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Abstract: Iodine is an important micro-nutrient required for human nutrition. Iodine deficiency disorders (IDDs) are one of the major worldwide public health problems of today which causes wide spectrum of disabilities. It includes impairment of reproductive functions, lowering of IQ levels in school age children, goiter, deaf mutism, mental defects, weakness and paralysis of muscles as well as lesser degree of physical dysfunction. Children below 12 years of age who visited the Pediatric Out-Patient Department (OPD) and in-patient department (IPD) of a tertiary care hospital in South India were included if they had clinical suspicion of thyroid dysfunction. Among the 48 patients enrolled............
Key words:-Thyroid, Hypothyroidism, Pediatrics
[1]. Vir. S. Universal iodization of salt: A mid decade goal. In: Sachdev HPS and Choudhary (Eds.) Nutrition in Children – Developing country concerns. New Delhi: Cambridge Press, 1994; p. 525-535
[2]. Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS). Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India. Policy Guidelines on National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme. New Delhi; 2003; p. 1-10.
[3]. ICMR. Epidemiological survey of endemic goiter and endemic cretinism. New Delhi: Indian Council of Medical Research; 198
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Abstract: Malnutrition is a serious problem in patients with gastrointestinal tract diseases. In those who have to undergo surgery for the malnutrition is a thorn in the flesh for patient as well as the surgical team. In recent years it has dawned that perioperative nutritional intervention in the form of oral or enteral feeding is far superior to the post operative total parenteral nutrition (TPN) therapy. Though the west has set specific guidelines for nutritional supplementation for gastrointestinal surgical patients, such practices have thus far been found wanting in India. The study enrolled 56 patients divided into two groups with one group receiving commercially available nutritional............
Keywords: Nutritional supplementation, gastrointestinal malignancies, enteral feeding, malnutrition universal screening tool
[1]. Martin CA, Walsh GL, Moreland K. Relationship of weight loss and postoperative nutritional complications in esophagogastrecomy patients. J Parenter EnterNutr1999; 23: S20.
[2]. Gianotti L, Braga M, Nespoli L, Radaelli G, Beneduce A, Di Carlo V. A randomized controlled trial of preoperative oral supplementation with a specialized diet in patients with gastrointestinal cancer. Gastroenterology 2002; 122: 1763–70.
[3]. Johansson J, Walther B. Clinical outcome and long-term survival rates after esophagectomy are not determined by age over 70 years. J GastrointestSurg 2000; 4: 55–62.
[4]. Ludwig DJMD, Thirlby RCMD, Low DEMD. A prospective evaluation of dietary status and symptoms after near-total esophagectomy without gastric emptying procedure. Am J Surg2001; 181: 454–8.
[5]. Braga M, Gianotti L, Gentilini O, Parisi V, Salis C, Di Carlo V. Early postoperative enteral nutrition improves gut oxygenation and reduces costs compared with total parenteral nutrition. Crit Care Med 2001; 29: 242–8
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Surgical Site Infection in A Tertiary Centre In Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dodiyi-Manuel Amabra || Dodiyi-Manuel Sotonye T |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1603010811 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Surgical site infection (SSI) previously called wound infection is defined as that infection presenting up to 30 days after a surgical procedure if no prosthesis is placed and up to 1 year if a prosthesis is implanted in the patient.It has been reported to be second only to urinary tract infection as the commonest hospital acquired infection and actually the most commonly encountered form of nosocomial infection in surgical practice. The commonest organisms causing SSI have been reported to be gram positive cocci and gram negative bacilli..............
Keywords: Surgical site infection, Tertiary, Nigeria.
[1]. Awad SS, Palacio CH, Subramanian A, Byers PA, Abraham P, Lewis D et al. Implementation of a methicillin- resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) prevention bundle results in MRSA surgical site infection. Am J Surg 2009; 198: 607-610.
[2]. Aderson DJ, Sexton DJ, Kanafani ZA, Auten G, Kaye KS. Severe surgical site infection in community hospitals: epidermiology, key procedures and the changing prevalence of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus. Infect Control Hosp Epidermiol 2007; 28: 1047-1053.
[3]. Oni AA, Ewete A, Gbaja AT, Folade AF, Mutiu WB, Adeyemo DA et al. nosocomial infection: surgical site infection in UCH Ibadan, Nigeria. Nig J Surg Res 2006; 8: 19-23.
