Version-6 (March-2017)
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Abstract: Background & objectives: The role of iron deficiency with thyroid status in pregnancy was not studied in detail. Therefore, in this study, we assessed the levels of iron, folic acid, vitamin B 12, thyroid function and its association with iron levels in first trimester of pregnancy. Materials and methods: Forty pregnant women who didn't start any supplementation were recruited from the obstetrics & gynecology out patient department. Forty age matched controls were recruited from the residents and staff of the hospital. Thyroid profile, iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 levels were measured in both the groups. The association was seen between iron levels and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels............
Key words:- Thyroid stimulating hormone, Vitamin B12, Folic acid, Plasma iron levels.
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Abstract: Background: Previous studies in the past about morphometry of thoracic vertebrae mainly focused on pedicle diameters and their angulations. The vertebral body were not studied particularly in Telangana Region that is the reason the present study has given importance to the morphometry of vertebral body. Objective: To measure the various parameters of vertebral body in typical thoracic vertebrae by using vernier caliper. Material and methods: Hundred dry human typical thoracic vertebrae of undetermined gender and age were selected for the study. The various parameters of vertebral body were measured.............
Keywords: Anterior height, Posterior height, Vertebral body width, Typical thoracic vertebra
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Abstract: Liver abscess ccan be a potentially life threatening condition requiring immediate intervention. It can be pyogenic or amoebic. The aim of this study is to know about the incidence,etiopathogenesis,clinical presentation and prognosis of 100 cases of liver abscess alng with comparison of USG guided aspiration vs USG marked site aspiraton of liver abscess at bedside.Amoebic liver abscess is the commonest extraintestinal manifestation of amoebiasis. This study was from June 2014 to November 2015.incidence was higher in 4th decade and in men. Alcohol intake had a strong association with amoebic liver abscess. Abdomen pain was present in all.right lobe was commonly involved...........
Keywords: Amoebiasis ,Liver abscess, Pyogenic,USG guided.
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Abstract: Background: Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 is a major global non-communicable disease among adults causing micro and macrovascular complications, one being cardiovascular system. QT dispersion represents the summation of several adverse conditions in myocardium like fibrosis, hypertrophy, dilatation and autonomic dysfunction. Aim and Objective: To study QT dispersion in diabetics and non-diabetics of age group 30-60 year and compare the two according to age, gender, duration of diabetes, BMI, and other clinical determinants..........
Keywords: Type 2 diabetes mellitus, QT dispersion, cardiovascular complication, prognostic marker, screening tool.
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Abstract: Objectives:Role of Triple vessel umbilical, middle cerebral and uterine artery wave pattern by colour Doppler study in low and high risk pregnancies in relation to perinatal outcome. Methods:Fifty (50 )patients with gestational age between 31-40weeks who werediagnosed to have severe preeclampsia, preeclampsia with IUGR were studied andsubjected to colour Doppler ultrasonography. Findings of Doppler studies werecorrelated with the following adverse Perinatal outcomes; Perinatal deaths,Emergency CS for foetal distress, Low Apgar score (5 min Apgar <7), and admissionto NICU for complications of low birth weight. Pregnancy outcome was consideredto be Uneventful or Favourable when the above complications were absent............
Keywords: High risk pregnancy; severe preeclampsia, IUGR and Triple vesselDoppler study; Perinatal outcome.
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Abstract: Background: Many adjuvant drugs have been used to enhance postoperative neuraxial opioid analgesia while reducing the adverse effects. Methods: We randomized 50 patients undergoing various lower abdominal operations into 2 equal groups to receive either 2 mL saline or 0.1 mg/kg dexamethasone IV before the administration of intrathecal anesthesia (15 mg bupivacaine heavy and fentanyl 25mcg). After surgery, pain was assessed with the help of a 100mm visual analogue scale where 0 means no pain at all and 100 signifies the worst pain experience possible. The rescue analgesic was administered...........
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Abstract: This study was conducted to evaluate efficacy and safety of topical 0.1% tacrolimus eye ointment for treatment of refractory vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) and included 60 eyes of 30 patients ,who had active symptomatic disease despite conventional medications including topical steroids. Mean age of patients was was 22.9 ± 3.6 years and mean duration of VKC was 61.7±4.3 months . After starting tacrolimus eye ointment ,patients were followed and was found that all symptoms including itching, redness , foreign body sensation improved after the treatment ; itching was the first symptom to show dramatic relief.............
