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Abstract: Background: Single coronary artery(SCA) is a rare anomaly with a reported incidence between 0.024 and 0.098%. It is classified into different types based on origin, branching pattern and course. Although majority of patients are asymptomatic ,some may present with ischemia , heart failure and sudden cardiac death. We present a rare case of single coronary artery arising from right sinus of Valsalva diving into three branches. LAD had malignant course and LCX,RCA having normal course presenting as Acute inferior wall ST elevation Myocardial infarction........
Key words: Single coronary artery (SCA), Coronary computed tomographic angiography (CCTA), Myocardial infarction, Anomalous coronary artery, Coronary artery bypass grafting(CABG).
[1]. Lipton MJ, Barry WH, Obrez I, Silverman JF, Wexler L. Isolated Single Coronary Artery: Diagnosis, Angiographic Classification, and Clinical Significance. Radiology. 1979; 130(1):39–47. PMID: 758666.
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[3]. F. Zukic, M. Miljko, S. Vegar-Zubovic, A. Behmen, and A. K. Arapovic,Prevalence of coronary artery anomalies detected by coronary CT angiography in Canton Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina,Psychiatria Danubina, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 830–834, 2017.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Case Report on Submandibular Gland Pleomorphic Adenoma |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Aiswarya. S. Gopan || Dr. Ch. Venkata Subbaiah |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2111050709 ![]() |
Abstract: Pleomorphic adenoma is a common benign salivary gland neoplasm characterised by proliferationof parenchymatous glandular cells along with myoepithelial components. It is the most common type of salivary gland tumour and the most common tumour of parotid gland. It is also known as Mixed type salivary gland tumour. It refers to its dual origin from epithelial and myoepithelial elements. A 23-year-old male presented with complaints of firm palpable mass in right submandibular region. It was slow growing and painless in nature. On radiological examination, well defined radiolucent mass was noticed. Surgical excision was done and sent for histopathological examination.
Key words: pleomorphic adenoma, submandibular gland
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Abstract: Background: The angle formed by median axis of the arm with fully extended and supinated forearm is known by the name of carrying angle(CA). Carrying angle is important as it allows forearms to clear hips in swinging movements while walking and while carrying objects. Objective: The aim of this study was to measure carrying angle of a sample population in the age group 18-30 years manually allowing comparison between measurements of dominant and non-dominant limb and document any differences thereof. Material and Methods: Carrying.....
Keywords: CA, Post-Pubertal Age, Clinical Methods, Elbow Prostheses
[1]. Vichard Lim, Natasha Ashley Jacob. The carrying angle of elbow, An Anthropometric Study on the Carrying Angle of Elbow among Young Adults of Various Ethinicities in Malaysia, NJIRM 2014; 5:2230 – 9969.
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Abstract: Background: The distal tibial fracture management is challenging. Soft tissue damage, decreased vascularity and intra-articular extension of fractures compound its management. Material and methods:This prospective study enrolled patients with fracture to the distal tibia (both intra and extra-articular). The study included patients aged > 18 years and both genders. The operative procedure included fixation with the 3.5 mm anterolateral distal tibia locking compression plate Results:Of the 25 patients enrolled, 19 (76%) were males.The mean age of the participants was 49.2 ± 8.94 years, ranging from 30-60 years......
Key Word: AOFAS score; Anterolateral platting; Distal Tibial fracture
[1]. Joveniaux P, Ohl X, Harisboure A, Berrichi A, Labatut L, Simon P, et al. Distal tibia fractures: management and complications of 101 cases. International orthopaedics. 2010;34(4):583-8.
[2]. Mauffrey C, Vasario G, Battiston B, Lewis C, Beazley J, Seligson D. Tibial pilon fractures: a review of incidence, diagnosis, treatment, and complications. Acta Orthopaedica Belgica. 2011;77(4):432.
[3]. Sirkin MS. Plating of tibial pilon fractures. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPEDICS-BELLE MEAD-. 2007;36(12):13.
[4]. Paraschou S, Bekir H, Anastasopoulos H, Papapanos A, Alexopoulos J, Karanikolas A, et al. Evaluation of interlocking intramedullary nailing in distal tibial fractures and nonunions. Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica. 2009;43(6):472-7.
[5]. Bedi A, Le TT, Karunakar MA. Surgical treatment of nonarticular distal tibia fractures. JAAOS-Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2006;14(7):406-16.
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Abstract: Introduction: Pilon fractures include a wide range of complexity. The timing and tyoe of definitive fixation is dictated by the soft tissue injury and energy imparted to the fracture. Variety of treatment methods have been suggested for these injuries, including conservative treatment, external fixation with or without internal fixation, intramedullary nailing, plate fixation (medial or anterolateral) and minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO). But none of these techniques are without complications. Aim and objective: Assessment of complications associated with anterolateral plating of tibialpilon fractures. Materials and Methods: This study has been conducted at Postgraduate Department of Orthopaedics, Government hospital for Bone and Joint........