[4]. Jido TA, Garba ID. Surgical site infection following cesarean section in Nigeria. Ann Med Health Sci Res 2012; 2: 367-371.
[5]. Kirty JP, Masuzi JE. Prevention of surgical site infection. Surg Clin N 2009; 89: 365-389.
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Abstract: Background:Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) infection is a major gastric infection worldwide and has been associated with many hematologic disorders. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the association between H.Pylori infection and vitamin B12 levels among Sudanese population. Materials and Methods: 120 samples were collected for this study (60 samples fromH.Pylori positive patients and 60 samples from apparently healthy individuals as controls).All samples were assessed for hematological parameters and vitamin B12 using Electrochemiluminescence immune assay.............
Keywords: CBC,H.Pylori,Sudanese,Vitamin B12.
[1]. Devrajani, B.R. S.A. Shah, A.A. Soomro and T. devrajani, Type 2 diabetes mellitus: A risk factor for helicobacter pylori
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[2]. Malaty HM & Graham DY. Importance of childhood socioeconomic status on the current prevalence of Helicobacter pylori
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[3]. Malaty HM, Kim JG, Kim SD et al. Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in Korean children: inverse relation to
socioeconomic status despite a uniformly high prevalence in adults. Am J Epidemiol1996; 143: 257-262.
[4]. Malaty HM, Graham DY, Wittingty WA et al. Helicobacter pylori acquisition in childhood: a 12-year followup cohort study in a biracial
community. ClinInfec Dis 1999; 28: 279-282.
[5]. Malaty HM, Graham DY, Logan ND et al. Helicobacter pylori infection in preschool and school age minority children attending
day care centers: effect of socioeconomic indicators and Breast feeding practice. ClinInfec Dis 2001; 32: 1387-1392.
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Abstract: To determine pattern of liver disease in the paediatric age group. Materials and Methods: In the present study of 28 cases (including 5 postmortem biopsy), liver biopsy was done, out of which 24 cases could be diagnosed histologically .Slides were prepared from paraffin-embedded blocks, stained by routine H & E and special stains and were then reviewed. The frequency of each disorder, separately and in combination with the age group or gender of the patients was calculated and compared with other similar studies. Results: Incidence of liver involvement was slightly more (58.3%) in males. The most common age group which suffered from liver disease was 2-6 yrs (66.7%).
Keywords: Children, liver, histopathology
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Abstract: AIM: To study causes of intrauterine death that will aid in counselling of the family regarding the cause of baby's death, the recurrence risk, and the plan of management in future pregnancies. OBJECTIVES: To study the causes of intrauterine death before labour in our tertiary care center. To identify the risk factors associated with intrauterine death MATERIALS AND METHODS The study is prospective type. This study was carried out from august 2013 to september 2014 in obstetrics and gynaecology department Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha, Maharashtra.60 cases of intrauterine fetal death were selected by simple random method..........
[1]. Woods R. Long-term trends in fetal mortality: implications for developingcountries. Bull World Health Organ 2008; 86: 460-6.
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[3]. Martin JA, Hoyert DL. The national fetal death file. SeminPerinatol 2002; 26: 3-11.
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Abstract: Incisional hernia is the most common long term complication associated with abdominal surgery. Repairing an incisional hernia is even more challenging to a surgeon as they tend to develop post operative complications such as wound infection and dehiscence quite easily which contributes to a dreadful event in the form of recurrence. Risk factors for incisional hernia formation and preventive strategies are not clearly defined. 37 patients who presented with incisional hernia were studied clinically and categorized according to various factors associated with it and the results obtained in each category were correlated and cross tabulated with a constant parameter in post operative complications by using fishers exact test and chi square test...............
Keywords: Abdominal wall, postoperative complications, hernia, midline laparotomy, wound infection.
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Abstract: As per National Human Rights Commission's recommendation, video recording of the autopsy by empanelled videographer in cases of custodial death is mandatory. Video autopsy is also performed in cases of exhumation, dowry death & medical negligence cases. But for proper administration of justice & to stop the misuse of the advancement of technology, we should strictly follow some guidelines, mainly to maintain a proper 'chain of custody'. Present survey considers different aspects of 100 autopsy cases done under video photography. It was observed that 80% of cases were from correctional homes & vagrant homes. 67% were malnourished. In 80% cases, death..............