Keywords: Vernal keratoconjunctivitis , ointment , tacrolimus , papillae , steroid resistant.
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Abstract: Perforative peritonitis is one of the most commonly encountered surgical acute abdominal emergencies in surgery casuality. The importance of this study is to reduce the postoperative complications like septicemia, wound infection, burst abdomen, bronchopneumonia, long hospital stay etc., by identifying the inciting organisms and its sensitive antibiotics rather than using empirical antibiotic therapy which is followed at present, in immediate postoperative period. Among hollow viscus perforations duodenal perforation is the most common site. The organisms setting up the peritonitis features are diverse according to the location of perforation..............
Keywords: Duodenal ulcer, perforative peritonitis.
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Abstract: Carcinoma cervix is the most common genital tract carcinoma encountered among females in clinical practice in India. Pap smear is the most commonly used screening tool for early detection of cervical carcinoma. Also HPV (Human papilloma virus)VLP (Virus like particles) serology may act as an adjunctive screening procedure. Aims and Objectives:1)To evaluate the cytological findings in clinically suspected cases of cervical cancer in perimenopausal women by conventional pap smear and correlate with biopsy findings; 2)To determine the HPV serological status and its role as a screening procedure...................
Keywords: Cervical cancer, HPV VLP Serology,PAP smear,Perimenopausal women.
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Abstract: Background & objectives: The introduction of ART therapy has been able to improve the survival of HIV infected individuals but non-adherence to ART is a major cause of HIV drug resistance. Globally around 33% to 38% of HIV infected adults do not adhere to treatment. However, there is a dearth of research in India in understanding the reasons for non adherence to ART regimen. The present study was conducted at the ART centre of tertiary care hospital in West Bengal, with the objectives to study the sociodemographic and clinical profile of the patients, to estimate the prevalence of non adherence and to assess the causes of non adherence to ART regimen among the study population...............
Keywords: ART, socio demographic, adherence, causes
[1]. Global report: UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic 2013."UNAIDS/ JC2502/1/E"- Revised and reissued, November 2013.
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Abstract: Abdominal tuberculosis accounts for about 10% among the acute abdomen cases. The diagnosis of acute abdomen cases is confusing, especially when there is no history of primary pulmonary tuberculosis. It is a diagnostic challenge to differentiate it from other diseases such as infectious processes, tumors, peri - appendiceal abscesses and Crohn's disease. We report a case series of acute abdomen cases which created a perplexity in our diagnosis and there arises a necessity to remember about tuberculosis as a probability in acute abdomen cases. Irrespective of surgery, all patients of abdominal tuberculosis require a full ATT [Anti Tuberculosis Treatment]course.
Keywords: Acute abdomen, Abdominal Tuberculosis, Acute Appendicitis, Intestinal Obstruction
[1]. Kumar s, pandey HI, Saggu P, Abdominal tuberculosis in: Taylor 1and Johnson CD (Eds) Recent Advances of Surgery: 2008;
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Abstract: The anxiety is an emotional state that cannot be controlled by the consciousness, thus it causes many symptoms which can interfere on dental care. This work reviews the anxiety concepts and evaluates the physiological parameters related to anxiety in 55 patients subjected to surgical procedure on the Surgery Course of the third molar at Unipar's clinic of Cascavel, through a questionnaire, measurement of arterial pressure and heart rate before and after the surgical procedure. Onwards the ANOVA tests and t-student test for data analysis, it was determined that the female patients seemed more anxious than the male gender. On the post-operative was found values with higher peaks of arterial pressure, as well it was observed a statistically difference in both genders in situations which some complication happened
Keywords: Anxiety. Odontological treatment. Arterial pressure. Heart rate.
[1]. CM Ferreira, ED Gurgel-Filho, G Bonecker-Valverde, EH Moura, G Deus, T Coutinho-Filho. Ansiedade Odontológica: Nível, prevalência e comportamento. RBPS, 2004; 17(2):51-55.
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Abstract: The orthodontist as the clinician is continuously challenged to curb and eliminate White Spot Lesions (WSL) in their patients during orthodontic treatment due to alterations in the oral flora and plaque accumulation leading to enamel decalcification. Orthodontic patients are faced with the hazard of increased retention of food particles and plaque accumulation due to the presence of multiple attachments like brackets and other auxiliaries in the oral cavity forming encatchment areas for plaque.A number of controlled clinical trials have demonstrated that tooth brushing with herbal dentifrices reduces supragingival plaque and gingivitis. Streptococcus mutans is
a potent initiator of caries because there are a variety...........
