many studies onthe effects of the disease's measurably related respiratory parameters.CALL score, based on four variables (C=co-morbidity, A=age, L=lymphocyte count, L=lactate dehydrogenase, LDH) is aimed at predicting progression toward clinical deterioration.[2] Materials and methods:This retrospective study was conducted in COVID-19 patients attending, Government hospital for chest and communicable diseases between October and December 2020 after obtaining written and informed consent......
Key Word: COVID-19, Comorbidities, LDH, CRP, D-Dimer, CALL Score, Chest X-ray, CT Chest.
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Abstract: Background: Pleural effusions are frequently encountered problem. Pleural effusion is a sign of diseases and not the diagnosis by itself. Even though detection of the pleural effusion is an easy thing, the etiological diagnosis of the pleural effusion is difficult in a considerable number of cases. Aim:To study the efficacy of absolute LDH of pleural fluid in lights criteria in differentiating transudate and exudate effusions,comparison of efficacy of absolute pleural fluid LDH and lights criteria in differentiating transudative and exudative effusions......
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Non Puerperal Uterine Inversion -A Rare Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Sunanda. N || Amrutha Aras S |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2111013840 ![]() |
Abstract: Uterine inversions are seldom encountered in the puerperal period with incidence of 1 in 3500 deliveries which are life threatening events. Inversion of non-pregnant uterus is rare event reported approximately 100 cases in literature..Incidence has not been defined. Management of the condition poses many difficulties , surgery is the main modality of the treatment . Here we report a case of 35 years old multiparous women presented to emergency with complaints of heavy menstrual bleeding . on P/A examination uterus was not palpable .on PV examination a globular hard mass measuring 7*7 cm filling the vagina was seen , cervix could not be visualized/reached.USG pelvis showed large fundal fibroid measuring 5*6cm......
Key Word: Non puerperal , Uterine inversion, Haultains procedure .
[1]. Pinder LF, Ouma KO, Nelson BD (2016) Non-Puerperal Uterine Inversion in a Young Woman: A Case Report, Brief Surgical Review, and Clinical Insights. Clin Med Rev Case Rep 3:122. 10.23937/2378-3656/1410122 [2]. Das P. Inversion of the uterus. J Gynaecol Br Emp 1940;47:525–48. [3]. Ishida H, Yano T, Yasuda Y, Takashima A, Takeshita N, Kinoshita T. Nonpuerperal uterine inversion due to submucous leiomyoma. ClinPract. 2011 Nov 10;1(4):e105. doi: 10.4081/cp.2011.e105. PMID: 24765346; PMCID: PMC3981443. [4]. Lascarides E, Cohen M. Surgical management of nonpuerperal inversion of the uterus. Obstet Gynecol. 1968;32:376–81. [PubMed] [Google Scholar] [5]. Bakre T, Gupta AS, Hira P, Parulekar SV. Chronic Non Pueperal Inversion Of Uterus Secondary To Submucosal Fundal Myoma. JPGO 2014. Volume 1 Number 10. Available from: http://www.jpgo.org/2014/10/chronic-non-pueperal-inversion-of.html
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Abstract: Aims The globe has been witnessing one of its most challenging health disasters, thecovidpandemic, having created the highest impact on humanlife, world economy and health care form December 2019. The aim of this initiative was to reduce and prevent these catastrophic outcomes in pregnant women. This initiative demonstrates managing clinical risk reactively and proactively and engaging with patients and carers for patient safety......
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Abstract: Background: The term "cardio respiration" refers to the body's cardiac and respiratory systems working together to ensure that enough oxygenated blood is transported throughout the body. Age-related changes in cardiorespiratory variables are well-known, but they should stay within. Among many other such variables, "body positioning" had demonstrated the correlation between a change in posture and cardiorespiratory parameters, that needs adjustments. Therefore, maintaining the ideal body position requires appropriate body positioning for cardiorespiratory parameters to operate properly and efficiently. Aim of study: To study the effects of different body positions on Cardiorespiratory parameters in middle aged population.......
Keywords: Cardiorespiratory parameters, middle aged healthy adults, body positions, Delhi NCR, BMI
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Abstract: Genu valgum is commonest deformity encountered during childhood. In India bilateral genu valgum is generally seen due to deficiency disorders. Unilateral deformity usually occurs due to trauma, infection and rarely because of causes like congenital anomalies, skeletal dysplasia and genetic disorders etc. Genu valgum in skeletally mature children is treated by corrective osteotomies but this has many unresolved aspects to it: 1) There is no reliable method to determine the size of wedge to be removed, which frequently results in over or under correction of deformity. 2) Secondly, there is no consensus on implant to be used for fixation in skeletally mature children.......
Keywords: Genu valgum, Corrective osteotomies, Trigonometry, Medial closing wedgeosteotomy, Lateral closing wedge osteotomy, CORA, Paper tracing method, AutoCAD, Empirical method.
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