Key-Words Anterolateral plating, Distal tibia, Mippo
[1]. Joveniaux P, Ohl X, Harisboure A, Berrichi A, Labatut L, SimonP, Mainard D, Vix N, Dehoux E. Distal tibia fractures: management and complications of 101 cases. IntOrthop. 2010 Apr;34(4):583-8.
[2]. Mauffrey C, Vasario G, Battiston B, Lewis C, Beazley J, Seligson D. Tibialpilon fractures: A review of incidence, diagnosis, treatment, and complications. ActaOrthop. Belg. 2011;77:432-40.
[3]. Sirkin MS. Plting of tibialpilon fractures. Am JOrthop. 2007;36(12 suppl):13-7.
[4]. Vallier HA, Cureton BA, Patterson BM. Factors influencing functional outcomes after distal tibia shaft fractures. J Orthop Trauma. 2012 March;26(3):178-83.
[5]. Paraschou S, Bekir H, Anastasopoulos H, Papapanos A, Alexopoulos J, Karanikolas J, Karanikolas, Roussis N. Evaluation of interlocking intramedullary nailing in distal tibial fractures and nonunions. ActaOrthopTraumatolTurc. 2009;43(6):472-77.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Results of Masquelet technique in the treatment of non-union of humeral fractures |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Yasir Rashid || Asif Ali Dar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2111052226 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Nonunion is found with an incidence of up to 15%, depending on the location of the fracture and is a complicated problem with significant long-term morbidity, both for anatomical and functional results. In case of a manifest nonunion the surgeon faces a challenging problem. Fracture nonunion sometimes occurs after treatment, and some patients are still difficult to heal after many times of treatment. In order to more effectively treat nonunion and heal patients with recalcitrant nonunion, a technique known as Masquelet technique is an alternative for these cases.......
KEY WORDS: Humeral bone defect, non-union, masquelet technique
[1]. Kostenuik P, Mirza FM. Fracture healing physiology and the quest for therapies for delayed healing and nonunion. J Orthop Res 2017; 35: 213-23.
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[3]. Kontakis GM, Papadokostakis GM, Alpantaki K, et al. Intramedullary nailing for non-union of the humeral diaphysis: a review. Injury 2006;37:953–960.
[4]. Bhandari M, Devereaux PJ, McKee MD, et al. Compression plating versus intramedullary nailing of humeral shaft fractures--a meta-analysis. ActaOrthop 2006;77:279–284.
[5]. Giannoudis PV, Einhorn TA, Schmidmaier G, et al. The diamond concept—open questions.Injury 2008;39(suppl 2):S5–S8.
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Abstract: Vallecular cysts are formed when the duct of mucous gland or lingual tonsillar crypt is dilated owing to obstruction frominflammation, irritation, trauma. small cysts are usually asymptomatic. however, cyst growth results in dysphagia, odynophagia, and acute airway complications A 55-year-old male patient presented to the outpatient department with complications of difficulty in swallowing and foreign body sensation in the throat from 3 months .no complications of fever or throat pain. on performing examinations of throat, oral cavity and oropharynx are normal. on performing video laryngeal stroboscopy, vallecular cyst appeared on the left side attached to the epiglottis (lingual surface) surgical cyst excision was done and sent for histopathological examination.
KEY WORDS: vallecularcyst, electro cautery, dysphagia
[1]. Berger G, Averbuch E. Zilka K, Berger R, Ophir D. Adult vallecular cyst: thirteen-year experience. Otolaryngology. 2008;138(3):321–327.
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Abstract: Nasolabial cyst is a rare non odontogenic developmental cyst originating in the nasolabial region. Nasolabial cyst accounts for about 0.7% of all cysts in the maxilla-facial region and 2.5% of non-odontogenic cyst. It usually presents as painless swelling in the nasolabial fold causing alar nose elevation and upper lip projection and nasal obstruction.Clinical suspicion and NCCT face and PNS aid in diagnosis. Intraoral sublabial resection of nasolabial cysts is considered the standard treatment modality.
KEY WORDS: Nasolabial cyst, non-odentogenic cyst
[1]. Aikawa T, Iida S, Fukuda Y, Nakano Y, Ota Y, Takao K, et al. Nasolabial cyst in a patient with cleft lip and palate. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008 Sep;37(9):874–6.
[2]. Choi JH, Cho JH, Kang HJ, Chae SW, Lee SH, Hwang SJ, et al. Nasolabial cyst: a retrospective analysis of 18 cases. Ear Nose Throat J. 2002 Feb;81(2):94–6.