Keywords: Autopsy, Custodial death, Video photography
[1]. Momonchand A. Videography of medicolegal autopsy. International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine. 2004;6(2): 28-30.
[2]. Patnaik AK. Model protocol for autopsies in custodial death. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics.1999;7(2):48-49.
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Abstract: Nalbuphine hydrochloride is a synthetic opioid agonist-antagonist analgesic of the phenanthrene series.Nalbuphine has been used intrathecally by various investigators to enhance the postoperative analgesia and they did not document any reports of neurotoxicity.Fentanyl is a potent mu opioid receptor agonist that was discovered to identify an improved human health analgesic over morphine, an opioid frequently associated with histamine-release, bradycardia, hyper- or hypotension, and prolonged postoperative respiratory depression. This study was aimed to perform and demonstrate that with addition of intrathecal NALBUPHINE andintrathecal Fentanyl with 0.5% bupivacaine heavy...............
Keywords: Nalbuphine, Fentanyl, Perioperative analgesia and anaesthesia,
[1]. Veering B. Focus on Adjuvants in regional Anesthesia. Euro Anesthesia 2005;28-31:217-21.
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Abstract: Introduction: Shoulder tip pain and abdominal pain following laparoscopic procedures are well recognized and established causes of postoperative morbidities The etiology of this pain being multifactorial,includes volume of residual gas, type of gas used, intraperitoneal pressures and temperature of insufflated gas. Methodology: Study is an interventional case control study. Total 68 patients were enrolled in the study, 34 being in each group.Control group patients' pneumoperitoneum was evacuated passively at the end of procedure.Study group patients were placed in Trendelenburg...........
Keywords: Pulmonary recruitment manoeuvre, abdominal pain, shoulder tip pain, duration of surgery, drain placement, VAS pain score
[1]. Mouton WG, Bessell JR, Otten KT, Maddern GJ. Pain after laparoscopy.
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[5]. Jackson SA, Laurence AS, Hill JC. Does post-laparoscopy pain relate to
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Abstract: A study was conducted at Rajindra Hospital Patiala in fifty cases undergoing Laparoscopic cholecystectomy from August 2010 to August 2011. The study was conducted on selected patients who fulfilled the pre-set inclusion criteria. The patients were discharged on the same day of surgery as done in Day Care Surgery. The feasibility and outcome of Day care Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy was studied. Patients who presented with the diagnosis of cholelithiasis and gave consent for Day Care Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy were included in the study. Selection criteria included age less than sixty years...............
[1]. Keulmans Y, Eshius J, Haes H, Wit LT, Gouma DJ. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Day care versus clinical observation. Ann Surg 1998; 228:734-740.
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Abstract: Unhealthy food trends in fast-food consumption have been associated with increasing rates of various diseases among children and adolescents, and greater total energy intake and poorer nutrient intakes. In worldwide different plates (My plate) have been introduced like in U.S.A. "My plate", in U.K. "Eatwell plate" and in Australia a plate guided by "Australian dietary guideline" has been introduced to help people to have a balanced diet. MyPlate helps in identifying the routine proportions for the fruits, vegetables, cereals, protein and dairy food groups................
[1]. Black RE, Allen LH, Bhutta ZA, Caulfield LE, De Onis M, Ezzati M, et al. Maternal and child undernutrition: global and regional
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Abstract: Purpose of my research (I conducted directly on myself, in corpore vili, without the credentials of whichever Ethical Committee, as in Italy they are forced to respect the Commandments of the Mafia) is to demonstrate that conjunctival Papilloma virus (belonging to type 4 and 11, the same of the feminine genital mucosae, that sometimes evolve in carcinoma) may be treated by the oral administration of a mix of antioxidants, immunostimulating agents, Zinc and sulphuric aminoacids................
Keywords: PV, eyelid wart, lopinavir, goldenseal, bloodroot.