Keywords: Acute abdomen, Abdominal Tuberculosis, Acute Appendicitis, Intestinal Obstruction
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Abstract: Oral health can have a modulating or aetiological role in other systemic diseases (Mustapha et al& Tonetti et al. 2007) (Parahitiyawa et al. 2009) As postulated by Danesh et al. 2004 oral stimulus causes systemic elevation of inflammatory marker Periodontal Tissue Inflammation: Mechanical stimulus - orthodontic tooth movement causes - acute inflammatory reaction in periodontal tissues- results in bone resorption to accommodate movement of the tooth (Sandy et al., 1993). C-Reactive Protein - first inflammatory marker to be described. Marker of inflammation and tissue damage(Pepys and Baltz,1983). Noack et al.(2001) related periodontal status to circulating CRP and a relationship between the severity of periodontitis and circulating CRP.......
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Abstract: The oral cavity harbors a diverse and abundant number of complex oral pathogens causing different oral diseases. The development of dental caries and periodontal diseases has been found to be closely associated with various gram positive and gram negative microrganisms. Miswak has been documented as a potent antibacterial aid and its use is encouraged in different countries because of its good taste, texture, availability, cost and beneficial effect on teeth and supporting tissues. Different researches have been carried out to evaluate the antimicrobial effects of miswak. Aim: The aim of this randomized, clinical trial was to compare the effect of miswak and fluoride toothpastes on the count of S. mutans in dental plaque..............
Keywords: Antimicrobial effects, Miswak, oral pathogens, salvadorapersica.
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Abstract: Introduction: The etiological factor behind degenerative changes in the temporomandibular joints (TMJs) is controversial. Tooth attrition, improper occlusal andhabits are possible causative factors. Oral habits are common and generally do not harm the stomatognathic apparatus but, when the activity exceeds the individual's physiologic tolerance, the system begins to alter. Although psychological factors are an important etiological component in producing and perpetuating TMJ disorders a comprehensive view of the problem can be understood through the concept of multifactorial etiology............
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Abstract: Introduction: Taurodontism is a morphologic variation which is characterized by wide elongated pulp chamber, apically displaced pulpal floor and short roots. Objective: To describe the case of bilateral taurodontism in a female patient with no other associated syndrome. Case Report: An 55 years old female was referred to the postgraduate endodontic department. The patient's medical history was noncontributory. On intraoral examination showed proximal caries with 36 and was positive to percussion. History of access opening with the same tooth. Radiographic examination showed the characteristics of taurodontism and symptomatic apical periodontitis. The tooth was endodontically treated in 2 appointments. Radiograph of contralateral tooth 46 showed features of taurodontism suggesting case of bilateral taurodontism............
Keywords: Bilateral, morphologic variation, taurodontism, pulp chamber
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Abstract: A 7-year-old boy with presented to the emergency department with abdominal pain that had persisted for 20 hours. The pain was located in the whole abdominal region and was described as sharp and intermittent. The patient also reported nausea and several episodes of nonbilious, nonbloody vomiting. There was known family history of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome.The patient father had died due to same complain by Peutz- Jeghers syndrome four month back. Physical examination revealed multiple pigmented lesions on the lower lip and oral mucosa. At abdominal examination, epigastric and periumbilical tenderness, diminished bowel sounds.The patient underwent an exploratory laparotomy, resection of jejuno-jejuno intussusception with high jejuno- ileo resection anastomosis was done, operative finding was multiple jejunal and sigmoidal polyp(fig3) ,Further plan was done for endoscopic removal after recovery of patient................
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Tooth Bandaid - Restoring Esthetics |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Siya Dukle || Alok Patel || Sanket Kunte || Shweta Jajoo |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1603068992 ![]() |
Abstract: Trauma to the anterior teeth are a common sight these days, affecting children and adolescents. Coronal tooth fractures are frequently encountered. When the tooth fragment is available, reattachment of fractured tooth fragments can be a good treatment alternative which provides good and long-lasting esthetics as the tooth's original anatomic form, color, wear resistance, morphology and translucency in the restoration is maintained. It also restores function, provides a positive psychological response, and is a relatively simple procedure.. This article reports a coronal tooth fracture case that was successfully treated using tooth fragment reattachment..