[3]. Vasconcelos RF, Souza PE, Mesquita RA. Retrospective analysis of 15 cases of nasolabial cyst. Quintessence Int Berl Ger 1985. 1999 Sep;30(9):629–32.
[4]. Narain S. Nasolabial cyst: clinical presentation and differential diagnosis. J Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2015 Mar;14(Suppl 1):7–10.
[5]. Tanimoto K, Kakimoto N, Nishiyama H, Murakami S, Kishino M. MRI of nasoalveolar cyst: case report. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2005 Feb;99(2):221–4..
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Abstract: Hypopharyngeal malignancies are rare but carry the worst prognosis among head and neck malignancies.Patients generally present in advance stages.The Indian subcontinent has the highest rate of hypopharyngeal malignancies worldwide.The aim is to studyetiological factors, presentation, progression and the distribution of these tumors in relation to age, sex, and site of occurrence, describe the epidemiology, workup, and staging of disease.It is a prospective study carried out fromSeptember 2017 to August 2019.This study included all cases of hypopharyngeal malignancy seen in the above duration.Most of the patients presented between 5th to 7th-decade. Males were more commonly affected.Smoking was the most common addiction observed.Most common presentation was dysphagia. All cases in the present study had biopsy-proven squamous cell carcinoma,early diagnosis and initiation of treatment help in improved survival rates and functional outcomes of patients..
KEY WORDS: hypopharynx, malignancy, prognosis, squamous cell carcinoma, pyriform fossa
[1]. Cooper JS, Porter K, Mallin K, Hoffman HT, Weber RS, Ang KK, et al. National Cancer Database report on cancer of the head and neck: 10-year update. Head Neck. 2009 Jun;31(6):748–58.
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[5]. Mdnazmul Islam, Dipankarlodh et al., clinicopathological study of hypopharyngeal malignancies in Dhaka medical college hospital, Bangladesh J otorhinolaryngology 2015;21(2):85-89..
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Abstract: Acute appendicitis is the most common cause of acute abdomen requiring surgery, with a lifetime risk of developing about 7%. The decision whether to operate or not, is key in the management of acute appendicitis. With this study, we intend to provide some insight on the questions arising nowadays when dealing with uncomplicated acute appendicitis. Objective: To evaluate the feasibility and safety of non-surgical treatment in patient with uncomplicated acute appendicitis. And to compare conservative treatment with appendectomy in the management of uncomplicated acute appendicitis. Methods:Over 2 years, we enrolled 74 patients with diagnosis of uncomplicated acute appendicitis, after randomization patients were divided into conservative group and surgical group. The failure of antibiotic therapy was defined as the......
KEY WORDS: uncomplicatedappendicitis,appendicectomy,surgery,conservative,management
[1]. Varadhan KK, Humes DJ, Neal KR, Lobo DN. Antibiotic therapy versus appendectomy for acute appendicitis: a meta-analysis. World J Surg 2010;34(2):199-209.
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Abstract: Arterial tortuosity syndrome (ATS) is rare congenital connective tissue disorder,primarily due to defect in collagen in body. It affects large and medium-sized arteries inducing tortuosity and elongation. Patients present with dysmorphic features, hyperextensibility of skin, easy bruisability,hypermobile joints, and sometimes life-threatening hemorrhages. We present a case of a 25-dayold neonate, who presented to OPD with left inguinal hernia.On routine investigations was found to have asymptomatic Arterial Tortuosity Syndrome.
[1]. Bhat V. Arterial Tortuosity Syndrome: An Approach through Imaging Perspective. J Clin Imaging Sci. 2014 Aug 30;4:44. doi: 10.4103/2156-7514.139734. PMID: 25250193; PMCID: PMC4168646.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND:Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide and this is largely due to an aging population and increasing exposure to major CVD risk factors, including smoking, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, physicalinactivity, obesity and diabetes. The growing epidemic of obesity and diabetes are of special concern, being one of the most common non-communicable diseases, and the fourth or fifth leading cause of death in most developed countries.1Prevention of CVD and management of established CVD in patients with diabetes.......
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Abstract: The majority of chronic liver diseases are characterised histologically by liver fibrosis, which can advance to cirrhosis, liver failure, and predisposes to hepatocellular carcinoma. For decision-making, risk assessment, and prognosis of liver cirrhosis, accurate diagnosis is essential.The gold standard for evaluating liver fibrosis is liver biopsy, which is invasive, expensive, and unsuitable for surveillance and therapy response monitoring. Ultrasound Elastography(FIBROSCAN) offers a noninvasive , objective and quantitative alternative to liver biopsy. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine and review the comparative advantages and limitations of ultrasound elastography.......
KEY WORDS: Liver fibrosis, Ultrasound Elastography(UE),Transient Elastography(TE),Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse(ARFI), Shear Wave Elastography(SWE).
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