[1]. Muñoz N, Bosch FX, de Sanjosé S, Herrero R, Castellsagué X, Shah KV, Snijders PJ, Meijer CJ (2003). "Epidemiologic classification of human papillomavirus types associated with cervical cancer". N. Engl. J. Med. 348 (6): 518–27
[2]. Barclay, Laurie (2011-06-04). "Short-Acting Imiquimod Cream Approved for Genital Warts". Medscape. Retrieved 10 August 2011.
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Abstract: Malignant melanoma, also called as melanoma is one of the rare epithelial malignancies of oral cavity. The most common presentation of this neoplasia is ulceroproliferative growth along with pigmentations. Initially, these lesions are asymptomatic and painless, often demonstrating only discolorations. But they are aggressive, fast growing with a tendency to invade and metastasize. Here, this article presents one such case of oral malignant melanoma. Oral melanomas have poor prognosis and low survival rates and hence are important to know so as to provide early diagnosis and treatment.
Keywords: Gingiva, Hard palate, Oral melanoma, Oral malignant melanoma, Pigmentations.
[1]. Uratani AM, Perez DE da C, Vargas PA, Jorge J. Oral melanoma : review of the literature. Braz J Oral Sci. 2004;3(9):428–32.
[2]. Belhoucha B, Essaadi Z, Benhommad O, Rochdi Y, Nouri H. Primary Malignant Melanoma of the Oral Mucosa : Report of an
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[3]. Elomrani F, Mouzount H, Ouziane I, Khmamouch R, Boukir A, Elkabous M. Melanoma of the Oral Cavity : About Two Cases and
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[4]. Biradar V, Latturiya R, Biradar S. Late Diagnosis of Oral Mucosal Melanoma : Case Report. J Dent Allied Sci. 2012;1(2):85–7.
[5]. Dimitrakopoulos I, Lazaridis N, Skordalaki A. Primary malignant melanoma of the oral cavity . Report of an unusual case. Aust
Dent J. 1998;43(6):379–81.
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Abstract: In 2016,World Health Organization (WHO) declared a Public Health Emergency due to the recent outbreak of Zika fever in Brazil.Zika virus is a mosquito-borne flavivirus related to dengue virus. Infection can also spread by sexual transmission from infected men. Cases of vertical perinatal transmission have been reported, with multiple problems, including microcephaly, and chorioretinalscaring.Zika virus infections have been associated with Guillain –Barre syndrome (GBS), damaging the peripheral nervous system, which can progress to paralysis. Symptoms of Zika fever are fever, rash, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pain, and headache, similar to dengue and chikungunya...............
Keywords: Zika virus fever, Clinical manifestation, Microcephaly,Guillain-Barre syndrome
[1]. Zikavirus.World Health Organization.January 2016.Retrieved 3 February 2016
[2]. Olson Ken E,Haddow Andrew D,Schuh Anny J,etal.Genetic Characterization of Zika virus Strains:Geographic Expansion of the
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[3]. Chen Lin H,Hamer Davidson H.Zikavirus:Rapid Spread in Western Hemisphere. Anna Int Med.2016;164:613.
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United States,2016.MMWR.Mobidity and Mortality Weekly Report.2016;65(12):323-25.
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Abstract: Recent studies indicate that obesity per se may have a detrimental effect on the kidneys and contribute in the long term to the development and progression of Chronic kidney disease (CKD) as central body fat distribution is directly associated with progressive renal damage. The role of Urine albumin creatinine ratio (UACR) as an early predictor of CKD risk in non-diabetic, obese individuals is poorly understood. The present study is undertaken to correlate the body mass index (BMI) and Waist circumference (WC) with urine albumin excretion in non-diabetic obese subjects...............
Keywords: Body mass index, chronic kidney disease, non-diabetic obesity, urine albumin excretion, waist circumference.
[1]. Chapter 1: Definition and classification of CKD KDIGO Kidney Int Suppl. 2013; 3:19.
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Physiology Published 1 April 2008, Vol. 294 no. 4,
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Abstract: Background: Gastric polyps are gastric lesions with a relatively low prevalence that are mostly asymptomatic and detected incidentally by endoscopy. Since some polyps are associated with Helicobacter pylori infection and can be a precursor to future malignancies, this research carries out a clinicopathological study of gastric polyps in hospitals in Yazd, Iran. Materials and Methods: The records of all the patients who had undergone endoscopy from 2011 to 2016 and had pathology reports of gastric polyps were extracted from the archives of the hospitals' pathology departments and their demographic details...............
