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Abstract: The deviated nasal septum is one of the most common causes of unilateral nasal obstruction. Trauma during birth including forceps delivery passing through narrow pelvic canal etc can cause early deviation, both septal deformity and deviation has different meanings it is attributed to many other symptoms as recurrent bleeding from nose, anosmia, frequent crusting, headache, sinusitis, post nasal bleeding, snoring, external nasal deformity etc. Septoplasty is the preferred surgery to correct deviated septum. Background: The deviated nasal septum is one of the most common causes of unilateral nasal obstruction. Trauma during birth including forceps delivery, passing through narrow pelvic canal etc can cause early deviation in the nasal septum or deviation which becomes evident during the pubertal growth spurt. Nasal septal deformities (NSD) are one of the most.......
Key words: Deviated Nasal Septum, Septoplasty, Nasal Endoscopy, NOSE, Nasal Polyposis
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Abstract: Background:The leading causes of visual impairment worldwide is Ocular traumaand an important public health problem.Ocular trauma includes mechanical injuries (open globe and closed globeinjury) and non-mechanical injuries. Each of these categories can lead to traumaticcataract causing visual impairment.Traumatic cataract grossly differs from other forms of senile or acquired cataract and hence the present study aims to evaluate the post operative visual outcome in cases of traumatic cataract. Materials and Methods: This was a hospital based prospective interventional study among 25 patients diagnosed with traumatic cataract......
Key words: Traumatic cataract, ocular trauma, visual outcome
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Abstract: Background:Acute and subacute febrile illness is a common clinical syndrome among patientsseeking hospital care in India, in whichduration of fever lasts up to 14 days.Developing nations share the highest burdenof diseases like dengue and typhoid fever.Symptoms of these diseases may mimic otherdiseases like chikungunya, malaria, makingaccurate clinical diagnosis and treatmentdifficult without laboratory confirmation. Materials and Methods: 401 Blood specimens from patientsattending the tertiary care centre withcomplaints of fever were tested withDengue NS1 Ag and IgM ELISA kit andwith commercially available widal test kitwith O and H antigens of salmonella typhiand H antigens of salmonella paratyphi Aand.....
Keywords: Dengue & Typhoid fever, Widal test, NS1 Ag, IgM, ELISA
[1]. Yukti Sharma1 , vandana arya2 , Sanjay Jain3 , Manoj Kumar4 , Lopamudra Deka5 , Anjali Mathur6Dengue and Typhoid Co-infection– Study from a Government Hospital in North DelhiJournal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Dec, Vol-8(12): DC09-DC11
[2]. Vigna Seshan R.V., Gopalsamy S., Padma SrikanthDengue and typhoid co-infection: A case report from a tertiary care hospital in South IndiaInternational Journal of Case Reports and Images, Vol. 7 No. 9, September 2016. ISSN – [0976-3198]
[3]. Sapna Chauhan1*, Sachin Sharma , Surender , Paramjit Singh. Concurrent dengue and typhoid infection: study from a tertiary care centre in Muzaffarnagar, India. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences Chauhan S et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2019 May, issue 5, pg 1615 -1
[4]. Dr.Monika Agarwal ,Dr.Ashish Bajaj et all. Dengue-Typhoid co-infection: A study of co existence of viral and bacterial infections in endemic areas. Safdarjung hospital, New Delhi-29 . International Journal of Current Research Vol. 8, Issue, 05, pp.31522-31525, May, 2016
[5]. Arun Kumar Mahato,1 Nischal Shrestha,1 Sakar Babu Gharti,1 Madhu Shah2Typhoid Fever among Patients Diagnosed with Dengue in a Tertiary Care Centre: A Descriptive Cross-sectional StudyJNMA I VOL 60 I ISSUE 252 I August 2022
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Post Operative Rehabilitation in Cervical Discectomy : A Single Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sathya Siva |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2111042023 ![]() |
Abstract: Cervical myelopathy is a form of neurological condition under which the spinal cord is compressed in the cervical spine.A 50 year old person complaint of bilateral weakness in both upper limb and lower limb after a post operative cervical micro discectomy with anterior fusion .neurological rehabilitation program was started with support of neurologist, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and psychology.Physiotherapists desire to enhance the muscle strength,reduce spasticity,to reduce pain,improve range of motion , provide whole body and mind relaxation and in other hand occupational therapist aimed atimproving the functional outcome in fingers of hand's and the foot toes.while the psychology helpful in assessing the psychological impact of the patient illness and neurologist helpful in providing a medication for reducing the spasticity and pain.The patient was scheduled accordingly and started for.....
Key Word: Cervicaldiscectomy ,Rehabilitation program,Physiotherapy
[1]. Ferriter PJ, Mandel ST, Degregoris GE, Kamara E, AYDIN SM. Cervical myelopathy. Practical Neurology. 2014 Apr:43-6.
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Abstract: An Inguinal hernia occurs when soft tissue - usually part of the intestine - protrudes through a weak point or tear in the lower abdominal wall. The resulting bulge can be painful – especially when coughing, bending over or lifting a heavy object. Not necessarily dangerous by itself, an inguinal hernia does not get better or go away on its own. An inguinal hernia can lead to life threatening complications. For this reason, it is likely to recommend surgical repair of an inguinal hernia. " Inguinal hernia repair is a common surgical procedure" it is repaired conventionally using open surgery with a suture or a mesh prosthesis and the defect will be closed. mesh prosthesis is a synthetic material that reinforces the tissue or bridges the defect........