Keywords: esthetics,fragment reattachment, restorations, trauma,
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Abstract: Objective: The purpose of this clinical study was to assess the efficacy of Drynaria quercifolia plant (rhizome) extract as bone forming substitute in periodontal intraosseous defects. Material and methods: Twenty patients with chronic periodontitis with intraosseous defects were selected for the study. The sites were randomly divided into control and experimental group. Control group was treated with open flap debridement (OFD) whereas the experimental group with OFD and placement of drynaria plant extract. Probing pocket depth (PPD), relative attachment level (RAL), radiographic evaluation including the depth of the bone defect and the percentage of bone defect fill were recorded for both the groups, at baseline, three and six months............
Keywords: Alkaline phosphatase, Bone morphogenic proteins, Intrabony defects, Naringin, Rhizome
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Abstract: To identify the efficacy of oral misoprostol (600 μg) for the management of missed abortion. Method: A prospective study was conducted at the Gynecology Department of Muhammad Medical College Hospital (MMCH) over a period of two year from January, 2013 till December 2014. Eligible women satisfying the inclusion and exclusion criteria were recruited after written informed consent and given 600 μg of misoprostol orally at six hour interval, with a maximum of 4 doses. Patients were monitored for 24 hours following complete abortion or surgical evacuation and then discharged............
Keywords: anaemia, bleeding, pregnancy, oral, misoprostol, surgical evacuation,
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Abstract: Osteoarthritis is a chronic progressive joint disorder characterised by articular cartilage degeneration. It is characterized by pain commonly over the medial joint line and associated with varus and valgus deformity. Physical examination usually is marked by joint line tenderness, crepitus and painful range of movements. The pathological feature are characterized by progressive cartilage destruction, osteophytes formation, capsular fibrosis and subchondral cyst formation with sclerosis of the surrounding bone. Several pharmaceutical approaches, such as analgesics, non steroidal anti.............
Keywords: visual analog score(VAS), knee society score(KSS), osteoarthritis
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Abstract: Background:Thoracoplasty is removal of the skeletal support of the portion of chest allowing the chest wall to fall and fill the residual space. Thoracoplasty was originally described for the treatment to the sequel of pulmonary tuberculosis but later it was also considered for patients of chronic non bronchopleural fistulas secondary to many primary etiology .As far as tuberculosis is concerned after the advent of chemotherapy, the operation of thoracoplasty became nearly obsolete but its significance for the treatment of chronic non healing bronchopleural fistula has not reduced. Thus the significance of this surgery is quite high especially in developing countries where the burden of disease is still high despite the development of chemotherapy and where the incidence of post surgical bronchopleural fistula are high.........
Keywords: Thoracoplasty, Tuberculosis, bronchopleural fistula.
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Abstract: To compare the clinical and radiological evaluation of plantar fasciitis. This is a prospective cohort study and a total of 110 patients were studied. All patients were diagnosed as plantar fasciitis by clinical and radiological evaluation. Patients were assessed functionally using VAS and FAOS scores and radiologically by Ultrasound of the foot and X-ray lateral view of the foot. On evaluation VAS and FAOS scores were 6.85 and 32.8 respectively. X-ray showed a calcaneal spur on lateral view. Similarly ultrasound evaluation showed thickened plantar fascia and edema around the origin of the tissue.
Keywords: foot and ankle outcome score(FAOS), plantar fasciitis ,ultrasound, visual analog pain score(VAS)
[1]. Tiwari M, Bhargava R. Platelet rich plasma therapy: A comparative effective therapy with promising results in plantar fasciitis. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma. 2013;4(1):31-5.
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Abstract: Meckel's diverticulum is a developmental anomaly due to patent vitellointestinal duct. Complications of meckel's diverticulum are bleeding, intestinal obstruction or torsion being one of the rare complications. Diagnosis is mostly incidental.The use of Tc 99-m pertechnetate or Tc 99-m sulfur colloid is primarily for investigating gastrointestinal bleeding and may not be applicable in a case of intestinal obstruction[1].. Treatment is mainly surgery........
Keywords: Meckel's diverticulum, vitellointestinal duct, torsion, obstruction.
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