Keywords: Gastric, polyp, Helicobacter pylori, infection
[1]. Genta RM, Sonnenberg A. Characteristics of the Gastric Mucosa in Patients With Intestinal Metaplasia. Am J SurgPathol. 2015
[2]. Sonnenberg A, Genta RM. Prevalence of benign gastric polyps in a large pathology database. Dig Liver Dis. 2015 Feb;47(2):164-9.
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gastric inflammatory fibroid polyps. Virchows Arch. 2014 Dec;465(6):643-7.
[4]. Huang CZ, Lai RX, Mai L, Zhou HL, Chen HJ, Guo HX. Relative risk factors associated with the development of fundic gland
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Tasmania. ANZ J Surg. 2009 Jun;79(6):467-70.
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Abstract: Introduction: Up to one third of corrosive ingestion patients will develop esophageal stricture after initial recovery. The primary treatment of esophageal strictures secondary to caustic ingestion is frequent dilation. Refractory cases may respond to intralesional streroids. We aimed to study the effect of intralesional triamcinolone injection in patients who present to our hospital with esophageal strictures post acid ingestion. Methodology: After obtaining approval of the ethics committee, a prospective study was conducted in the Department of Gastroenterology, Smt. NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat from Sept 2015 to Aug 2016. We included all patients...............
Keywords: dysphagia, stricture, esophagus, intralesional
[1] Zargar SA, Kochlar R, Nagi B, et al: Ingestion of corrosive alkalis. Spectrum of injury to upper gastrointestinal tract and natural history. Am J Gastroenterol 1992; 87: pp. 337-341
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[3] Pereira-Lima JC, Bonotto ML, Hahn GD, Watte G, Lopes CV, dos Santos CE, Teixeira CR. A prospective randomized trial of intralesional triamcinolone injections after endoscopic dilation for complex esophagogastric anastomotic strictures. Surgical endoscopy. 2015 May 1;29(5):1156-60.
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Abstract: The present study was undertaken to study genotoxic effect of Mitomycin C at different concentrations for different duration on human chromosomes in search of a dose which will be more effective and less toxic in lymphocytic culture and to find the specificity of its action on human chromosomes in lymphocyte culture. The range of concentration of Mitomycin C (0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0 μg /ml medium) were used for different durations (24, 72, and 1hour) Genotoxicity was less for low concentration (0.05, 0.1 μg/ml) for long duration (72 hours). Mitomycin C specifically involves chromosome 9, 1 and 16 in chromosomal aberrations. Interchange exchange was the most common chromosomal aberration induced by Mitomycin C. Most commonly involved chromosome in interchange exchange was chromosome 9.
Keywords: Genotoxicity ,Mitomycin C, Interchange exchange
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ecofriendly, Economic Surrogative for Xylene |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Janani Ilango || M.Devi || D.Vijayalakshmi |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-160301102105 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Xylene is an aromatic hydrocarbon, mostly used as a clearing agent during tissue processing and as a de-waxing agent during histopathological staining. The biohazardous nature ofxylene, makes it a potential occupational hazard for histopathological technicians. Exposure to xylene can occur via inhalation, ingestion or direct contact with skin, eyes etc. Exposure and handling sections of xylene is maximum during dewaxing of sections. These have led to the question of a substitute agent which is less toxic and safer................
Keywords: Xylene, dishwashing liquid, detergent liquid
[1] Ananthaneni A, Namala S, Guduru VS, Ramprasad VV, Ramisetty SD, Udayashankar U, Naik KK. Efficacy of 1.5% dish washing
solution and 95% lemon water in substituting perilous xylene as a deparaffinizing agent for routine h and e staining procedure: a
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[2] Ba Bancroft JD, Gamble M. Theory and Practice of HistologicTechniques. 6th ed. Philadalphia, USA: Churchill
LivingstoneElsevier; 2011.
[3] Kandyala R, Raghavendra SP, Rajasekharan ST. Xylene: An overview of its health hazards and preventive measures. Journal of
oral and maxillofacial pathology. 2010 Jan 1;14(1):1.