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Breast lumps are common in women of all ages. FNAC is a simple, relatively painless, inexpensive OPD procedure with speedy results to differentiate benign from malignant lesions. The Yokohama System for Reporting Breast Cytopathology, consists of a five-category classification: category 1- insufficient material; category 2- benign; category 3- atypical, probably benign; category 4- suspicious for malignancy; and category 5- malignant.This categorisation by Yokohama system of reporting helps pathologist in the diagnostic clarity and guides clinician in the appropriate patient management, hence the need for this study. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1.To categorise the Breast FNAC samples according to Yokohama system of reporting in our hospital. 2.To assess sensitivity, specificity, PPV........
KEY WORDS: IAC Yokohama Grading System For Reporting Breast Cytopathology, Histopathological Correlation, Diagnostic accuracy
[1]. Embaye, K.S., Raja, S.M., Gebreyesus, M.H. et al. Distribution of breast lesions diagnosed by cytology examination in symptomatic patients at Eritrean National Health Laboratory, Asmara, Eritrea: a retrospective study. BMC Women's Health.2020;20(250).
[2]. Ahuja S, Malviya A. Categorization of Breast Fine Needle Aspirates Using the International Academy of Cytology Yokohama System Along with Assessment of Risk of Malignancy and Diagnostic Accuracy in a Tertiary Care Centre. J Cytol. 2021;38(3):158-163.
[3]. Nigam JS, Kumar T, Bharti S, Surabhi, Sinha R, Bhadani PP. The International Academy of Cytology standardized reporting of breast fine-needle aspiration biopsy cytology: A 2 year's retrospective study with application of categories and their assessment for risk of malignancy. CytoJournal2021;18:27.
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[5]. Montezuma D, Malheiros D, Schmitt FC. Breast fine needle aspiration biopsy cytology using the newly proposed IAC Yokohama system for reporting breast cytopathology: Theexperience of a single institution. Acta Cytol 2019;63:274-9.
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Abstract: .....
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Abstract: Congenital unilateral agenesis of the internal carotid artery (ICA) is a rare anomaly.Due to the proper sufficient collateral circulation via the circle of Willis most cases are asymptomatic, but patients can also present with ischemic or hemorrhagic cerebrovascular insults. The absence of the bony carotid canal is essential to differentiate this anomaly from chronic ICA occlusion. Awareness of this situation by clinicians and radiologists is essential because these patients have an increased incidence of various intracranial pathologies. The current case he is 26 years old. When he was 14 years old he suffer from asthma and sudden he had complete coma so he refered to to.......
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Diabetes mellitus is one of the world's fastest-growing chronic diseases. According to WHO, it is estimated that 123.5 million are likely to have diabetes by the year 2040 in India (1). It is a heterogeneous group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia due to insulin resistance or insulin secretion defects(2). Ophthalmic complications of diabetes include corneal abnormalities, pupillary abnormalities, iris neovascularization, glaucoma, cataracts, and retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy, a vision-threatening disorder, remains the commonest complication(4). The prevalence of DR is expected to increase along with the increasing rate of diabetes.The risk factors for diabetic retinopathy are modifiable ( blood glucose, blood pressure, serum lipids, obesity, anaemia, alcohol, and smoking), non-modifiable (duration, age, sex), and other independent factors like the.......
KEYWORDS: Diabetic retinopathy, Duration of Diabetes, HbA1C, Blood pressure.
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Abstract: Background: The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the highly infectious SARS-CoV-2 has affected over 15.9 million people across 200 countries and caused more than 643,000 deaths. Severe acute respiratorysyndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), causing COVID-19 disease, primarily affects the lungs. The clinical manifestations range from asymptomatic carriage to atypical pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Objectives: To compare the pulmonary function test in COVID-19 survivors with and without CT chest changes. To study the residual effect of Covid-19 infection on pulmonary function of patients. Materials and methods:This.......
Key words: COVID-19, Pulmonary function test, CT Chest, 6 Minute walk test
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Abstract: According to the American Association of Orthodontists, the length of comprehensive orthodontic treatment "can range from one to three years." Nowadays, there is an increased tendency for researches to focus on accelerating methods for tooth movement due to the huge demand for adults for a shorter orthodontic treatment time. This increases the demand to find the best method to increase tooth movement with the least possible disadvantages. The aim of this research is to evaluate the effects of rapid canine distalization on dentoalveolar tissues and effects on anchor units during rapid canine retraction with semirigid, individual tooth-borne distractors. A new concept......
Keywords: Periodontal ligament distraction, Rapid canine retraction, Distractor device, Hyrax
[1]. Buschang PH, Campbell PM, Ruso S. Accelerating Tooth Movement With Corticotomies: Is It Possible and Desirable? Seminars in Orthodontics 2012;18:286-294.
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Abstract: Background: Pre-eclampsia affects 2-5% of pregnancies and is the major cause of maternalmorbidity and mortality. Doppler is a non-invasive method for evaluation of feto-placentalcirculation. Persistent uterine artery notching , high resistance index and pulsatility index inuterine artery doppler waveform has emerged as the best screening test. Thus, we haveconducted this study to find out usefulnes of doppler indices in early pregnancy forpredicting preeclampsia. Methodology:After assessment of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 200 antenatal women of 12 to16 weeks of singleton pregnancy were selected for the study in the department ofObstetrics and Gynaecology. Women booking for antenatal care were examined......
Key words:Uterine artery Doppler, Uterine artery notching, Resistance index, Pulsatility index, prediction of preeclampsia, maternal morbidity and mortality.
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