[4] Ramulu S, Koneru A, Ravikumar S, Sharma P, Ramesh DV, Patil R. Liquid dish washing soap: An excellent substitute for xylene
and alcohol in hematoxylin and eosin staining procedure. Journal of Orofacial Sciences. 2012 Jan 1;4(1):37.
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Abstract: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, systemic and disabling autoimmune inflammatory disease characterized by inflammation of the synovial lining of the joints, tendons and periarticular structure affecting approximately 1% of the population world-wide. Tofacitinib is a novel oral Janus-kinase inhibitor approved for the treatment of RA patients as a second line therapy in those who fail to respond to methotrexate therapy. Clinical trials with tofacitinib have shown reasonable efficacy. However, the drug's greatest limitation is its potential to induce cancers and latent infections could be reactivated. Nevertheless, the drug can slow the progression of the disease and has evoked lot of interest due to the fact that it is a first in class molecule for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
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Abstract: Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF) or Boutonneuse fever is a tick-borne endemic disease caused by Rickettsia conorii. It is characterized by fever, maculo-papular rash and an eschar at the site of tick bite, named black spot or tache noire. MSF has usually mild or moderate course, and has long been considered a benign disease. However, very severe "malignant" forms have been observed with involvement of vital organ systems, serious complications and fatal outcome. Acute pancreatitis is a rare complication of MSF, and hemorrhagic-necrotizing pancreatitis is an unusual consequence of the disease. We report two lethal cases of malignant MSF, presenting with hemorrhagic-necrotizing................
Keywords: Mediterranean spotted fever, rickettsiosis, Boutonneuse fever, Rickettsia conorii, hemorrhagic-necrotizing pancreatitis
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Abstract: Background: Patients with uncontrolled diabetes prone to end stage renal disease, require kidney transplantation, haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis which adds psychological distress. Early prediction of kidney injury by evaluating expressions of CD36, a trans-membrane protein of the class B scavenger receptor family, in type 2 diabetic mellitus minimizes the risk of diabetic nephropathy. Methods:This study includes 241 subjects (118 male, 123 women, and age ranges 30-70 years) were included after screening for type 2 diabetic mellitusas per International Diabetic Federation guidelines. Subjects were groupedinto two groups after written consent and enrolled as per inclusion/exclusion criteria...............
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, microalbuminuria, gene expressions, risk prediction.
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Abstract: The relationship between the anthropometric measurements and swimming performance is always a controversial topic. This study was designed to examine the relationship between the selected anthropometric measures of the body segments and the 100 mts swimming performance in the adolescent swimmers belonging to Chennai. Thirty five swimmers (N=35) aged between 15 and 18 and matched controls from Chennai participated in the study. The 100 meters free style sprinting test was conducted and six anthropometric measurements, including the height, weight, chest circumference, mid-arm circumference, waist circumference and mid-thigh circumference, were taken................
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of Female Spouses of Male Alcohol Dependence Patients |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. B. Shanthi || Dr. K. Veeramuthu |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-160301127145 ![]() |
Abstract: The use of alcohol has been present since time immemorial. The problem of alcoholism is not just related to the alcoholics but also the lives of those around them are adversely affected especially the wives leading onto social, ccupational and psychological damage (24). Alcohol dependence is a complex behavior with far reaching harmful effects on the work, family and society. The most negatively affected are the spouse and children of an alcoholic. However less attention has been focused on them so far (25).There are a considerable number of anecdotal reports and research findings that suggest that individuals who are married to alcoholics have poor physical and mental health (4). The wives are too close to the problem and don't see how they are enabling the user. Two models have dominated the literature on alcoholism and marriage.
[1]. l.^A. Shantala, M.M. George, J.Henry and V. Benegal Bangalore (2001). Stress, morbidity and copying in spouses of alcoholics, Indian Journal Psychiatry, Vol: 43, 43-44.
[2]. 2. v Asher, Ramona and Brissett, Dennis (1 988). Codependency : A review from women
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[4]. Avila, Escribano J. J. and Ledesma, Jimeno, A. (1990). Actas Luso Espanolas de Nedogia Psiquiatna, Y Ciencias Afifines, Nov. - Dec. Vol. 18 (6), 355-363.
[5]. BeckAT, Schuyler D, Herman I: Development of suicidal Intent Scale in the prediction of suicide Bowie, Maryland : Charles Press 1974,45-56.